Erm, well, he couldn't really eat human food, so ... alright, let's just assume it's a virtual carrot. The point is, it was very easy for him.
Fantasy · Madam Ru
Well could always take this Mazda.
"You're so talkative. In the future, drive a more ordinary one, such as a Mazda!"
Urban · A Small Purple Umbrella
The last 15 sentences were a repeat of what was already written on the previous pages. Probably a copy/paste error.
Furniture overturned, items scattered around - signs of a struggle.
Urban · Red_Skin_Duck
The word you are looking for is temporary not temporal.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------temporal adjective (1)tem·po·ralSynonyms of temporal1 a: of or relating to time as opposed to eternity b: of or relating to earthly life c: lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred : CIVILlords temporal2: of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time3 a: of or relating to time as distinguished from space b: of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : CHRONOLOGICALtemporally adverbtemporal noun: a bodily part (such as a bone or muscle) that is near the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits : a temporal parttemporal adjective (2): of or relating to the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------temporary adjectivetem·po·rary ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē Synonyms of temporary: lasting for a limited timetemporariness nountemporary nounplural temporaries: one serving for a limited time
Of course, Daimon wasn't really tied by the contract, but he had no reason to go against his word, so by all means the alliance though temporal, was settled.
Fantasy · Barion_Trident
I haven't said anything as I'd rather not be seen as a grammar Natzi but it's more been at least 30 times that this mistake has been made at this point. Everytime it destroys my immersion in the story (which is well written by the way). The word you are looking for is "temporary" not "temporal". Copied from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary temporal adjective (1) tem·po·ral Usage and Meaning 1 a : of or relating to time as opposed to eternity b : of or relating to earthly life c : lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred : CIVIL lords temporal 2 : of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time 3 a : of or relating to time as distinguished from space b : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : CHRONOLOGICAL temporally adverb temporal noun : a bodily part (such as a bone or muscle) that is near the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits : a temporal part temporal adjective (2) : of or relating to the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits temporary adjective tem·po·rary ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē Synonyms of temporary : lasting for a limited time temporariness noun temporary noun pluraltemporaries : one serving for a limited time adding several temporaries as typists during the summer
"We'll make a temporal camp in that place".
Fantasy · Barion_Trident
I guess it's been confirmed one of Calvin's ancestors is Wile E. Coyote.
Calvin nearly fell from Loren's desk, out of all he was the most screwed since he lived all his life in a extremely hot place, the planet which is the main base of the desert coyote clan is basically a huge desert with several oases spread through everywhere.
Fantasy · Barion_Trident
"Why are you guys like this? Have you never seen a handsome man before?"
Urban · Ironhead Calabash Brothers
"No, he must be part of the men in black...!
Everyone Else Is A Returnee
Others · GH0STS