how come there are so many bishop pieces he has given out like 3-4 now and 1 set only has 2 per side.
A [Bishop] piece merged with Asia. Bathed in a blue light, the reincarnation ritual was complete. Asia was now Roy's devil servant.
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
why is the title Mike's presence but there isny any interaction with meg's brother in this chapter at all
Mikey's Presence
Book&Literature · Galaxy_Wonder
so is it a double engagement or just mistress megs🤣
I agree with the rant lol
[T/N: I don't want to be an ass but it feels like it would have been better if Harry didn't know about this, there is a risk of him becoming like Brian except deserved now. Would have been better if Remus only met up with Genna instead of Harry, now he will always have this pressure on him to make this great change instead of letting it happen naturally, the greatest leaders are born out of necessity, they are pushed into positions of power like the canon Harry, those who believe they are destined for great things usually buckle under the load of responsibility unless they have been prepared there whole life. That was a rant but if you have any opinions you want to share then post a comment, if you enjoyed the chapter then drop a stone, and write a review. Check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi if you want to read advanced chapters!]
Book&Literature · PuddingLord
and disown his parents that family is toxic
[T/N: F*cking House of Potter, I hate this group of c*nts, if the story wasn't so interesting I would have dropped a book like this ages ago! It's rare that I find a novel that's been written well enough to pull me in emotionally and have me invested. If you wish you could stump the potter's spleen in then leave a comment in if not then I don't want to know. Drop some stones if you enjoyed it and check out the p@treon to the Ko-fi, the entire Translated book is on there.
Book&Literature · PuddingLord
omg they are the worst parents ever. he needs to transfer schools seriously
[T/N: F*cking House of Potter, I hate this group of c*nts, if the story wasn't so interesting I would have dropped a book like this ages ago! It's rare that I find a novel that's been written well enough to pull me in emotionally and have me invested. If you wish you could stump the potter's spleen in then leave a comment in if not then I don't want to know. Drop some stones if you enjoyed it and check out the p@treon to the Ko-fi, the entire Translated book is on there.
Book&Literature · PuddingLord
Merry Christmas! I just spent the day binge reading your story which is great BTW. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Fantastic read! I hope you will continue the 3 books. I'd like to know how you'd continue it especially with Neville and the rest just showing up, the adventure of the other reality including the warnings given by Oma and the interactions between the 2 realities.
yes nagini is the snake he let loose in the zoo. she is part of that race that that can turn into snakes but have a curse on them that after some point they will be stuck in snake form I forgot the name but it is also referenced in multiple hp fanfics.
I hope after this twinkly wrinkly gets what's coming to him and harry makes true friends and love interests because it's just sad for all those lines to end due to greed. I'm hoping Daphne Greengrass becomes 1st wifey and someone from hufflepuff the second wife
Harry Potter: Go To Hell
Book&Literature · LordSilvere