you started writing because you want to present an idea that you enjoy to a lot of people. continue with this mindset and learn from all the helpful comments and you will succeed and if stop writing you admits defeat.
So I've decided not to stress over it too much—otherwise, I might just stop writing altogether.
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
it's mean "with my mysterious power i heal myself"
As he floated gently upward, Stephen muttered, "بقوتي الغامضة، أنا من أشفي نفسي."
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
thanks for the update 😀 hopefully you get better and better 😌 🙏
good but didn't finish it
if you feel lost about direction try to write the ending of the story in paper and then build around it . then for each arc or world write the results you want to get out of it to proceed to the grand end of the story. you can add mini arc or world that don't have any relation with the story to change your pace and don't feel burnout. I hope you have a good time writing this story and thank you for the great content 😊 ☺ 💕
Sorry for disappearing for a while, guys. I had a little Burnout and no matter how I read or reread the novel in the last month, it was as if the computer keys had become knives in my fingers. Nothing I wrote seemed good, nothing I thought of for the story seemed interesting. Where before I spent 1 to 2 hours to make a chapter, this last month I spent 8 hours and something so bad came out that I simply deleted everything and tried to start again.
Movies · NunuXD
link please 🙏
(didn't you) not (weren't you)
"Nee-chan!! I asked why are you late, why are you looking at the raw ingredients like that? weren't you ate with your friends outside?"
Anime & Comics · Thot_Slaughterer
thanks for the chapter 🙂 you can add a special feature in upgrading or modifying the car so that players can do it manually or pay for lessons and assistance to learn how to do it.
finally a new chapter 🙏 thanks for the chapter
Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
Fantasy · Arkusar