no thanks
[ I have the plan to bring Utahime lori from JJK world just like Gojo but born in another village, she won't have any cursed energy and don't worry, I won't bring any other character from JJK world]
Anime & Comics · Shinigami_8468
shouldn't it be high silver stage then
Strength: D (E)
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
she hasn't learned toxic?
butterfree didn't need to pay anything
The energy-rich and specially adapted environment inside my space reduced that to about 30%, while the stuff I prepared for her evolution lowered that once more to about 20%.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
you mean solid right
I could imagine that the previous gains got a slight boost in addition to these new bonuses. Unfortunately, I could not see what the boons/abilities one could get were, but I was sure the list would get unlocked when one of my bonds reached the deep stage.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
solid right
In case the trainer could help support the deep bond, the Pokemon only had to be at the (high) gold stage instead of (low) dark gold. Now, on the Pokemon side accessing temporary mega evolution/unleashed potential became possible at this bond stage.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
you mean solid right
For a strong bond, the trainer had to be peak Tier 1 at least. For a deep bond, the trainer had to be either peak Tier 2 or early Tier 3 looks like it changed depending on the individual for some reason.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
are you going to write a chapter or not
Danmachi - Tales of the multi talented Swordsman.
Anime & Comics · Fishball_22