I haven’t found any Bones fanfic that I want to sink my teeth in and there aren’t any on here
I forgot about bones that would get well story wise as the MC was in the special forces he could have met booth whilst on deployment
Sire my the gods bless you sanity and the health of the repair guy so he may expedite his work
Sorry you are unwell hope you get better
Thanks for the chapter if you’re taking song suggestions the daylight by shine down
That’s awesome I can’t wait for that keep up the awesome work will the mc join HW
Honestly I feel like the show at then end went to shit as they just decided that it’s rather than expanding on the big things that happened like the royal thing or when they went to Germany they could have been episodes rather than 1 or 2 so if you are planning of expanding and maybe even adding your own weasen then you should be a show writer
I stand by what this person has put I really hope the epic and awesome fanfic is not dropped its way to good to be left I need 1 million chapters
Also when I wrote that I forgot that your motherboard is damaged but I still stand by my statement proudly as a dedicated fan of this awesome fanfic 👍👊
How are you doing my good author hope you are well when will we be getting a chapter please don’t drop this
GRIMM: New Detective In Town
TV · wanderer210167