1) Make it so he is a wild dragon and will never have a Rider apart from the occasional favor to a close friend.
Book&Literature · Tom_Lee
Its not great there’s no substance to the protagonist and his quick feel like a complete mess that doesn’t follow any consistent pattern. It’s just poorly thought out.
Happy to see updates for this.
happy to see another chapter
ah its a translation, never mind.
an idea, because Dudley has so much exposure to magic and the author doesn't hate the Dursleys it could be interesting to have Dudley attend Hogwarts as a legacy character and give john more insights into ancient magic. it would be AU but were already pretty far down that line.
Professor McGonagall stood before the first years, her stern expression softened by the faintest glimmer of pride in her sharp eyes. The Great Hall loomed large and breathtaking, its enchanted ceiling mirroring the clear night sky dotted with stars. Candles floated serenely, casting a warm glow over the four long tables filled with students eagerly awaiting the new arrivals. At the far end of the hall stood the staff table, with the resplendent figure of Albus Dumbledore seated at its center.
Book&Literature · ilo1234
the prophecy has been fulfilled and well worth the weight.
An amazing mind came up with this book. I just finished a reread of it and I still love it. I hope one day the concept will resurface or you return.
Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]
Anime & Comics · FoolishSociopath