Rider -> Reed -> Reesi and now Lyd
Why is Lou An current teammate name keep changing?
Until the end of the chapter
Su Heng took the booklet in his hand and skimmed through it with the help of the firelight, his brows deeply furrowed.
Eastern · Sister Huang Xing is here
Too late cat curiosity and reverse psychology got me
"Could it be that he's the Sheriff's catamite?"
Fantasy · Twenty years of old bookworm
Catamite: a boy kept for h*mo sex*al practices with an older male
"Could it be that he's the Sheriff's catamite?"
Fantasy · Twenty years of old bookworm
As one of the earth's oldest insects, existing even before the dinosaurs, and sharing an era with beasts like trilobites, cockroaches, with their freakish vitality to survive up to nine days headless, truly lived up to their Mandarin nickname "Little Strong". It's said that their resilience has been evolving; who knows what they might become in the future.
Urban · Lazy Cliché
I completely agree. Gender doesn’t matter as long as they are pretty. Although some would argue that personality is more preferable than appearance.
At this moment, if he took any action, perhaps he could have triggered an interesting plotline. After all, this game couldn't involve real bullets, and even if the game set Anastasia to be a boy, it would not matter, as long as the appearance was pretty.
Games · Scenery in the Eye
Kronos crossed his slender legs and lightly supported his chin with his hand, examining Xi Mu wrapped in a black cloak opposite him, and chuckled:
Games · Scenery in the Eye
Does this mean “she” is actually a “he” or is it the other way around.
It wasn't only because she could trigger important equipment drops during the early levels but also because of her pitiful background. Despite her clearly elegant and gentle demeanor and appearance, the game developers forced upon her the identity of a male.
Games · Scenery in the Eye
I feel like Rider and Reesi name always get placed in the wrong phrase or Rider his name always changes to someone else such as his colleague Reesi
Reesi went home to his wife and son, Mona took her laptop back to her newly bought apartment, Reenith dug out some cosmetics from somewhere and began to apply them to her face, buttoned up her white shirt, and headed directly to a certain bar.
Legendary FBI Detective
Urban · Two Glaring Eyes