This was no ordinary academic milestone. This was the first published research paper from a British potioneer in nearly three centuries.
Book&Literature · Maggie329
Now he's a big fat man...
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
The town controlled by Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision.
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
he was reincarned in twillight
His mind was already buzzing with ideas for the future. "I need to plan for the future. What do I remember from the books and movies?" he pondered. "In the first book, it was Voldemort after the Stone. In the second, it was the bloody basilisk. The third has the werewolf and those creepy Dementors. The fourth is when Voldemort comes back. The fifth year, I don't really remember, something about Dumbledore and his group. In the sixth year, Dumbledore dies, I think. And the seventh year is Harry on the run and the final battle."
Book&Literature · Tilct
not if his death will impact your own soul
"Peter Oliver Pettigrew. By your own admission, you are declared guilty of all charges. You are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment on Azkaban Island. Aurors, take him away."
it matter if he can't kill himself
As the bearer of the Primordial Dragon Bloodline, a creature of the universe, you are 60% immune to physical and magical attacks.
Games · Jaxk_snow
the law of no maj interaction is been repealed in 1965 severus was in 6th year in 1976 USA evolve faster than old UK
"No, but seriously," Evie cut in. "Where are the British magical innovations? The new spell developments? The latest potions research?" She waved a hand. "We get publications from France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Japan—but hardly anything from Britain."
Book&Literature · Maggie329
hogwarts has less than 1000 student for 56 million muggle in 1976 UK so ilvermorny must have less than 3893 for 218 million no maj in 1976 USA
Academic Records Reviewed: His impressive O.W.L. results were acknowledged, and Fontaine assured him he would be placed in the highest-level courses for his subjects.
Book&Literature · Maggie329
so she has graduated.
"No, I am not chasing after her." Harry rolled his eyes, Padfoot barked again. "I will take you to France and find you a nice French Poodle if it makes you feel better." Harry said in response. Padfoot paused, his face managed to look thoughtful before he grinned and barked. "The original Padfoot would love you." Harry smiled as he walked forward and began petting him as he sat down and watched TV.
Harry Potter In Marvel
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover