why is her name setffield and not Rockefeller??
Mother: Ruth Steffield
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
so the one he found in Sicily and sent to the Vatican
Mother: Carla Bianchi
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
they were ki skills and there is ki in marvel world so don't make it mutant abilities
(X-Gene) Energy Projection: Can unleash energy blasts, giving him an edge in combat by staggering or damaging foes from a distance.
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
maybe one of the 3 African ladies ?
Mother: Everlean Carter
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
does this mean he also has the empathic ability ???
[Ability gained: X-Gene Empathic Touch: An ability that allows the user to perceive and understand the emotions of others through physical contact. When the user touches another person, they instantly gain insight into that person's current emotional state.]
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
the husband still shouldn't be there
Jin Gayoung, Sohee's mother, who woke up and started preparing a meal for her husband and daughter, was unable to calm her pounding heart the moment she woke up.
Anime & Comics · Manhwas
"her *master"
She was completely manipulated, and the mother whose son has become her slave lives with a sense of happiness as if she has the whole world.
Anime & Comics · Manhwas
so you promised a good time for them and do a switcheroo when they get there asking for them to give you the good time. so a type of Fraud in this AU world. maybe
'You're calling someone by pretending to be a sadist? And when they come, you tell them to act like a sadist? What a ridiculous crime... Was today April Fool's Day?'
Anime & Comics · Manhwas
how the hell did he get time looping ??
Rather than confronting him directly, I extended my hand and activated my newest power: Temporal Looping. With a gesture, I made him vanish from the spot.
Movies · Avi2112
a bit weak though
Template: Carmine Falcone
Marvel: Impregnation System
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend