My reaction to reading this chapters title
said Rem, the returned prodigal son.
Rem said, the returned prodigal son.
War · Samowek
Hira said they needed a few more days to recover fully, but Geonnara was already saying she was fit to fight. Not perfect, but functional.
War · Samowek
I wonder how many chapters it will take before enkrid becomes a knight and whether it will happen in the west or in naurelia.
Bro is about to make exodia out of that giant
That line slashed through the giant's arm, shin, and waist.
War · Samowek
Dang Enkrid has become bloodhtirsty
Enkrid found himself curious about the color of their blood.
War · Samowek
Only enki would thing its not useful
She probably wasn't referring to cutting off his arms or legs. She must have been talking about something unnecessary, something not even useful.
War · Samowek
should cut off his third leg
"Right now, I'd rather cut one of your limbs off and hang it on the wall."
War · Samowek
looks like he did the deed and then decided to run away. I feel bad for ayul as staying in a tribe as chieftain's daughter and 10 days after marriage your spouse runs away.
"I ran away in the middle of the night."
War · Samowek
It was the special dagger given by that blonde girl and I think the relic used for the curse belonged to that pacifist tribe.
The dagger flew with a sharp hiss and embedded itself into the fleeing sorcerer's back.
Eternally Regressing Knight
War · Samowek