How would that even work? The MC is only a genin for like half a year. And the main point of the Chunin exams, Its a TEAM exam. Raven is alone. Only at the end is it individual.
I found the same problem. But it's written in the wiki from naruto that the handle was made to detach. So the blade you can just recreate over and over. Just have a blacksmith create a new handle. I've only had Raven two swords because he wants the original. And to find out if it was possible to duplicate the sword. Then I had the thought to use the last broken pieces to have him get a ninja sword, that can repair itself and later use chakra with it. np. for the comment. I like the good comments ;p
nice ;p
It seems you're misinterpreting the dialogue. The disrespecting is more the familiar character trait of the Uzumaki. DON'T TALK ABOUT THE HAIR.
"Hey, I can't help it ok! It just got this way, ok! leave it at that."
Anime & Comics · thelastgrim
I'm using it.
Can still happen. Haven't decided yet.
I changed it. He perfected the technique. thanks for the comment.
I don't really care if they give me a bad review. If they don't like it, like hell that I care. This is something I'm trying to do for fun. nothing else. The only thing I listen to is some mistakes I've made in the story. I really thank you for your praise. don't know if I deserve it yet. but thanks.
He hasn't been described yet, it will come.
mortal kombat - you have fighting char and the aspect of magic dragonball - fighting and chi attacks
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor