I don't think that means what you think it means.
Her face was bright red, and she tried her hardest to hide it, "What the hell is happening… calm down me… you can't be aroused by this…!"
Fantasy · EndKun
"Look what we've become" - Odysseus
"I'm not stuck with you!" he jumped in the air, in front of the leader's eyes as it was unable to move any of its limbs or staff, "YOU ARE STUCK WITH ME!"
Fantasy · EndKun
no, it was everyone
Walking over to him, he noticed his sunny hair like Minato, whiskers in each side of his cheek. His cheeks were red and puffy and the same for his eyes.
Anime & Comics · Drinnor
son I believe
"Naruto, my baby boy, I know you will have a hard time without us, but you should know Mina-kun, and I love you more than life itself. You will eventually grow up and with the time will come naturally to like girls, choose a girl who loves you, who's always there for your happiest times and your lowest points. And you will soon meet Jiraiya, don't become like him but he's still a good man who will take care of you. I love you. My Sochi," Kushina said, tears streaming down her cheek.
Anime & Comics · Drinnor
It's one of my favorite anime and it's so underrated.
"I want to try the Sky Flame, an ability from another universe," Nero replied with a strange look on his face. "I've been checking up on it, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what it can do."
Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
Nero couldn't believe his ears as the Family System explained its abilities to him. He was the head of the family and the carrier of the Flame of Sky, granting him all the powers and abilities of Vongola Giotto. This was all so overwhelming and confusing, but he knew he had to make the most of it.
Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
I feel that.
P.S.: I always wanted to write a P.S., now I did, I am satisfied.
Movies · HADEZ
guys, I think he's actually being a teacher right now wow.
this is why I don't like people respect other people's things, please.
"Is that so? Okay then wanna hear something funny!! I have always used your towels because they were the only cleaned ones, and I even Accioed them whenever I needed them to wash my hands after taking a shit!" Gryffindor replies.
Book&Literature · Ikaru5
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves," - Epic Poseidon.
"M…Monster…" this was the only word he could utter as Stark's face was now right in front of his, a wide smile spread across it, one that made his skin crawl.
I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!
Fantasy · EndKun