Could someone out there throw some stones for this poor soul in need?🌚
Anime & Comics · Chariot_Requiem
If i didn't know any better I would suspect this story to be written by ai.
Weird constant emphasis on the fact that the bodyguards are female.
Every hour 24/7
{A/N: When do you reckons a good time to upload?}
Video Games · InfamousFudge_Yt
aka Lawrence "Crusher" Crock
"Yeah everything's fine. I just haven't had much sleep lately." It wasn't a lie, she'd been having trouble sleeping since Crusher dropped this job on her.
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker
'Let's hope nothing annoying happens during the date...'
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
This world didn't have Ubisoft!
Marvel Cybernetic Girl
Anime & Comics · InsomniaWL