

male LV 15

Seeking the Dao

2017-11-02 加入 United States
徽章 21

Moments 293
1 days ago

Man imma be honest. I read everything thus far. I like the idea of the plot but the constant switching of scenes of the past and present is annoying. You even went back two chapters in chapter 9 just to give a scene of a dialog that could have happened during chapter 7. It makes it even harder to keep up with the story and just seems disorderly. There’s also the info dump of every skill that everyone is using. I honestly don’t think that’s necessary unless it’s related to the MC. It just seems like you’re adding those just to accumulate the amount of characters in the chapters. That might not be your intention but that’s what it looks like. It’s just too much information being dumped on us. We might not even remember any of it. Also the spacing of the paragraphs and the way you’re doing the dialog between characters are horrible, it’s difficult to know whos talking as well as who’s talking to whom. Lastly you’re rushing this thing. It’s crazy how the MC is already meeting the top powerhouses in this world and it’s just chapter 11. You’re not giving him enough time for character development before meeting these high level figures. I honestly believe it’s too early for this. He just looks useless at this point and is just a side character. Overall, this book has potential. I like the character art and I like the idea but the way you’re executing this book is very messy with no strict order.

1 days ago

Such a wimp. If he doesn’t fix that he’s gonna stay a virgin


Couples fighting for no apparent reason, constantly disrespecting each other's boundaries, things like one-night stands, situationships, open relationships—those people were now introducing new terms Kael didn't even know the meaning of!

Dragon Genesis: I Can Create Dragons

Dragon Genesis: I Can Create Dragons

Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth

2 days ago
Replied to DaoisteqDUSs

It’s was mentioned earlier that the marital saint hasn’t appeared in ages that’s why the dynasty is collapsing. You guys gotta read and stop skimming though the books 🤦🏾‍♂️

"All the officials at court have powerful divine souls, capable of rapid and complex thought, which is why they can firmly hold their place at court and strategize for the world.

Grinding Cultivation Toward Martial Saint

Grinding Cultivation Toward Martial Saint

Oriental · Scenery on the river

3 days ago
Replied to TimelessImmortal

You’re taking what the author said about youthfulness to literally. He said it in the sense that the nursing field will always have new blood coming in every year and they will all be young nurses. Which is why he implied that the youth is carrying nursing. That’s it. He never intended to downplay the older nurses. Second, my condolences for you going through that experience but if you choose not to have a new nurse administer your needles then that’s fine, that’s your choice. That won’t change the fact that it’s normal for new nurses to have real practical experiences on real patients. Thirdly, the reason women are dominating nursing is because men don’t want to be nurses. It is what it is. The same for coding, most women won’t go into coding as their first option unless they’ve had prior exposure to it or just develop a love for it. It has nothing to do with downplaying either gender in either fields

Mostly female candidates flocked there, among them, notably beautiful girls. Tuya Hospital recruits a significant number of nurses each year. Nursing is essentially a profession relying on youthfulness.

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

Urbano · Riverside Fisher

4 days ago
Replied to Tibbles

As the body gets older, the bones become more frail causing it to break easily. In the medical field, the worst situation for elderly people are falls. They can be life threatening due to their old age. Therefore, doctors always advise preventative measures for falls with elderly people.

"You are quite lucky! A few days ago, we had an old lady who fell and fractured her femur; she needed major surgery. Be very careful on freshly mopped floors in the future."

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

Urbano · Riverside Fisher

4 days ago

Where was the complaints of sexist when it was mentioned that nurses were predominantly women? You guys are ridiculous. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Typically, females, both in terms of physical strength and hands-on ability, are weaker than males. In surgical operating rooms, there are much fewer female doctors than male doctors.

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

Urbano · Riverside Fisher

4 days ago
Replied to TimelessImmortal

After a while the old will retire and the young ones will be the one to take up the mantle. The author wasn’t wrong. It’s the youth that are holding up the fort and it’s the old nurses who will retire due to old age. Not without passing down their experiences to the new young nurses coming in

Mostly female candidates flocked there, among them, notably beautiful girls. Tuya Hospital recruits a significant number of nurses each year. Nursing is essentially a profession relying on youthfulness.

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

Urbano · Riverside Fisher

4 days ago
Replied to

Former nursing student here. You are incorrect. It is not a stereotype. My cohort consisted of 97% women who were in their early twenties all whom were talented women who went through rigorous training. The old nurses you mentioned, which of them didn’t have a period of time when they made mistakes when they were youthful and in nursing school? Everyone went through that phase and it comes with the territory of building experience over the years. Also Nursing was and will always be dominated by women. Only recently do we see a rise of men coming into the field but it won’t change that dynamic.

Mostly female candidates flocked there, among them, notably beautiful girls. Tuya Hospital recruits a significant number of nurses each year. Nursing is essentially a profession relying on youthfulness.

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points

Urbano · Riverside Fisher

4 days ago
Replied to DaoistCkdsB0

It’s not okay to bully someone but if said bully turns over a new leaf, why hold it against them? What makes you any better them before the change? You’d be just like their past self. A bully too

"Here," he said, placing a small wad of cash on her head. "There's a little over a hundred in there. Use it for something nice—for yourself. Not for those so-called friends. And Aya… We're family. If you need something, I'll do whatever I can to help."

Infinite Evolution: My Idle Evolution System

Infinite Evolution: My Idle Evolution System

Oriental · Astral_Pandemonium

7 days ago

You’ve been warned so many times and it’s now you realized this? Obsession with power makes you a blind fool

