"Alright, which way is the Leaf Village?"
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
"WHAT THE HELL!!!" Zapp yelled out with the veins on his forehead pulsing "THOSE FUCKING MANIACS!!!"
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
Burn 🔥
"To let mere mortals corrupt you…" Ashborn said with a hint of disdain. "I suppose it's for the best that you stay by my side. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two."
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
"I was talking to Padfoot." She interrupted, she smirked at him when he glared at her. Padfoot's barking didn't help.
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
"Shut your face mouth." Harry said as he covered her face with his hand, he removed it a second later to show her pouting at him.
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
"Fine," Harry sighed before he looked between Clint and Natasha. "fair warning to both of you that tonight will not end in a threesome."
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
"Yeah don't bother trying to talk to him until his bowl is empty." Harry said as he closed the door. "Nope," Harry said quickly when he saw Natasha go near his food. "take either of our food and you will be bitten. What are you doing here anyway?"
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
This is wrong, so has not come to her yet so how come they are studying the cosmic cube I think there is a mistake here
"He's with Dr. Selvig, ensuring his safety."
Movies · iRedX43
🔹 It was math.
Reincarnated in DxD With the 100X System
Anime & Comics · Soren_Eclipse