87.8% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 36: chapter 36

章節 36: chapter 36

(30 seconds later/ Music end)

Half a minute later and Rin was done "persuading" Sylvio's friends. Kakimoto, Ootomo and Yamabe were all lying down on the ground on their stomachs, groaning with anime swirly eyes. As for Rin, she stood beside the down Kakimoto, right foot pressed down on his back and holding Kakimoto's left arm in a twist with her right hand.

As for everyone else; they had watched Rin's "persuasion" on the three. Skip, Tate, Frederick and Gong were all comically shivering in fear from seeing Rin beat up three guys like it was nothing. Serenity, Allie and Zuzu were amazed at how strong Rin was with her bare fists, unlike Zuzu was with her paper fan. Yuya was looking away from the sight and sighing in relief that it wasn't him that just got beat up. Sora gave a whistle, still finding it hard to believe a seemingly harmless girl like Rin could do something like this.

As for Yusei and Lulu; the purple-haired girl was staring down at the three chumps with pity since they kinda brought this upon themselves. And Yusei just had an amused grin on his face since Rin's approach was much like Jack's back in the day for interrogation back in Satellite. 'I guess when you're living in a place of survival, you grow stronger than how people normally do'. The Junk Duelist thought to himself, thinking back to all the fist fights he, Jack, Crow and Kalin would get into back in their old days.

"Now then gentlemen... Are you willing to talk now?" Rin asked with an "innocent" smile, giving a small extra twist on the wrist for Kakimoto to get the message across. "OKAY, OKAY I'LL TALK!" The brown-haired male screamed out in response; his life more important to him than this act that their boss set them up for. "S-Sylvio faked his injuries... He's perfectly fine and is only pretending to be hurt to get payback on Yuya!" Kakimoto explained to the You Show Duel School, a revelation that made Rin grow a deep frown on her face.

"Figures... I should have known he'd try something like this". The green-haired female stated, letting go of Kakimoto's wrist with arm immediately falling straight to the ground. "That weasel's got some nerve! Pretending to be hurt just to get Gong's best buddy in trouble?! Gong's gonna go over there and REALLY hurt him!" Gong screamed out in comical rage with anime flames surrounding his body as a sign of how ticked off he is right now.

"Gong, cool down there buddy. If you actually did gave him a real reason to be in the hospital, it'll just cause all of us trouble later". Yuya told his best friend, causing Gong to blink in realization with the anime flames disappearing. "Still, this whole thing may not be over yet. I read that Sylvio's father; Furio is running for Mayor of Paradise City". Serenity said with a worried voice, grabbing Yusei's attention as he looked over to her.

"In other words, he can press charges against Yuya and the You Show Duel School if he wanted to". Satellite's Shooting Star stated, much to Skip's panic at hearing this. "But Serenity just said that he isn't Mayor yet". Allie said with a confused voice, no clue on how Sylvio's father could do that when he's not Mayor yet. "That doesn't mean he does not have any political power. He can still press charges if he wants to". Lulu told the younger female, filling Allie, Tate and Frederick with dread at hearing this.

"Oh no... What are we gonna do? Are we gonna have to use up all of our spendings to get out of this mess?!" Skip cried out in panic, both hands gripping his own hair and pulling on it tightly. The money Kisara gave them has been a godsend as it allowed them to get that monitor he was using in class earlier to teach. Skip had more plans with their savings to upgrade their school, but now these events are threatening those plans.

Just then; a familiar white LID limousine drove up and parked right at the side of the road in front of You Show's members and Sylvio's three beaten up friends. Everyone turned their eyes towards it, right as Claude came out of the driver's seat. He walked around the limousine to its left and opened the door, revealing Henrietta seated inside. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance". LID's chairwoman stated, placing her left foot down on the ground first before stepping out of the limousine.

She stood straight and faced the You Show Duel School members. Out of all of them; only Skip knew who Henrietta is and was staring at her with wide eyes of surprise. "I know you... You're Henrietta Akaba!" Skip said in surprise, no clue of the shock that Lulu and Rin were experiencing at learning this woman's name.

'Akaba...? There was an Akaba here in Standard?!' Rin shouted out inside of her mind with wide eyes, giving a small gulp of fear at the thought of Leo Akaba having any sort of power here in Standard. 'I don't see any resemblance to Leo Akaba in this woman. She must be apart of the Akaba family through marriage then'. Lulu thought, taking in Henrietta's features and noticed that they didn't resemble Leo Akaba's.

Unlike his "daughters", Yusei wasn't that shocked at learning Henrietta's identity. Thanks to the Crimson Dragon's warning last night; he's aware that the Akaba family had more members and that some were here in Paradise City. 'This woman must be Declan Akaba's mother. I wonder if she's aware of Leo Akaba's ambitions or about the United World'. Yusei thought to himself, staring at Henrietta with narrowed eyes of calculation.

Henrietta took notice of Yusei staring at her through the corner of her left eye and stared at him for a moment. She quickly went back to looking forward, the plan more important right now than staring at Yusei. "Yes. Chairwoman of the Leo Institute of Dueling. Why don't we all have a little talk?" Henrietta suggested, her voice making Yusei narrow his eyes because he could tell she was up to something. 'Just what is this woman after?' He questioned inside of his mind, eyes shifting over to Yuya and Lulu.

A little bit later; Henrietta and the whole You Show gang were inside of You Show Duel School to have their "discussion". Claude, Kakimoto, Ootomo and Yamabe were still outside, standing near the river with Sylvio's three friends recovering from Rin's torture she gave them. All of them were groaning; Kakimoto was rubbing his back with both hands while Ootomo and Yamabe rubbing the bruises on their heads.

"Owww... That lady is too strong. Girls aren't supposed to pack a punch like that". Ootomo groaned out, before wincing in pain at feeling another sting on his head. "Just what'd she have to go through to get tough like that anyway?" Kakimoto questioned, hissing in pain from feeling his bones aching exactly where Rin's feet pushed against. "No clue. And frankly, I don't want to know". Yamabe answered, letting out another moan of discomfort as he placed the right hand against his right side.

Claude stared at the three students of LID with a bit of pity. Henrietta had set them up to make the situation tense and tight for You Show, which they still achieved in the end yet they all ended up getting thrashed by Rin in the process. "You three did well. Here's your reward". Declan's right-hand man said, holding out three envelops for them to take. Their reward for completing their job were rare cards that they had their eyes on for sometime now.

Kakimoto, Ootomo and Yamabe all took their envelops and went back to rubbing their "abused" bodies. They'd normally feel proud of themselves and open the envelops to get good look at their rewards, but right now they're still in too much pain right to feel proud of themselves. "Go ahead and head on home. It's clear to see that all of you are feeling sore right now". Claude told the three students of LID, a suggestion that they took and left.

(Play The Eminence in Shadow OST - Confront Each Other)

Inside of the conference room of the You Show Duel School; Skip and Yusei sat across Henrietta beside one another on the couch, while everyone else was close by watching this meeting. "Thank you for having me". Henrietta "thanked" Skip and Yusei, something that Satellite's Shooting Star could see right through. "It's our pleasure". Skip stated, doing his mental best to act professional as the Duel School's principal.

"I only wish it were under better circumstances, but I'm afraid we must deal with the facts and the facts are that Yuya has created quite a rouse. And now we must figure out a way to make things right". Henrietta said with a grin on her face, not the least bit displeased with the circumstances right now. "We just discussed outside that whoever attacked Sylvio wasn't Yuya". Skip stated with narrowed eyes, certain that Henrietta had heard their discussion outside earlier.

"That may be true, but I highly doubt Sylvio's father will believe your words. Furio Sawatari is a rather short tempted man that doesn't believe what anyone says, even when proof is displayed in front of him. He won't believe your words and will do whatever he wishes". Henrietta told Skip, speaking truthfully since Furio is well known for being an unreasonable man.

Yusei narrowed his eyes at LID's Chairwoman, seeing right through her scheme and knows that she wants something. "But you can prevent that, right?" He questioned Henrietta, crossing both arms as he spoke. Henrietta gave a short nod of the head, giving an unspoken answer to Yusei's question. "Really? That's a relief". Skip sighed in relief that their solution to this problem was right in front of them.

"It would be... If she didn't want something". Rin stated with a frown, getting her peers and Gong to look at her in surprise. "What are you talking about Rin?" Allie asked with a confused voice, no clue about how business people do things. Fortunately for her and the others that Lulu understood what Rin meant and spoke up. "She means that a businesswoman like Henrietta here doesn't do any good deeds out of the goodness of their hearts. They always take opportunities, and this is no different". The purple-haired girl explained, staring right at Henrietta with narrowed eyes.

"Oh?" Henrietta gave an impressed smile that Lulu and Rin were able to figure out her true objective and see no reason to keep it a secret. "Your wards are correct, Yusei Fudo. There is something that I want from the You Show Duel School". The Chairwoman of LID told Yusei, turning to face him as she spoke. The faces of Yuya, Gong, Zuzu, Skip, Allie, Tate, Frederick and Serenity all fell at hearing this, while Yusei, Lulu, Rin and Sora weren't surprised at this revelation.

"What do you want? LID's new partnership with Kaiba Corporation is helping your company greatly with creating Pendulum cards. You don't need Yuya's cards because he's agreed to provide data on Pendulum cards and Pendulum Summoning to your new business partner, meaning you'll have access to it as well". Yusei said with a small frown, reminding everyone of what Kisara told them and the deal they made with her.

"Yes, that is true. Our attempts at making Pendulum cards has been going swimmingly thanks to Kaiba Corporation's assistance, but there is still much here at You Show that I desire". Henrietta replied, making no attempt to deny what they're saying. "And what could the Chairwoman of the Leo Institute want with us?" Skip questioned with a suspicious frown, certain he isn't gonna like what they're gonna hear.

Henrietta chuckled first, then gave an answer. "To be honest, there's a good number of things I want from the You Show Duel School. I first want Yuya's Star-Eyes Savior Dragon, Lulu Obsidian's Lyrilusc - Neo Nightingale and Rin's Windwitch - Arctic Bell". She revealed, much to the shock of Yuya, Lulu and Rin at hearing this. "Say what?! What makes you think we're just gonna hand over our best cards, huh?!" The green-haired female exclaimed with narrowed eyes, left hand's fingers twitching with the urge to punch her.

"Rin, calm down. Down girl, easy". Serenity said softly, walking over and placed both hands on Rin's shoulders before gently stroking Rin's hair in an effort to calm her down. "Yeah, don't go making the lady angry". Gong remarked with wide eyes, no desire to tick off Henrietta since she's the only solution to keeping Sylvio's father from pressing any charges on Yuya.

"There's really no need to think about it, she's already angry". Lulu stated with both eyes narrowed, much to the surprise of Yuya, Zuzu, Serenity, Gong, Tate, Allie, Frederick and Skip at hearing this. "Lulu's right about that. Although she's hiding it really well, the look in Henrietta's eyes spells it out that she's not happy right now". Yusei said with a deadly serious voice, getting Skip to look at him in surprise before looking at Henrietta again.

Henrietta kept her smile for a moment or two, before she spoke. "I must admit that you and your wards are very impressive. You are right to say that I'm not happy right now". The adult woman said, dropping her smiling face and replace it with an enraged frown. "Our student was made a fool out of! This is now about honor... Honor that we have all lost!" Henrietta exclaimed without a shred of calmness, standing up from her seat and threw her left hand out.

Everyone except Yusei was honestly taken by surprise at how enraged Henrietta is despite how seemingly calm she was just a few seconds ago. Heck, they could even see flames of rage surrounding her right now. Yusei wasn't bothered in the slightest because compared to Jack's flames, Henrietta's was just a candle in comparison. "You made your point. Anyway, what else is it that you want?" Satellite's Shooting Star questioned the enraged Chairwoman of LID, both arms still crossed.

"A duel between Duel Schools to clear this disgrace!" Henrietta answered, much to Skip's comical fear at hearing this. "A duel?!" He questioned, shaking in place a little bit right now. "You want us to give up our cards and duel you at the same time? You're asking a little too much". Yusei stated with narrowed eyes, seeing this whole thing as unfair to their side.

Henrietta calmed down and took a deep breath, before she retook her seat. "First; I apologize for losing my temper like that, I've been holding it in for a bit and needed to let it out. And you don't have to worry, I don't intend to put you all at a disadvantage in the duel. Despite my earlier outburst, the fact remains is that you're all innocent in all of this and it wouldn't be right to push you all in a disadvantage like this". LID's Chairwoman told them all, but that did little to ease Yusei's suspicions.

"So in other words, if we lose this duel then you'll take what you want from us, right?" Yusei questioned the Chairwoman, which Henrietta gave a nod of the head. "That is correct. It is just like an Ante duel. If my side wins this duel, I'll take Yuya's Star-Eyes Savior Dragon, Lulu Obsidian's Lyrilusc - Neo Nightingale and Rin's Windwitch - Arctic Bell. Also Yuya Sakaki, Lulu Obsidian, Rin and Yusei Fudo are to leave You Show and join LID". Henrietta told the members of You Show Duel School the conditions of this duel.

Yusei, Lulu and Rin all narrowed their eyes at hearing this, while everyone else gasped in deep concern. "Is that all, or is there anything else?" Satellite's Shooting Star questioned Henrietta, not the least bit intimidated right now because he's faced more intense situations. "One more thing. When we win... You are to hand over your Stardust Dragon card". LID's Chairwoman revealed, finally taking Yusei by surprise as he widen both eyes in surprise.

Everyone else of the You Show Duel School also widen their eyes in surprise as well. This was completely unexpected since while Stardust Dragon is a rare card, it was still a Duel Monsters card like any other. The Leo Institute has access to many cards in the world, so hearing they want Stardust Dragon was something nobody ever saw coming.

"My Stardust Dragon?" Yusei questioned, uncrossing both arms and narrowed his eyes dangerously at Henrietta. Stardust Dragon was his most prized card for a great many reasons. The first was how Stardust Dragon was his old friends' ticket to leaving the Satellite for a new happy life. Second being it was sort of a keepsake of his father's with how it was used to seal the doorway to the Netherworld. These were just two out of many reasons why Stardust Dragon means so much to him and there was no way he's gonna lose him again.

It wasn't just Yusei bothered by this condition, almost the whole You Show Duel School was as well except for Sora. When Lulu and Rin had first saw Stardust Dragon, they were filled with wonder and hope that overcame their despair and sadness from being taken away from their homes. And those feelings intensified when they witnessed Stardust Dragon destroy Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Yusei defeated Yuri. That day ignited their hopes for a brighter future and one day go home.

As for the You Show Duel School; the day they saw Stardust Dragon was like crossing destiny's crossroads and took a new path not just for them, but Paradise City as well. Seeing Yusei and Stardust Dragon effortlessly defeat the Sledgehammer gave them this feeling that they couldn't let things stay as the way they were anymore, or else they'd get left behind. Stardust Dragon was just as important to the You Show Duel School as it was to Yusei, that's why they had no intention of letting someone take it away.

"...What are you wagering in this duel? If you expect us to wager so much in this duel, then you'll need to put something just as important on the line". Skip told Henrietta with narrowed eyes, which she gave a short nod of the head. "I know, you don't need to worry about that. Since I decided what you're wagering, it's only fair that you decide for me as well". The adult woman replied, not the least bit worried about losing this little wager of theirs.

"I see... If that's the case, then first drop all charges against Yuya and forget about this whole thing". Skip told Henrietta with a serious voice, a condition that she had been fully expecting and gave a nod of the head. "But of course. Is there anything else you'd like me to wager?" LID's Chairwoman asked with a curious voice, giving a slightly tilt of the head.

At Henrietta's words, almost everyone at You Show grew silent since they couldn't really think of anything. The same couldn't be said for Yusei because he has something in mind. "If our side wins, then I want you to arrange a meeting between me and someone important of the Leo Institute". Satellite's Shooting Star told Henrietta, crossing both arms once more.

Declan's mother blinked in surprise at Yusei. Honestly, she had expected a much different wager than that, it honestly feels more like a request. She wasn't the only one surprised, everyone else was staring at Yusei in confusion. Even Lulu and Rin since they had no idea what Yusei's planning right now.

"That...can be arranged without problem, but are you sure this is what you want, Yusei Fudo?" Henrietta asked Satellite's Shooting Star with a curious voice, which Yusei gave a nod of the head. The adult woman gave a shrug of the shoulders, seeing it as no concern whatsoever. What she didn't know at the time that this meeting she'd agree to arrange would change the worlds for both herself and Declan in a day later.

"That's the second wager... As for your third wager?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, turning her gaze over to Skip since she figured he'd have an idea on what the third wager will be. At Henrietta's question, Skip blinked in surprise before looking down in thought. Honestly, nothing came to Skip's mind since all the You Show Duel School wanted was for this whole situation to be over with without Yuya being punished for someone else's deeds.

Yuya, Lulu, Zuzu, Rin, Gong, Serenity, Allie, Tate, Frederick and Sora all remained silent, letting the adults handle the situation. All of them were staring at the back of Skip's head, waiting for him to speak up. However, once again it was Yusei that spoke instead of Zuzu's father. "Instead of a wager, how about a favor instead". The black-haired man spoke, getting everyone to look over to him in confusion.

"A favor?" Skip questioned, yet Yusei didn't turn to look at him to explain and instead kept on facing Henrietta. "If a time comes when we need your help with anything, you listen to our request. We won't ask for anything that's out of your power, just help with something important that we could face in the future". Satellite's Shooting Star explained to LID's Chairwoman, uncrossing both arms and place them down on his knees.

Henrietta gave a chuckle at Yusei, amused that he, in her eyes, was wasting such a perfect opportunity. "Very well then. The wages of this duel between our schools have been set, no backing out now". She declared with arrogance seeping out of her voice. "Whoever said that we intended to back out?" Yusei shot back, narrowing both eyes at the adult woman.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all watched with concern, before the little girl turned to look at her friends. "Do we really have to duel the Leo Institute? I mean, it's already been cleared out that Yuya wasn't the one that attacked Sylvio, so why?" The red-haired girl questioned, unable to understand why Henrietta wanted their Duel Schools to face each other in a duel.

Tate and Frederick turned to their friend, but were unable to give an answer because they couldn't really think of one. But someone else did have an answer to Allie's question. "It's for show". Rin spoke up, walking over to the three kids and got down on her right knee to be eye level with them. Allie, Tate and Frederick all turned to look at the green-haired girl and saw her staring over at Henrietta with narrowed eyes.

"Because of this whole incident, the symbol of LID has been dragged through the mud you could say. To make sure that the whole world doesn't lose faith in the Leo Institute or its reputation, Henrietta is using this duel to show off her school's dueling strength". The Windwitch Duelist explained, placing her right hand gently atop Allie's head and left hand through Tate's hair.

The three kids stared at Rin stared with slightly wide eyes for a few moments, but that was when Henrietta started chuckling which captured their attention. "Your friend is right, this is a show of strength you could say. Sylvio might not have been one of our top best duelist, but he's still one of the best Ritual Duelist we have. If word spread that one of our students was easily defeated by someone, even from the You Show Duel School, it would damage our reputation. But we can easily recover from that by showing off some of our top students' strength against a renowned duel school such as this one". Henrietta explained, turning her gaze over to the three children.

Tate, Allie and Frederick all shivered in fear, before they all ran over and hid behind Rin. The green-haired girl spared them a quick smile, before gazing over to Henrietta with a small frown. "You said our Duel School was renowned, right? What do you mean by that?" Rin asked with a curious voice, too busy to have done some research on finding out how famous their Duel School has become.

"Oh? You don't know? Well, You Show Duel School's reputation has increased much since you, Lulu Obsidian and Yusei Fudo joined, and increased further when Yusei defeated Sledgehammer. Not to mention that thanks to you three, Yusho Sakaki's rather ruined reputation has been restored a bit as well". Henrietta explained to the Synchro Duelist. Yuya, Lulu, Skip, Gong and Zuzu all slightly narrowed their eyes when she mentioned Yusho, but remained silent.

Yusei was silent for a few moments, but eventually spoke. "Henrietta, can I ask you something?" Satellite's Shooting Star asked the Chairwoman of LID, catching Henrietta's attention. She turned to look at the young adult man and gave a nod of the head. "Why aren't you taking this chance to take You Show Duel School and make it become part of LID?" Yusei questioned Henrietta, narrowing both eyes at the woman across him dangerously.

Almost all of the You Show Duel School members looked at Yusei with wide eyes of surprise, except Skip since he knew exactly why Yusei's asking that question. Henrietta Akaba is known for taking over Duel Schools around the world and making them part of the Leo Institute. So why wasn't she taking the chance to make their Duel School part of LID?

Henrietta gave another chuckle at Yusei's question, yet still answered him. "As I mentioned before; You Show Duel School's reputation has increased much and Yusho Sakaki's reputation has been restored a bit. And honestly; my son is someone that greatly looks up to Yusho Sakai so he asked me to leave the school he created alone. So, I decided not to try to take over your school because of my son's wishes and the fact that there's no reason to". The female adult explained to Yusei her reasons why she isn't attempting to take over the school.

Yusei slightly dropped his frown, but wasn't finished questioning Henrietta just yet. "No reason to? What do you mean by that?" He asked Henrietta once more, a question that she had no trouble answering. "Thanks to our new partnership with Kaiba Corporation, the creation of our Pendulum cards is going well just as I mentioned before. It would be an entirely different story if our progress was slower than it is now, but it isn't and I don't see any other reason to take over this school". Declan's mother explained to Satellite's Shooting Star.

"And yet you still want Yuya and Yusei". Skip stated, both eyes narrowed at the woman sitting across him and Yusei. "But of course. We'll need someone to be our best Pendulum user and influence others to learn as much as they can with Pendulum Summoning, and Yuya's the creator of it after all. And as for why we want Yusei Fudo, it's simple really. He's well known as being the strongest duelist of Paradise City and thanks to his teachings, all of you have improved magnificently, yes?" Henrietta explained with a grin, shifting her gaze over to Yuya, Lulu, Rin and Gong.

The four didn't protest to Henrietta's words because she was right. Thanks to Yusei's teachings, they've all grown much stronger as duelists and as people as well. Yuya, Gong and Lulu learned Synchro Summoning with Yusei's help and Rin learned Xyz Summoning thanks to Lulu's assistance. It was simple to understand why Henrietta would want Yusei working for the Leo Institute.

Seeing none of them making move to speak, Henrietta continued on. "With Yusei Fudo as a teacher of the Leo Institute, more duelists will join our school and grow much stronger under his teachings. That is why I desire to take him from this school". The female adult explained to them all, yet kept one important fact from them. 'Along with that, we will be able to investigate exactly who Yusei Fudo is'. Henrietta thought, directing her gaze over to the young man.

Yusei noticed Henrietta's gaze on him immediately and gave a small frown at her. 'Just from this talk alone; I can see why Declan holds such an interest in him. He's sharp, doesn't let his guard down and can notice even the slightest things. He would be an excellent ally to have, but there's still the possibility that he's an enemy. I can't afford to take any chances'. She mentally added, refusing to allow such a dangerous man like Yusei to stand in the way of her goals if he's an enemy.

"Anyway; I believe that's everything we needed to discuss. Is there anything else any of you would like to say before we begin this duel between our schools?" Henrietta asked with a curious voice, turning her gaze over to the students behind Yusei and Skip. "Yeah, I got something to say". Yuya stated, stepping forward and capturing Henrietta's attention.

"You're not taking Yusei and me away from You Show, or our cards either". The Odd-Eyes Duelist told LID's Chairwoman with utter resolve displayed in his eyes. The You Show Duel School members all smiled at Yuya for speaking up like that. "Thataboy Yuya!" Gong exclaimed with a bright smile, placing his left hand on Yuya's right shoulder. Gong totally feels the exact same way that you do. And because he does, Gong's volunteering to face off in a match as well". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist told his best friend, holding up the right fist to express how serious he is about what he just said.

Sora, who had been sitting down on the room's counter, jumped and landed behind Gong. "You can't duel. We'd lose for sure". The blue-haired boy said with a grin, much to Gong's comical shock at hearing this. "Ouch... That's gotta hurt". Rin remarked with a wince, honestly feeling sorry for her fellow Synchro user for that jab Sora took. "What I mean is that we'd be disqualified because Gong doesn't go to You Show and she said students have to duel. So forget the big guy back there if we're talking multiple duels, talk to me". Sora remark, walking up in front of Gong and turned to face Henrietta.

"That may be true, but there wasn't any need to take a jab like that to Gong". Rin told Sora with a disapproving frown, climbing up to her feet as she spoke. "I'm just speaking the truth". Sora stated, turning to look at the green-haired girl only to start comically paling at seeing Rin raise her right fist. "You all must be in high spirits and very confident in your chances if you're all like this". Henrietta remarked with a small grin, honestly amused right now with Sora, Gong and Rin.

"So, are you all ready?" The female adult asked with a curious voice, turning her gaze over back to Yusei and Skip. "Do you really need to ask?" Skip shot back with a serious frown, his students all gathering behind him and Yusei. "We're ready". Yusei stated, slightly turning his head right to look at Yuya. The Odd-Eyes Duelist noticed his teacher's gaze and returned it with a small nod.

Yusei gave a nod of his own, before facing forward. "Let's duel, Henrietta Akaba". Satellite's Shooting Star declared, full of confidence in his students' chances of victory in this duel. Henrietta gave a chuckle, very eager to see the skills of You Show Duel School's students.

(5 minutes later/ Play Yu Gi Oh! ARC V Ost 20- A Nerve Wrecking Duel)

Not too long later; Yusei, Skip, Yuya, Lulu, Rin, Zuzu and Sora was standing across Henrietta in their Action Duel field. Three 14-year-old teenagers stood behind LID's Chairwoman, the students of LID that Henrietta chose to represent the Leo Institute in this duel. Meanwhile Serenity, Gong, Allie, Tate and Frederick stood a few feet away from their friends.

One of them is a teenage girl of 14-years-old with dark skin tone, shoulder-length black hair and red eyes. She's wearing a small blue shirt with her LID badge pinned on it over a cream one-piece long-sleeved shirt and shorts combination with black skin-tight shorts underneath ending above the knee, and blue boots. She carried a brown holster resembling that for a firearm on her waist's right side.

The second one is a male that's 14-years-old just like the dark-haired girl. He's a slightly below-average height teen with long spiky brown hair and amber eyes. His canines appear to be longer than normal and often stick out of his mouth. He's wearing a dark blue long-sleeved shirt and pants under a tan jacket with an orange interior with the LID badge pinned on the collar and the sleeves torn off, brown socks, and burnt-orange and grey shoes. For some reason, the guy's carrying a Shinai with the right hand.

The final student is 14-years-old just like the others and is a boy. He is slim and tall with purple hair that has a gold pin in the shape of the Big Dipper asterism, and blue eyes. He wears a zip-up blue and purple jacket over a white long-sleeved shirt, with white pants, olive-colored shoes, and a loose blue belt. His LID badge is pinned on the right side of his jacket. He also has a frame with a star underneath his hairline.

"So that we're all in agreement; we will have three separate matches between three duelists from my school and three from yours. Now then, who's first?" Henrietta asked with a confident voice, arms crossed as she spoke. "Right here!" Sora called out cheerfully, throwing his right fist into the air with spirit. Zuzu turned to look at the Fusion Duelist in surprise, before her gaze shifted over to Yuya as he stepped forward.

"No way, I've got this!" Yuya exclaimed with resolve, getting Lulu, Rin, Zuzu and Sora to look at him with wide eyes, while Henrietta closed both her eyes and chuckled. "A wise choice. Starting with your strongest duelist first. After all; getting blown out on your first match would be demoralizing. Save the weak for last". The adult woman said with an amused voice, considering Yuya the strongest You Show Duel School student.

Lulu slightly narrowed her eyes at Henrietta, before she blinked and looked over to Sora. 'I'd hardly call Sora the weakest member of our team. I've seen how strong he is when he's serious. Yuya, Rin and Kisara were in great danger when they dueled, but at least he's fighting for our side now'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, turning to look at the back of Yuya's head. 'And maybe sending Yuya out first would be smart'. Lulu mentally added, mind flashing back to an old strategy of the Resistance where they sent out their strongest first to size up the enemy forces.

"Who are you calling weak?!" Sora comically exclaimed with an anime grumpy face. He opened his mouth to speak further, but Rin came up from behind and slammed her left hand over Sora's mouth with him letting out a muffled cry of surprise. "You can't blame her for thinking you're the weakest one out of the five of us. You're the youngest one after all, so stuff it and let Yuya handle this". The green-haired girl told Sora with a stern tone. Sora let out more muffled cries in response, before trying to force Rin's hands off his mouth, yet her grip was too strong for him.

"Although, I highly doubt that'll matter much who duels first. You see; the students I brought over from the Leo Institute are at the top of their class. And each one of them specializes in a unique style of play. The one facing Yuya...will be Dipper". Henrietta declared as the boy with the purple hair stepped forward with an arrogant grin on his face. "That's my name, and don't you dare forget it. Or you'll pay". Dipper told the You Show students, yet Lulu wasn't the least bit threatened.

"Somehow I doubt that". The purple-haired female stated, easily able to tell that Dipper is nothing more than an arrogant punk just from that look in his eyes and the way he's standing. Lulu then blinked upon noticing that the other LID students were staring at Yusei with a sense of awe in their eyes. 'Have those two been staring at Yusei this whole time?' Lulu thought to herself, wondering if those two were fans of Yusei's or something with how they're staring at him.

Meanwhile with Tate, Allie, Frederick, Gong and Serenity; they had all gathered around the little blue-haired boy, who had brought out his Duel Disk and was searching up on Dipper through it. He pressed it a few times and eventually found what he's searching for. And what he found took them all by surprise a little. "Here he is! LID's Dipper!" Allie commented with wide eyes at seeing Dipper's duel history.

Tate's Duel Disk showed that Dipper has dueled 58 Duels with 53 wins, not to mention won 5 duels in a row. "58 wins and 53 wins?!" Frederick exclaimed, beyond taken by surprise at learning this. "His winning percentage is over 90%!" Tate remark with wide eyes, turning his gaze over to Yuya and stared at him in concern.

"He's got over top scores in the Junior Class Rank Testings!" Frederick called out, before he, Tate and Allie all looked at each other. "Forget test scores, I hear he's said to be favored to win the championship!" The red-haired girl told her friends what she's heard about Dipper. The three kids turned to look at Yuya in concern, something that Serenity noticed.

She gave the kids a comforting smile, before she brought both hands up and gently placed them down on Frederick and Allie's heads. "Don't worry you three. Dipper's never faced someone like Yuya before. Have faith in him". The brunette told her young friends, catching their attention. Tate, Allie and Frederick turned to look at Serenity and stared at her for a few moments, before they all smiled at the teenage girl and nodded. All four of them went back to watching this school duel take place.

Skip walked up beside Yuya, staring at Dipper with a frown. "When you're getting ready for battle Yuya, there's just one way to go. And that's with a battle cry". Zuzu's father said to the Odd-Eyes Duelist, slightly turning his head to look at him. "Hard pass". Yuya shot back, holding up his left hand in a stop motion to Skip's face. "Huh?" Skip comically gasped at Yuya, staring at the teenage boy with wide eyes.

"You just sit back and enjoy the show". Yusei's student told Skip, looking over to Yusei through the corner of his left eye. Satellite's Shooting Star noticed Yuya looking over to him and looked at him through the corner of his right eye. The pair of master and student gave a small, unnoticeable nod before facing forward.

A minute later; Yuya and Dipper were the only ones standing in the Action Duel field while everyone else stood outside watching from the sidelines. Both teens had their Duel Disks equipped with Dipper's one being a light purple Standard Dimension Duel Disk. Yuya was displaying a serious expression, while Dipper didn't seem the least bit worried and had an arrogant smile.

The sight of Dipper like that really ticked Rin off. "Look at that guy, standing there like he's already got this in the bag! I'm gonna enjoy watching Yuya knock that guy off his high horse!" The Witch of the Wind exclaimed with comical white annoyed eyes, never liking those stuck-up types like Dipper. "Down girl. This one's all Yuya's". Gong told his fellow Synchro Duelist, only to start paling a second later when Rin turned her annoyed glare over to him.

Serenity giggled at Rin and Gong, while Lulu stared at Dipper with slightly narrowed eyes. The kids told her that Dipper's an Xyz user like her just a few seconds ago, but Lulu wasn't the least bit excited at hearing this. She's already met LID's Cera and considered only her the only Xyz Duelist of the Leo Institiute to have her attention. She's just watching to see if Dipper was someone of concern, or nobody of real importance.

"Enjoy this while it lasts because I doubt it'll last long". Henrietta said with a grin, before turning her gaze over to the control room where Skip stood ready to activate the Action field. "Now, shall we start?" She questioned, before turning her gaze back to Yuya and Dipper.

In the control room; Skip was staring down at Dipper's back with narrowed eyes. "Oh yeah! And we're starting with a bang! Know why? Because we... are blasting into outer space!" He shouted out with spirit, swiping his right hand up to the air with his index finger out. Skip then pressed a button of the keyboard, resulting in a Field Spell's card appearing on the screen. "I activate the Action Field Spell; Cosmic Sanctuary!" Zuzu's dad shouted out, no clue about the mistake he's made.

Yusei, Lulu, Rin and Serenity, on the other hand, realized the mistake immediately. But unfortunately, it was too late as the Arc System underneath the field began to activate with beams of light erupting out. "Augmented Reality Combat System Energized! Generating Action Field!" The Ai called out as the Duel Field began to glow a pink colour.

The field transformed into an Action Field that was, just as the Field Spell's name was, a sanctuary that was in outer space. The sky was a dark with a temple building. Yuya and Dipper were standing across each other on a pillar that was surrounded by a deep hole and platforms floating in midair around the hole.

Dipper looked up with a stunned expression, but just as he was about to start laughing at Skip's stupidity, Rin shouted out without warning. "You idiot! You just gave that purple-haired space wannabe an advantage over Yuya!" The green-haired girl shouted at Skip, much to his comical horror at learning this and Dipper's annoyance at what she called him. "WHAT!?" Zuzu's father shouted out with comical wide eyes, unable to understand what he did was a mistake.

"His name is Dipper, as in big dipper. He did warn you not to forget". Sora explained with an unimpressed face, Lulu smiling a sympathetic smile at the adult man from her place next to Serenity. "AAAHHH!?" Skip shouted out in pure comical horror, turning anime white from realizing the mistake he had made finally. "I told you we should have had Yusei select the Action Field instead of him". Rin said with a small frown, words that Zuzu, Serenity, Allie, Tate and Frederick nodded their heads to since they agreed with her on that.

Yusei gave a sympathetic smile up at Skip, before turning his gaze back to the Action Duel about to take place. Both Yuya and Dipper held up their left arms right as their Duel Disks activated. The screens displayed the words "Duel Mode" first, then changed to "Standby" right before the blades appeared. Dipper's blade was black and blue, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Both duelists slotted their decks into the Duel Disks, right before they shuffled through the shuffle system. Once done, they both drew the top 5 cards of their decks and added them to their left hands. "Get your game on!" Yuya called out, no clue that he's using Jaden's catchphrase because he just simply thought of saying that.

Yuya Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Dipper Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Action cards gathered above the field, before they dispersed all over the field. "Action cards dispersed!" The same female AI voice from before called out, yet Dipper and Yuya paid it no attention as they continued to face each other. "You want game, huh? Okay then, I'll give you game". Dipper said with an arrogant grin, taking a card from his hand and held it up.

"Yuya's quite sure of himself. Now we'll see if he has the right to be". Henrietta remarked, crossing both of her arms. What she, the other LID students or You Show didn't notice was that someone else was watching this duel between Yuya and Dipper.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL SD1 #10 Duel Target Lock On!)

Around the corner with his back pressed against the wall was Declan, watching the Action Duel despite the distance. LID's young president was wearing a black and red jacket with a hood up, but no other changes to his outfit. The young man's eyes were focus on Yuya, eager to see the son of Yusho Sakaki duel.

What Declan didn't know was that his presence had been detected by Yusei and Lulu. Satellite's Shooting Star's senses were sharp thanks to his years in the Satellite Section and Lulu's sharp senses were from fighting against Duel Academy. The two kept watching the duel to give Declan the impression that they didn't notice him.

Lulu went up and gently grabbed hold of Yusei's right sleeve with her left hand, tugging on it to catch his attention. "Yusei, what should we do about him?" The Mistress of Birds whispered low, yet loud enough for Yusei to hear her. "Nothing for now. Just watch and pretend he isn't there". Satellite's Shooting Star replied, no reason to call Declan out of hiding. Lulu slightly frowned at Yusei's words, yet gave a nod and went back to watching the duel.

"To start this duel off, I Normal Summon Constellar Algiedi!" Dipper called out, swiping the card he's holding down on his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared on the ground beside Dipper on his left, before Constellar Algiedi rose up from within it. The Spellcaster-Type spun around, then took a pose.

Constellar Algiedi ATK: 1600/ Level: 4.

Lulu blinked in slight surprise at seeing the monster that Dipper is using. 'Constellar? He uses a Constellar deck?' The purple-haired female said inside her mind, recognizing the deck since there used to be plenty of Constellar duelists back in Heartland City, at least before the invasion of Duel Academy happened.

"What makes this star stunning monster so special? When she's on the field, I'm allowed to Summon another Constellar Monster from my hand!" Dipper explained as Algiedi held up her staff right as the blue gem began gleaming a bright light. "So come on out Level 4 Constellar Kaus!" The Xyz Duelist called out as another portal appeared on his right. Constellar Kaus rose up from the portal and gave a cry, standing up on its back legs.

Constellar Kaus ATK: 1800/ Level: 4.

'Two Level 4 monsters and with Kaus' special ability he'll be able to make them Level 5 or 3. He's got a good few choices to Xyz Summon an Xyz Monster from his Extra deck'. Lulu thought to herself, narrowing both eyes slightly at Dipper's monsters. She's faced a few Constellar users in the past, so she has a few ideas on what he's planning right now.

"Now I activate the Double Summon Spell card!" Dipper exclaimed, taking another card from his hand and held it out in between the index, middle and ring fingers. "This Spell card allows me to Normal Summon one more time!" He explained the Spell card's effect, before inserting it into his Duel Disk. A large copy of Double Summon's card appeared beside Dipper, right before he picked up another card.

"Through Double Summon's effect, I Summon Constellar Siat!" The purple-haired male called out, placing the card down on his Duel Disk's blade. Double Summon's card turned into a bright blue light that transformed into Constellar Siant with the little monster crying out in excitement.

Constellar Siat ATK: 100/ Level: 1.

Dipper took the last card in his held, holding it up and turned it over to show it was another Constellar monster. "If I control a Constellar monster on my field, I'm allowed to Special Summon Constellar Caduceus!" LID's strongest Xyz user explained, right as a gold light appeared beside Siant. It cleared to reveal a golden armoured Spellcaster monster, holding a staff with his left hand.

Constellar Caduceus ATK: 1600/ Level: 4.

"Now I activate Caduceus' special ability! During the Main Phase, Caduceus allows me to add a "Constellar" Spell/Trap from my deck to the hand!" Dipper explained his monster's special ability as Caduceus held up its staff. A golden light appeared from the tip, before it flew around to Dipper's deck resulting in it glowing gold for a moment or two.

The deck started shuffling for a moment or two before stopping with a single card slotting out. Dipper took hold of it with his right hand's index and middle fingers, before holding it up for Yuya to see. "I add the Continuous Spell; Constellar Tempest!" The purple-haired male revealed, before adding the card to his hand. Lulu narrowed her eyes at hearing the name of the Spell Dipper picked, yet didn't speak because she had faith in Yuya.

"Now; I activate Constellar Kaus' special ability!" Dipper declared, throwing his right hand up into the air. Kaus held up his right hand as blue energy appeared in the palm and transformed into an arrow of energy. "Twice a turn; I can either raise or decrease the Level of a Constellar monster I control!" The LID student explained while Kaus took aim at the sky above with its bow and arrow.

"Through Kaus' ability; I increase the Levels of Caduceus and Algiedi by one! Talk about star power!" Dipper declared, right as Constellar Kaus fired the energy arrow into the air. Once high enough, it burst into a shower of yellow lights that rained down on Caduceus and Algiedi, increasing their Levels.

Constellar Algiedi Level: 4 + 1 = 5.

Constellar Caduceus Level: 4 + 1 = 5.

Yuya slightly narrowed both eyes, mentally preparing himself. "Two Level 5 Monsters... A Rank 5 Xyz Monster". The Odd-Eyes Duelist said out loud, resulting in Dipper growing an arrogant smirk. "You catch on quick. I overlay my Level 5 Caduceus and Algiedi to build the overlay network!" LID's Xyz student declared, throwing his right hand up into the air. Both monsters transformed into bright yellow lights that ascended into the air and danced around each other.

A black galaxy-like portal appeared in front of Dipper and Yuya with the two yellow lights flying down into it. "I Xyz Summon! Rank 5; Constellar Pleiades!" Dipper cried out to the heavens, still holding his right hand up as thunder erupted out of the portal followed by a blue pillar of energy. The pillar cleared to reveal the Xyz Monster; Constellar Pleiades with two yellow overlay units circling around it. Dipper's Xyz Monster let out a cry as it took a stance.

Constellar Pleiades ATK: 2500/ Rank: 5/ Overlay units: 2.

'Constellar Pleiades... It's special ability by using an overlay unit returns a card from the field to the hand during either player's turn once. Not to mention that since Caduceus was used as Xyz material, Pleiades has the ability to banish a LIGHT or DARK monster before damage calculation'. Lulu said inside of her mind, aware of the special abilities of Dipper's monsters and the hidden trap that's Constellar Caduceus' ability when it is used to Xyz Summon a Constellar Xyz Monster.

"And I'm not done yet! I activate Constellar Siat's special ability!" Dipper declared, throwing his right hand up. Yellow auras appeared over both Constellar Siat and Kaus. "Once a turn; I can choose a Constellar monster that I control and Siat's Level changes to match that monster's Level! I choose Kaus, so now Siat becomes a Level 4 monsters!" The purple-haired teenager explained Siat's ability, right before both it powered up.

Constellar Siat Level: 1 + 3 = 4.

'Now he has two Level 4 Monsters. An master Constellar user would use this chance to Xyz Summon Constellar Omega for its defensive ability'. Lulu thought to herself, slightly narrowing both eyes at Dipper as if she were expecting him to Xyz Summon a specific Xyz Monster.

"Now I overlay my Level 4 Constellar Siat and Kaus!" Dipper shouted out, pointing upwards with his right hand's index finger. Both Siat and Kaus transformed into bright yellow lights, before they shot up into the air. Both lights danced around one another for a bit, right before another galaxy-like portal appeared between Yuya and Dipper. The lights flew down into the portal, causing thunder to erupt from it once more.

"I Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Constellar Praesepe!" Dipper cried out, slamming a card down beside Pleiades' card on the blade. The Xyz Monster; Constellar Praesepe emerged from the portal with two yellow overlay units circling around it. Praescepe punched the air twice with both fists, letting out a battle cry and took a stance.

Constellar Praesepe ATK: 2400/ Rank: 4/ Overlay units: 2.

(Music end)

Lulu widen her eyes in surprise at the monster Dipper Xyz Summoned. 'Constellar Praesepe?! But why would he Summon that? Is he only focusing on attack instead of defense?' The Mistress of Birds mentally questioned, wondering what exactly Dipper's strategy is. While Lulu was surprised, Zuzu, Allie, Tate, Frederick, Gong and Serenity were impressed with Dipper's move.

"He Xyz Summoned twice in one turn..." Zuzu uttered with wide eyes, mind flashing back to Yuto's duel with Sylvio yesterday. "...Ha! I've seen better from Lulu". Rin gave an unimpressed scoff, honestly preferring her sister's Xyz Summons to Dipper's ones. "I know we've seen it a few times now, but I'm finally noticing those lights circling around Dipper's monsters". Allie remarked, staring at the overlay units flying around Dipper's Xyz Monsters.

"So, he can only use his monster's special abilities two times before running out of gas. I hope they're nothing too dangerous". Frederick commented with a concerned face for Yuya. "That Pleiades must have a powerful effect since it's a Rank 5 Xyz Monster. I wonder what it is". Serenity uttered to herself, before gazing down at her waist. She reached behind herself with the left hand, before holding up a deck of cards that was her newly created deck.

Meanwhile with Yuya; the 14-year-old boy was looking down at his Duel Disk's screen. He had just looked through the abilities of Dipper's Xyz Monster and his only concern was Constellar Pleiades. 'That special ability and Caduceus' inherited ability are gonna be tricky, not to mention Praesepe's powering up one is bothersome'. The Odd-Eyes Duelist thought to himself, gazing over to Dipper just in time to see him hold out Constellar Tempest's card with his right hand's index and middle fingers.

"Now I activate Constellar Tempest!" Dipper exclaimed, before slotting the Spell card into his Duel Disk. A larger copy of the Spell appeared beside Dipper on his left, right in front of Pleiades. "With that I end my turn and at this moment, Tempest's effect goes off!" The purple-haired male cried out, holding his right fist up before throwing it out to the side.

A bright blue light shot out from Constellar Tempest's card into the air with Yuya's eyes following it. "When I have two or more Constellar Xyz Monsters on my field, can this storm get brewing!" Dipper began explaining Constellar Tempest's effect as the blue light disappeared. "Or perhaps I should say firestorm! And this fire will take its toll... on your Life Points! Torching them in half!" The purple-haired male explained with a rather crazy grin as meteors began falling from the sky.

Yuya widen both eyes in surprise at hearing this. He quickly leaped backwards just in time to dodge a meteor that came down exactly where he stood just a moment ago. The meteor shower began trashing the temple, the smoke covering Yuya from view.

Yuya Life Points: 4000 - 2000 = 2000.

"Yuya!" Zuzu exclaimed in horror, while Lulu let out a low and sharp gasp at seeing this. Rin slightly grit her teeth while Gong let out a deep breath of horror for his best friend. Serenity and the kids watched in concern and Sora just keep smiling without a care. Finally Yusei just stood still with no change to his expression, no sign of anger or concern for his student.

Dipper just kept grinning in a rather crazy manner, as if he was enjoying this. "You're all mine next round. This duel is over". The Xyz Duelist said as if he was stating a fact. "Oh yeah?" A familiar voice responded in the smoke cloud across Dipper, taking the Xyz Duelist by surprise. Almost everyone watching were surprised as well with the only exceptions being Yusei, Lulu and Rin.

The smoke slowly cleared to reveal... Yuya standing tall and proud despite that meteor shower just now and the lose of half his Life Points. He was staring at Dipper with narrowed eyes, finally seeing what Dipper's strategy was. "Yuya!" Gong, Serenity, Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out in joy, while Zuzu sighed in relief. Yusei, Lulu and Rin all smiled at seeing Yuya unharmed.

Henrietta and her two other students looked mildly surprised to see the Odd-Eyes Duelist alright, but didn't let it get to them. Declan, on the other hand, was pleased to see Yuya standing tall even with that surprise attack that took away half his Life Points.

Yuya Life Points: 2000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Despite it now being his turn, Yuya didn't move to draw. He just continued to stare at Dipper with narrowed calculating eyes. He was comparing Dipper's dueling to Cera's and honestly, Yuya considered the teenage female a stronger opponent. When he dueled Cera, Yuya felt some sort of sharpness in the way she was dueling, making every move without a single mistake and giving it her all. But all Yuya felt from Dipper was sloppiness and no drive like with Cera, it was confusing for Yuya for he's LID's best Xyz Duelist when it felt like Cera should have that title.

Dipper grew an annoyed frown at both Yuya stalling and staring at him like that. "Hey, quit staring at me and take your turn already! I don't have all day!" The purple-haired boy snapped at Yuya, but he was unfazed completely since Rin's more terrifying than him. "Hey... Before we continue this duel, can I ask you a question?" The Odd-Eyes Duelist asked his opponent, much to Dipper's annoyed confusion.

Dipper gave a scoff with a turn of the head, waving his left hand out. "Since you're about to lose, then sure. Ask any question and I'll answer for you". The Xyz Duelist answered Yuya, not the least bit concerned about losing this duel. "Do you know a girl in your school named Cera?" Yuya questioned Dipper, curious if he knows about Cera and is friends with her or not.

At Yuya's question, Dipper dropped his arrogant expression and replaced it with a ticked off look. "What was that?" He questioned through grit teeth, a clear sign that this was a rather touchy subject for him. Yuya noticed Dipper's change in attitude, yet still continued on. "I'm friends with another Xyz Duelist from the Leo Institute, a girl called Cera. She was a really strong Xyz user, so I was wondering if you knew her by chance". The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained to Dipper, curious to know to know what Dipper's relationship with Cera is.

A few seconds after Yuya was finished speaking; Dipper started shaking in anger. "Oh, I know that girl alright! She's the annoying pain in my neck!" The purple-haired boy screamed in pure frustration, much to Yuya wonder as he raised an eyebrow at him. "She thinks she's tough stuff just because her dad's a general or whatever! She thinks she's the best of LID's Xyz users, but that's where she is wrong and I'm number 1!" Dipper exclaimed, gripping his right fist as he thought about the girl that's been a threat to his position as LID's best Xyz user.

"I highly doubt that. Cera was humble and wasn't arrogant whatsoever when I met her. Honestly, you're the more arrogant person from what I've seen!" Yuya said with narrowed eyes, not the least bit impressed with Dipper's immature behavior. "Shut your trap! I'm the better Duelist, not her!" Dipper snapped at his opponent, too caught up in his hate for Cera.

"No, you're not! And I'm gonna prove that with my turn! I draw!" Yuya exclaimed, drawing the top card of his deck with the right hand and threw it to the side. The Odd-Eyes Duelist brought his hand up to see what he drew, only to widen both eyes. 'This card...! Okay, let's do this!' The Odd-Eyes Duelist thought, growing a confident grin as he added the card to his hand.

(Play 03 Yuya's Theme)

Yuya picked another card from his hand and held it out with the right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers. "I'll start off with the Spell card; Pendulum Call!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, right as his Spell card began glowing a gold light. "This card lets me discard one card from my hand..." Yuya began to explain, taking Performapal Thunderhino's card in his hand and discarded both it and Pendulum Call to the graveyard.

"But here's the good part. I now get to add two different "Magician" Pendulum monsters from my deck with different names from my deck!" Yuya finished with a grin, much to Dipper's annoyance at hearing this. Yuya's deck started shuffling for a moment or two, before stopping with two cards slotting out. Yuya took both cards with his right hand and held them out, revealing that they were Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician.

"I add the Scale 1 Dragonpulse Magician and Scale 8 Dragonpit Magician!" Yuya declared, then held both cards out to the side. "And I think I'll set the Pendulum Scale with them! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!" The Dueltainer called out as he swiped his right hand out to the far right side, before he placed his cards on the edges of his Duel Disk, causing the blade to gleam in a rainbow colour for a moment. The words 'Pendulum' then appeared across the blade in rainbow colours.

Two blue pillars of light appeared besides Yuya on his left and right, before Dragonpulse Magician appeared on the left and Dragonpit Magician appeared on the right one. The Spellcaster-Type monsters rose up high in the blue pillars of light, before they stopped with the numbers "1" appearing under Dragonpulse Magician and "8" underneath Dragonput Magician in golden colour. A giant version of Yuya's pendant then appeared out of nowhere in between the two monsters and swung sideways.

Dragonpulse Magician Pendulum Scale: 1.

Dragonpit Magician Pendulum Scale: 8.

"With these two monsters, I'm now allowed to Summon monsters that are Level 2 all the way to 7 at the same time!" Yuya exclaimed, much to the children's excitement for an upcoming Pendulum Summon. The giant version of Yuya's pendant started to swing in close to his Pendulum Monsters, drawing a circle behind them. "Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" The Dueltainer called out as the giant pendant created a portal from the circle that it was drawing, before 2 lights shot out of it.

"Appear! Performapal Coin Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuya cried out to the heavens as both lights cleared to reveal Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Performapal Coin Dragon with both monsters roaring.

Performapal Coin Dragon ATK: 1700/ Level: 4.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500/ Level: 7.

"Am I supposed to be impressed by that?" Dipper scoffed, not the least bit impressed with Yuya's Pendulum Summon. "You'll see soon enough! Performapal Coin Dragon's ability activates!" Yuya declared, throwing his right hand out. "So long as this card remains on the field, all Dragon-Type monsters gain 500 more ATK Points!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained Coin Dragon's special ability, right as both it and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon powered up.

Performapal Coin Dragon ATK: 1700 + 500 = 2200.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500 + 500 = 3000.

(Music end)

"Alright! Now Odd-Eyes is strong enough to destroy one of Dipper's monsters!" Tate called out with a wide grin that Allie and Tate matched perfectly. "No it isn't". Lulu stated, much to the children's surprise at hearing this. The three looked at Lulu and saw her watching with a poker face, wondering what she meant by that.

"Both of Dipper's monsters have abilities that'll ruin any attempt to attack. Pleiades can return any card on the field back to the hand during either players' turn and Praesepe's ability increase a Constellar monster's ATK by 1000 until the End Phase". The purple-haired female explained, much to the comical fear of Tate, Frederick and Allie at hearing this.

"What?!" The three called out in surprise, turning back to the duel with worried eyes for their big brother figure. "Yuya's in a tough spot. I don't think we're gonna win this first round". Sora remarked with a carefree grin, bringing out a large lollypop and prepared to take a bit out of it. "Don't be so sure". Yusei suddenly spoke up, catching the whole You Show gang's attention.

They looked over to him and saw Yusei staring at Yuya with a poker face with both arms crossed. "A Duel isn't settled until the last card is played. Just watch, because something tells me that Yuya's got a plan". Satellite's Shooting Star told the children, speaking with pure confidence in his voice. At his words; Allie, Tate and Frederick all grew wide smiles as they went back to watching Yuya duel. Sora, on the other hand, gave an uncaring shrug, before he started enjoying his lollypop.

With Yuya; the Odd-Eyes Duelist was staring at a card he was holding with his right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers with narrowed eyes. He closed both eyes, took a deep breath and breathed out to calm his nerves. "Okay... Here goes nothing..." He uttered to himself, slowly opening his eyes to reveal them filled with determination with what he's about to do.

(Play Yugioh GX OST Determination)

He reared his right hand in, keeping a good hold of the card. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell card..." Yuya began, before swiping his right hand up into the air and revealing the card. "Super Polymerization!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist cried out with all he had, revealing the card's name to everyone.

The faces of everyone, except Yusei, were all filled with absolute shock at what they've heard. Sora and the LID girl were the ones shocked the most though. "Super...!?" The LID female student uttered with wide eyes. "...Polymerization!?" Sora finished, dropping his lollypop with it shattering once it hit the ground. Lulu stared with wide eyes as well, but thankfully wasn't having a panic attack despite the new Fusion card.

Yuya brought his right hand down and inserted Super Polymerization's card into his Duel Disk. A larger copy of Super Polymerization's card appeared beside Yuya on his left, right before electricity appeared and danced around the card. "For Super Polymerization, I discard one card from my hand...!" Yuya began to explain, taking the last card he was holding and discarded it.

"Then I can Fusion Summon using monsters on the field to Fusion Summon!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist finished explaining, gazing up towards Dipper once he finished speaking. Dipper gave a scoff, closing both eyes and waved his left hand over his shoulder. "That's all? It's just a normal Fusion card, so much for "Super" Polymerization". The Xyz user said with mockery in his voice, not impressed at all with Super Polymerization.

Yuya narrowed his eyes at Dipper's ignorance, before he spoke. "Dipper... When I said Super Polymerization allows me to use monsters on the field to Fusion Summon, I didn't say monsters on my field". Yuya told his opponent, catching Dipper's full attention as he looked back at the Odd-Eyes Duelist. "Meaning... I can use your monsters for the Fusion Summon as well!" Yusei's student exclaimed, pointing right at Pleiades with his left hand's index finger.

"Say what!?" Dipper shouted out in absolute shock with wide eyes, an expression that Sora and the female LID student matched. "I use Super Polymerization to fuse my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Constellar Pleiades!" Yuya declared, right as a crimson aura appeared over Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and a gold one around Constellar Pleiades.

"I can quickly stop this!" Dipper exclaimed with wide eyes of panic, before throwing his right hand out. "I activate-!" He spoke, only for Yuya to cut him off. "Don't bother! Super Polymerization's effect also keeps any cards or effects activating in response to its activation". The Odd-Eyes Duelist told LID's "best" Xyz user, much to Dipper's growing horror at hearing this.

"Sweet! Now Dipper can't stop Yuya's Fusion Summon!" Zuzu remarked with a wide smile, honestly amazed with Super Polymerization. Both Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Constellar Pleiades transformed into lights that were absorbed into Super Polymerization's card. The Spell card then transformed into a bright purple light as the Fusion Summon commenced.

"Warrior of the stars! Dragon with shining dual-colored eyes! Now become one and awaken a new life here! Fusion Summon! Appear and come! Courageous dragon burning with sublime eyes! Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuya chanted, his extra deck opening with a single card slotting out. The Odd-Eyes Duelist took hold of the card with his right hand's index and middle fingers, before swiping it down on the custom-made Duel Disk's blade.

A giant red pillar of energy erupted from the purple light, right before an army of energy serpent dragons came out of it and collided with Constellar Praesepe. Some even went and hit Coin Dragon as well. The Xyz Monster and Dragon-Type both groaned in pain, while Dipper stared at his monster with wide eyes full of shock. "Hey, what's the big idea here?!" Dipper questioned, turning to look at Yuya for an explanation.

"Brave-Eyes' special ability, that's what! Right before it is Special Summoned, all monsters on the field have their ATK Points reduced to zero". Yuya explained to LID's Xyz user, much to Dipper's shock. He turned to look at Praesepe just in time to see it lost all of its powers.

Constellar Praesepe ATK: 2400 - 2400 = 0.

Performapal Coin Dragon ATK: 2200 - 2200 = 0.

From inside the pillar of fire; Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon emerged from inside of it. The Fusion Monster let out a might roar, releasing a powerful gust of wind that pushed Dipper's Constellar Praesepe back and even blew away the pillars surrounded them all.

Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 3000 + 500 = 3500/ Level: 8.

Dipper stared up at Brave-Eyes with fear in his eyes, while Allie, Tate and Frederick all cheered at seeing Yuya's Fusion Monster. "I'm afraid it gets worse for you, Dipper! First since a Constellar monster just left the field, your Constellar Tempest is destroyed!" Yuya exclaimed, pointing right at Dipper's Spell card with the right hand's index finger. Dipper gasped in horror, before looking over to his Constellar Tempest card right right as it burst apart into many small pieces.

"That's just the start of it!" Yuya stated, bringing his right hand in and held it as a fist. "Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon gains 100 ATK Points for every monster that got its points drained. Since it was 2 monsters, that's 200 points for Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon". Yuya told the white-haired female, right as his Fusion Monster began powering up with the blue gem in its chest gleaming.

Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 3500 + 200 = 3700.

"3700 ATK Points and Dipper's monster's got 0! Yuya's almost got everything he needs to win!" Serenity exclaimed in delight, clapping both hands together in a happy manner. "But he's out of cards to play! If he just had one more card..." Rin remarked, teeth grit a bit since Yuya was so close to winning in just one turn. "Come on Yuya! Don't let this chance slip by!" Gong shouted out to his best friend in encouragement.

Yuya spared Gong a quick side glance, before facing forward once more. "I never had any intention of letting that happen! I activate Performapal Springoose's special ability from the Graveyard!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared, gazing down at his Duel Disk right as Springoose's card slotted out. "Huh? When did that get there?" Dipper questioned with wide eyes, no clue how that card ended up in the Graveyard.

"Springoose was the card I discarded for Super Polyermization". Yuya answered, taking Springoose's card and held it up between the right hand's index and middle fingers. "By banishing this card from my Graveyard, I can now return two cards from my field to the hand!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained, pocketing the card he's holding and looked up at both Magicians floating by his sides.

"Through Springoose's effect, I return both Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician!" Yuya declared, taking both cards off the edges of the blade. Both Spellcaster-Type monsters burst into yellow sparkles with the blue pillars disappearing, followed by the giant copy of Yuya's pendant. Yuya added both cards to his left hand, before taking one and held it out, showing that its Dragonpulse Magician's card.

"Appear! Dragonpulse Magician!" Yuya called out, placing the card down beside Performapal Coin Dragon's card. A portal appeared beside Coin Dragon, before Dragonpulse Magician emerged from within it with his double-edge blade in hand.

Dragonpulse Magician ATK: 1800/ Level: 4.

Dipper was now sweating nervously since now Yuya had everything he needed to win. Yuya didn't waste anytime and got straight to attacking. "Battle! Dragonpulse Magician, attack Constellar Praesepe!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist commanded, throwing his right hand out dramatically.

Dragonpulse Magician took his blade into both hands, before charging forward with a war cry. Dipper gulped, before swiping his right hand out. "I activate the special ability of Constellar Praesepe!" The purple-haired female called out, right before Praesepe absorbed one of its overlay units into its right knuckle weapon. "By using an overlay unit, Constellar Praesepe gains 1000 ATK Points!" Dipper explained, putting Constellar Siat's card in the graveyard zone of his Duel Disk.

Constellar Praesepe ATK: 0 + 1000 = 1000/ Overlay units: 2 - 1 = 1.

Praesepe thrust its right knuckle out right as Dragonpulse Magician swung his blade. Both attacks clashed and struggled against each other for a moment or two, before Dragonpulse Magician sliced through Praesepe's knuckle and cut through the Xyz Monster. The Pendulum Monster leaped back right as Dipper's Xyz Monster exploded with the force pushing Dipper back. (1800 - 1000 = 800)

Dipper Life Points: 4000 - 800 = 3200.

"This... This can't be happening!" Dipper exclaimed, comically crying from the realization that this duel was about to end in his defeat. "Looks like you taking me down just wasn't in the stars!" Yuya called out with a grin, right as Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon slammed its right foot on the ground, then slammed its tail down as well.

"Brave-Eyes... attack Dipper directly!" Yuya commanded the Fusion Monster, right before he punched the air with his left fist. All of Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's gems began gleaming with energy, before the dragon reared its head back with light blue energy appearing in its mouth. "Burning Mega Flame Burst!" Yuya cried out, right before Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon unleashed a light blue flaming stream attack at Dipper.

The stream attack struck the ground in front of Dipper and created a massive explosion. A screaming Dipper got shot out of the smoke cloud, backwards spinning and slammed into wall of the Duel Arena with an audible SMACK! That got a wince of almost everyone, except Yusei and Henrietta.

Dipper Life Points: 3200 - 3700 = 0.

Winner: Yuya!

(Music end)

Multiple screens appeared around the field, displaying images of Yuya with the words "Win" underneath, announcing him as the winner. Dipper slowly began to slide down from the wall as the Arc System and Action field deactivated, returning the field to normal. "Hoped ya like that! That's the power of my Odd-Eyes deck!" Yuya exclaimed with a wide smirk, holding up his right fist to express his spirit.

All of Yuya's friends and peers in the You Show Duel School all began cheering for his victory. Lulu was giving an applause by gently clapping her hands together. Rin, who had her arms crossed, was grinning in approval at Yuya's victory over the arrogant Xyz Duelist, before looking over to Yusei and saw him smiling a little. "Please head over to the control room now, I really don't think leaving Skip in charge of picking the Action Fields are a good idea anymore". The green-haired girl told her "adopted father", much to Yusei's amusement.

Meanwhile with the LID squad; they were all honestly rendered speechless at Yuya's impressive one-turn kill. Well, all except Henrietta as she had a small pleased grin on her face that she was covering by holding her unfolded fan up with the right hand. 'Very impressive... I can see why the boy interests Declan as much as Yusei Fudo does. Maybe he will prove to be a valuable tool against Duel Academy'. LID's Chairwoman thought to herself, grin turning a bit sinister at the thought of Leo Akaba groveling at her feet after he's defeated.

The female LID student continued to stare with wide eyes full of disbelief. "...I can't believe it... Dipper lost so easily and on the first turn..." The black-haired female breathed out, unable to believe what she just saw. "Well, that's on him. He focused too much on attacking and dealing damage instead of setting up a defense". The other student with the wooden stick remarked, turning to look at his peer.

His name was Kit and the girl's name was Julia. He was the top Synchro Duelist of LID, while Julia's the Fusion top student. Nearly two months ago just as Paradise City had undergone a change because of Yusei's flawless victory, both he and Julia started training much harder. It was difficult for him since there wasn't any new X-Saber cards that were released, but Julia had an easier time than him.

Dipper, on the other hand, didn't make an effort to train because he considered Yusei's victory over Sledgehammer luck instead of skills. That attitude of his made him an enemy out of some of the Leo Institute's students because they were fans of Yusei that looked up to him. Kit especially since he looked up to Yusei as the perfect Synchro Duelist in Paradise City and wanted to duel him one day.

That's why he and even Julia were so excited to see Yusei with their own eyes. Kit really wished he could go over there and greet his idol, but now wasn't the best time since their schools were facing off against each other.

"You have a point, I guess. Dipper could have set up a defense for something like this, but all he cared about was showing off". Julia scoffed, taking a step back from the window. "I wonder if this'll affect his position at LID's best Xyz user". Kit remarked, holding his chin with the left hand. He turned his gaze over to Yuya and grew an excited smirk.

"But man, that guy's something else! Makes me want to duel him right this second!" The Synchro Duelist said with an eager voice. He looked over to Julia and proceeded to ask her. "What about you? You want to take a shot at him?" Kit asked Julia, turning to face her as he spoke. "...That, I'm undecided about". The black skin female answered her friend, not sure herself if she should duel Yuya.

Finally; Declan had a small impressed smile at his face from watching the duel. 'Yuya played perfectly. He didn't make a single mistake, played his cards perfectly and used them at the right time. Even using the Pendulum cards to Pendulum and then battle was impressive. I look forward to seeing how much more he can grow as a duelist'. The president of the Leo Institute thought to himself, turning to look at the back of Yuya's head.

A minute later, Yuya was exiting the Action Duel arena. Dipper was the first to exit and now Yuya's walking out with a proud smile on his face. "Yuya!" A familiar voice cried out, catching Yuya's attention. He looked to his left, then gave a startled cry at seeing Tate, Frederick and Allie flying through the air towards him with their arms out and happy smiles.

They all crashed into the Odd-Eyes Duelist, knocking him off of his feet and sent him crashing down on the floor with the three kids around him. "You were wonderful!" Frederick stated staring up at Yuya's face, both hands wrapped around Yuya's waist. "Yeah, Yuya!" Allie called out cheerfully, resulting in Yuya laughing embarrassed by their praise. "T-Thanks guys". The Odd-Eyes Duelist thanked them for their praise, before giving a quick hi-five to Allie.

"Okay kids, give him some space now. You've all made it clear how happy you all are for him". Serenity told the children with a soft voice, walking over and stopped in front of Yuya, Allie, Tate and Frederick. "Okay!" The children called out joyfully, getting up on their feet and went to Serenity's side. Yuya gave a chuckle at seeing this, before climbing back up on his feet.

"Yuya!" A familiar voice cried out, grabbing the Odd-Eyes Duelist's attention. Yuya turned, only to start paling at the sight of seeing Gong standing right in front of him with an overjoyed face with tears in his eyes. 'Oh no...' The Odd-Eyes Duelist thought to himself, looking over to Lulu and Rin for help only to see them giving him sympathetic smiles.

Before Yuya could have the chance to call the two "traitors", Gong brought the Odd-Eyes Duelist into a bear hug so strong that the sounds of bones cracking were heard. "You did it. Your dueling made Gong happier than Gong on his birthday! Gong's never been prouder!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed with pure delight in his voice, no clue to the "pain" he's inflicting on Yuya.

Rin chuckled in amusement at seeing this, while Lulu smiled nervously for Yuya. She turned to look at Zuzu and saw her standing a few feet away, staring at Yuya with a rather conflicted look in her eyes. 'Is she...still thinking about Yuto?' The Mistress of Birds questioned inside her mind, narrowing both eyes at Zuzu. It has already been made clear that Yuya wasn't the one that dueled Sylvio last night, but Zuzu was still conflicted about the matter.

Earlier; Zuzu doing fine but that was until after Yuya Summoned Dragonpulse Magician. Her mind seemed to go off into a fantasy as she imagined Yuya using Dragonpulse Magician and Coin Dragon to Xyz Summon Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. Honestly; her mind didn't seem to be her own anymore despite knowing now that the one who saved her last night wasn't Yuya.

While all of this was going on; Dipper was getting his own feedback from Henrietta about the duel. The Xyz user was down on his knees in front of LID's Chairwoman, fists down on the lap and head tilted down in shame. "To be honest; I was expecting the students of this school to be strong duelists, but I never thought that you would be so easily defeated on a single turn. I'm starting to think that you don't have what it takes to be LID's top Xyz user anymore and Cera is the better choice". Henrietta said with a disapproving voice, arms crossed and glaring down at Dipper.

The purple-haired male didn't response, just grunted in frustration at her words. Henrietta turned her gaze over to Yuya just as Gong let him go, much to the Odd-Eyes Duelist's relief. 'The boy is truly impressive. From the data we have on him and what I've seen; he has Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum Summoning in his possession. I wonder if he'll obtain Ritual Summoning, he'll become a powerful duelist'. LID's Chairwoman thought to herself with an eager grin, excited to see how much stronger Yuya will become.

Unfortunately for her; now wasn't the time since she still had a victory to obtain. "Begin the second duel!" Henrietta called out with a grin, catching Julia's full attention. She turned to her left and gave a nod of the head. "Yes... Madam Chairwoman". Julia responded, walking forward and pass her defeated schoolmate. She stopped a few feet from the You Show gang with all of them turning to face her.

"My name is Julia Krystal and I'm a Fusion summoner!" The black skin female introduced herself with pride in her voice. What she said quickly got the attention of both Sora and Lulu at the Fusion part she said. "Huh... Well this battle just got a lot more interesting". Sora remarked, sitting down on the ground with his back against the wall. He was holding a chocolate stick with his right hand and a whole box of them with the left hand as well. He took a bite out of the single stick he's holding, curious to see Standard's Fusion users.

'She spoke with pride at being a Fusion user, but it wasn't out of arrogance of thinking she's superior to others. It was just simple pride at being a Fusion user. She isn't a bad person, just a prideful one'. Lulu thought to herself with slightly narrowed eyes. She turned her gaze over to Yuya and spoke. "Yuya, I should be the one to duel next". The purple-haired female told her "boyfriend", taking Yuya by surprise.

He wasn't the only one that Lulu surprised with her words, so were Rin, Serenity, the kids and Gong. Zuzu, on the other hand, slightly frowned at Lulu's words. "A-Are you sure? She's a Fusion user and..." Yuya spoke, only to stop himself from mention Lulu's panic attacks. "Yeah, maybe he's right. I could take care of it for you". Rin spoke, walking over to Yuya's right and looked at her sister with concern.

Lulu gave them a reassuring smile, honestly happy they care so much for her. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've got experience with Fusion users, so I know what to expect from Julia. I can handle it, just have faith in me". The Mistress of Birds told them, no trace of doubt in her voice. Yuya and Rin blinked, before looking at each other for a moment or two, before gazing at Lulu again.

Before the two could speak, Zuzu spoke up. "Lulu, let me handle this duel". The pink-haired female told her look-alike, taking Yuya and the others by surprise. Lulu, on the other hand, looked at Zuzu over her right shoulder with a frown. "With all due respect, I don't think that's a good idea. You're still thinking about what happened last night, aren't you?" The purple-haired female stated, much to Zuzu's frustration since she wasn't wrong about that.

Lulu fully turned around to face Zuzu and continued speaking. "You won't be at your best in the state that you're in. This is a serious match that we can't afford to lose". The Mistress of Birds told Zuzu, crossing both arms as she spoke. Zuzu lightly grit her teeth, yet still spoke. "I know that, but please let me the one to duel next! I'm a member of the You Show Duel School as well, one of its oldest members! Lulu, please". Zuzu pleaded to Lulu, growing a desperate look on her face that was directed at the purple-haired female.

Lulu stared at Zuzu's desperate face for a few moments, before letting out a deep sigh with both eyes closed. "Okay, I'll step back and let you duel under one condition". The Mistress of Birds told her look-alike, much to Zuzu's joy at hearing this. "What is it?" Zuzu asked with a hopeful voice, more than willing to do whatever the condition to take this duel is.

Lulu opened her eyes and slightly narrowed them at the Standard fragment of Lulu's original version. "Forget everything that happened last night with Sylvio. Put all your focus on the duel and give it everything you have. Don't even think about Yuto until the duel is over". The Mistress of Birds told Zuzu, speaking with a serious voice. Zuzu blinked in surprise at the name Lulu spoke, but still gave a nod of the head.

Lulu didn't grow a pleased expression, but still gave a nod to Zuzu. She stepped back and gave way for Zuzu to step forward. The pink-haired girl gave her peer a thankful smile, before walking forward. Zuzu stopped once she was standing across Julia 5 feet away with the two females staring at each other's eyes. "So, you're my opponent then". Julia said with a low voice, opening her brown holster with the right hand.

She took hold and brought out her blue Standard Dimension Duel Disk, deck already slotted in. She placed it on her left forearm and the Duel Disk attached itself. She took a pose with her right hand placed over the Duel Disk, before holding it up.

Despite the little show just now; Zuzu wasn't intimated. 'You Show school's on line, and so is Yuya, Yusei and their cards as well. I can't lose this duel'. Ray's standard fragment thought to herself, right fist's nails almost digging into her skin. "You ready?" Julia asked with a serious voice, not the least bit impressed with Zuzu just by the sight of her. "Bring it on". Zuzu answered, ready to duel and beat Julia.

1 minute later; Zuzu and Julia stood across each other in the Action Duel area. Both females had their Duel Disks activated and already got five cards in their hand. Julia's blade was an orange colour by the way.

Up in the control room; Yusei sat in front of the Arc System's controls, ready to pick an Action Field for the two girls to duel in. Skip sat on a seat behind Satellite's Shooting Star, smiling a nervous smile and rubbing his hands together. "So... Yusei? Since it's my precious daughter dueling now, why don't you..." Zuzu's father spoke, only for Yusei to cut him off. "No". Satellite's Shooting Star answered swiftly, much to Skip's displeasure at hearing this.

Yusei narrowed his eyes down at the Arc System's screen that showed him all the Action Field choices. 'Julia's a Fusion user, so best to avoid Field Spells that's best for Fusion users. Zuzu's deck consists of Fairy-Type monsters, so this Field Spell is the best choice'. Yusei thought with a small grin, pressing a single button on the keyboard. "I activate the Action Field Spell; The Sanctuary in the Sky!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, right as the Field Spell card appeared on the screen.

(The Sanctuary in the Sky/ Type: Field Spell/ Effect: Battle Damage to the controller of a Fairy-Type monster from a battle involving that Fairy-Type monster becomes 0. You can use Action Cards, but you can only add 1 Action Card to your hand.)

The Arc System underneath the field began to activate with beams of light erupting out. "Augmented Reality Combat System Energized! Generating Action Field!" The Ai called out as the Duel Field began to glow a pink colour.

The field transformed into The Sanctuary in the Sky Field Spell. Zuzu stood with the sanctuary behind her, while Julia stood across her still. The LID Fusion user looked around her surroundings for a moment or two, before looking back at Zuzu. "Looks like Yusei's smarter than your old man to have picked this Action Field". Julia remarked, a quick glance up at the control room where Yusei was.

"She's right about that. Sanctuary in the Sky is a great Field Spell for Fairy-Type users and since Zuzu's deck consists of Fairy-Type monsters, she's got the advantage". Rin commented with a pleased grin, one that the rest of the You Show gang matched perfectly. "Then Zuzu has a big chance of winning since she has the advantage now". Serenity uttered to herself with a relived smile, clapping both hands together in a sort of prayer.

"Zuzu! I'm so sorry! I really wanted to pick a field that's just perfect for you, but-!" Skip cried out to his daughter, only to stop once Yusei placed his right hand atop Skip's head and pushed him down out of sight. "Honestly, this works perfectly for me!" Zuzu stated with a confident smirk, slightly lifting her left arm a bit. Both females prepared themselves, before crying out.

"Let's duel!" Zuzu and Julia shouted out, officially starting their duel.

Zuzu Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Julia Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Action cards gathered above the field, before they dispersed all over the field. "Action cards dispersed!" The female AI called out, yet neither female paid it any attention.

The first duel of this school vs school duel has ended and now the second one begins.

next chapter
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