29.26% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 12: chapter 12

章節 12: chapter 12

(An hour later at the Dueling arena)

The stadium was packed with people with pretty much every seat taken. All the people cheered for the duel that was about to take place. On the field, female cheerleaders cheered for the event. "You fans have been waiting patiently for this duel, and now it's finally here! This is the first time that our champion, The Sledgehammer has challenged someone to a duel, and not just anyone! It's the new Synchro Duelist of the You Show Duel School, Yusei Fudo!" Nico Smiley called out in his microphone, getting the crowds of people to cheer in excitement.

Flying up above were blimps with screens showing both The Sledgehammer and Yusei, both with their own different color backgrounds and their names. "Now let's get this grudge match on the way! Here goes!" Nico called out as he held up his right hand, with a card virtually appearing between his index and middle fingers. "I activate the Field Spell, Castle of Chaos!" The manager of the Sledgehammer called out as he held up the card, which released a blue light.

"Augmented Reality Combat System energized! Generating Action Field!" A female AI voice called out as the Arc System underneath the field began to activate. "I tell you people, this Arc Technology blows my mind! The field it's generating is so real that it can actually climb the cosmic falls and toss your mother-in-law in the dumps!" Nico Smiley called out as the field transformed into the Field Spell, Castle of Chaos. The field was now filled with a forest full of tress, stone pillars around the area, and a stone castle in the middle of it.

At the top of castle balcony, The Sledgehammer made his presence known as he stomped on the ground, standing next to the edge and facing the crowds of people. "It's him… Guys and girls, presenting Leo Institute's top Action Duelist and reigning world champion, he's the biggest, baddest browser to have ever picked up a deck! The Sledgehammer!" Nico Smiley cried out as he held his right hand out to The Sledgehammer, who roared out as he raised his hands into the air.

"His opponent is a completely mystery! A man, who's been here in Paradise City for only a week, yet has made a name for himself! A man who is a friend of the former champion, Yusho Sakaki, who says that he never ran away from his duel with The Sledgehammer! A man who has accepted this challenge for the honor of the former champion, give it up for Yusei Fudo!" Nico Smiley called out on his microphone, causing the crowds of people to cry out in excitement.

Walking out from the shadows of the stone castle was Yusei, who had his Duel Disk on his left forearm and was glaring at The Sledgehammer, who turned around to face the Shooting Star of Satellite.

(Back at the You Show Duel School)

Back at the You Show Duel School, everyone was gathered around the living room, watching the TV that showed Yusei and The Sledgehammer's duel. Skip, Gong and Zuzu were standing up as they watched, while Allie, Frederick, Yuya, Lulu and Rin watched on two separate couches. The two children looked worried for Yusei, while everyone else looked confident.

"You guys think Yusei will be okay?" Allie questioned in concern for the Shooting Star of Satellite, sitting beside Frederick and Lulu, while Rin and Yuya were on the other couch. "Don't worry; this'll be a piece of cake for Yusei". Rin reassured the little girl as she gave Allie a wink, getting her and Frederick to look at her.

"Really?" Frederick asked in concern, getting Lulu to look at the chubby boy. "Yusei has faced lots of powerful opponents, a lot of them stronger than The Sledgehammer. Just watch the duel, and you'll learn a few things". The purple haired girl explained to the two young children as she rubbed Frederick's head with her left hand.

"Glad I'm not late". A familiar voice said, getting everyone to turn around to see Yoko walk into the room. "Mom, what are you doing here?" Yuya questioned in surprise to see his mother here. "Yusei sent me a message about the duel. I was gonna go to the stadium to watch the Duel, but Yusei told me to come here". Yuya's mother explained to her son as she stood next to Skip and looked at the TV, which showed Yusei and The Sledgehammer standing 10 feet away from each other.

"Yusei looks comply serious. I haven't seen him like this before". Yoko stated as she narrowed her eyes a bit, getting everyone to look back at the TV. "Come on Yusei, bring it to The Sledgehammer and bring the hammer down!" Gong exclaimed as he was surrounded in flames, getting everyone to sweat drop at him. As Zuzu watched, she narrowed her eyes at the image of Yusei. 'As much as I hope to see you lose, I know how important this is to Yuya, so you better win'. The pink haired girl thought to herself with narrowed eyes, knowing how important this was to her childhood friend.

"Come on Yusei! Win this for Yusho, and for the You Show Duel School!" Skip cried out to encourage Yusei, even though he forgot that he wasn't at the stadium to watch the duel. "Win this thing! For my dad!" Yuya exclaimed as he held up his right fist, his belief in his teacher strong. Lulu and Rin watched without a hint of worry, knowing that Yusei can defeat The Sledgehammer.

(Back at the stadium)

Back in the Action Field, Yusei and The Sledgehammer glared at each other, before they began to circle around each other. "So you accepted my challenge, friend of Yusho Sakaki". The Sledgehammer said as he glared at Yusei, who returned it. "That's right, Sledgehammer. Tell me this, why go through all the trouble to duel me?" The Shooting Star of Satellite questioned the 'champion' of Paradise City, wanting to hear from him why he went through so much trouble just so they could duel.

"I went through all the trouble for two reasons. To prove that I'm the best Duelist in Paradise City, and to get you to tell me where Yusho Sakaki is". The Sledgehammer explained to Yusei, who narrowed his eyes. "Even if I did tell you where Yusho is, there's no way you'll get to him". The 19-year-old told the 'champion' of Paradise City, knowing that unless he had the technology to travel dimensions, The Sledgehammer isn't going anywhere.

"I'll be the judge of that! Once I win this duel, you'll be telling me where Yusho Sakaki is!" The purple haired man told the Shooting Star of Satellite as he stopped circling around Yusei, now standing in front of the edge of the castle's turret. The Sledgehammer swiped his left arm in front of him as his Duel Disk activated, with a black duel blade appearing in front of him.

"We'll see about that!" Yusei exclaimed as he stopped circling around as well, now standing across The Sledgehammer. "This is for my friend, Yusho!" The Shooting Star of Satellite cried out as he thrust his left arm up into the air. Yusei's Duel Disk activated with the blade activating, before Yusei swiped his left arm to the side, before swiping it in front of him.

"Oh boy, looks like the tension between our two Duelists is sky high and they haven't even started Dueling yet! Okay Duelists, get your five cards in hand and get set to battle!" Nico called out on his microphone as Yusei and Sledgehammer drew the top five cards of their decks with their right hands and looked at them.

"Our Duelists and their decks are primed for an epic battle showdown like nothing you've ever seen before, as we kick off this contest with a whirlwind that'll leave you breathless!" Nico cried out as he spun around like a whirlwind, before stopping and held up his right fist, now holding his microphone with his left hand. "It'll be the Duel that'll end all Duels! Only the toughest will survive this face off! ARE YOU READY!?" The manager of the Sledgehammer exclaimed as he held up his right hand, ready to snap his fingers. "Let's duel!" Yusei and The Sledgehammer cried out, officially starting the duel.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

The Sledgehammer Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Nico snapped his fingers as cards gathered above the field, before they dispersed all over the field. "Action cards dispersed!" The same female AI voice from before called out, but Yusei paid no attention to them. "You can have the first move punk, but that won't change the fact that I'm gonna crush you like an egg". The Sledgehammer told the Shooting Star of Satellite, who narrowed his eyes at the tall purple haired man.

'Looks like someone's overconfident, but that won't help him'. The 19-year-old thought to himself as he looked at his five cards that he was holding with his right hand, before transferring them over to his left hand. "It's my move!" Yusei called out as he picked a card from his hand and held it up with his right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers. "I think I'll start things off by Summoning Massive Warrior in ATK Mode!" Yusei exclaimed as he swiped the card onto the blade. A portal appeared in front of him, before Massive Warrior flew out and landed in front of Yusei.

Massive Warrior ATK Points: 600/ Level: 2.

Yusei then held up the remaining four cards with his right hand. "Then I'll end my turn by placing 4 face downs!" The Shooting Star of Satellite declared his turn over as he swiped the four cards into his Duel Disk, before four face downs appeared in front of him.

Sledgehammer Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"You call that a move? I'll show you a real one!" The Sledgehammer called out as he drew his card, turning it over to see what it was. The Sledgehammer widened his eyes at seeing what he was, before he picked another card from his hand with his right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers, while he held the card he drew with his ring and pinky finger. "I activate the Spell, Feast of the Wild LV 5!" The bulky man called out as he slotted the Spell card into his Duel Disk.

"This will get the crowd crazy for more because it lets me Summon two battling behemoths! I Summon Swamp Battleguard and Lava Battleguard!" The Sledgehammer explained his Spell's effect as he held up his right hand, before two portals appeared beside him. Swamp Battleguard and Lava Battleguard appeared from the portals, swinging their weapons.

Swamp Battleguard ATK Points: 1800/ Level: 5.

Lava Battleguard ATK Points: 1550/ Level: 5.

The two battleguards leaped away from their duelist and began falling off the castle. "I tribute them both right away, so that I can Summon the ruler!" The Sledgehammer exclaimed as both Lava and Swamp Battleguard turned into green sparkles, before a bright light appeared in the forest of the Action Field. "No forest can hide you or castle can protect you from the chief of all wild savages, all hail! Battleguard King!" The Sledgehammer chanted as the forest was smashed away to reveal the Sledgehammer's ace monster, Battleguard King, who let out a powerful roar.

Battleguard King ATK Points: 3000/ Level: 8.

The crowd cheered at the sight of The Sledgehammer's ace monster. "The Sledgehammer Summoned a monster that's as mean as he is! I wouldn't want to be in Yusei's boots right now!" Nico Smiley commented as Battleguard King roared, before it jumped onto the castle's turrent behind its Duelist.

"Yusho Sakaki got away from me, but you won't be so lucky! We'll battle! Battleguard King, smash that puny monster!" The Sledgehammer commanded his ace monster, who roared as it raised its weapon. Despite knowing the attack was coming, Yusei didn't move at all, or looked worried. "Yusei isn't making a move! What could he be planning?!" The manager of the Sledgehammer commented with wide eyes at seeing Yusei stay still and not searching for an Action card.

Battleguard King brought its hammer down on Massive Warrior, kicking up dust that covered the monster and Yusei from view. "And Battleguard King's attack lands! Now we wait to see what has happened to Yusei?!" Nico called out on his microphone with the crowd waiting for the dust to clear.

Battleguard King lifted its weapon up onto its shoulders and waited, along with his Duelist, who had narrowed eyes as the dust covered his opponent. After five seconds, the dust cleared to reveal both Massive Warrior and Yusei unharmed, much to the surprise of everyone. "What!? But how!?" The Sledgehammer exclaimed in surprise to see Yusei unharmed from his ace monster's attack.

"It's simple, really. If Massive Warrior would be destroyed by battle, its effect prevents it from being destroyed once and here's another thing, I don't take any damage from battles involving Massive Warrior!" Yusei explained his monster's special ability, much to The Sledgehammer's further surprise, while the crowd cheered for the Shooting Star of Satellite.

"Incredible! Instead of using an Action card, Yusei survived through his monster's effect!" The Sledgehammer's manager exclaimed in excitement, using his microphone for everyone to hear him. The Sledgehammer narrowed his eyes, before he thrusted his right hand out. "Your monster's not the only one with special abilities! Battleguard King can attack twice if both monsters used to Advance Summon it were Battleguards!" The champion exclaimed, explaining his ace monster's special ability as Battleguard King raised its weapon once more.

"Oh boy! Looks like the Sledgehammer is going in for a second strike! Unless Yusei does something, Massive Warrior is going bye-bye!" Nico called out in surprise, while Yusei still showed no concern, or any hint that he'd move. "I activate the Totem Pole Trap card!" The Shooting Star of Satellite called out as he swiped his right hand out, before holding it forward with one of his face downs revealing itself.

A totem of fire appeared over the Trap card, before it cleared to reveal a totem pool. The blue totem shot out like a rocket towards Battleguard King, who swung its weapon and smashed the totem. Everyone widened his eyes in surprise at what they just witnessed, while Yusei just look at the totem pole as he remembered his friend, Yanagi.

Yusei then turned to look at The Sledgehammer with narrowed eyes. "Totem Pole has the power to negate three attacks from you, so keep it coming Sledgehammer!" The Shooting Star of Satellite explained his Trap's effect, getting the crowd to cheer in excitement at witnessing the amazing Trap card. "Incredible! Yusei Fudo's Trap not only put a stop to The Sledgehammer's attack, but can do it two more times!" Nico called out on his microphone, amazed with Yusei's Trap card.

"Ha, whatever. Battleguard King will stomp out both of you next time". The Sledgehammer said with narrowed eyes as he took a card from his hand and swiped it into his Duel Disk, before a face down card appeared in front of him.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

"Oh boy, things are not going Yusei's way! He may have survived The Sledgehammer's first assault, but his defense won't last forever. All he has is his Massive Warrior, but it stands no match against The Sledgehammer's ace monster!" The manager of The Sledgehammer called out on his microphone, seeing that Yusei was in a disadvantage.

Yusei said nothing as he glared at The Sledgehammer for a few seconds, before he lifted his right hand to draw his top card. "Here goes!" Yusei called out as he drew his card in a dramatic fashion, holding it out to the side.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Yusei's Theme)

Yusei turned the card over to look at it through the corner of his right eye, before he played it. "I activate the Spell card, Graceful Charity!" Yusei began as he held the Spell card out between his right hand's index and middle fingers. "With this, I can draw three cards, but then I have to discard two!" Yusei explained as he sent the Spell card to the graveyard zone of his Duel Disk.

Yusei then drew the top three cards of his deck and held them in front of him to see what they were. Yusei smirked at seeing they were Hyper Synchron, Synchron Explorer and Fighting Spirit. 'Nice. With these cards, this duel is over'. The Shooting Star of Satellite thought to himself with a smirk on his face. 'I am ready to battle, old friend'. A familiar voice said from within Yusei's Duel Disk, making the Shooting Star of Satellite smirk even more at hearing that voice.

Yusei then sent Fighting Spirit and Hyper Synchron to the graveyard zone of his Duel Disk, before he held up Synchron Explorer's card with his right hand in front of him. "I Summon Synchron Explorer!" Yusei called out as he swiped the card onto his Duel Disk's blade. A blue portal appeared, before Synchron Explorer came out.

Synchron Explorer ATK Points: 0/ Level: 2.

"When Synchron Explorer is Summoned, it allows me to Special Summon any Synchron monster from my graveyard! Say hello to the Tuner monster, Hyper Synchron!" The Shooting Star of Satellite called out as another blue portal appeared, become Hyper Synchron came out of it, crying out.

Hyper Synchron ATK Points: 1600/ Level: 4.

"It's here! A Tuner monster!" Nico Smiley called out in excitement, which the crowd cried out in excitement as well. The Sledgehammer narrowed his eyes at the sight of Hyper Synchron, while Yusei's three monsters floated besides one another. Yusei's Extra Deck opened, before a card slotted out, which the Shooting Star of Satellite grabbed with his right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers.

Yusei smiled at seeing it was Stardust Dragon's card. "It's time old friend, let's do this". Yusei said to his ace monster, before he turned to face The Sledgehammer.

(At the You Show Duel School)

Back at the You Show Duel School, everyone has been waiting the duel between The Sledgehammer and Yusei. So far, everyone was impressed with how Yusei's doing against the champion. The TV zoomed in and showed Yusei's face, allowing Lulu and Rin to see the look in his eyes. Both girls widened their eyes as they recognized that look.

"That look… do you think he's…?" Rin questioned her 'sister' in excitement to see Yusei's ace monster again. Lulu turned to look at Rin and gave her a nod, getting everyone's attention. "Do you guys know what Yusei's gonna Summon?" Yuya questioned the two 'sisters', getting Lulu to look at the tomato hair styled boy and nodded to him.

"You guys are in for a rare treat. You're about to see Yusei's ace monster". The purple haired girl told everyone with an excited smile, getting everyone curious, before they went back to watching the duel, excited to see Yusei's ace monster.

(Back at the Stadium)

Hyper Synchron opened his chest plate, revealing green energy inside before four lights came out with Hyper Synchron shattering. The four lights transformed into green rings, before both Massive Warrior and Synchron Explorer flew into the four rings, turning transparent as they scanned them. Two lights appeared in the two monsters separately. "I Synchro Summon…!" Yusei began with his voice full of passion and life, much to everyone's surprise as a beam appeared and consumed the lights and rings.

"STARDUST DRAGON!" The Shooting Star of Satellite cried out to the heavens as he placed his favorite monster's card on the blade, before swiping his right hand out into the air. From the beam of light came Yusei's ace monster, Stardust Dragon! "RRRRRAAAAA!" The legendary Synchro Monster roared out as he spread his wings and took flight into the sky with glittering stars surrounding him.

Stardust Dragon ATK Points: 2500/ Level: 8.

(Music end)

Everyone in the stadium looked up at Stardust Dragon in awe, disbelief and amazement, The Sledgehammer included.

(Back at the You Show Duel School)

At the You Show Duel School, everyone widened their eyes in disbelief as the TV showed Stardust Dragon as the Synchro Monster began flying around the arena, allowing the glittering stars to fall on the audience. Lulu and Rin looked completely excited to see the dragon that stole their hearts again.

"Wow…" Both Allie and Frederick said in awe with stars in their eyes upon seeing Stardust Dragon, though they wished that they could see it in person. "W-what is… that thing?" Zuzu questioned in disbelief at seeing Stardust Dragon, getting Lulu to look at her with a smile on her face. "That is Yusei's ace and favorite monster, Stardust Dragon". The purple hair girl told the pink haired girl, enjoying the look of pure disbelief on her face.

The Xyz user girl then turned to look at Yuya, who looked just as shocked as everyone else. "You could say that Yusei and Stardust are like you and your Odd-Eyes Dragon". Lulu said to the tomato haired boy, who looked at her with wide eyes, before he went back to watching the TV.

(Meanwhile in the Leo Institute building)

In the room full of monitors, men and women, the alarm went off and the waves on the screens went haywire. The waves were so powerful that the alarm was louder than when the mainframe detected Lulu's Xyz Summon and the whole room was flashing bright red. The screens were cracking from the powerful Summoning energy it had detected.

"What's going on!?" The same man from before demanded, watching as some of the keyboards that the workers were using, explode. "We're detecting a super powerful Summoning energy!" A female worker answered the man as more cracks appeared on the computer screens. "I've never seen a Summoning as powerful as this! If we don't shut down the mainframe, it'll explode!" A male worker cried out in dread as one of the screens exploded.

The man from above the workers gritted his teeth. "Detect the Summon!" The man ordered, wanting to see what Summoning was causing this. The workers quickly worked as fast as they could, before the words 'Synchro' appeared on one of the screens. "It's Synchro Summoning!" A female worker called out, before the screen exploded. The man narrowed his eyes, before he swiped his right hand out. "Shut down the network! Now!" The man demanded, which the workers obeyed as they worked to shut down the network, before it was destroyed.

(Back at the Dueling arena)

Stardust Dragon roared as he flew to Yusei's side, turning to face The Sledgehammer and Battleguard King. 'So this is the 'champion' of Paradise City? Let's take care of him, quickly'. Stardust Dragon said to his duelist, which Yusei nodded with a smirk. "You got it! Hyper Synchron's special ability activates!" The Shooting Star of Satellite called out as he thrust his right hand out.

Hyper Synchron appeared, looking see through like a ghost in front of Stardust Dragon for a moment, before disappearing. "When Hyper Synchron is used as Synchro Material for a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster, it gains 800 ATK Points!" Yusei explained his Tuner Monster's special ability as a white aura surrounded Stardust Dragon, increasing his power.

Stardust Dragon ATK Points: 2500 + 800 = 3300.

"Yusei's new monster got a power boost that's made it stronger than The Sledgehammer's monster!" Nico Smiley called out on his microphone, having wide eyes from seeing Stardust Dragon. "That's not all! Now I activate the Trap, Synchro Evasion Tactics!" Yusei called out as one of his three face down cards revealed itself. The image showed Stardust Dragon slicing the card forms of Mirror Force and Dark Hole with his claws.

(Synchro Evasive Tactics/ Type: Continuous Trap/ Effect: Target one Synchro Summoned Synchro Monster, this card gains one counter for each monster used as Synchro Material used to Summon it. When your opponent activates a monster effect, Spell or Trap, you can remove a counter from this card, negate the activation and destroy it. When this card no longer has any counters, destroy it)

"First, this Trap targets a Synchro Summoned Synchro Monster, then it gains a counter for each monster used as Synchro Material! Since I used three monsters to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, Synchro Evasion Tactics gains 3 counters!" Yusei explained his Trap's effect as Hyper Synchron, Synchron Explorer and Massive Warrior appeared briefly, before they were absorbed into Synchro Evasive Tactics's card.

Synchro Evasive Tactics counters: 0 + 3 = 3.

"You'll learn what this card will do later! Right now, it's time for our beasts to clash!" Yusei exclaimed as Stardust Dragon roared at Battleguard King, who roared back at the Dragon-Type. "Go ahead; I'll only be losing 300 Life Points". The Sledgehammer said with narrowed eyes, not bothered by the fact that Yusei's monster was stronger than his.

"That's what you think!" The Shooting Star of Satellite told the 'champion' of Paradise City, before he held his right hand out. "I reveal the Trap, Synchro Strike!" Yusei called out as another one of his face down cards revealed itself, before the white aura around Stardust changed into flames that surrounded the Synchro Monster. "For every monster used to Synchro Summon it, Synchro Strike gives a Synchro Monster 500 ATK Points! I used three monsters to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, so that's a total of 1500 ATK Points!" Yusei explained his Trap card's effect as Stardust Dragon roared, feeling more powerful than before.

Stardust Dragon ATK Points: 3300 + 1500 = 4800.

The Sledgehammer widened his eyes in surprise at seeing Stardust Dragon's ATK Points. "That lizard has 4800 ATK Points!?" The purple haired man called out in surprise at seeing Stardust Dragon's ATK Points now almost double its original. "Go Stardust Dragon, attack Battleguard King!" Yusei called out as Stardust Dragon roared as the flames around him disappeared, before it charged at Battleguard King.

"Not so fast, I activate the Trap, Battleguard Howling!" The Sledgehammer called out as his face down card revealed itself. "With this Trap, my victory is assured. When a monster you control battles a Battleguard monster, this Trap returns that monster to the hand and you take damage equal to that monster's ATK Points!" The Sledgehammer explained his Trap's effect, making Yusei narrow his eyes.

"Think again! I activate the second effect of Synchro Evasive Tactics!" The Shooting Star of Satellite called out as his Continuous Trap glowed. "When my opponent activates a Monster effect, Spell or Trap card, by using a counter, I can negate the activation and destroy your card!" Yusei explained his Trap's second effect, making The Sledgehammer widen his eyes. "What did you say?!" The purple haired man questioned as the ghost form of Hyper Synchron shot out of Synchro Evasive Tactics' card and punched Battleguard Howling's card, destroying both it and himself.

Synchro Evasive Tactics counters: 3 – 1 = 2.

"Cheese burgers! The Sledgehammer attempted to defeat Yusei with a Trap card, but Yusei countered with his own Trap! Now with Battleguard Howling out of the way, Stardust Dragon can continue his attack without worry!" Nico Smiley called out as Battleguard King held his weapon up, which Stardust bit on it, causing a shockwave. The shockwave forced a card at the top of the tower to blow into the air.

The Sledgehammer gritted his teeth, before he saw something from the corner of his right eye. He saw an Action card lying down on the inside of the castle, making the 'champion' of Paradise City smirk. "An Action card!" The Sledgehammer exclaimed in joy, before he began running over to the Action card.

Yusei made no move, or any hint that he'd move. All he did was watch as The Sledgehammer grab the Action card once he reached it and slotted it into his Duel Disk. "I activate the Action Spell, Miracle!" The Sledgehammer called out as Stardust Dragon released Battleguard King's weapon and return to Yusei's side. (4800 – 3000 = 1800 – 900 = 900)

The Sledgehammer Life Points: 4000 – 900 = 3100.

"This Action card can prevent my monster from being destroyed in this battle and the battle damage is halved!" The Sledgehammer explained the Action Spell's effect with a smug smirk on his face. "Oh boy! The Sledgehammer's Action card not only saved his ace monster, but cut the damage in half!" Nico Smiley called out on his microphone as he continued to watch the heated match.

"Hahaha, you have made a terrible mistake! You could have used your Trap, but you didn't, and that proved to be a mistake!" The 'champion' of Paradise City said with a smirk on his face, thinking that Yusei had made a mistake. Yusei was silent as he glared at The Sledgehammer, before he smirked. "I made no mistake. If anyone made a mistake, it was you! A mistake that'll coast you the duel!" Yusei told the purple haired man, making The Sledgehammer widen his eyes in surprise.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Yusei Battle song)

Yusei swiped his left hand out to the side. " I activate my Trap, Synchro Ring!" The Shooting Star of Satellite cried out as his final face down card revealed itself. Stardust Dragon roared again as silvery white flames appeared around him. "This Trap targets a Synchro Monster that battled and failed to destroy a monster, then allows it to attack once more, only with its ATK Points doubled!" The Shooting Star of Satellite explained his Trap card's effect, making The Sledgehammer widen his eyes in shock.

Stardust Dragon ATK Points: 4800 X 2 = 9600.

"Holy macaroni! Yusei was able to use his last Trap card because The Sledgehammer used Miracle to save his Battleguard King! Now Stardust Dragon has nearly 10000 ATK Points and can attack again!" Nico Smiley exclaimed in shock at seeing Yusei create such an opportunity, with the crowd just as shocked as him.

Yusei was about to declare an attack, when a card came floating down to him. It was the card from earlier that was blown into the air from Stardust's roar. Curious, Yusei gently grabbed the card with his right hand and saw that it was the Action card, Double Attack. 'I would probably be showing off if I activated this, but it would be a waste to not use a good card'. The Shooting Star of Satellite thought to himself, before he held the Action Spell up.

"I activate the Action Spell Double Attack!" Yusei called out as he swiped the card into his Duel Disk, with the Spell appearing in front of him. "This Spell doubles the ATK Points of a monster I control, so Stardust Dragon is getting an even bigger power up!" The Shooting Star of Satellite explained the Action Spell's effect as the flames around Stardust intensified, with the Synchro Monster roaring even more. 'I can feel the power!' Stardust Dragon cried out as his ATK Points increased.

Stardust Dragon ATK Points: 9600 X 2 = 19200.

"That thing has 19200 ATK Points!?" The Sledgehammer called out in disbelief, before he looked left and right to spot an Action card that could help him, but didn't see any. "Here goes!" The Shooting Star of Satellite called out as Stardust Dragon began gathering energy in his mouth, including the silvery white flames surrounding him.

The Sledgehammer had wide eyes and his teeth gritted against each other, before he looked at Yusei. Suddenly, he widened his eyes even more. "You…! You planned this from the start!" The purple haired man shouted at Yusei, who just continued to smirk. "Not everything. I wasn't expecting to get Double Attack, but I went with it. I just worked with what I had and prepared for anything". The Shooting Star of Satellite replied to the 'champion' of Paradise City as Stardust Dragon finished gathering energy.

"Go Stardust Dragon, attack with Cosmic Flare!" Yusei cried out to the heavens as Stardust Dragon unleashed his Cosmic Flare attack, which was big enough to cover Battleguard King from view. Battleguard King cried out as Stardust's Cosmic Flare completely obliterated him. The Sledgehammer cried out as the force of Cosmic Flare blew him off the castle and down to the ground below, landing on his back and unharmed. (19200 – 3000 = 16200)

The Sledgehammer Life Points: 3100 – 16200 = 0.

Winner: Yusei!

(Music end)

A screen appeared and showed Yusei with the words 'win' underneath, before the Arc System began to shut down, returning both Yusei and The Sledgehammer to the normal field with Stardust Dragon disappearing, but not before he gave a cry of victory. The crowd was silent at seeing The Sledgehammer defeated by the mystery duelist.

(Back at the You Show Duel School)

Everyone stared at the TV in shock and disbelief, except for Lulu and Rin, who had happy grins on their faces at seeing Yusei win. "Did… did he just win?" Zuzu questioned in disbelief at what she just witnessed on T.V. "He did… Yusei just brought The Sledgehammer down…!" Gong answered Zuzu in disbelief, just as everyone else was.

Skip then began to cry waterfalls in anime style. "Oh yeah, he's done it! Yusei has won for both Yusho and our duel school!" Skip exclaimed in pure joy as he continued to cry; now getting everyone else to smile in joy as well. "Yusho would so proud and thankful if he could see this". Yoko said with a smile at seeing Yusei defeat The Sledgehammer.

"That was amazing, Yusei". Lulu said in awe at seeing Yusei outsmart and defeat the purple haired champion. "Now that's how a true champion duels". Rin commented with a smile, having her right leg crossed over her left. "That dragon was amazing!" Frederick exclaimed as he shook his body sideways, his mind still focused on Stardust Dragon. "Not to mention pretty". Allie added, finding Stardust Dragon pretty to look at.

Yuya was silent, but he had a very grateful smile on his face. He was really grateful to Yusei for defeating The Sledgehammer for both his father and for the You Show Duel School. 'Yusei… thank you'. The tomato haired boy said in his mind, thankful to his teacher for what he's done.

(Back at the stadium)

All the people roared out in applause for Yusei with fireworks going off for his victory. "Yusei's my main man!" A man called out from the audience, having enjoyed seeing Yusei duel. "For real! He made The Sledgehammer look like a chump!" Another man from the audience said in agreement, having an excited look on his face.

"I want to know more about that dragon of his". A woman in the audience said to another woman, her focus more on Stardust Dragon than Yusei's victory. "I've never seen anything like it before. It was the most beautiful monster I've ever seen". The other female replied, wishing she could see more of Stardust Dragon.

The Sledgehammer groaned as he sat up from the ground, his left hand rubbing the back of his head with his Duel Disk deactivated. "No one walks all over The Sledgehammer and gets away with it!" The purple haired man exclaimed in anger, but was proven wrong when Nico ran past him towards Yusei, lightly bumping into him.

Yusei looked at all the people cheering for him with his Duel Disk deactivated and jacket blowing in the breeze, before his attention shifted to Nico Smiley, who ran up to him with an excited grin on his face. "Wow! Just listen to that applause!" The manager of The Sledgehammer called out on his microphone, before he took Yusei's right hand with his left.

"Bravo for you, Yusei! You have to let us all in on your secret! Give us the lowdown on that amazing Stardust Dragon that you used against The Sledgehammer!?" Nico requested the Shooting Star of Satellite, who just smiled at him, before he looked down at his Duel Disk. 'Well done Stardust'. Yusei said in his mind, thanking his ace monster. 'All in a day's work, Yusei'. Stardust Dragon replied to his partner, though he didn't reveal himself, not that it was a problem to the Shooting Star of Satellite.

(Meanwhile in the Leo Institute's office)

Declan pushed the doors to his office open, before he walked over to his desk and sat down on his chair. "Sir, we've just received word about the match between The Sledgehammer and Yusei Fudo". A stocky, fair-skinned man with black hair that had four grey bangs at the front, blue-lensed hexagonal glasses and wearing a grey business suit with a blue tie said to Declan as he walked into the room, holding a holographic chart with his right hand. This man was Claude, Declan's right hand man and trusted friend.

Above the room was a monitor, which turned on to show Yusei surrounded by news reporters, including Nico Smiley. "Where did you get those clothes? Did you learn Synchro Summoning at the Leo Institute? What can you tell us about that Stardust Dragon that you have?" A news reporter questioned Yusei, holding her microphone out to the Shooting Star of Satellite, who just smiled in response.

"Yusei Fudo defeated The Sledgehammer single handedly, and in quite the impressive way". Claude told his president, who adjusted his glasses as he leaned forward on his seat, placing his elbows on his table and connecting his hands together. "Indeed. He outsmarted The Sledgehammer in every way". Declan said in agreement, before he narrowed his eyes a bit.

"What about the mainframe?" The 16-year-old questioned, making Claude lightly frown. "…Luckily, we managed to shut everything down before the damage could expand. Unfortunately, the mainframe was badly damaged. It'll take a bit of time for it to be repaired". The grey suited man answered the president of L.I.D, looking down at the holographic chart that he was holding.

Declan frowned at hearing Claude's words, before he soften his gaze. "What can you tell me about the card that Yusei Fudo used that created this anomaly?" Declan requested, wanting to know as much as he could learn about Yusei. Claude nodded to Declan as he started pressing on the holographic chart with his left hand. The monitor above them changed to show Stardust Dragon's card, getting Declan to lift his head and stared at it with narrowed eyes.

"Yusei Fudo's monster, Stardust Dragon is a Level 8, Wind Attribute, Dragon-type Synchro Monster with 2500 ATK Points and 2000 DEF Points. Its special ability is quite unique. If a monster, Spell or Trap card effect that would destroy a card activates, Stardust Dragon could sacrifice itself to both negate and destroy it. Then at the End Phase, Stardust Dragon can Special Summon itself if it was sacrificed for its effect". Claude told Declan all about Stardust Dragon, including its type, attribute, effect, ATK and DEF Points.

Declan let out a small smile at hearing about Stardust Dragon's special ability. "Oh? You're right; its special ability is indeed unique". Declan stated with an impressed smile, before he narrowed his eyes. "Have you figured out how it created powerful energy that almost overheated the mainframe?" The purple eye male questioned his right hand man, who shook his head.

"We didn't. We searched everything we could about the Stardust Dragon card, yet all we learned that it's an extremely rare card". Claude answered the young man as he looked up at the monitor, getting Declan to narrow his eyes even more, before he looked at Stardust Dragon's image on the monitor.

"It would seem that we will have to research the card itself". The purple eyed male stated, getting Claude to look at the young president. "But Mr. President, how will we be able to obtain it from Yusei Fudo?" Claude questioned the young president of the Leo Institute, who closed his eyes. "We could either request Yusei Fudo to temporarily give it to us, or be forced to steal it. But I'd rather prefer not to resort to stealing". Declan said as he looked down at his desk, where a picture of Yusei was. 'Yusei Fudo, you are a complete mystery. But I will find out everything about you'. The purple eye male thought to himself, determine to learn the secrets about Yusei.

(Later on in the late afternoon)

The sun was setting for the day, meaning it was late afternoon for the day. At the outskirts of Paradise City, Yusei, Lulu and Rin stood in front of the shoreline, looking at the ocean, a little bit away from their new house.

After answering a few questions that the reporters asked him, Yusei left the Dueling stadium on his Duel Runner and returned to You Show, where everyone awaited him. Lulu and Rin hugged him in joy once he dismounted his Duel Runner, followed by Allie and Frederick. Yuya, Gong, Zuzu, Yoko and Skip thanked Yusei for what he's done, who was just glad that he was able to win for his friend.

They all had a small party to celebrate Yusei's victory over The Sledgehammer. It was small, but everyone enjoyed themselves nonetheless. Eventually, Yusei, Rin and Lulu left to go visit their new house. They walked to their new house, taking their time to enjoy the soft breeze of the wind with Yusei pushing his Duel Runner during the whole trip.

Soon they reached their new house. It was a three story modern house, white rendered with big glass double doors and windows. The back had a curved wrap around modem pool with a frameless fence, a sweeping staircase to the second story balcony. Inside, the living room had a floor to ceiling window that overlooked the pool area with two three seat couches facing a giant flat screen TV with surround sound system.

Not too far from the living room was the kitchen with a giant island bench top and dining room with a glass table with four wooden chairs surrounding it. Just off the dining area, there was an informal lounging area that had L shaped lounges facing the glass bi fold doors that opened out into the pool area, making it an indoor/outdoor space. Veering off the pool area, there were a set of stairs that lead into a backyard, surrounded by trees.

The house had a large garage that could fit 2 cars and bikes, or in Yusei's case, Duel Runners with a table to the side. Up above the house were three bedrooms and two guest rooms. It even had a game room, a living room with its own TV and two separate bathrooms that had its own showers and baths.

Lulu and Rin immediately loved the house, while Yusei was just impressed. They spent the next hour looking through their new house and enjoying themselves. Now, after checking the house out, Yusei, Lulu and Rin were watching the sunset in front of the shoreline. Lulu was standing besides Yusei on his right, while Rin was on his left side. Both girls had gentle smiles on their faces as they felt the gentle winds kiss their faces. Both girls turned to look at Yusei to ask him something, only to stop upon seeing the sad look in his eyes, making the smiles on the girls' faces disappear. This wasn't the first time they've seen that look in Yusei's eyes and it has always bothered them on why he looked so sad.

"Yusei, you always look sad. Why?" Rin questioned the 19-year-old, wanting to know the source of his sadness. "You always have this sad look in your eyes. Do you miss your old home?" Lulu questioned Yusei as well, having a good idea why the 19-year-old had a sad look in his eyes. Yusei was silent as he continued gazing upon the waters, before he sighed.

"You guessed correctly Lulu, I miss my home very much. Before I came to the Fusion Dimension, I was fighting against something that threatened to destroy my home. I managed to stop it, but then the Crimson Dragon showed up and told me all about Z-arc, Ray, the United World and how Leo Akaba was planning to revive his daughter by using your life force. I refused to allow this to happen and the Crimson Dragon sent me to the Fusion Dimension. The only problem was that I was forced to leave my friends behind without saying goodbye to them". Yusei told the two young girls, thinking back to the fight against Z-one and how he left his world without saying goodbye to his friends.

"What made you leave without telling your friends?" Rin questioned Yusei, wondering what could have forced Yusei to leave without saying 'goodbye'. She and Lulu have seen Yusei's duels of the past, but not about the threats that threatened his home, so they had no idea what happened to him before he came to the Fusion Dimension. "I'll tell you two about it someday, but not right now". Yusei replied to the green haired 14-year-old, his eyes focused on the setting sun as he saw images of his friends.

"Couldn't the Crimson Dragon have let you say goodbye to your friends before you left?" Lulu questioned, thinking that Yusei could have said goodbye to his friends before leaving. Yusei however, shook his head with a sad smile. "I don't really know, but I couldn't afford to waste time. Every second counted. Back in my world, I had friends that were like my family. Crow, Leo, Luna, Jack, Kalin, Martha and... Akiza. Now, they're all gone and I'll probably never see them again". Yusei told the two girls as he closed his eyes in sadness, shedding a tear from his right eye.

Feeling something wrap around his arms, Yusei opened his eyes, before he blinked in surprise to see that both Rin and Lulu had wrapped their arms around him, with both girls' eyes covered by their bangs. "You're our family now, Yusei". Rin began, speaking from her heart about how she felt about Yusei. "You're not just our guardian; you're our dad, now and forever". Lulu finished for Rin, revealing what she and Rin truly see what Yusei was to them.

Yusei widened his eyes in surprise at the girls' confessions, before he let out a gentle smile at the two girls. "I'm too young to have two talented and beautiful girls as my daughters". Yusei said with his gentle smile, very touched that they saw him as their father, just as he saw them as his daughters. Rin and Lulu looked at Yusei in surprise, before both girls let out warm smiles at the man that they see as their father. The three continued to watch open the waters as a close and happy family. No matter what they'll face, they will face it together as a family.

next chapter
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