/ TV / Yu-gi-oh! Duelist Showdown!
A Yu-gi-oh series about a young boy named Joseph Yusef who competes in the game of duel monsters. Joseph's deck is composed of cards from the books of Joseph Kohtz, along with his friends, Frank and Nick, who also compete in tournaments with him with their decks of Joseph Kohtz book cards. By dueling against all sorts of opponents, they believe they can conquer anyone who stands in their way. There's also Clyde Tinker, who's always trying to defeat Joseph in a duel because Joseph's the first one to beat Clyde in a duel.
The story is coming soon
作者 Joseph_Kohtz
Your story need improvement, First you need to fix the paragraphs in your story. There just three massive word blocks, They need to be way smaller. The next issue you need to fix is character development. I have no reason to keep reading this since all your characters read like cardboard cuts out to me. You need to add details to everything. I have no idea why your character even wants to be in the tournament in the first place. You going to need more then just wanting to enter a another event for a valid reason. I recommend looking at other good story's and copy their format for writing story's