In a world where intelligence once crowned him as the pinnacle of existence, Aiden meets an unexpected demise, only to awaken in a new life as Cassius Von Silvercrest. Now heir to the powerful ducal family "Silvercrest," Cassius finds himself thrust into a role diametrically opposed to his former self: the main antagonist of his favorite novel. Unbeknownst to him, this new existence comes with its own set of challenges as he inherits a formidable system that demands him to strip the protagonist, of all his cheats. Embarking in a journey filled with betrayal, love and friendship, watch as he become the most powerful existence.
Guys, I’m so sorry if you enjoyed it I just can’t write a good story in the point of view of a boy (I’m a girl) I know it’s not an excuse but I’ll make it up by writing an even better story (I planned it all this time) that I’ll post as much as possible. So yea you can read it.
And I will try to update if I have any idea for Cassius’s POV.
My new story is so much better it took me weeks to plan it and I hope you try to read it.
Thanks and once again sorry. Even if it was not a lot 19 people added it to their collections which is a lot for me as a beginner author.
作者 ines17