84.21% Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group! / Chapter 173: Chapter 171 ~ Descendant of the First Light

章節 173: Chapter 171 ~ Descendant of the First Light


That was the single most important thing within a game such as Yggdrasil, where all players are encouraged to explore the world and find information on their own. 

And its importance was especially magnified when it comes to battle. 

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

This was one of, if not, the most famous quote by Sun Tzu that had been written and immortalized within his book "The Art of War". And Momonga could not agree more. 

If he could know his enemy's races and job classes, he would be able to know what kind of skills and racial traits they would have, and in turn, predict their every move and behavior. 

Preparing for them before the battle and countering them during battle would then be very simple, and his victory would be all but guaranteed. 

And this didn't only apply for a duel. 

A single information about the enemy guild's strongest player's job class could easily change the tides of battle and increase his chances of victory drastically in a guild war. 

This was why Momonga had always been keen on learning about other races and job classes, the skills and spells they have within their repertoire, their racial traits, etc. And within Ainz Ooal Gown, he was perhaps one of the most knowledgeable players when it comes to spells, job classes, and races. 


"My race and my class… I think they're simply too… "special". I think it's not even something from Yggdrasil, but from the Group Chat itself. And maybe… it's a hint to the kind of being behind the Group Chat."

Throughout all the years he had spent playing Yggdrasil, he had never heard of a job class or race that would give a player the appearance of a Half Demon and Half Angel. 

There might not even be any player with such an appearance. After all, if there was, they won't be able to hide it for long given its flashy and recognizable appearance. 

Players might not have found this type of race or job class yet. It might still be hidden within a yet to be known quest or raid boss that would reward them with Yuuji's class or race upon completion or defeat. 

However… After more than a decade since the game launched, hundreds of thousands of players exploring every nook and cranny of the world, Momonga started to doubt it even existed within the game…

Perhaps, it was as Aika and Yuuji said. 

The job classes and race Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch got from the group chat might not exist within the game. 

"... Can you tell us what they are?"

The crimson wisp of light within Momonga's orbital bones focused on Yuuji, bated in anticipation. Lelouch, who had already been given "memories" from the group chat, was already aware of the races and job classes Yuuji had. Thus, he was now thinking about the last part of what Yuuji had said before. 

While Aika, she was staring at Yuuji with sparkling eyes filled with excitement, pride, and love. She couldn't wait to hear how awesome her hubby was, even though she already knew every single aspect about it!

"I… am both a Seraphim as well as a Demon Prince. But that's not all. I am also… a "Descendant of the First Light"."

"Descendant of the First Light…"

As Momonga expected… He had never heard of a player having those races. And this cemented his belief that the "special" races and job classes Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch received did not exist in Yggdrasil. 

It was impossible for a player to have both an angelic race and a demonic race at the same time. And it wasn't due to anyone not having found a quest or an item that could grant them an angelic and demonic race at the same time. 

Once a player chose to play as an angelic and demonic race, the other path would be forever unavailable to them. It was… simply impossible to choose the other race once they've chosen one. 

Many players have actually tried to do it. To combine two unlikely races in hopes to create a new race never to be had before and gain additional powers no one had. 

But the most they could achieve was the creation of the "Nephilim" race, which was a combination of Angel and Human races. By doing this however, while they would be stronger than a Human or Angel player at first, they would be unable to advance further into each of its advanced races. A Nephilim would never be able to gain the race Archangel, Seraphim, or High Human. They would simply stay as Nephilim and perhaps advance into Greater Nephilim, which would still be weaker than a Seraphim and barely equal to High Human in certain circumstances. 

That is why, most players opted to focus on one race and advance it as far as they could, or use their levels to level up their job classes. 

Moreover, while he did not have any evidence, Momonga was quite certain that the "Descendant of the First Light" race did not exist in Yggdrasil. 

The only "True Light" it might allude to within Norse Mythology, which Momonga deeply read about to try and find any hints about yet to be known places, items, characters, races, etc. within the game, was a man named "Aurvandill the Valiant". 

The man was quite a minor character within the Norse Mythology. He was only mentioned once within the Norse Mythology where he was described as the husband of the witch Groa. 

And the only reason why "True Light" might allude to such a minor character, was due to his name having the most semantically plausible interpretation as a compound word which meant "Ray of Light". 

There was nothing more aside from that. And Momonga doubted that was what Yuuji's race referred to. 

To him, "Descendant of the First Light" sounded like he was a descendant of… a God. 

Baldr, the son of the Allfather Odin, was the God of Light. But he was not the "True Light". And there were no other Gods described specifically as "True Light" within Yggdrasil nor the Norse Mythology. 

And since the race did not exist within Yggdrasil, then it might not be referring to anything related to the game or the Norse Mythology. 

Yuuji received this character with the race "Descendant of the First Light" from the Group Chat when he came to participate in the mission. 

Which meant… it was most likely that the God referred to as the "True Light" was the being who created the Group Chat…

'No, I'm going too far… Let's hear what Yuuji has to say first."

Momonga shook his head and turned his attention back to Yuuji. 

"I see… I certainly haven't heard of it before."

Yuuji nodded, having expected his words as a matter of fact. 

"Actually, this race is the reason why I doubt the races and job classes existed in Yggdrasil."

"Oh? Why?"

"...Because it gives me infinite potential. Including the potential to go beyond level 100 and the ability to gain experience twice as fast as others would."

If the room was quiet before, it has become a vacuum now as Momonga sat frozen in shock. 

"I-I-Is that true…?"

Despite seeing the small nod from Yuuji, Momonga still could not believe it… 

The trust he had in Yuuji was, needless to say, infallible. Having known them inside and out and forming a bond with them, all members of the group chat were like family to him… 

If he couldn't trust them, then there would be no one in any world that he would trust. 

But, that just made Yuuji's words even more astonishing. 

In Yggdrasil, the level cap was 100. And although he wouldn't know if the same level cap existed within the new world, having it would essentially guarantee that he would be able to level up and become stronger infinitely, given the time. 

Moreover, Yuuji was also capable of gaining experience twice as fast. It was essentially a permanent double exp buff… 

"...Just how broken is your character?"

Momonga didn't know if he should be happy, shocked, or envious, because he was feeling everything all at the same time. 

But in the end, he felt… proud and happy for him. 

After having bonded with Yuuji and going through a quest with him, he had become somewhat of a little brother to him.

In fact, perhaps aside from C.C who was way older than him and who he had spent the least time with, he considered all members of the group chat to be his little brothers and sisters. 

And seeing them be this powerful, he couldn't help but feel proud and relieved since they would be able to take care of themselves in the future.

Yuuji smiled sheepishly, having sensed the helpless smile Momonga was projecting, though his skeletal face could not form any sort of expression. 

"What else does it give you?"

"It gives me tremendous physical attack and defense, several immunities, and a huge increase to my mana pool. It also gives me several quite powerful spells. Moreover, I can also fully turn into either a demon or an angel."

"What? R-Really…?"

Yuuji nodded. Then slowly, his form changed into that of a demon prince. 

All six pairs of his wings were now fully black and crimson. The white half of his attire and holy armor which denoted his angelic side were now fully black, as the darkness from his left side seemed to encroach on the holy side of his being and fully enraptured it. 

The halo, which was previously golden, now turned jet-black with bloody thorny vines twisting around it, dripping with fresh, crimson-red blood that disappeared into crimson particles of light. 

And his right eye, which was previously golden, had now turned crimson red, just like his left eye. 

The jet-black horn with cracking-pattern that radiated a crimson red glow that only emerged from the left side of his head, now also emerged from the right side of his head.

And finally, his hair, which was previously half with and half black, was now fully black in color with crimson red streaks. 

"Kyaa~ Hubby, you're so hot~! Ah, as expected, your demon form looks so sexy~!!! I think I love this one better than your angel form~!!!"

Aika hugged his arm even harder, her eyes shining with excitement, admiration, and affection which would soon turn to lust. Her wings enveloped Yuuji even more as it began shaking in excitement. 

Meanwhile, Momonga could not help but stare at his transformation in awed shock. 

"Amazing… Does turning into this form grant you a boost to your more demonic spells and skills?"

"It does. And in my angelic form, it gives me a boost to my light-base skills and healing spells. It also unlocks some skills and spells that I can only access in a specific form."

Yuuji answered after he gave Aika a kiss on her head and rubbed her hands holding him softly. 

"I see… That's certainly interesting."

Momonga's gamer side was fully intrigued by the unique and interesting system. This was the first time he had ever seen anything like this. 

"What about your job classes?"

"I have the Prince of Darkness job class, which I believe Demiurge also has. Apart from that, the most notable ones are Champion of the First Light, World Guardian, Sword Saint, and True Light."

Once again, aside from the Prince of Darkness job class, these were classes he had never heard of before. And from its name… Momonga could imagine what kind of broken classes they were. 

Then, there was the "True Light" once again, this time as a Job Class…

Momonga was now becoming more and more convinced that this "True Light" being was the one behind the Group Chat…

A being who could connect people from different universes and transport them to each other… 

A being beyond any God he ever knew. 

"Yuuji… I would like to see your classes and races in action. Would you mind going to the Amphitheatre for a demonstration?"

The crimson-red light orbs that were Momonga's eyes glowed brighter in anticipation and excitement. 

Leaving aside the matter regarding the true being behind the Group Chat, as a true gamer, he simply couldn't wait to learn more about Yuuji's unique and amazing races and classes, and see them in action!

"Alright. I'd like to test a few things out myself as well."

"I'll join too~!!! I wanna have some action too!"

"I'll come and watch. We will be meeting there with the Floor Guardians anyway, so I might as well come early."

"Then, let us depart."

With that, the four Supreme Beings of Nazarick simultaneously activated their Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, and disappeared from the Round Table Room. 


The world before them instantly turned black the moment they unleashed the rings' power. 

And in the next moment, the scenery before them changed, and their surroundings were now a dark tunnel lit solely flickering torches that made their shadows dance within the darkness. At the end of the tunnel, they could see what seemed like a giant lowered portcullis. 

With Momonga in the lead, Lelouch, Yuuji, and Aika, who was walking while hugging her hubby's arm, walked down the wide and high passage towards the portcullis ahead. 

The stone floor beneath their feet amplified the sound of their footsteps, echoing it throughout the length of the dark tunnel. 

As they near the portcullis, they noticed a scent. Even Momonga, whose nose should've been a little more than an empty hole in his skull, was able to smell it. The strong scent of the earth, trees, and grass. The smell of a jungle. 

And as though sensing the arrival of the Supreme Beings, the portcullis swiftly raised itself into the ceiling just at the right moment to let them through. 

Passing the barrier, a whole new scenery welcomed them as they saw a circular arena, surrounded on all sides by many tiers of audience seats. 

It was a colosseum, a gigantic one. Oval in shape, it spanned 180 meters on its long axis and 150 meters on its shorter one. The height of it, measured from its ground to its highest point, was around 40 meters, with a familiar architectural style. 

It was a colosseum modeled after the arenas of the Roman Empire. 

Lights created by the spell [Continual Light] were everywhere, illuminating the grounds with bright light to allow the audience to observe the entire colosseum like it was day. 

The audience seats were not empty. However, they were not filled with actual audiences. Instead, there were clay dolls, golems to be more exact, that filled the audience seat with no sign of activity. 

In this Colosseum, the intruders who dared invade the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick would be the star of the show, while members of Ainz Ooal Gown will be watching relaxedly within the VIP Box. 

The main event, a brutal melee. 

Apart from the 1500-man invasion, every single invader had met their ends here. If players in Yggdrasil would shed blood, the earthen ground of this arena would've been soaked red. 

"Woaah~ So pretty~"

Yuuji looked up into the sky along with Aika, and they saw a black expanse of a starry night sky. They were quite dim that even with their enhanced senses, they could only see the brightest one. Perhaps if there were no lights around them, they could've seen the stars. 

The night sky was one of the greatest wonders of the 6th Floor of the Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Though merely a virtual imitation, it was still a sight to behold. 

Blue Planet truly outdid himself with this. Even though it required a massive amount of data, he was able to create a sky that would change with the time of day, even showing an actual sun with appropriate daylight effects. 

Yuuji and Aika both smiled softly as they looked up into the night sky. In the "memories" given to them by the group chat, they've had spent quite some time together within the 6th floor to enjoy the nature around them. 

And if they could do sexual actions in the game, Aika would've persuaded Yuuji into doing public sex play and exhibitionism play where he would have Aika walk naked around the 6th floor and have his way with her whenever he wanted. 

Thankfully, even the act of kissing and touching certain body parts were forbidden and could not be done. Thus, Aika had to be satisfied simply by holding his hands as they walked around like a wholesome couple. 

A few moments later, the four Supreme Beings noticed something. 


From the VIP box, a figure leapt with an energetic shout. 

The figure jumped down from the height of six storeys, somersaulted in mid air, and landed with the gracefulness and gentleness of a butterfly descending on a flower. 

A feat done by pure physical prowess without any magical and physical enhancement skills. 


Then, the figure smiled widely and made a double v-sign of victory. 

A cute, dark-elven child of about 11 years old had descended from such a height, and immediately ran towards Yuuji and the others like a child would upon meeting their parents. 

Her face bore a wide smile of excitement, bright as the sun. Her hair resembled threads spun of gold that reached her shoulders. Her mismatched eyes, one blue and one red, seemed eager and filled with excitement and happiness as they gazed upon the group of supreme beings. 

She wore a shirt of light leather armor that was reinforced by crimson red dragon scales with the emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown proudly displayed on her vest, stitched in gold onto the white background. 

Below that, she wore a pair of white, long pants, matching her vest, with a whip coiled across her waist and right shoulder and a longbow behind her. 

The moment she came close, Aika immediately stepped up and kneeled down to match her height, and opened her arms wide.

"Oh my~!!! Aura-chan~ It's so good to see you~!!!"


A momentary look of shock flashed across her cute yet androgynous visage as hesitation filled her heterochromatic eyes. 

To be welcomed with such wide, open arms by a supreme being, not to mention, the closest supreme being to her own "parent" and creator, filled her entire being with utter joy, happiness, and honor. 

However, hesitation stemming from her own self-judged worthiness to be welcomed into the embrace of a supreme being made her stop in her tracks. 


"Come on. Come here, Aura."

The soft, motherly look of the most beautiful supreme being melted her heart, along with her own resolve and hesitation. 

It would be… fine, right? After all, Aika-sama had "ordered" her to come. So she must come to her…

Slowly, the guardian of the sixth-floor, no… The dark-elven child ran once again and leaped into Aika's embrace as she wrapped her hands around the small child, and buried her face into her cleavage. 

"Fufufu~ I've missed you, Aura. Do you miss me?"

"Y-yes… I missed you as well, Aika-sama…!"

Aika stroked the guardian's little head, combing her silken golden threads through her fingers as her jet-black feathered wings enveloped the small child into its warm, protective embrace. 

"Where is your brother, Aura?"

"A-Ah! H-He's still up there, Aika-sama! I'll call her right away!"

"Fufufu~ It's fine. I will call her."

Aika let go of Aura, though still keeping her left arm around her tiny waist, before looking up to the VIP Box.

"Mare. Would you come here, sweetie~? I've missed you."

Her voice was soft and soothing, yet it traveled a great distance that it reached her target as if they were right before her. 

A head popped up from the edge of the VIP Box. A head of spun golden threads just like his sister's. 

"A-Aura-sama? U-Uuuh… Y-Yes! I-I-I will be there soon…! E-Eiii!!!"

A look of hesitation and fear filled his cute visage as he responded to Aika's call with a trembling voice. 

Yet, he gathered up his courage as he clenched his tall staff, taller than him. Then, with a shout, more to encourage himself than to do a battlecry like her sister, he leapt out from the VIP Box. 

The dark elven boy landed on the ground, much less gracefully than her sister, but with more or less the same level of effortlessness, though she appeared to be a little more wobbly. 

His clothes had the same basic white color as Aura, but a short section of flesh peeked out below his short skirt. And his legs were covered in white silk stockings. 

He was more lightly armed than Aura, with a pair of lustrous white gloves on his dainty little hands, and the gnarled black staff in his hands. 

Then, after recovering from his jump and tidying up his skirt, Mare ran towards Aika. 

The same hesitation flashed across his face the moment he saw Aika welcoming him with open arms. 

He looked towards his sister, saw her smiling brightly, and pushed himself to come closer to the supreme being. 


As soon as he got close, Aika pulled him into her embrace and rested both twins' heads above her shoulder as she hugged them tightly. Her wings enveloping both Guardians of the sixth floor like a mother bird would her children. 

"Fufu~ You're both so cute~"

Mare squirmed in embarrassment, yet at the same time, warmth filled his heart… 

"Bukubukuchagama-chan had told me to consider the two of you my own children. And I plan on doing just that. So, I would be happy if you can at least treat me like your aunt~"

She let go of the twins to meet them face to face, and what she saw was two pairs of shocked, widened eyes. 

"And this is not an order. You are free to consider me whatever you wish. But, I will be treating you as my own from now on, okay?"

A drop of tear. Then a stream flowed down the heterochromatic eyes of both twins. 

Aika pulled them back into her embrace, before the twins began to cry as they now wrap their arms around Aika and pulled her, clutching onto her tightly. 

And as the guardians of the sixth floor cried in Aika's embrace, Momonga watched them from the sidelines. 

The crimson wisp within his orbital bones dimmed as he closed his eyes. A mix of sadness, nostalgia, happiness, gratefulness, and ultimately, relief, filled his heart. 

'Thank you… Aika-san.'

Although the twins didn't show it, he had noticed how much Aura and Mare missed their creators from the anime; their parents. 

Perhaps aside from his own creation, Pandora's Actor, every NPC within Nazarick missed their creators, who had "left" them when they quite Yggdrasil. 

And though he would not be able to grant them their greatest wish to meet their creators again, at the very least… Aika could give the twin dark elven children the next best thing. 

For that, he was eternally grateful to Aika. 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~! 

Or buy me a cofee at buymeacoffee.com/verglasx 

Thank you~!

EclypseX EclypseX

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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