Lex Luthor sat in his luxurious office, overlooking the city skyline. He was deep in thought, poring over his latest scheme to finally defeat his arch-nemesis, Superman. His trusted secretary, Mercy, entered the room and approached his desk.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Luthor," Mercy said, taking her place at the desk. "Is there something I can assist you with?"
Lex looked up from his notes and gave her a sly grin. "As a matter of fact, Mercy, there is," he said. "I've been working on a new plan since the last one was a complete burst, and I believe I've finally found a way to take down Superman once and for all."
Mercy leaned in closer, intrigued. "Please tell me more, sir," she said.
Lex leaned back in his chair and began to explain his plan in detail. He had constructed a mechanical suit that emitted radiation from kryptonite, the one substance that could weaken and harm Superman. The suit also had the ability to convert physical attacks into kinetic energy, making it twice as powerful and fast as before.
But the challenge that Lex was currently facing was that the Justice League had collaborated with the force to confiscate and guard his old lab thoroughly, the lab housed a set of weaponized kryptonite he had hidden in a safe beneath the basement, and any attempt to break in and steal anything would be traced back to him, potentially jeopardizing his entire plan because if they scan the safe the radioactive signature of the kryptonite will be discovered and it would put superman on high alert.
"I need to find a way to get my hands on that set of kryptonite without it coming to the notice of the police and of course Justice League," Lex said, frustrated. "If I use my usual accomplices and thugs, it will only be a matter of time before the Justice League discovers my involvement if the theft was discovered."
Mercy thought for a moment before offering a suggestion. "What if we hired a team of mercenaries from another city, someone who doesn't have any ties to you or your organization?" she said.
Lex considered the idea before nodding his head in agreement. "Yes, that could work," he said. "But we need to make sure that they don't know who they're working for. We'll have to use an intermediary, someone who can hire them on our behalf without revealing our identities."
Mercy nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "The only ones suitable for this job and description would have to be the mercenaries we hired for that job in Central City last year," she said.
"That's an excellent idea, contact them and fill them in on every detail they would need to execute the job." Right away sir, Mercy responded to Lex's orders and was on her way out of his office.
"Oh and one more thing, tell whoever's in charge that if the job has any hiccups along the way, it'll affect their total pay." He added as he gestured in the direction of the door, letting her know that was all he had to say.
"Understood sir." Mercy replied, she walked out of his office then closed the door behind her.
Lex leaned back in his chair, feeling confident that they were on the right track. With a team of skilled mercenaries on their side, he knew that they could finally get their hands on the kryptonite and set their plan in motion. Superman would finally be defeated, and Lex Luthor would finally emerge as the victor.
The League had destroyed the synthetic kryptonite he had used against Superman in their previous battle, he was sure they won't expect an attack from him soon.
[Justice League Headquarters]
The Justice League was gathered in their headquarters, seated around a large table, discussing recent events in the world. Superman, who was seated at the head of the table, suddenly brought up the topic of The Joker. "I heard that The Joker was defeated by someone and lost his senses," he said. "He's now locked up in Arkham. Does anyone know anything about this?"
Wonder Woman, who was seated next to Superman, leaned forward in her chair. "I heard the same thing," she said. "But I don't know who could have done it. The Joker is a dangerous villain."
Green Lantern, who was seated across from Wonder Woman, nodded in agreement. "It's true," he said. "The Joker is one of the most unpredictable and dangerous criminals in Gotham City. Whoever defeated him must have been very skilled."
The Flash, who was seated next to Green Lantern, added, "I heard that The Joker was completely out of his mind when they took him to Arkham. He was laughing hysterically and couldn't even speak coherently."
Martian Manhunter, who was seated at the other end of the table, chimed in. "I believe that whoever defeated The Joker must have been very powerful. He's not an easy villain to defeat."
All eyes turned to Batman, who was seated in his usual spot at the far end of the table. He had been silent throughout the entire conversation, but now he spoke up. "It was an unfortunate incident," he said, waving off the conversation. "The Joker is where he belongs, and that's all that matters."
The other members of the league exchanged glances, wondering why Batman was being so evasive. But they knew better than to press him for information. Batman had always been secretive about his methods, and they respected that.
Superman nodded, accepting Batman's answer. "Well, whoever did it, we should be thankful that The Joker is off the streets," he said.
The conversation moved on to other topics, but the members of the league couldn't help but wonder who had defeated The Joker and put him in his current state. But they knew that Batman would never reveal the answer, and so they let the topic drop.
Tom had been living in Gotham for several months, trying his best to steer clear of trouble and stay off the radar of both Batman and the authorities. However, it seems that the Dark Knight has his eye on him now, and Tom realizes that he'll need to be even more discreet with his activities.
He knows that he can no longer afford to draw attention to himself and must present a façade of a normal teenage lifestyle to the public. Tom has to convince Batman that he has no interest in either heroism or villainy, and that he just wants to stay out of trouble.
But things are not as simple as they seem in Gotham. Tom knows that danger lurks around every corner, and he needs to be cautious about who he meets and trusts. With Batman watching his every move, he must navigate the treacherous underworld of Gotham, all while trying to keep his true identity as Ghost hidden.
Suddenly he received a call on his burner phone and it was none other than his old crime partner, Leo, a.k.a Captain Cold. Tom smirked a little as he answered the phone, not knowing what to expect but he knew it would be an interesting call.
"Tom, my old pal, how's it hanging?" Captain Cold's voice crackled over the line.
"I see you haven't been locked up yet Leo." Tom said.
"Ouch, you know I won't be caught that easily. And if I do get caught,I'll just get out again." He replied Tom with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, accompanied with a glimpse of reality.
"It's rare to get a call from you man, I'm sure there's something cooking over at your end."
"That's quite true kid." Captain Cold said. "Listen, I've got a job for us. It's from one of our previous employers. They need our skills once again."
Tom's pulse quickened at the thought of getting back into the game with Leo. "What's the job?" he asked eagerly.
"We need to break into one of the labs owned by Lex Corp," Captain Cold said. "Our employer has some package they need to retrieve, and they're willing to pay us handsomely for it."
Tom felt a thrill of excitement at the thought of pulling off such a high-stakes heist. "I'm up for it," he said, sounding cool and collected.
Captain Cold chuckled. "I knew you would be," he said. "We'll need to move quickly on this one. I'll send you the information we'd be needing for the operation."
Tom hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of excitement towards another job with someone as efficient as Leo was. He knew that breaking into a Lex Corp lab would be no easy feat, especially with the high surveillance over the lab currently but he was ready for the challenge. He eagerly awaited the details from Captain Cold, determined to make this job a success as he usually does and it was a great opportunity to get to see the insides of a Lex Corp laboratory.
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Tom and Leo sat across from each other in a dimly lit motel room in Metropolis, surrounded by stacks of paper, maps, and blueprints. They were deep in concentration, poring over their operation plans for the heist they were about to undertake.
Tom leaned forward, rubbing his tired eyes. "This is a huge risk we're taking," he said. "It'll definitely be fun infiltrating Lex Corp. It's completely worth my time."
"Dude, after going through these plans, I don't think we need manpower. Just the two of use should suffice."
"I know, the both of us would have to go in there ourselves and get this job done as swiftly as we can."
"Excuse me, We?"
"Yes, both of us."
"What do you mean both of us, you seem to have forgotten that I don't get involved in the heist. I just walk you and your men through it."
"I know but this job we can't trust anybody for, it'll only succeed with as few people are involved."
"Not even Mick?"
"Mick is a hot head, stealth isn't one of his strengths. He'd rather go on a rampage burning everything and anyone who stands in his way. This job requires people who are collected and cool headed."
"I know that."
"You could do it yourself, I'll walk you through from a building nearby."
"We'd be quicker if you go in with me."
"I don't know why you keep pressing on me going in with you, Leo. You're a master thief after all, or if this job is too much for the notorious Captain Cold?"
Leo crooked his eyes a little, giving Tom a look which showed that he wondered how Tom found out he was Captain Cold.
"How'd you know I was Captain Cold?"
"Come on, you think a smart guy like me won't do a little digging into the lives of those I expect to at least watch my back every now and then?"
"That kinda makes sense." Leo replied, stroking his chin as he mused at my response.
"But why didn't you tell me?" I asked Leo.
"Because I didn't see the need to." He gave a plain and straightforward answer.
"Does my identity as Captain Cold have any effect on our relationship?"
"Nah, at least I now know you aren't just a mere thief. So now, back to business." I said, turning over to the blueprints on the table.
"Okay, the package was hidden behind a false wall in the basement. But to get there we would have to pass through some levels as we head down, and each of them has tight security. Once we manage to evade the guards at the regular floors, the rest re just protected using security locks and active lasers."
"Don't worry about all that, I'll handle them. Just keep moving forward, all you need to do is avoid getting seen and retrieve the package. Leave the security systems to me."
Leo nodded in agreement, scanning the blueprints for the hundredth time. "We've planned for every contingency," he said. "We know the layout of the building, the security systems, and the guard rotations. We've even practiced our escape routes."
Just as the atmosphere in the room had started to heat up with their intense planning, a sudden knock on the door sent Tom and Leo into a state of alertness. Leo swiftly reached for his weapon while Tom, who was a little bit more composed, walked over to the door with caution.
As he peered through the peephole, he saw the silhouette of a woman standing on the other side. After a moment's hesitation, he unlocked the door and allowed the woman to enter.
She introduced herself as the motel maid, there to tidy up the room. Tom and Leo exchanged a quick glance, silently agreeing that they needed a break from their intense planning. "Sure thing," Tom said, gesturing for the maid to come in.
As she bustled about the room, cleaning up the scattered papers and debris, Tom and Leo sat on the edge of the bed, sipping coffee and discussing their favorite heist movies. The brief respite from their plotting and scheming was a welcome one, and the conversation helped ease their nerves and recharge their energy.
However, even as they enjoyed the brief moment of reprieve, they remained alert, their minds always on the mission at hand. Tom kept a watchful eye on the maid, while Leo kept a firm grip on his weapon, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.
After the maid had finished cleaning and left, Tom and Leo returned to their work, their focus renewed and their determination unshaken. They knew that every detail of their plan had to be executed flawlessly if they were to succeed in their heist, and they were willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. With that, they set out into the night to
It was a dark and stormy night in Metropolis, and Captain Cold and his partner-in-crime, Tom, were preparing to execute their most challenging heist yet: infiltrating Lex Corp. Their objective was to steal a package from the laboratory that was secured at a hidden room behind a false wall in the basement. The stakes were high, and the security measures at Lex Corp were unparalleled.
They were prepared to infiltrate Lex Corp, Leo was all set and ready to move. While Tom made the final preparations as he prepared himself to hack into the company's security system from an untraceable IP address, without raising an alarm.
He had with him, he's customized earphone that's connected to his AI which he now called Gwen, and with my laptop by my side.
Tom, the tech-savvy member of the duo, had spent hours studying the security systems at Lex Corp. He knew that the slightest mistake could trigger the alarm, and the security guards would be on them in seconds. He was determined to help Leo make it to the basement undetected, but it would require all his skills and expertise.
As Leo approached the entrance, Tom whispered to him, "You need to move quietly and stay low. There are security guards patrolling this area, and they're armed. I've hacked into the security cameras, so I can guide you through their blind spots, but we have to be precise."
Leo nodded, and he waited for the guards to turn their backs before slipping past them and entering the building.
Tom led the way, expertly guiding Leo through the maze of corridors and security checkpoints. He intensely observed the layout of the building, and he knew exactly which doors to avoid and which ones to enter.
As Leo descended deeper into the building, Tom said to him. "We're getting close," he whispered. "But this is where it gets tricky. There are motion sensors in this area, and they're programmed to detect any movement. You need to move slowly and stay close to the walls."
Leo took a deep breath and followed Tom's lead. He moved with cat-like grace, sidestepping the motion sensors and slipping past the security cameras.
Finally, Leo reached the basement, and he approached a hidden panel in the wall. "Good, now place the device I asked you to put in your left pocket, onto the screen of the lock." Leo did exactly that. He punched in a code given to him Tom, and the false wall slid open, revealing the hidden room.
But just as he was about to enter the room, the lights suddenly flickered on, and the sound of alarms blared throughout the building. Leo froze, realizing that he had triggered a silent alarm.
Tom quickly assessed the situation. "We've got to act fast. The guards will be there any minute. Grab the package, and get out of there quick."
Leo sprang into action, grabbing the package and making a run for it. But as he did, he triggered another motion sensor, and the sound of a loud siren filled the air.
The guards were closing in, and Tom knew that Leo had to get out of there fast. He asked Leo to climb into the ventilation chambers as he turned off the system around his path. Tom guided Leo up the roof, where he shot a grapple hook into the walls of a lower building and glided down the rope as he grabbed the edge of the roof and pulled himself unto it.
Leo emerged into the night, out of breath but victorious. They both met at their rendezvous point and headed straight to the motel after confirming they had no tail on them.
After a while of settling in, Leo headed to the bathroom to take a shower and Tom was left alone in the room with the package staring right at him. Normally it'll be against their code to look inside the package they were to deliver, but the excitement to know what he had just stolen enveloped him.
He hacked the code of the briefcase and unlocked it, his eyes were greeted by green rocks. Although he knew little about DC but he knew that was definitely kryptonite.
He took two rocks and arranged the rest to fill in the void left by the ones he had taken, so it wouldn't be noticeable that a rock was missing. Then he hid them within his belongings before locking the case back as if it was never opened.
Leo came out of the shower and saw Tom watching TV. "So, what are we having for dinner?" Tom asked, acting like he hadn't just stolen from their client. Excitement brewed within him as he had just gotten his hands on a rare rock, powerful enough to bring the Man Of Steel to his knees.
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