The past few days had been uneventful for me, I just continued my normal day life in a repeating sequence. If I wasn't at home lazing on the couch and watching TV, I would be at the study watching educational internet videos and reading books I had purchased or borrowed from the City's library or I would be at school attending lectures. The year would be ending in a month's time and we already wrote our midterms. It was only logical I came out top of the class at midterms and now exams weren't too far behind.
Sometimes I go to the gym and get some workouts in, other times I would be at work, I meant my job as a bartender not the other two which made me seem like a freelancer. Word about my app had been spreading slowly and I have been getting clients but business was as slow as could be.
The other day a man asked me for help on how he could successfully steal a customized diamond ring from a jewelry store so he could propose to his girlfriend. Of course I had to take his mind off that route because if that ring was seen on her finger by chance, she would be tagged as the thief and arrested for a crime she knew nothing about.
Then I gave him better advice, a route which wouldn't be so obvious to the public eye. It was to steal another diamond ring of high quality but it could be found at a few other jewelry stores.
I had him scout the store to be robbed and provided him with a foolproof plan which he executed without issues. The positive reviews kept growing and more people in need of my assistance kept pouring in.
I even had a client who was a cop and was stumped in the middle of a case where he had hit a deadend. He worked for the CCPD and if he successfully solved that case he would be promoted to detective. It was an easy job which just needed him to be at the right place and at the right time, he caught the person involved in the case before they could get their next victim then locked him behind bars and now he had been promoted to detective. Another sweet review to rail in the potential clients.
It seemed just like any other day in the streets of Central City, Gary had me cleaning the tables in wait for the evening rush. It was the last day of the working week, a friday, and that was the particular day of the week when the everyday working men who worked a nine to five job came in to drink away the week's fatigue as they awaited the relaxing weekend.
Why do I still work at Gary's pub you might ask, considering I get a nice amount of bread as Ghost and also my website 'The Architect.' Well that is because if shit ever went down and somehow the authorities traced it back to me, then my bartending job would be my alias. No one would actually suspect everyone's favorite bartender to be a criminal mastermind who just happened to juggle multiple jobs.
As the architect, my jobs are legal because I'm just helping people out with problematic issues where they need my intellect for a suitable solution and not getting into any illegal activities. Even if I helped a villian on a plan to steal priceless jewelry there's no way they could tag me on it, I'm like a consultant for all. The chats were private after all, and I always made sure to reverse track the IP from the client just in case.
It was after hours and the evening rush had started pouring in, as they took their seats they each placed an order for the kind of drinks they wanted for the night. Cooking up cocktails was fun for me and my mixtures had Gary happy with me. I could mix up a cocktail that'll knock out a man after three to four shots and that meant saving money while earning more money for Gary.
Because of this, most people had the guts to take this cocktail and make it their regular each time they had one heck of a day but usually take just one shot then continue drinking off their sorrows with whiskey or vodka. According to Gary, since I started working at the bar the demand for beer dropped a little because I opened their eyes to a whole new world of alcohol.
In my previous life I learnt a thing or two from my uncle when it came to mixing drinks, so I knew exactly which drink would hit the right spot depending on a person's mood or state of mind.
The night was lively and the bar buzzed till it was closing time. The drunk fellows carried themselves as they stumbled out of the bar and into the night, we cleaned up before closing for the night and I walked home in anticipation of spending the remaining night in my soft and cozy bed.
Not everything went as I had imagined that night. I was home and already asleep when my sweet slumber was disturbed by a few gunshots which came from the neighborhood.
"Those fuckers." I grumbled to myself as I wore something more appropriate to match the cold night. I don't need anything disturbing my serenity.
On getting to the source of the gunshots I saw a man in his early thirties with a gun robbing a younger man as everyone who saw him ran due to fear for their lives as they were minding their own business and did not want to interfere with the shakedown. I guess they couldn't call the cops because even the police were tired of that neighborhood as the petty crimes there never seemed to stop, even with their own intervention.
Sigh! "Not again." I said to myself as the incident reminded me of the previous night when I took down two miscreants and now there was another bully in urgent need of proper schooling. Normally I couldn't care less about what these people do but this was way too close to my place and I wouldn't want it to turn into a regular spot for hoodlums. I don't need anyone disturbing my peace at night, and I guess not even the heroes could be available all the time.
"Hey, let him go already, you've taken everything he had on him. What more do you want, his clothes?" I said to him as I shook my head to show the level of disappointment I had in him, not that I expected any less. Yes some hobos would steal the clothes off a man's back but after taking all his money it would be on a higher level of evil to let him walk home on that cold night in shame,regret, sadness, loss of confidence and with freezing balls.
"You've got some balls, kid. You think you are some kind of hero? Walk away before someone gets hurt, and by someone I mean you." He averted his gaze from me and continued the shakedown he was giving the man.
"Nah, I'm no hero. Neither would I want to interfere with something that has nothing to do with me. Why don't you and your people go terrorize some other neighborhood and leave this one alone, sounds good right?" I asked him despite knowing what his probable cliché answer would be but I just had to take the chance to avoid the brimming violence.
"Come on kid, you know walking around here at this hour is like you just begging to be robbed" He turned his gaze to me again then he pointed his gun at me as he gestured for me to come closer.
"Last warning man, return what you've stolen from him then walk away. No one has to get hurt tonight, I already had a long and exhausting day so all I can think about right now is my sweet bubble bath and my extremely comfy bed." I drifted away into my thoughts for a while as I thought of how I intended to spend my night.
Also what's wrong with the street robbers of this verse? None of them wears a mask when they rob people on the streets, aren't they bothered by the thought of their victim remembering their faces. Well it's none of my concern, I've already wasted enough time here already and it's time to wrap this up then go get me some me time.
"Are you deaf or something? I said hand over every penny you've got on you." He cocked his gun in an attempt to scare me.
I looked around and noticed everyone who passed by were all turning a blind eye to what was happening.
"I guess you would have to shoot me then" now I began to ask myself why I decided to interfere when I could just ignore what was happening outside.
"Oh, you are a cocky one aye?" He shot at me as the sound of the smoking gun made the streets as quiet as a graveyard.
The bullet went straight for my chest and just deflected back at him. Luckily for him the bullet missed him.
"Ugh, they never learn." Still in shock, he stood there trying to process what had happened but I used my telekinesis and flinged the gun from his hand and to a corner. The young man who was being robbed before I got there took flight as he ran like hell in the opposite direction.
"You are… " before he could finish his statement I stretched out my hand and adjusted my palm like I was about to grab the air but stopped half way, he held his neck like he was being choked and slowly rose a few centimeters off the ground.
I sighed as I slammed him against a car by the road and he passed out immediately. If that man had stayed a little longer and not ran in fear, then he could have had his money back and even more.
"Well that happened, now for the rest of my relaxing night." I rolled my arm as I massaged my right shoulder a little.
The sound of the incoming police vehicles permeated the air as I walked away from the crime scene.
A/N: Apologies for not posting...., some important things kinda happened and I just couldn't bring myself to post.
Over the course of the past few days I have been interfering with local crooks and giving them a good schooling over disturbing my neighborhood at night. I was no vigilante but I just had to do it for my peace, all I wanted was to enjoy my slumber without me wondering what was going on outside each time I heard a gunshot or the sudden scream of a stranger.
I had been ignoring those bullshits for the past few months and I tried to accept it as the night life of this part of town but these days they took it up a notch and that was why I am responding to their rogue behaviors.
Finally I could now sleep a little bit more peacefully at night, better than a few months ago. The crime rate had reduced and the gunshots had stopped hunting the hood at night and rumors had been spreading about a metahuman who causes trouble for anyone harassing a person with a gun at night, and they referred to him as a vigilante who protected that neighborhood. Recently they started robbing people the old fashion way, with a knife and no longer a gun. It did not cause a stir and was none of my business.
Although they could not identify me since it was usually night time and I never stepped into the light which might expose my face or white hair, my balaclava mask made it even more difficult most times since it only leaves openings for my eyes. I wouldn't want to cause problems for myself and have a mob of goons attack my home just to get rid of me. I know this city's heroes can't be everywhere at once but the cops should at least make an effort to clean this part of town, it just seemed like they had given up on that neighborhood.
It was a Saturday, a day to relax and just focus on myself. I got myself a hot cup of coffee to start the mellow day then headed for the library as it had become an hobby of mine to read about things relating to this verse, all they talked about most times were stories about politicians, heroes and villains of different cities, world leaders and crisis events that would have scared the world but were saved by the Justice League.
The Justice League, a group of people in spandex who are sick with hero complex and feel the undying need to save the world. I don't have a problem with them but the way they are looked upon like gods over here is something else, yes they have a god in their midst but then there's also Batman.
A human with no superpowers but yet he was feared by many, his unfazed nature strikes immeasurable fear in the hearts of both friends and foes alike, making people wonder if he was actually human or just an emotionless being.
Wonder woman was a true beauty to behold with the makings and beauty of both a princess and a warrior. Her confidence was limitless and she seemed to be involved in some kind of peace treaties between America and other countries.
Shazam was a powerful hero but I knew he's just a kid blessed with the powers of wizards. Although the rest of the world doesn't, except within the League. One thing about Batman was that the guy just knows everything and anything about anyone. Kinda scary I think. I mean a team member you can't hide anything from, not even your personal life is a secret when it comes to him. A bonafide vigilante with daddy issues and is so paranoid to the point that he has contingency plans for both villains terrorizing his city and for members of his own team.
I was never a fan of Superman for some reason which I'm still trying to figure out, something about him just ticks me the wrong way. I'm not throwing shades though. I know he's a godlike but humble hero and believes in doing the right thing. Over here he's like America's secret weapon in warfare as no country would want to fuck with them when they have a living nuke that could wipe out their army before they even cross borders.
Don't get me started on Green Lantern who keeps the peace between intergalactic civilizations. The thought of aliens existing was a thought I just assumed was science fiction but there was Superman and Martian Manhunter who are living proof of extraterrestrial lives.
I was done reading some books and it was time to take my leave. I had become a regular at the library because there were books I needed to read with information not found at my school's library.
I got to my apartment and went straight to my laptop to check if there was any requests from my site and it turned out there were quite a few and this time a few weird ones tagged along.
There was one who requested for advice on how to get his MILF stepmom to fuck him. Oh, how porn had fucked with the mind of that fellow. I just advised him to eliminate that thought from his disdainful mind and get himself a girlfriend. I continued from that smudged request and moved on to the rest.
Another request was from a chemistry student and it was about a component he needed to stabilize a chemical compound he was working on which might prove to be a huge breakthrough in an experiment he was working on.
I studied the information he had provided and did my own research then realized it just needed a covalent compound to bond the chemical components together. I guess that was one of the perks of having a father who ran a huge pharmaceutical company in my previous life and made me learn a thing or two in chemistry. I gave him the idea of exactly what he needed, he handled the rest and found the missing component.
The requests kept pouring in, some were worth looking into and some were just too dumb so I ignored them. The kind of requests I had fun attending to were the ones which proved to be a challenge, a real brain cracker.
An unknown individual asked for help with finding a relative who was presumed missing and the police had tried their best but had no clue as to the whereabouts of that relative, so he contacted me through my site and asked for my help.
The so-called relative was a waitress and also his cousin who disappeared from Central City a few weeks back, she left no trace or information as to where she might have headed.
I asked for the precise date he last spoke with her and it turned out to be a few hours before she closed for the day and wasn't heard from again. I hacked into the security system of the restaurant and searched for footage of that particular day.
She had left the shop after closing time and carried a small briefcase with her, that was where the trail went cold but I had other ideas. I hacked into the systems of the surrounding buildings and used a facial recognition software to search for each time her face was spotted by a surrounding camera that evening and the trail led all the way to a train station.
The cameras in the train station caught her entering a train which led to Star City. I searched the record of her debit card and her last purchase before leaving the city was to buy a train ticket but she hasn't made use of the card since, I'm sure that was one of the reasons they could not find her.
I sent the evidence of her leaving the city on her own accord and not in any form of danger to the concerned relative and it seemed to have brought some kind of closure to him but the pain of her leaving without telling him would hurt him for some time.
Another request was from a programmer who was working on an app which used music to induce a feeling of calmness into the brain and was for people who suffered from anxiety or panic attacks.
It was a fine idea but it could become addictive and lead to excessive usage and make a lot of people dependent on the feel good drug. Yes it was definitely going to turn into a drug, eventually.
And what if a person tempers with the app's program and turns it into a weapon to subdue people or control the emotions of listeners? We've got another super villian in our hands, that's what.
A villain who uses music to control the emotions and brainwaves of people might prove troublesome to handle. I declined then pointed out the disadvantages of that app and luckily he saw things from my perspective and stopped the project but instead turned it into an interactive app which served as a mobile therapist. Nothing revolutionary but helpful.
All these requests, these people must think I am an AI or something.