95.5% VECTOR IN DC / Chapter 253: CHAPTER 248

章節 253: CHAPTER 248

At the League Tower, Batman approached Cyborg who happened to be making a few programming adjustments from the trial run results he got the night.

"Oh, hey." Cyborg nervously greeted, knowing he was about to get reprimanded for his actions.

"I know what you're going to say, but it needed to be done or else the damage could have been a whole lot worse." He said, getting nothing in response but a cold glare from Batman.

"You know I don't let other heroes bring their hero business in Gotham City, but I needed a hand last night. And you went against protocol, bringing in an army of robots into my city."

Cyborg could feel the intensity of Batman's words, making him feel nervous as he spoke.

"I know I messed up by pulling that card without your approval but it needed to be done." Batman squinted his eyes at Cyborg's response.

"Now this program has been exposed to the world, what do you think the military would say about this whole fiasco?" Batman asked with furrowed brows.

"The military?" Cyborg gulped as he questioned, making it so obvious that he hadn't thought that far ahead.

Batman squinted his eyes once more, staring him down till Cyborg started to feel unease. "Well, you got what you wanted. When we are done with the assessments, you, Superman and I will take care of the military."

With that, Cyborg let out a breath of relief, feeling a bit relaxed from the tensed conversation.

"Of course, both the military and the public need to be assured that this program is only for the safety of the people and not some kind of weapon that could jeopardize public safety." Cyborg replied with a smile on his face.

Batman remained stoic and gave a slight nod in response. "How is Lantern doing?" Cyborg asked. "He looked really bummed out last night."

"This isn't the first time he's been beaten by Ace. But it seems to be different this time around, almost like Ace did not only crush his arm but also his spirit."

"He's going to be fine, whatever Ace said to him wouldn't be enough to break his will and spirit." Batman replied.

They proceeded to resume their assessment over the new program that was soon to get an official introduction to the public.


The morning news covered the incident from the previous night, reporting the disaster caused by a feud between Ace and an unknown young man of which the police was yet to identify.

It referenced the heroes stepping in to diffuse the situation and prevent it from spreading more than it already did, but did not detail how they got their asses individually handed over to them.

The Justice League officially introduced their squad of robots, assuring the world that they were meant to assist them and the police to maintain order and ensure the safety of the civilians.

The news advertised them as disposable soldiers who would help to diffuse certain situations that might be too dangerous for anyone to undertake.

"Now, that's a load of crap." Jason walked into the living room of their new place, a private residence in the heart of Gotham City, purchased by Tom as a safe house in case things ever went sideways, now it's come in handy.

"Well, tell that to the people who consume every crumb of bullshit the media throws at their face." Tom replied.

"At Least not everyone is buying into all that load of crap." Jason gestured for the TV screen, drawing Tom's attention to a footage of a bunch of civilians with sign boards raised up high in some sort of protest.

They were protesters against the authorizations of the robots, refusing to allow artificial intelligence to dictate what they think was better for humanity.

The newscaster present at the scene offered the microphone to one of the protesters, so he could share his opinion and elaborate on why he was against the robots.

"This was all Cyborg's doing, I bet he's been planning this all along." The random man blurted out.

"What does that mean?" The confused reporter asked.

"Call it a conspiracy or whatever, but I know there is a sinister reason behind his creation of his robot minions and the government is in on it too. The…"

The TV suddenly went mute and Jason averted his gaze over to Ace who was currently holding the remote.

"Even Though you wore a mask, I could tell you were having fun when you fought Jamie last night."

"Was it that obvious?" Tom asked, raising a brow as he did.

"Yes." Jason replied.

"The rush I got while fighting Jamie was unlike anything I've ever felt before. It was truly exhilarating as none of us could tell what move the other would pull."

He let out a sigh, then sank himself into the sofa. "Why that look?" Jason asked.

"Sadly enough, my fun was cut short due to the interruption of those weirdos in spandex."

"Dude, the city was caught up in your fight. You guys were literally destroying Gotham City, I am sure that was enough reason for Batman to go against his own principles and call upon other heroes for assistance.

Just so you won't lay waste to the city in the name of a fun fight." With his hands, Jason made air quotes on the word, fun. But Tom didn't show the slightest sign of regret, nor did he have any intention of being held accountable for his actions as Ace.

"Good thing I wear a mask." He remarked. "Too bad we got interrupted just before I could take down Jamie and get him to give up the name of his benefactor who wants a handsome guy like me, dead for some reason."

"Wait, hold up. So you could have taken him out but allowed the city to take a substantial amount of damage because you were enjoying yourself?" Jason squinted his eyes as he gave an intense gaze at Tom who cracked in half a smile on one cheek.

"At first I found his ability quite annoying, yet intriguing. But along the way, I was able to figure out just how to deal with that blond prick."

Tom levitated off the sofa. "If you are done with your pouting, I have to get to work. After all, power doesn't just fall into your lap just because you want it." With that last statement Tom exited the living room, while Jason just stared at him as he headed for his room up stairs.

He has spent such a long time with Tom, yet he still found it difficult to tell what goes on in his head at times.

[Damian Wayne's POV]

"Damn it!!"

Damian exclaimed in a fit of rage, frustrated with the Sparrows' failure to unalive Tom. 'That was a huge waste of time, money and effort.' He thought to himself, pissed at their inefficiency.

He had gotten the news about the demise of most of their members who died in their attempt to kill Tom.

"I guess the Sparrows couldn't live up to their reputation, they couldn't even take out Tom, just a single target." He angrily muttered, clenching his fist in a tight hold before punching a wall in front of him.

"What did you just say?"

The familiar voice of his mother came from behind him. "Repeat what you just said."

"It was nothing, mother." Damian replied, averting his gaze as he was unable to look her in the eye.

"Did you make the request for Tom's head, from the Sparrows?"

Being straightforward has always been his thing and he saw no use in denying it when it's a fact, so he told the truth. "Yes, I did."

"Do you know what you have done? Do you know what he would do to you if he was to find out!?" Talia scolded him.

"Of course I do, but it was a risk I was willing to take." Damian replied. "Grandfather was going to make the world a better place, we were going to rule the world together, but…But he killed him!"

"We both lost him, but you don't see me risking my life to avenge him."

"That is because you attained more power after his death." Talia swung her arm across Damian's face upon uttering those words, smacking them right out of his mouth.

"You know nothing." She replied.

With furrowed brows he looked at Talia, his rage made visibly clear as he spoke. "How could you? He killed grandfather, turned you into a puppet leader and yet you do not seek vengeance for what he has done."

"If you think killing Tom would solve anything, you are clearly barking at the wrong tree." Talia took in a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself of the thought about her son's recklessness.

"Ra's al Ghul initiated a plan to inhabit Tom's body and wanted to use his lover as a sacrifice just so he could obtain outer worldly powers. Unsuccessful with his intentions, he got what was coming to him."

"Tsk!" Damian clicked his tongue.

"We are lucky Tom didn't seek to eradicate the League but found us to be of some use to him, because he wouldn't even break a sweat in doing so."


"~That's enough young man, not another word." Damian opened his mouth and was about to make a sassy comment when Talia shut him up and walked towards the exit.

"Drop this attempt at trying to get back at Tom before it costs you your life. Now I have to report to him that the so-called benefactor he has been searching for, is none other than my very own son." With a sigh, she exited the room, leaving Damian who was bubbling with nothing but rage.

next chapter

章節 254: CHAPTER 249

Seated at his office and with the mixed expression of both frustration, stress and exhaustion etched on his face. Gordon rubbed on his temples as he filled out a bunch of paperwork.

A sigh escaped him the moment he looked up and saw the stack pile of paper works upon his desk. In need of a break, he pulled out a cigarette, reclined into his chair as he turned to gaze at the window. 

He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a lighter, lit up his cigarette and took a long drag from it.

"Just when things were starting to look up for Gotham City." He murmured.

Crime in Gotham City had taken a dive down as it had an unbelievably impressive decrease in crime rate thanks to Ace and the OutLaws who appeared to be managing and containing organized crimes.

But now due to the past events, that record was being flushed down the drain. This was a reminder that Gotham City would never be free from crime and this meant a whole lot of paperwork for him as well.

"The other guy thought there was something odd about Ace's relationship." He muttered to himself before taking another drag of his cigarette.


Gordon was in total confusion as to Ace's relationship with Jamie because at first they were in a fight against one another but when the Justice League showed up at the scene to contain the chaos, they seemed to team up and fight against the League.

While deep in thought, a knock at his office door pulled him right out of it. "Come in." 

The door was slowly opened, revealing a middle aged white male with average physique and stubble beards. "You have a visitor, sir." Officer Martinez announced while gesturing his open palm to the office, as Tom walked right inside.

Tom greeted with a mild smile which barely made it to the side of his lips. "Greetings Commissioner."

"Oh, Tom. Nice of you to pay us a visit, how can I be of help to you today?" Gordon knew Tom wouldn't pay the Gotham PD such a casual visit unless he either had something for them or needed something from them.

But Gordon could only hope this rich youngster would provide some sort of useful information to the case he was currently faced with.


As if getting an answer to his prayers, Tom replied. "More like how I could be of help to you." 

This piqued Gordon's interest, wondering what information Tom could possibly give to him that could help out.

"Unfortunately, my home was victimized by Ace the Tyrant and the other lot, destroying my place of residence in the process."

This was information unknown to the Commissioner. "I am so sorry about that, we are doing everything in our power to locate Ace and also trying to Identify the mysterious fellow he clashed with." 

Gordon was still wondering how Tom meant he could be of help, but hearing about the destruction of Tom's residence made him curious as to how he could remain so calm and not yell at him for the incompetence of the police force.

"As you can see, there's a lot of paperwork and reports to cover with so little time. I fear the scale of destruction might be greater than we know. So please get to the part where you can be of help, time and information is of the most value to us right now."

"Well, of course." Tom replied, ready to cook up the briefest lie he possibly could, while also trying to hint the police without making mention of his direct involvement as Ace.

"I just got out of the bathroom that night and was preparing for bed after tending to some work, when my home shook from what appeared to be a loud crash." 

"My housemate was downstairs and it had me shocked and worried for both the cause of the noise and for his safety. But as I came down the stairs, my living room looked like the aftermath of an earthquake."

Gordon stared intently at Tom, investing his attention into the story, hoping for some helpful clue.

"Fortunately enough, Jason was safe and joined me as we watched the two fellers who stood upon the rubbles of our home."

"Wait, do you mean…?" Gordon's eyes widened and had a more serious look in them as he spoke.

"...Yes, Ace and the other blond guy were having a little discussion amid their fight."

"This might indeed be some useful information." Gordon reached for his drawer and pulled out a recorder. "Do you mind?" He asked Tom, waving the recorder in his hand.

"Of course not." Tom replied.

"Go on." Gordon signaled Tom who was smiling at the back of his mind, Gordon had taken his bait.

"I was unable to completely make out what they were saying since I met the last bit of the conversation and was worried for our safety, but I heard a couple of things."

"~Things like?"

"I heard Ace refer to the blond dude as the leader of the Sparrows." Gordon's eyes widened upon this revelation. "Did you get his name?" He asked.

"...Fortunately, I did." Tom replied, purposly taking a pause to play on Gordon's curiosity.

"Ace called him by the name Jamie." 

"Yes!" Gordon quitely exclaimed, seeming like he had overcome a huge huddle.

"Did you get why they fought?" 

"Sadly, I didn't." Gordon appeared to be a bit disappointed by that response, yet he seemed satisfied with what Tom has told him so far.

"That's all I know, I knew I had to report this to you before I end up forgetting something that could be of help." The commissioner reached for the recorder and put an end to the session.

"Thank you for reporting this, it was very helpful. I appreciate your cooperation and help in making this city a better place." Gordon stood up from his seat and extended a handshake to Tom.

Standing up from his seat, Tom reciprocated the gesture and shook the Commissioner's hand. "Just doing my bit towards making this world a safer place. It's you guys, the police who are the real heroes.

Gordon saw him out of the station himself and once again apologized for the destruction of his property, and even offered to help him out in getting a temporary place to stay but Tom declined the offer as he had that covered already.

Seated at the edge of a rooftop downtown, Talia watched the city below while awaiting Tom's arrival. Very little time passed when she sensed a presence behind her.

"You are late." She spoke up without turning her head to see who it was.

"As a matter of fact, I'd say I'm right on time." A voice came from behind as a male figure walked right up to her and sat next to her.

"Do you ever accept defeat?" She teased as she turned to him, glancing at the white haired young man who shook his head in response.

That night Tom had arranged to meet up with Talia who contacted him earlier during the day, saying she had some information she would like to share but it had to be in person. 

Suspecting it concerned the assignment he had given her and the League of Assassins regarding the identity of the benefactor who sent the Sparrows' after him, he agreed to the meet up.

"So tell me, what is this important information you mentioned earlier?" Tom asked as he looked over the city's skyline.

"It's regarding the identity of someone you've been searching for. The one who placed a bounty on your head." She replied.

"I thought as much, that was why I agreed to this little meetup. I have a lot on my plate at the moment, a lot of things to set in motion and time is of the essence to me so get on with it."

With a sigh, Talia spoke up. "First you have to promise to agree to a term of mine before revealing this information to you."

"You are in no position to make demands." Tom stated, hinting she better speak up and not waste his time.

"Fine…It was Damian, my son." She replied. Tom's expression didn't have the slightest hint of anger or any sort of emotion, it was so neutral that she didn't know what to make of it.

She found it more scary to be unable to read the expression of someone who could pop her brains out without even trying, but she composed herself and continued.

"He contacted the Sparrows and offered them a hefty sum of cash for your head. I do apologize for it was a foolish mistake, and I offer myself up if you intend to get him back for such an act." 

Tom stared at Talia for a while, maintaining his silence as he stared at her.

Tom let out a sudden laugh, breaking the silence as he left Talia in confusion. "That grumpy kid of yours?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied, unsure of the reason behind his laughter. "He's been having a tough time since the death of my father."

"That was a ballsy move, I like that kid even more." Tom said to her, relieved it wasn't someone who might have known his identity as Ace the Tyrant, but a twisted kid who just sought vengeance.

"I apologize for this reckless act of his. As his mother, I take responsibility for his deeds and will accept whatever punishment you wish." 

Maverick_DaSupreme Maverick_DaSupreme

All I can say is that, it hits different when the person you cherish the most is laying on an hospital bed...In this case, my mum.

But she's better now, so I will be posting a bit more frequently now.

Thank you all for your patience.

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