They followed him to the parking lot where Tom zoomed off in his motorcycle. Fang and Charlotte immediately hopped into a car, embarking on a high speed chase after him.
They chased him down a path which went through the forest, as Charlotte kept shooting fireballs at him. He weaved and swerved left and right while dodging the array of fireballs which exploded upon collision with the surroundings.
"Cut off his path." Fang instructed while chasing Tom's tail. She spotted a massive tree ahead and gathered an immerse amount of combusted flames before launching it at the tree.
Upon impact, the tree croaked and fell, cutting Tom's path. He made an immediate turn as he changed direction, driving all the way towards a dead end. "We've got him now, there's a cliff up ahead." Said Fang with a confident look on his face. "There's no way he can make that jump." Charlotte added.
Tom didn't stop and kept driving at top speed even after seeing the cliff up ahead. "it works out quite well for us if the bastard just killed himself." Charlotte kept firing at him, guiding him towards the edge of the cliff.
He kept at it until tge last second, of which he planned his feet to tge ground and drifted along tge edge of tge cliff to make a U-turn, jumping off his bike and sending it right at the incoming car.
"Get out!" Fang yelled at Charlotte as they both opened the doors and jumped out of the vehicle. It collided with the bike and the windscreen was smashed by it.
"You little prick, you cost me my ride." Fang remarked as he looked down at Tom with disdain, while Charlotte seemed pissed because they were at the middle of nowhere with no functioning vehicle as the car and motorcycle had taken heavy damage.
"Well, I could say the same for you two." Tom replied with his back towards the cliff's end, acting like he was indeed cornered as they could hear the sound of the raging tides smashing against the rocks beneath the cliff.
"You ran all the way out here this time of the night just to corner yourself, give up and I'll make it quick…Although I would prefer it if you resisted with all your might and show me what your mad of." He said as him and Charlotte cautiously closed in on Tom, unsure of when he might use his telekinesis against them.
"I wouldn't mind being chased down by that cougar, but it's just weird being chased down by some dude on Grey dreadlocks." Fang cocked up and eye brow upon hearing Tom's remark, but Charlotte took offense at being called a Cougar.
"A cougar??...Fang, stay back. I'll barbecue his dick and shove it right back in his mouth. Maybe that would teach him to treat an older lady with respect." Pissed off by Tom's statement, she rose her hand up in the air and fired a fireball at Tom.
An earth pillar emerged from the ground and intercepted the fireball, neutralizing it on impact. "Told you there was something more to this kid." Fang exclaimed. "I think you should step back and let me handle this, we just have to throw him down the cliff and it's over for him." He added, unsure if it was safe for Charlotte to engage Tom as they were ignorant of whatever tricks he might have up his sleeves.
"Shut up and stay back Fang, this one is mine." She replied with a fierce look in her eyes as she fired some more at Tom. Pillars of rock continuously intercepted each and everyone of them, shielding Tom from her attacks.
"You seem so emotional about this, I guess it must be that time of the month for you, seeing as your emotions are all over the place." Tom taunted, poking at her as Pyro types had one common weakness, and that was how very short their temper usually was.
Tom's statement seemed to hit her the wrong way and she raged on. Charlotte dashed towards Tom, not caring about his unknown abilities as she believed Fang had her back.
She fired flames at him in the sharp of arrows, while Fang simultaneously launched a couple of silver bullets around Tom, in hopes of catching him off guard.
But this time Tom let the arrow flames get close to him and deflected them with his arms, also telekinetically sending the silver bullets from behind him and towards Charlotte who jumped into the air with a flaming fist.
Fang noticed the change of trajectory due to some external force acting upon the bullets as they completely missed Tom and about burying themselves into Charlotte's gut.
That instant he was able to stop the bullet in place, but several spiky rock pillars emerged from the ground and headed for Charlotte. She smashed one with her fist but was forced to use he flames to maneuver mid air and fall back.
"I know you two are members of the Sparrows, and reason you're both still alive is because I have a couple of questions for you two." Their eyes widened upon hearing Tom utter those words, surprised as to how he got to know about them.
"How did you get to know who we are? We've never made ourselves known around you, and it's completely impossible to deduce our identity because the group known as the Sparrows do not exist in any sort of records." Fang's curiosity was piqued by Tom's claim and knowledge of their organization.
"There's nothing to think about, he's a dead man anyway." Charlotte remarked, irritated by Tom's effortless resilience and how he seemed too relaxed. Like he somehow had the upp
er hand even when clearly at a disadvantage.
"First question….Who placed the kill order for my head?" Tom asked, averting glances between both of them as he observed for any subtle change in body language.
"And why should we answer that?" Fang asked, but Tom already noticed a slight twitch from Charlotte when he asked the question.
"I have pissed off quite a lot of people and if I were to be killed, I would like to know which of them had the balls to do something about it. Even though it is indeed a pointless effort." Tom replied, taking on a more relaxed and nonchalant stance.
"There's something I didn't expect to see. From the news interviews you seemed like some good hearted humanitarian with no ill intent, but meeting you now makes me wonder if you actually do those things from the goodness of your heart."
Something about Tom just did not add up for Fang so he decided to converse in an attempt of uncovering what kind of person he might be that the heir to the League personally requested his death rather than have the League kill Tom themselves.
"Who knows, I might have some secret agenda. Which leads me to my second question, where is Jamie? I would like to put an end to this façade and as we all know, a snake isn't dead until the head is chopped off." Hearing Tom call their leader's name came as a shock to them both.
"He knows too much, he has to die." Fang said to Charlotte who nodded on agreement as they were unsure of what exactly Tom knew and how he got to know them.
"I will end this sucker." Charlotte leaped into the air with fire like boosters beneath her feet which launched her to a considerable height up in the air.
She gathered an intense amount of combusted flames between both palm of her hands and blasted it at Tom like some attack from the Dragon Ball series.
They noticed the flame hit Tom and seemed to blast against an invisible shield, but they assumed it to be him trying to use his telekinesis to create some mental shield. "This is the end of you brat, burn to a crisp." She muttered as she intensified the blast with all her strength to break through whatever shield protecting Tom.
As she fell back to the ground, the flames seemed to create a small pillar of flames around Tom and just as they wondered what the fuck was going on, the flames compressed in size and shot right back at her in a beam-like state, blasting her off her feet.
"Char!!" Fang called out as he made way towards her. Luckily he caught her before she made impact with the ground, but unfortunately she was in pretty bad state. A part of her face, her neck, down to her right thigh had suffered fourth degree burns.
"You're going to be alright." Fang said to her, gently holding her on his arms as she struggled to breath through the unbearable pain.
He looked at Tom with rage filled eyes, it was the first time Tom saw emotions in his eyes since their confrontation and it was exactly what he wanted. Seeing as she was actually Fang's weakness like he suspected, he ripped her off Fang's arms with his telekinetic grip and had her covering over the cliff and above the raging night tides.
"Stop, let her go." Fang pleaded, well aware any mishaps would absolutely lead to her death.
"Why should I? You both stalked me and made multiple attempts on my life, why should I let her go when the table have turned in my favor?" Tom questioned, watching as the rage he saw earlier had turned into something else.
He was scared to lose Charlotte, and was willing to do whatever it took to save her so he thought of making a deal he hoped Tom would consider. "Let her go, I will help you fake your death and assist you in moving somewhere far away." He pleaded with a deal, hoping Tom agreed and would engage him the moment Charlotte was safe back on ground.
"Please, just let her go and it would be like this never happened. I would help you with whatever you need, you could start a new life and no one would know you're still alive." He added as Tom seemed to consider his request.
"I don't care about that, give me answers to both questions I asked earlier."
"Of all things you could ask for, you picked the ones I'm unable o answer." Fang replied, gritting his teeth as the feeling of helplessness seemed to overwhelmed him. "Then say goodbye to this hot chick." Tom replied with an intentional pun.
"Jamie never moves a lot, never in one place for top long and we only get out orders through his representative. We don't get to meet him." Fang lied, not wiling to sell out his boss and comrade.
"That's unfortunate, how about the benefactor?" Tom asked for the identity of the person who so desperately wanted him dead.
"Only our boss knows that, we get instructions and carry them out accordingly without further questions. We never get any information concerning the benefactor."
"I guess what I'm asking is beyond you. You want me to let her go right? Hopefully you can save her before it's too late." Tom said to him with an understanding tone.
"Yes." He replied, hoping Tom was as naïve as he sounded.
"There, I let her go." Tom casually announced to him, letting go of his influence upon her as Charlotte freely fell to her death.
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"No…!!!!" Fang yelled, launching himself into the air with a desperate urgency. His eyes were fixed on the rippled spot where she had fallen, ignoring Tom who stood menacingly in his path.
"And where do you think you're going?" Tom sneered, grabbing Fang's leg mid-flight with a vice-like grip. With a swift, brutal motion, he hurled Fang back into the parking lot. Fang's body collided with their car, the impact crumpling the hood like paper.
Groaning, Fang pushed himself up from the wreckage. Pain radiated through his body, but it was nothing compared to the agony in his heart. He had lost her. The only person he gave a damn about. And now, all he could focus on was making Tom pay for the searing torment he felt.
Tom approached slowly, confidence radiating from his every step. "What's the matter? Not so high and mighty now, are we?"
Fang's eyes blazed with fury. "You took her from me, kid. You'll regret that."
Tom laughed, a cold, mocking sound. "You're quite delusional, she was never yours to begin with. Yes, you might have been her main man but trust me when I say she was probably banging a couple other dudes behind your back, your boss included."
"Shut up!" Immediately, the silver ornaments he had on him morphed into different variety of pointy shapes, willing to risk attack Tom whose powers are a mystery.
Tom pulled them all towards himself and sent them so far off the cliff and onto the sea that there was no way Fang's reach could cover that range.
"I killed your lover and would soon send you right with her, why don't you just tell me what I want to know in return of my kind gesture to reunite both of you." Tom said with a straight face, clearly aware that he wouldn't be getting the answers he wanted from Fang that way.
With a roar, Fang lunged at Tom, fists swinging wildly. Tom parried the blows with ease, his own counterattacks precise and punishing. Each hit drove Fang further into a rage, his movements becoming more frantic, more desperate.
"This is become embarrassing to watch." Tom taunted using his powers to make Fang seem helpless loses his balance, finding difficulty at planting his feet while trying to engage him in physical combat.
"Enough of your nonsense." Fang announced with an angry tone, hitting the damaged car as it dismantled into bits and it's metal parts swarm into the air. He's rage and deprivation of silver had him controlling other metals rather than one type of metal, kind of like an ice user who could not control water due to the difference in molecular structure when they are basically the same element.
The metals rose up in the air and Fang was in complete battle mode, ready to go all out against Tom when he suddenly lost cognitive control of his limbs. He was frozen in the spot by Tom who used his telekinetic grip to restrict he's movement, unable to move the slightest muscle apart form his eyeballs.
Unsure if Fang could control his powers with just thoughts alone, Tom decided to wrap it up in a more cautious manner as he dashed into his personal space.
"I think its time you take a little nap." He griped unto Fang's neck, choking him as he used his powers to temporarily cut off the oxygen supply to the brain. Fang's vision became blurry and he began to feel light headed and dizzy until he dropped to the ground.
"Maybe you'd be more compliant after your nap. Nighty night." Tom mockingly waved him off as he slowly lost consciousness, getting a blurry image of legs belonging to two other persons before passing out.
"You didn't let him put up much of a fight before ending it." Jason remarked, wondering why Tom didn't toy with Fang a bit before subduing him, he knew Tom derived fun from messing around with people while they are going all out against him in a fight.
"He might end his own life the moment it dawns on him mid battle that he is unable to beat me. He lost his lover and probably have nothing left to live for, so he'd consider death over being taken captive alive by the enemy." Tom replied. "Now bag him up, we're done here." He added, walking towards the car they arrived there with, while Leo and Jase put Fang's unconscious body inside a body bag before putting him in the trunk.
As Fang slowly regained consciousness, he's vision was so distorted and blurry that he couldn't make sense of what was happening around him or where he currently was. "Wake up sunshine." A heard a muffled voice in the background, right before a bucket of water was splashed on him.
Being jolted wide awake, he turned to look around and found himself in an empty space, tied up against a solid wooden post. It was so thick that even with his arms tied around it from behind, they couldn't make contact.
'This bastard kidnapped me, and why does my mouth hurt?' Fang thought to himself, sorting his thoughts to better understand his situation. He rolled his tongue around his mouth and noticed he was missing a molar tooth from each side.
'I can't believe he removed my silver implants.' He thought to himself as he let out a sigh before looking right at Tom, unable to sense any metal around.
The anger Tom saw in his eyes the previous night was almost dissipated, which was a bit disappointing to him. "Here's a quick recap in case you're still trying to piece together last night." Tom wanted to stair up emotions in him because his current demeanor was like that of a defeated soldier who had lost his will to live and accepting what comes after.
"I killed your girlfriend, kidnapped you...And now you're going to tell me exactly where I can find your leader Jamie, a snake wouldn't die until you cut off its head after all." Immediately he finished speaking, he punched Fang so hard in his gut that he coughed out blood some blood, it dripped down his mouth and unto his shirt.
"Now that we are all caught up, I'm just going to use you as my personal punching bag for the next couple hours. As you've just experienced, I throw some pretty nasty blows, although I'm holding back they still do enough damage." Tom rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, before proceeding to turning Fang into a literal punching bag.
After a couple of hours went by, it was now few minutes past midnight and Fang was alone in the empty space, still tied up to the post with a terribly bruised body. Tom did not cause the slightest harm to his face but focused on his torso area, breaking a couple of ribs and causing internal bleeding in the process.
That night as he tried to get a bit of rest after the long say of being beaten to a pulp, he heard a sound from the rear corner. "Back for more?" He muttered, coughing out some blood as he tried to speak.
"Shhhh!!!" He heard someone try to hush him when two men walked right in front of him. "Do not make a sound." One of the men instructed while the other untied him from the post.
His legs and body were so tired that he almost dropped to the floor the moment he was untied, but luckily for him one caught him on his shoulder. The other unknown man led the way as they slowly dragged him through the massive but empty storage house.
"Hold on a second." He managed to pull himself from the man and almost fell to the ground but was caught himself before he dropped on his knees, and with his dreadlock hovering over his face. "Why are you helping me?" He struggled to ask, experiencing severe pain whenever he spoke.
"We are just doing what we are being paid for, this isn't out of the goodness of our heart." The one leading the way replied before demonstrating the hush gesture in reminder for them to keep it low.
"Who sent you?" Fang made another sudden stop as he questioned one more time, still very sceptical about the whole situation. "I can't remember, the dude paid in cash and that's all that matters. Some of us would do anything just to get some dough, let's keep going, he won't give us our complete pay until we finish the job."
Fang was still sceptical about it but this was a golden chance to make he's escape and get back at Tom for what he did to both him and Charlotte.
"Wait, I might be remembering this wrong but I think his name was James or something ."
"Oh, I think it was Jamie or Jeremy. Something like that." The other man seemed to vaguely remember what it sounded like but upon hearing Jamie's name, Fang felt a bit at ease and cooperated some more as the men assisted him with getting into a van.
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