The nation teetered on the precipice of uncertainty, as the invincible Superman found himself locked in a brutal battle against an adversary most had underestimated.
Lois, her heart in her throat, could scarcely contain her shock as she witnessed the toll this clash had taken on her beloved. From the vantage of a helicopter, her lips quivered, her gaze unwavering, as she watched blow after savage blow rain down upon her partner. Desperately, she struggled to suppress the tears welling in her eyes, but the futility of her efforts was apparent to all.
Viewers in the safety of their homes sat in stunned disbelief, their eyes glued to the live news feed that showed the Man of Steel bearing the scars of this unexpected confrontation. Ace had succeeded in doing the unthinkable—making Superman bleed. Yet deep within Lois, there lingered a fragile hope that this clash might finally cleanse Superman's tortured soul of the shadows that had haunted him in recent weeks.
"He's proven even more formidable than my initial assessment," Batman noted, his eyes fixed on footage of Superman ascending into the boundless sky.
"I'll need to update my intel on Ace; It was clear he is quite strong and he had the power to take down Sinestro, but overpowering Superman is an unexpected turn of event," he continued, glancing at the vast screen before him, Alfred standing by with a steaming cup of tea.
"Shouldn't the heroes intervene to aid Superman?" Alfred inquired, handing the cup to Bruce, who accepted it with a nod.
"Without a doubt, Alfred. However, given his allegiance to Lex now, we're powerless until we find a way to break whatever hold Lex has over him," Bruce replied. "Furthermore, we heroes are currently branded as enemies of the state. If we step in, the military might divert their efforts from Ace and focus on capturing us."
"At this rate, Ace might succeed in defeating Superman," Alfred expressed his concern, while Bruce maintained his stoic demeanor.
"Judging by his previous modus operandi, he doesn't typically kill heroes. He might severely rough them up, but stopping short of taking a life," Bruce mused.
Bruce pressed a button on his keyboard to answer the incoming call. "Go ahead," he said.
"Have you seen the news?" Barbara's voice crackled over the line. She was on her nightly patrol in Gotham when she stumbled upon a TV store displaying footage of the Ace-Superman showdown.
"Yes, I'm watching it. I think it's time you called it a night and returned to base," Bruce advised.
"He's thoroughly trouncing Superman," Dick chimed in as he strolled into the Batcave.
"No need to state the obvious," Bruce retorted, fixing his gaze on the screen.
"Master Richard, care for some tea?" Alfred offered to Dick, a.k.a Bruce's first son.
"Yes, it would pair nicely with this epic battle. Finally, we get to see what this guy is truly capable of," Dick said as Alfred poured him a cup of tea.
"Indeed, now we'll get to glimpse the trump cards up his sleeve," Bruce added as they continued to witness the unfolding battle between two superhumans.
Rachel's thoughts raced as she marveled at Tom's astonishing strength, finally piecing together how he had infiltrated that heavily fortified military base to rescue her.
"What are you doing, Tom? You shouldn't be pushing this fight to such extremes," she whispered, her eyes glued to the screen. Her heart raced, torn between yearning for Tom's safety and the fervent hope that no one would lose their life in this relentless battle.
A peculiar sensation gnawed at her. "What is this feeling?" she wondered aloud. "Why does it feel so unfamiliar?" Placing her hand on her chest, she realized her heart was racing far beyond its usual rhythm.
Her emotions for Tom had cast aside the facade of her tough, brooding exterior. She couldn't deny her genuine feelings for him, and her deepest wish was for his well-being. "Falling for a bad boy, I guess it was to be expected from me anyway." She muttered to herself as a smile slowly appeared on her lips.
If he somehow ends up killing Superman, his normal bounty would skyrocket off the charts, he'd be pursued relentlessly by the full might of the state's military, the Justice League, and Young Justice. They wouldn't relent until he was completely neutralized.
On the other hand if Superman wins the fight, Tom would be locked up for life in the deepest levels and without ever seeing the light of day. It would affect their little love affair they had going on.
Rachel could only pray that this tumultuous clash would conclude in a way that spared them both.
[Tom Hendricks POV]
I observed as he descended from the heavens like a vengeful deity, determined to deliver his judgment upon the mortals below. He streaked through the sky, charged by the relentless energy of the sun, hurtling towards the earth until it seemed he might crash into the ground. At the last moment, he veered, harnessing that momentum to rocket towards me.
Superman closed the gap at a velocity faster than sound, but my superbrain reacted swiftly, reinforcing my defenses. His fist, a missile of pure power, aimed to shatter my protective barrier. Yet, he was sorely mistaken. I extended the range of my deflective field, creating a barrier with an outer layer designed to absorb the force.
The instant he made contact, a massive wave erupted, resembling a sonic boom. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through our surroundings, causing helicopters to veer wildly in the air as they struggled for control. Nearby soldiers were flung through the air, and trucks were tossed by the immense force.
Superman withdrew, attempting to seize me by the neck, but my protective field held strong, rendering his attempts futile. In frustration, he unleashed a barrage of punches, as if I were encased in an invisible sphere.
I couldn't help but notice that his injuries had miraculously healed, and his strength had surged since our initial confrontation—a seemingly unfair advantage.
He unleashed his heat vision, but to his surprise, it was reflected back upon him, sending him soaring into the sky. Undeterred, he promptly resumed his assault. Superman drove his fists into the ground, lifting me atop the ground I stood upon. It felt like something plucked from the pages of a comic book.
With a mighty heave, he hurled me into the air and began a relentless cycle of punches, each strike propelling me further. It was as though he believed he were the protagonist in this narrative, while the rest of us merely played the role of NPCs.
I couldn't abide by this god-like arrogance any longer, especially when he thrust me into the side of a mountain, persistently punching me until we found ourselves in the midst of an active volcano, plunging into molten magma.
The experience was initially terrifying, but it soon became oddly refreshing, reminiscent of a soak in a hot spring. I couldn't tolerate his godlike attitude any further. I retaliated by sending him hurtling out of the volcano, causing molten rock to erupt from the crater we'd created.
The molten lava flowed with unnatural speed toward a small town in the countryside—Smallville. "Gwen, provide me with an estimate of potential casualties if I allow the lava to flow downstream," I murmured to my AI.
"As you're aware, it's headed for Smallville. Typically, it's a two-hour journey from Metropolis, but this volcano is dangerously close to the town, and it will engulf it in flames in under half an hour if left unchecked," Gwen replied, offering a comprehensive assessment of the situation.
More military choppers joined the News helicopter, capturing not only the battle between Superman and me but also the erupting volcano, undoubtedly a breaking news event for Smallville's residents.
Blinded by his rage, Superman blindsided me with a surprise attack from behind, launching me into the erupting volcano. "That's playing dirty," I remarked, pondering how he had managed to dislodge me. It seemed that the solar energy he'd absorbed was akin to a supercharged performance-enhancing drug for Kryptonians.
He followed my descent, diving into the volcano at superhuman speed, relentless in his assault. He hammered me deeper into the molten core, unknowingly unleashing molten magma stones into the air, akin to a meteor shower over Smallville—an ironic twist.
"Hey!!!" I shouted as I caught his fist, locking eyes with his ominously glowing crimson orbs before delivering a resounding headbutt. Superman was sent flying over the lava, poised for another attack.
I slowly approached, hoping my headbutt had knocked some sense into him. "You might not have noticed, but Smallville is on the brink of destruction. You have two options: continue fighting me and let the people of Smallville suffer, or save them from the impending disaster and reduce casualties. The choice is yours," I declared.
He glared at me, still seething, but then turned his gaze to the threatened town. With a solemn nod, he soared down to use his freeze breath on the volcano.
"The weak, those who cannot protect themselves, will remain weak as long as someone is there to save them. It's time they learned to fight for their survival rather than waiting for heroes to rescue them," he declared.
"Lex has truly messed with your mind," I retorted. My words seemed to enrage him, prompting another charge. We burst through the frozen layer of the lava, intensifying the eruption.
It was clear that I had to quell the volcanic upheaval and put the Man of Steel to rest for the night. Unnecessary work, indeed.
He's Baccccckkkk!!!
I was completely occupied with my Industrial Training stuff that I had barely enough time to type. Well my supervisor cut me some slack for the week, and now I'm back on track.
Let's skip the theatrics and get on with the chapter, shall we.
The night sky over Smallville resembled a terrifying yet mesmerizing masterpiece, a canvas filled with lava rocks hurtling through the atmosphere like meteors, their fiery impact causing destruction among the hapless houses and buildings.
With a mere raise of my hand, I halted these hurtling rocks in their tracks and pulled them back toward the volcano's surface. A sudden gust of wind, forming a horizontal mini-tornado, came at me, but I effortlessly reversed it, making it vanish into the air. Superman's quick spin had created that vacuum, an attempt to turn my own tricks against me but failed.
"Now, where were we? I was in the middle of taking you down," he declared with an unsettling confidence. "I'm a little busy right now so hold on, I'll be right with you." I added
"Oh, boy," I muttered under my breath, realizing I had to stop the volcanic eruption at its core. I sped back into the volcano and placed my hand upon the scalding lava.
Lava, essentially molten rock superheated beyond its melting point, could potentially be transmuted if I reversed its molecular structure by altering its temperature. I aimed to quell the eruption, bringing the volcano back to its dormant state as though it were all a mere illusion or a nightmare for the people of Smallville.
Superman, fixated on defeating me, had abandoned his hometown in jeopardy. Lex had truly fucked up his mind and issued orders to eliminate me. Who the fuck remains in Smallville anyway? It was a veritable disaster magnet, an endless cycle of calamities, it's always one thing after another.
Superman hovered above the volcano, his eyes fixated on me, the god-like being surveying a pesky human. He awaited my next move, seeking an advantage. None of his attacks had succeeded so far, and he was doubtless concocting a plan to overcome me.
I had no time to waste; I needed to conclude this swiftly and put Lex's champion back in his place, beneath my foot, where he belonged, as he continued to lose his humanity, behaving more like a pure-blooded Kryptonian. Like that guy from the movie, I think his name was Zod or something.
I cooled the lava, transforming the searing red magma into condensed, dark rocks. Those already airborne I redirected, targeting Superman.
"Enough with your childish games!" he roared as the molten rocks bombarded him.
He zigzagged through the air at blinding speed, a blur for the human eye, but not for me. He darted in from behind, and I braced myself, fortifying my defenses, anticipating he would use that momentum to try breaching my protective field. But I was wrong.
Superman, in a sudden stop, suspended himself in midair just in the nick of time, grabbing me from behind as we zipped into the atmosphere, heading towards space.
"Shit, my curiosity led me here. I could've evaded him, but I wanted to test whether he could hit me. And now I'm in space, unable to breathe while he's charging up from the sun," I pondered, gazing at the radiant sun. It was my first time in space, after all.
Superman employed his freeze breath, even more potent in the vacuum of space, forming a dense, sturdy ice around me. Assisted by the sun's power, his icy prison was impenetrable. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't move, but I had a plan. For half a minute, I let him believe he had won, savoring a moment of victory.
The smirk on his lips vanished as he watched the ice crack. It shattered, and he unleashed his laser beams, targeting my chest. Yet, they deflected off me, prompting him to dodge his own attack, his inability to discern my weakness a source of frustration.
It was time to stop playing nice; he was proving unworthy as an opponent since he couldn't make me bleed.
"With your power, you could join me and Lex in reshaping this world for the better. But instead, you choose to resist and stand out like a sore thumb," he calmly suggested.
"Damn, Lex has really messed with your brain," I retorted. I created an air bubble around my head like an astronaut, using the ice from earlier but it only provided me with limited oxygen. My time was running out, but I had an ace up my sleeve.
"The world is already messed up as it is; there's no need to let Lex take control of humanity," I countered, reaching for a tool I knew would be handy.
"When a body is infected with a disease so infectious it could corrupt the entire system, the doctor cuts it off. You're an infection to the world Lex seeks to create, a potential carrier of your ideals that could inspire citizens to rebel against his new world order."
"Damn, that's a first. I've been called many things, but 'infection' is a new one," I said as I equipped a kryptonite brass knuckle around my hand.
"If this is all a joke to you, then just die already!" he yelled, launching at me. Just as he was about to make contact, I pulled out the kryptonite brass knuckle and landed a solid punch on his jaw.
The surprise on his face was priceless. "Time to bring you down from your high horse, boy scout. No hard feelings," I quipped as I gripped him by the neck, delivering a relentless barrage of punches as we descended to Earth, following our previous path.
We broke through the edge of outer space, bodies ablaze as we entered the planet's thermosphere. I continued my unrelenting assault, relentless in my onslaught. We crashed through a mountain, not far from the previously erupted volcano, with Superman's face coated in blood.
Surrounded by military personnel, many of them undoubtedly loyal to Lex, I continued my assault, one punch accompanied by another. The kryptonite glowed through my bloodied fist. They were at a loss, not knowing how to stop me when even the Man of Steel had failed to do so.
I delivered Superman's final blow, rendering him unconscious. A voice from a helicopter urged, "Keep your hands behind your head and move away from him slowly."
I held Superman by the neck, raising him above the ground. Reporters converged on the scene, eager to capture exclusive images and live video for their various media outlets.
I turned to one of the cameras, addressing the audience with Superman's blood staining my hands. "It's not his fault that he's turned against the heroes and aligned with Lex Luthor. Nor is it his fault that he's slowly losing touch with the empathy he once had for humanity. The heroes have been framed, and any hero who remains free, unaffected, must have been brainwashed to serve as obedient puppets."
The officers, some of them, lowered their weapons as they listened to my words. I hoped fervently that this was being broadcast live. I must have looked cool on camera with Superman bleeding in my hands.
"One last thing, don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of the heroes, nor do I agree with their skewed philosophy, but I believe this world would be far worse without their constant vigilance. Consider how you turned on those with bounties on their heads as criminals, even though their sole intention was to make this country a safer place for you all."
A few moments passed, then I added, "Ask yourselves if the heroes have ever caused harm to you. They put their lives on the line daily to protect you, yet you label them as criminals. All they ever aimed to do was make this country safer."
As I concluded, I released Superman's unconscious body to the ground. I ascended from the scene, ready to depart, when something suddenly hurtled toward me at breakneck speed. At first, I dismissed it as a missile, launched in a desperate attempt to take me down. However, it was a grievous error to underestimate it.
Before I could react, a solid punch connected with my jaw. I felt a sensation I hadn't experienced in a long time—pain. I steadied myself in midair as I reached into my mask, glancing at my bloodied hand. My lip was bleeding.
"It's my…It's my blood," I realized with astonishment, my eyes filled with surprise. "Exhilarating," I muttered, sensing the pulsation of my own blood. It was the feeling of both pain and anger, a wonderful reminder of my humanity.
"I don't know if you've been turned into a puppet or not, but you've just earned a one-way ticket to share an ambulance with Superman as you head to the hospital," I warned, my crimson pupils glowing ominously as I hovered in the air, looking down at the unfortunate soul cladded in black and with a yellow glowing lightning crest on his chest. It was none other than the infamous Black Adam.