79.53% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 135: Chapter 135 I have a special way to escape from prison

章節 135: Chapter 135 I have a special way to escape from prison

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Chapter 135 I have a special way to escape from prison

The evidence that Iwagakure Ninja refers to is the negatives of photos they took on the battlefield.

Except for the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the consultant elder Koharu, almost all the senior officials of Konoha sat on one side of the long conference table.

The representative of the Iwagakure Ninja, who was full of resentment, and the representative of the Kumogakure Ninja, who was waiting to watch the show, each sat on the other side with their deputies, silently observing the reaction on the other side.

"The negatives have been identified in the darkroom and there are no traces of modification."

A technician from the Hokage Building walked in from outside and reported.

"Of course." Iwagakure Ninja said impatiently: "Are we going to use the lives of our companions to make such a nasty joke?

" Now that it has been confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the photos. What on earth did that monster Uchiha Shisui do in the Land of Earth?! "

The technician ignored him, but looked inquiringly at the other consultant elder sitting at the end of the long table, Shimura Danzo.

Although this old man lives in seclusion and is mysterious, he is a celebrity. After all, very few ninja titles are directly titled with the words "Ninja World".

The first Hokage was known as the "God of the Ninja World", while Danzo was ridiculed as the "Darkness of the Ninja World".

It can be said that the whole world knows that he is a conspirator's conspirator, and they don't know whether it is a success or a failure.

The senior officials of the villages often joke like this: As long as something bad happens somewhere in the ninja world, Danzo is the one behind that.

Now Koharu is seriously ill, and Mitokado Homura is worried about the threats from Iwagakure Ninja and Kumogakure Ninja. He is afraid that he will be held responsible for saying something wrong. There is only one person who can handle this matter on behalf of Hokage now that is Dazno.

As the technicians inquired, everyone's eyes invariably focused on Danzo.

The old man had his left eye closed and his left hand holding a cane, sitting on a chair like a statue. His whole head looked like It was a bandaged pineapple.

As he slowly opened his eyes, Iwagakure Ninja and Kumogakure Ninja, who had never seen Danzo before, felt that the light around this person was a little dim.

"There is no need to wash it out."

Danzo ordered: "Just let everyone watch it together. "

The technician obviously knew the content of the photo, and the look he looked at Danzo kept reminding him, but Danzo immediately closed his eyelids after saying this.

There was no other way, the technician could only move out a piece of equipment and put it at the head of the table, he pointed the lens-like thing at the white wall, and then inserted the loose film into the machine.

Then, the lights in the conference room were turned off, and a beam of light spread from the equipment to the wall. The projection of the color photos was successful, but the content was not very comfortable - in a charred valley like a coal mine, dead bodies were everywhere, and there were various giant holes and cracks on the mountain. On a mountain wall On the top, everyone can still see a groove that is tens of meters long, like a straight line carved by the gods with a chisel.

This is the first panoramic view.

Next, the photos begin to become more detailed - charred corpses. Appearing in the projection, many corpses still maintained the appearance of struggling and screaming before death, but their entire faces were almost melted. Just by looking at them, several jounin turned their heads.

I heard the occasional gasp from Konoha. Voice, Iwagakure Ninja gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You saw, this is the result of Uchiha Shisui using large-scale fire release! They were burned like this, and we didn't even know who the bodies belonged to afterwards, so we could only bury all the sacrificed ninjas together!

"Uchiha is not the only one in the world who can use large-scale fire release. "

Mitokado Homura hasn't been to the battlefield in person for a long time. He was sweating all over after looking at the pictures, but he still grasped a key point. "Only based on these, I'm afraid it can't be used as evidence to accuse him. "

"That's right. "

Nara Shikaku spoke, and the photo just happened to have a corpse that was cut into two parts.

"And his sword skills are like most Uchiha people, and should be based on quick and fast thrusts. But the corpses you showed look like the work of Kirigakure ninjas..."

As soon as he said this, the Konoha jonins nodded.

He stood up and said: "During the third war, Uchiha Shisui was my subordinate. Although he was still very young at the time, his sword skills were already among the best among Uchiha. I have also seen the corpses of Kirigakure ninjas who died under his hands. The wounds were almost invisible, not to mention..."

Nara Shikaku paused, "Uchiha Shisui has a gentle personality. He will never act recklessly unless necessary. I don't want to believe that such battlefields and corpses were left behind by him. "

After all, in terms of "work style", the gap is a bit too big.

Iwagakure Ninja stood up from his seat.

"Uchiha Shisui is your person. Of course you will say this in order to evade responsibility! "

Under the dim light, the veins on both sides of his forehead showed a strange purple-gray color, and his ferocious face looked like a vengeful demon born from hell.

He shouted almost hysterically: "What kind of sword skills does he have? All of us who participated in the war have seen and experienced it with our own eyes! There will never be another swordsmanship like this in the world, killing people is like cutting melons and vegetables! "

As Iwagakure Ninja said, as the photos were switched one by one, the death of the ninjas became more and more tragic. One of them was actually cut into fourteen equal lengths pieces...

No matter how you look at it, All thirteen cuts were completed in an instant.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned.

At least Iwagakure Ninja was right on one point, that is, this kind of cruel and exquisite swordsmanship has never been seen before.

[And if you don't have excellent dynamic vision, even if you want to do it, It is almost impossible to achieve such accuracy.]

Doubts arose in his heart.

[If it was really Shisui who did it, why did he go on a killing spree, and why did he use such unprecedented sword skills... Could it be... ]

"Isn't it possible that he is pretending? "

Nara Shikaku said Fugaku's guess, "Sorry, I can see that you are very angry and sad. You must have just lost someone very close to you, but just looking at these photos, it is difficult to think that this is the work of Uchiha Shisui. "

"I knew you would say that..."

Iwagakure Ninja looked at Nara Shikaku hatefully, with an expression that he had expected.

He took out a new negative from his coat pocket, "So here I have a piece of conclusive evidence."

"Decisive evidence? "

Mitokado Homura was a little uneasy, "Then just now..."

Iwagakure ninja swept towards the technician, " Who knows if he will destroy this negative when he takes it for inspection. Now the film is here, and the lighting here is dim, so there is no risk of exposure. Now, in front of everyone, check to see if there has been any manipulation!"

" Do as you are told. "

Seeing that the technicians were still making no move, Danzo, who was farthest from the light, urged.

"Yes." The technician took out something like jewelry appraisal glasses, put it on his left eye, and looked at the brown film.

But when he looked at it, his body tensed up violently, and he let out a short exclamation in his throat. He was about to throw the film on the ground as soon as he let go, but Iwagakure Ninja, with quick eyes and quick hands, caught the film in his hand.

"See?" Iwagakure Ninja grinned viciously, "Is there any trace of manipulation on it? "

"No, no trace. "

I don't know what the technician saw through the film. When he said no, he nodded wildly, looking very irritated, "But..."

"Don't waste time."

Danzo spoke again, "Let's take a look at what he calls decisive evidence..."

Iwagakure Ninja snorted and sat back.

"I understand. "

The technician wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and inserted the most important film into the machine. With an abnormal sound, a new image appeared in front of everyone.

" This is it!! "

The sound of the chair scraping against the ground and even falling to the ground was heard one after another as the chair retreated. At least half of the Jounin representatives in Konoha lost their self-control and stood up in horror. Their entire faces turned an incredibly miserable green. In the photo There is at least a forty to fifty meters tall green colored warrior in translucent armor!

The timing of capturing this photo is very clever - The green warrior raised the illusory blade more than ten meters long in his hand and attacked towards the top of a mountain where many Iwagakure ninjas gathered, small black dots representing ninjas fell from the sky like raindrops.

And "suspended" in the middle of the giant's translucent body, although it was not clear, but from the hairstyle and body proportions It seems that he is very similar to Uchiha Shisui.

"Some of you here should know this..."

Iwagakure Ninja's eyes swept over the astonished faces, "But if there is anyone who doesn't know, I will tell you."

"This giant made of Yin-type chakra is called 'Susanoo'. It is an advanced Sharingan technique that can only be used by the top masters of the Uchiha clan!"

He recalled what the Third Tsuchikage said to him before leaving, "The last monster that used this technique was called Uchiha Madara." For the first time today, Iwagakure Ninja was somewhat satisfied with Konoha's reaction.

After saying that, he supported the table with both hands and looked at Uchiha Fugaku and Nara Shikaku: "Now, you still want to say, isn't this what Uchiha Shisui did?"

Nara Shikaku did not speak but glanced at the expressionless Uchiha Fugaku, shook his head and sat back down with some regret.

As the other party said, this is indeed conclusive evidence. Only the Uchiha clan can use 'Susanoo'.

Next, we can only see Danzo's ability to confuse right and wrong.

"It seems..."

Just when the crowd was silent and no one had anything to say, Danzo finally said, "It is true that only Uchiha Shisui can do this."

Everyone in Konoha was shocked. This is equivalent to admitting Uchiha Shisui's "crime" on behalf of Hokage.

But no matter what, this doesn't seem like something Shimura Danzo, The Darkness of the Ninja World can do, right?

Even if the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable, given his style, shouldn't it be better to be messy and try your best to excuse your own people first?

This abnormal behavior made Nara Shikaku look at Danzo deeply.

[If it is true as rumored... Danzo's shadow is behind all the bad things in the world, then this matter...]

"Speaking of it, Elder Danzo."

On the other side, Iwagakure Ninja said meaningfully: "I heard these people say before that You were the one who sent Uchiha Shisui to our Land of Earth, right?"

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Danzo shook his head calmly, showing no reaction to Iwagakure Ninja's accusation, " Let's take advantage of the fact that the envoy of the Kumogakure Ninja is here and tell you your lie first."

"What lie?!"

Iwagakure Ninja walked to the projection and pointed at the green blade that cut off the mountain in the photo, tearing his heart. He roared: "Have you seen it? Two of these figures who were directly hit are my sons, and now even their bodies can't be found!"

"Since you have admitted that only Uchiha can do it. Why are you still saying that we are lying! Do you think I'm in the mood of Lying?! "

"A truly outstanding ninja can maintain his sanity even if his relatives and friends die in front of him. I think you are such a ninja. "

Danzo made a cold judgment casually, "And I said you were lying. It was not that you fabricated the fact that Uchiha Shisui attacked the Earth Country, but your statement... "

"You severely reduced the losses caused by Uchiha Shisui!"

"You!" Iwagakure ninja was shocked and angry. While glaring at Shimura Danzo, the side view also caught the gaze of Kumogakure Ninja, the hungry man who smelled the smell of delicious food.

"Since even Susanoo has been used, how can it be possible that only a few hundred people died..."

Danzo pulled out a document from the documents on his desk, "And here I happen to have truly accurate data."

"Danzo!" Iwagakure Ninja's voice contained endless annoyance and a hint of obvious fear.

[How could he know...]

Once this old guy releases the data, even if Iwagakure Ninja gets compensation from Konoha this time, it will only be a piece of fat for the Kumogakure Village!

"Uchiha Shisui's attack on Earth Country..."

Danzo ignored the dust and read the above content to himself. Two ANBU ninjas appeared out of thin air and stood between him and the anxious Iwagakure Ninja.

"A total of more than 1,400 people died, and nearly 2,300 people were permanently incapacitated."

Iwagakure Ninja froze in despair, because Danzo's data was the same as the real one.

But Danzo hadn't finished reading yet.

"However, Uchiha Shisui's most serious blow to the Iwagakure Village was using the Sharingan to control the Four-Tailed Jinchuriki and the Iwagakure Ninja to kill each other, forcing the Third Tsuchikage Onoki to kill the Four-Tailed Jinchuriki."

As soon as he said this, the excitement and greed of the Kumogakure representative were beyond words!

Iwagakure Village that has lost nearly four thousand combat power and one tailed beast is definitely a piece of fat that is easier to eat than Konoha!

"You...why do you know so clearly?!"

Iwagakure Ninja asked loudly, "Could it be said that it was you who ordered Uchiha Shisui to do this? You can do this to our Iwagakure Village today, and you can do it to Kumogakure Village tomorrow and then to Kirigakure! Before long, Konoha will become the common enemy of all Ninja Villages!"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the greedy look in the eyes of the Kumogakure representative suddenly disappeared.

"Danzo, you..."

Mitokado Homura looked at his old friend in disbelief.

"Be patient."

The lights in the conference room were turned back on, and Danzo said expressionlessly: "I know such details because someone in Iwagakure Village betrayed them and gave the information to me, and I just got it this morning. As for who it is, you need to check it out yourself."


Iwagakure Ninja gritted his teeth, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually take advantage of this opportunity to try to sow discord.

"Let's talk about Uchiha Shisui."

Danzo took out another document, " The mission I assigned to him is in file."

He handed the file to Mitokado Homura, who read it and immediately Passed to the next person. It soon reached the hands of Uchiha Fugaku.

"The task I gave him is just to find out the defense situation of the Iwagakure Ninja at the border of the Land of Rain. Some of you should know that not long ago, the third Tsuchikage had a big appetite and embezzled an important mineral on the border of the Land of Rain. Therefore, There were some disputes with Sanshouo no Hanzo."

Everyone understood that Danzo sent Uchiha Shisui over probably to see if there was any chance of provoking trouble.

But then, his voice changed.

"But what I didn't expect was that Uchiha Shisui violated my instructions."

Danzo added emphasis on the words "my instructions", "According to Root's investigation, he did not go to the border between the two countries to investigate, but It's heading directly to the hinterland of the Earth Kingdom, and it seems to be heading straight to the place where the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki is training."

"The Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki?!" Mitokado Homuraen exclaimed in surprise.

"But for some reason, before he could find the other party, he was already surrounded by the Iwagakure Ninja, and that's what happened in these photos."

"But why did he do this?"

Someone asked everyone's doubts.

"Isn't it intentional to cause misunderstandings by casually contacting Jinchuriki from other villages?"

"Or, does he have any other plans..."

"I don't know these, but Uchiha Shisui's purpose is obvious, that is, Jinchuuriki. And the tailed beast itself. Chief Fugaku..."

As Danzo called out softly, everyone looked at Uchiha Fugaku with suspicion.

"If he wasn't following my order, then whose order was he doing this?"

"I don't know."

Fugaku frowned, "Shisui's status in Uchiha is very special. I don't order him to do anything. Besides, even if you doubt me, I have no such motive..."

"I had expected you to say that. After all, this is the same as the answer after that night ten years ago..."

When Danzo mentioned the Night of the Kyuubi, everyone's expressions changed, "Exactly the same."

"Danzo!" Seeing Uchiha Fugaku's eyes becoming colder, Mitokado Homura quickly stepped in to smooth things over, "There is no evidence. Don't talk nonsense!"

[This is in front of outsiders! ]

Danzo nodded slightly, "I really have no reliable evidence as to whether Uchiha Shisui did this under the orders of the Uchiha clan."

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard Danzo say again: "Then can you explain to me, Chief Fugaku, your youngest son, Uchiha Giyu..."

Danzo's eyes suddenly opened and were locked on Fugaku's finally shaken face.

"Why did he go to Yugakure Village to help the Fourth Mizukage lose his tangerine warehouse and eliminate dissidents including Kurosuki Raiga and Hoshigaki Kujira, and then secretly go out to sea by boat to the Kingdom of Water?"

There was a sudden deathly silence.

Akimichi Chōza, like most people, was full of doubts, and then he used his little finger to pick out his ears, trying to confirm what he had heard before.


"You heard that right. Just a week ago, it was about the same time that Uchiha Shisui was surrounded."

Danzo took out another record, "Among the seven Ninja Swordsmen, with the Thunder Sword... A total of twelve Kirigakure jounin, led by Kurosuki Raiga, the wielder of the Thunder Fang, and Hoshigaki Kujira, the leader of the Hoshigaki Clan, attacked the Yugakure Village."

"But in fact, according to intelligence, most of these twelve jounin are from the Bloodline limit family, and most of them are thorns in the side of Karatsuchi Yagura. The latter has tried to eliminate these people through dangerous missions many times, but has never succeeded... ..."

He paused, "But it just so happened that on the night of the attack, a young man who called himself 'Tomioka Giyu' suddenly appeared."

"He used his amazing sword skills to kill Kurosuki Raiga, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and using the exquisite and powerful water release, he defeated Hoshigaki Kujira, who was also famous for his water release and the amount of chakra comparable to the tailed beasts. According to insiders, the boy who calls himself "Tomioka Giyu" is only ten years old. His eyes are a rare deep blue, his face is expressionless, cold and indifferent, and his words are mean. Because his appearance is very distinctive, Yugakure Ninja Village also left a portrait of him——"

Danzo showed the portrait in the file to the chunin. Who is that if it's not Giyu?

Many people here know that child!

Many of the ninjas' eyes flashed with suspicion.

Can he really do such a thing at this age?

"You should know that I have confirmed it with the leader of Yugakure Village, and he did not deny the authenticity of this matter. So we can be sure that the so-called Tomioka Giyu is just a pseudonym for Uchiha Giyu... Chief Fugaku, do you not know about this? "

Uchiha Fugaku's fists clenched tighter and tighter. Danzo's question itself was a trap.

If he said he didn't know, it would be the same as the previous answer to Uchiha Shisui, which was too coincidental.

But if he said he knew, then he couldn't even explain what was going on. What's more, it was the first time he had heard that his youngest son could use a sword and was good at water release...

But Danzo didn't wait for his answer at all.

"Chief Fugaku, Even if you don't know both things, can you answer me: What's the matter with Uchiha Giyu who attended the ninja school for three years but never showed his sword skills and water release ability? "

He asked one question after another, making Uchiha Fugaku more and more suspicious in the hearts of all the Jonin.

"With the character of your Uchiha clan, if there is such a talented boy in the clan, you will definitely want to publicize it to the whole world. But you secretly hid him this time, which is a little too abnormal. Or is it because you have some agenda and deliberately let him hide his strength so that he can achieve some special purpose when we least expect it."

"What exactly do you want to say? "

Uchiha Fugaku pressed his eyebrows tightly above his eyes.

"For example, I heard that your youngest son has a close relationship with Uzumaki Naruto and can be said to be his best friend."

"Danzo!" Mitokado Homura shouted to remind him not to mention the name of the Jinchuriki in front of outsiders.

This is indeed Danzo's negligence. But to be honest, he had no intention of letting these people sent by Kumogakure Ninja and Iwagakure Ninja live from the beginning.

After relying on these people to eliminate the Uchiha clan, he has also agreed with the people behind the white monster to eliminate these people again so that the three villages will be in a "weak" state, so that balance can be maintained. However, although Iwagakure and Kumogakure's shinobi representatives were confused, but all the jonins in Konoha knew who Uzumaki Naruto was.

The affairs of the Earth Country and Yugakure Ninja Village had already made Uchiha Fugaku very suspicious, and if this incident was added to it…

Many people looked at Fugaku's expression, and gradually began to look closer to the time after the Night of the Kyuubi.

"You secretly cultivated a genius boy who was no less than Hatake Kakashi and took advantage of the summer vacation to send him to the kingdom of water where Itachi and Shisui once performed their missions. Uchiha Fugaku—"

This time, Danzo even omitted the word clan leader, and his voice became stern and deep.

"You have arranged all of this, right? ! Three years ago, Itachi Uchiha refused to join the Root. In name, he went to patrol the border of the Kingdom of Water, but in fact, he was helping Uchiha clan and Karatsuchi Yagura to deliver news! So, your eldest son just returned home to avoid suspicion, and your youngest son immediately concealed his identity and went out to kill people for Mizukage! "

"In the past three years, your clan seems to be trying to build a good relationship with Konoha. In fact, this is just a cover-up."

"Instigating conflicts between Konoha and other villages, such as the Iwagakure Ninja; at the same time, you secretly unite with other villages, such as the Kirigakure, in order to suddenly rebel when the chaos comes, take control of Konoha, and get support from outside! This is your real purpose, am I right?!

"Uchiha Fugaku! "

Just when Fugaku was among the most powerful ninjas in Konoha and was accused by Danzo of plotting to betray Konoha, Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke were "escorted" by eight roots and came to the headquarters of the roots.

She never thought that there would be such complex buildings in the deep pit four to five hundred meters underground in Konoha.

"It should take some time for Lord Danzo to come back."

When entering the building, the leader of the root ninja said: "Before that, I can only detain you first. But considering that you have a child and you are only cooperating with the investigation, we will not let you stay in the cell, but temporarily stay in the vacant duty room. It should be more comfortable there. Hope you can understand."

"Where is my brother? " Sasuke didn't care about the treatment of himself and his mother at all, "You said you would let us see him."

Uchiha Mikoto said nothing with a gloomy face, but Sasuke meant what she meant.

The reason why she arrived here with the root ninja without any resistance was because she hadn't fought seriously with a ninja of the same level (Jonin) as her for many years. If the Root Ninjas have taken action, there is not much chance of winning with Sasuke.

On the other hand, because her eldest son has fallen into the hands of these people, she is anxious to know about Itachi's situation. Once she resists these people, If she fails to defeat them all, those who escape will inevitably be disadvantageous to Itachi.

"I will take you to see him right now. "

Danzo has repeatedly said that Uchiha Mikoto must not be allowed to lose control of her emotions, so after they captured Uchiha Itachi, they did not do anything excessive, just so Uchiha Mikoto can be calm after seeing the situation of the eldest son before everything settled.

Once the capture of Uchiha Fugaku fails, the mother and son may be the bargaining chip to threaten him, so the root's attitude towards Mikoto is completely different from the attitude towards other guests in the past.

They took Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke with them and walked through the long corridor and came to a room with glass walls.

"Brother! "

Through the glass, Sasuke could see Itachi, who was tied to an iron bed in the middle of the room.

"Brother! Can you hear me?"

He slapped the window desperately, but Itachi closed his eyes tightly, and there was no reaction except for the ups and downs of his body's breathing.

"Why isn't he awake? Why can't he hear me?" Sasuke turned his head and looked at the root ninja with traces of annoyance in his eyes.

"He resisted very fiercely, so we used some medicine to calm him down. Based on the dosage, he will wake up at night at most."

The root ninja shook his head, "You don't have to worry about anything."

Uchiha Mikoto stared at Itachi. After a while, she finally let go of her worries, but to be on the safe side, she still said, "I'm going to go in and confirm his situation in person."

"No problem." The attitude of the root ninja was unexpectedly relaxed, "But We have to go in with you."

Uchiha Mikoto nodded in agreement, and finally believed a little bit in Root's statement that it was "just an investigation."

A ninja opened the door, Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke walked into the room, and came to Uchiha Itachi's side together.

While Sasuke was calling out to Itachi name one after another, Mikoto forcibly maintained her composure, and her eyes carefully scanned Itachi's body.

There were no wounds visible on the exposed skin on his body.

The skin color on his face, neck, and inner wrists was normal, and there was no blood loss or poisoning. There were only faint scorch marks near the corners of his mouth, indicating that he had indeed used Fire Release recently and It seems like he made a mistake when he was using Fire Release.

However, with Itachi's familiarity with Fire Release, how could he burn the corners of his mouth like Sasuke did?

This kind of thing has never happened since he was six years old.

This was the only doubt that made Uchiha Mikoto think carefully.

[Could it be that Itachi was already unconscious when he used Fire Release? ]

She actually knew very well that although her eldest son was young, he had already been a very powerful ninja.

If Uchiha Itachi could be captured alive, then the consequences of her previous resistance would not be much better, and one more person would be lying here.

"It's almost time. When he wakes up at night and answers the question of Lord Danzo, Lord Danzo can let you mother and son meet."

The root ninja urged: "We have other tasks, please don't stay here for a long time."


Gently touching Itachi's hair, Uchiha Mikoto nodded, supported Sasuke's shoulders, and slowly pushed the second son out of the room with a look of reluctance on her face, but the previous doubts continued in her mind. Ups and downs, and even more confusion and doubt about what will happen in the future.

However, this doubt was soon broken.

Just before the mother and son were about to enter the detention area, a door they passed by suddenly opened.

Sasuke subconsciously covered his nose and took a step back, because the person who came out was surrounded by a strong smell of ink.

Before the door closed, Uchiha Mikoto took a quick glance and noticed the bookshelf in the room and the scrolls placed on the bookshelf. She probably guessed that this was where the intelligence should be processed.

Then, she and the young ninja who came out of the room looked at each other briefly, but in the other's fleeting sight, she found a sign of something bad.

The way the boy avoided her eyes...

was very similar to the way Yukie Fujikaze's performance in the movie conveyed the news of the death of his companion to his family.

The reason why she remembers it so clearly is that Giyu once praised the subtle expressions performed by Yukie Fujikaze, which was exactly the same as what was written in the evil book "Iwagakure Ninja ANBU Teaches You Mind Reading".

It is a look that expresses condolences and regret.

[He must know something, that's why he looks like this! ]

This thought hit her like a thunderbolt.

No wonder Uchiha Mikoto is so sensitive.

She had just learned that her youngest son had gone to the most dangerous place in the world, her eldest son was in a coma, and her husband had become the target of attacks by two countries in public.

At this moment, this person came out of the place where the intelligence was processed and accidentally showed such an expression. She really couldn't pretend that she didn't see it.

Uchiha Mikoto's brain was spinning rapidly. As she walked, she observed everything passing by, looking for any clues that might reveal the situation she was facing.

The slightest trace of trust in the root ninja who was "just investigating" was gone.

[ I must find out what they all know...]

Soon, the mother and son came to an open door. She only took a quick glance at the walls of the room, the fluorescent lights on the top, and the switch outside the door, and stopped taking a step forward.

She turned around and asked, "Can you give us a room with a desk lamp? During the waiting period, if we want to rest, it will be much more convenient if we can turn off the lights ourselves..."

She gently pressed Sasuke's shoulder. "Children will easily fall asleep once they are bored."

[I see that you have no idea what you are about to face. ]

The root ninja couldn't complain, but remembering Danzo's order to "comfort the mother and son as much as possible", he nodded and took them to another independent duty lounge. The placement was almost the same as next to it, but There are more daily necessities. Table lamp is one of them.

Finally, according to the procedure, the root ninja put special handcuffs on Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke - with seals engraved on them, which could prevent the ninja from producing chakra in the body. Before leaving, to be on the safe side, he posted sealing tags with the same function outside the door.

Such an arrangement is enough to control most jounin.

But not long after they left, Uchiha Mikoto immediately asked in a low voice: "Sasuke, do you still have the keys to the house?"

Sasuke nodded blankly and moved his feet away.

He had shown Naruto and Hinata before that in order to become familiar with the electromagnetic field, his mother asked him to train like this at any time and try to absorb keys through the rubber soles. Sasuke is eager to become stronger, and he has been doing this all day today.

However, after being handcuffed and isolating chakra, his body was unable to generate electromagnetic force, so the key naturally fell to the ground.

"Well done, Sasuke!"

A smile of approval appeared on Mikoto's face, she moved her feet, and an identical key lay there quietly.

" This should be enough."

Sasuke just started training, which has become a long-term habit for her.

"But the key at home shouldn't be able to open these handcuffs, right?"

Watching his mother squat down and pick up both keys, Sasuke was confused and didn't know what they were for.

"I know."

Mikoto held a key in one hand, walked to the table with the lamp, and kicked off the plug with a light kick, revealing two black sockets.

Then, under Sasuke's horrified gaze, she pointed the two keys at the jacks, as if she was going to stuff the keys in.

"But even if I don't remove the handcuffs, I can still get chakra."

"After all, energy can be converted into other energy. "

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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