100% Typhon's offspring(unedited, unfinished, boring) / Chapter 1: S-T-2 Typhon's offspring
Typhon's offspring(unedited, unfinished, boring) Typhon's offspring(unedited, unfinished, boring) original

Typhon's offspring(unedited, unfinished, boring)

作者: MrGodlyGod01

© WebNovel

章節 1: S-T-2 Typhon's offspring

Now this story is a bit weird. It's my attempt at the dr. jekyl and hyde story but with a superhero twist. It's dark and has the mc doing some pretty illegal and plainly weird things. But Hey it takes place in the world of the tv series supergirl if that counts for anything. I don't think many people will enjoy this one so I'll post everything I currently have. If you like it comment, you'll make my day.

Small town just outside of National City

Vincent took a deep breath as he drove down the highway, he wore a white tee-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He was no older than 17, his already brown skin was tanned a tad bit darker from the summer heat. He could feel his heartbeat, a constant thumping sound, he was forced to constantly dry his hands from the sweat. Even with the air conditioner on it didn't make a difference. He was nervous for a good reason, his long time girlfriend had called him crying. She didn't explain why she was crying, only that she needed his help.

He pulled into the driveway that was more like a long street. Samantha's mother owned a ranch it was a pretty large piece of land. He and Sam had been dating for at least three years and it was quite obvious that her mother hated him. He understood why, he didn't have any family, an orphan with nothing to his name. He was smart though, so smart that had he wished it he could have graduated early. That would have meant leaving Sam behind though something he didn't wish to do. 

Looking towards Sam's house he smiled as he saw the door open, the screen door was next only Sam wasn't the one to walk outside. Her mother walked out with scrunched eyebrows, her fist were tightened in anger. 

"Get off my land you piece of shit," Vincent flinched at her words. It was obvious she didn't like him but she had never been so vicio us with her words. 

"Mrs.Arias, please calm down, Sam asked me to come over," Vincent said, doing his best to remain calm.

"I don't care what she asked, she's my daughter you can't have her. You're a monster. This is my Property I advise you to leave before I decide to give a call to the sheriff's office."

Vincent raised an eyebrow at her words wondering what he had done to warrant such a reaction.

"I said leave," Mrs.Arias leaned over to the ground picking up some rocks.

"Alright, I'm leaving." Vincent waved his hands as he put the car in reverse and began to pull out.


Just as he pulled out into the road he saw Samantha, there were still tears in her eyes. Putting the car in park, he smiled. He could still see her mother in the distance looking at him with pure hate in her eyes.

"Vince, come back tonight, Promise me you'll come back tonight."

"Sam, why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asked instead.

"I'll tell you tonight, but you have to promise you'll come." Sam said with a look that Vince had never seen on her face before. It was almost as if she was about to throw everything away, a look full of determination.

"I Promise," Vincent nodded knowing that she needed to hear those words.

"I love you, Vincent."

"I love you too."

"Now you might want to get out of here before she really does call the sheriff," Vincent nodded, not taking his eyes off of Sam.

"Tonight, I'll be here," Vincent pulled off making sure to look back a couple of times. He coudn't tell what was exactly going on but he could tell she needed his help. Why woudln't he help the love of his life.

8 years later

2 AM

National City was a beautiful city but every city had it's dark crevices hidden away from the public. In these places horrible things happened and yet the cops could never do anything to stop it. They refused to send patrol cars to this area hoping to save as many police lives as possible. It's darkness made it the perfect hunting spot.

A young woman no older than 24 made her way through the dimly lit streets of National City. She walked quickly with her right hand always in her purse. It was obvious she had something to defend herself within that purse of hers. Anyone with any sense knew not to mess with her. The last guy that tried ended up with a bullet in his shoulder. She didn't grow cocky after that and she continued with the same amount of vigilance as she walked these streets at night.


The sound of a trash can falling over drew her attention but she ignored it, she continued forwards. She would occasionally turn around wondering if anyone was following her, she found no one.

But Above her on the roof of a building stood a hideous creature his skin was completely black as if he had been covered in tar. His eyes were slits like those of a snake, and the sound that left his mouth resembled a beast. He watched as the woman made her way down the street she was his prey. As she made her way down an alley he jumped off of the building landing behind her. She paused as she heard him pulling the pistol from her purse she turned around with anger on her face. Her anger soon turned to fear as she looked at the beast. Terror filled her entire being, gripping the pistol tighter she pulled the trigger. Closing her eyes she continued firing until she sound of a click entered her ears, she had used all the bullets. Opening her eyes surprise filled her face. 

He was still there as if none of the bullets had hit him, but they were so close she was sure there was no way she had missed every shot. It was too late to run, she looked at the beast as half a smile made its way onto it's face. 

Before she could scream he was in front of her raising his claw like hands to her chest. With one swift move his hand shot through her chest, he stared into her eyes as life slowly faded. As he removed his hand from her chest her heart seemed to follow. He looked down at her body with a look of pleasure on his face.


"Good Morning National CIty," The sound of the radio turning on drew me from my sleep. A sense of drowsiness seemed to fill my entire being until I remembered what happened last night. Gripping my head I shuddered as Scenes of blood and guts filled my mind. I didn't mean to kill her, I didn't want to.

Taking a deep breath I did my best to get control of myself, it was nothing new. This wouldn't be the first time I had woken up after a night of horrendous acts. There was never any evidence left behind in the first place for some reason I always made sure of that. I remembered the first time it had happened, I immediately ran and told my mother. She consoled me and told me that it wasn't my fault, it was hers. 

We all know how babies are born and I was conceived in a similar way only my Mother had already sold her soul to the devil. No not that Devil a different Devil all together. He went by the name Ty, but everyone else knows him by the name of Typhon, the father of all monsters. I dreamed of him often as a child only he wasn't so monstrous and evil. My mother told me everything about how she had made a deal with him. She wished to save her brother's life and in return I was brought to life. Another monster with no Idea why he was created.

I didn't want to be a monster, I wanted to be good but there seemed no way that would ever be possible. My Darkness controlled me at times subtly eating away at the light within me. Soon I would be nothing but a mindless monster roaming the streets looking for his next meal.

Standing up I looked into the mirror, I had placed this one close to the bed so that I could see myself in the mirror each morning. I needed to make sure I was still me. There I stood around 6foot2 my brown skin seemed only a tad bit darker than my hazel eyes. My face was clean shaven. It made it easier to look for any changes. Who knows maybe one day I'll wake up with gills. During those nights when my darkness took over I looked so different, my eyes were slits similar to those of snakes. My Skin became thicker and darker, I became completely unrecognizable in those moments. Things would have been so much easier if I had the ability to die. Who wants to become a monster each day was like a countdown, wondering when the day will finally pass. I thought killing myself was the way out at least that way I wouldn't have to worry about ruining the lives of others. Only it didn't work. The knife pierced my gut allowing me to bleed out, I passed out from blood loss. I awoke the next morning completely fine and now a simple knife won't do the trick. I had tried so many times to kill myself realizing that the song I would hear regularly on the radio was right. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, well at least that was the case for me. I stopped years ago knowing if I continued I may never have a chance to die.

With my darkness somehow completely getting rid of the bodies and the evidence at the crime scene I didn't have to worry about being caught. I was sure that had that not been the case a nationwide hunt would be out on me. 42 people were killed by my hands, I could still see the flashes of blood as my hand exited through the other side of a man's chest. I never remembered everything from the night before just bits and pieces but that stuck with me. Although I remained anonymous I couldn't be sure things wouldn't change. In a city like Gotham or Metropolis I was sure I wouldn't last long. It was the reason I came back to National City. I didn't have to worry about any heroes searching the streets throughout the day or at night. That changed not too long after I moved back she appeared. 

The so-called cousin of Superman, the girl of steel Supergirl. I wasn't far from the scene when that happened in fact my darkness had already taken control during that time. For some reason it gave me back my freedom just in time to see Supergirl land that plane. I only wondered how long she had remained hidden. How many people had needed her help while she lived a regular life. I wanted to know who she was, but I knew that wouldn't be easy. Superman had been around for years and not one person had come out with his true identity. I didn't care for releasing her information to the public. I just wanted to know what kind of person she was. Did she really care for the people she saved or was it all for the fame? Was she truly good? I hoped she was because I longed to be.

Now like I said I knew it wouldn't be easy, but then I remembered something. Everyone makes mistakes even the next morning after Supergirl had saved everyone on that plane she was being blamed for where she placed it. Everyone could tell she was new at this by her next couple heroic acts, each of them ended pretty badly. From the oil spill to the failed attempt at stopping robbers. It was obvious she would take some time to get used to being a hero but then I had an idea.

It wasn't like she was flying to the stratosphere to reach each of these scenes, so I could track her. That led to me hacking into a couple of Lexcorp and Wayne Corp Satellites. Tracking how long it took her to reach each scene helped me triangulate the approximate location of her base of operations.

I tracked her down to an apartment complex in a mid class area. Seeing as I couldn't just knock on every door I chose the easier option. Cameras placed at each corner of the building. it was pretty obvious that she wasn't using the front door to exit when she was saving lives so I accounted for that as well.

It didn't take long for the camera to identify her. The apartment she lived it was on the west side of the building, the camera easily caught supergirl leaving and returning. I was pretty lucky that she didn't use her fastest speed while doing so, I was sure the camera's wouldn't have caught her. I most likely would have simply seen a blur. 

All of this made the rest pretty simple. Not too long after Supergirl began saving lives she became cozy with a certain female agent. It seemed to be some kind of secret agency considering none of my contacts could tell me who they were. But the traffic cams placed around the city made getting a picture of her easy. Seeing her enter Supergirls building in civilian clothes couldn't have been a coincidence. They were more than just coworker's it seemed. 

I turned my attention to her, doing almost anything I could to get a name. Alex Danvers. She was almost a Doctor studying at a college here in the city. I could only wonder how she ended up working for a secret organization but that didn't matter. Because she had a sister, Kara Danvers. It seems Kara here was involved in a number of police cases 6 or 7 years back. Things got weird when I realized she had only existed for about 10 years. Someone had created a pretty good history for her but it was pretty obvious to me that most of it was fake.

Not to mention she just happened to live in the same building as Supergirl. It seemed I had found her at last. All of that had taken me weeks to find out, they had done a pretty good job at keeping her identity a secret. Only they had avoided taking care of the minor detail which made it all too simple for me to find her identity.

Standing up I grabbed a badge with the name Vincent Bloom on it, my picture wasn't half bad considering I hadn't slept for days when they took it. I worked down at the police station as a Medical Examiner. My dreams as a kid was to be a doctor, to save lives and make my mother proud. It would never happen now, I couldn't save lives when I took them whenever my worst half took over. The best I could do was help the police. Although that was just as two faced.

Exiting my building I wondered what Kara was doing right now. Maybe she was getting coffee for Cat grant. Or chatting with Winslow Shott Jr. I felt bad for the guy his dad was bad not as horrifying as my own. Winslow did well hiding his past but it wasn't difficult to find out who he truly was. Then there was the famous Jimmy Olson, I didn't like the guy. He moves here to get away from his old pal Superman. To be his own man and all he does is stand in the shadow of Kara. Using the fact that he knows her secret Identity to his advantage. If I was as bad as my other half he'd be dead already but I wasn't. Even thinking those thoughts made me sick but every person had them, the thoughts I mean.

I had thought Kara was good at keeping her secret when I found out she had already told Winslow, I have to say I felt anger. Maybe Jealousy, but that went away fast when I realized she wasn't oblivious to his feelings, no was she simply immune to them. She didn't wish to hurt her friend but that seemed inevitable. Jimmy Olson on the other hand seemed to catch her attention. I could tell by the way she looked at him that she had feelings for him. I could only hope they'd never come to fruition.

Looking Up I saw the building to the police precinct. National City Police Department. Opening the door I swiped my card before heading down the stairs. It didn't take long to reach the morgue. The smell of bleach and hand sanitizer always made me calm. Not to mention the cooling air, It was pretty obvious why I worked down here. To be alone and calm, away from my demons. Not to mention I had a fascination with murder as long as I wasn't the one comitting it. There was always a story and sometimes you don't see the full picture until a clue helps you fill it in. I enjoyed the puzzle, which is why I almost considered being a cop. But fate didn't hold the cards for me, I couldn't risk it. Walking through the morgue I frowned, there was already a body lying there on the table. Looking towards my office I saw her. Maggie Sawyer sat at my desk a case file in her hand.

Slowing down I turned around hoping to leave before she saw me. I know it was cowardly but she had me working on the weirdest of cases hoping to find aliens in National City. If not for her It wouldn't have taken so long to find out Supergirl was Kara.

"Where do you think you're going, Bloom." I could only curse my luck as I froze on the spot turning around. Maggie now stood at the door with a smile on her face. 

"I finally got one," She held up the file, causing me to sigh. This wasn't the first time she had announced such a finding and each time she was wrong.

"Look Detective Sawyer I know you believe aliens are out there, I mean look at Supergirl and Superman. What are the chances that they're the only alien race out there but to think that they've already invaded earth is highly improbable. I've opened every body you've sent me and so far they've all been 100% human. "

"Save it Bloom, this time I'm right. I have to be right." She offered me the case file.

 I did as she said, seeing no reason to continue trying to convince her when I could simply prove it.

Grabbing the case file I looked over it. Name Ian Holden. Age 34. Race Caucasian. The file didn't say much else only going back 5 or so years it seemed he had moved around alot before finally settling in National City. It was pretty odd considering he had just appeared 5 or so years ago.

Looking at the body I could immediately Identify cause of death. Single gunshot wound to the chest, he bled out in minutes. I could only guess but from the size of the bullet hole I would say it was a nine millimeter. Maggie stood off to the side with a pensive look on her face.

Grabbing my scalpel I began the autopsy, I Immediately noticed his skin tougher than an average human's. I was forced to stop immediately, as a beeping sound came from his wrist. A flashing red happened as Maggie gripped my shoulder pulling us both towards the ground. 

The expected explosion never happened, standing up I looked at the body. It's human like complexion had vanished instead it's skin was grey. It's eyes were green like grass and it's open chest now sported a collection of different organs.

"You were right?" I couldn't help but ask, I know with everything that happened in my life I shouldn't be surprised but here I was performing an autopsy on an alien.

"I was right? I was right!" Maggie smiled beautifully; it was different from the smile from earlier. I had to give it to her, discovering that Aliens were hiding in National city. Who knows where else they were.

"What are we going to do with the body? Are you planning on releasing this information to the public?" I had so many questions so many people believed Aliens lived amongst us and Superman was only the first. Humans wouldn't react well to such information. They'd only reacted so well to Superman because of the good he did. It all depended on what the Aliens could offer to humanity as a whole. Racism still existed on earth, although it was hidden well it still existed. Aliens on earth could only lead to one thing, a war on the so called invaders. (This could all be worded so much better) (This is actually beautifully written.)

"No, I have a murder to solve. I don't plan on telling the public about them who knows how they'll react." I'd done my research on Maggie for the most part she was a good person. It wasn't odd seeing her wanting to help those in hiding. She did her best to hide her own secrets, it was only right she would protect the minorities.

"What are you going to do with the body? I can't exactly keep it here."

"For now keep it covered and in the fridge. I'll try and find some kind of kin. I'm sure he didn't travel to Earth alone. While I'm doing that make sure no one sees the body." I could only nod for now I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last alien I did an autopsy on.

It was later that day that Maggie returned to the Morgue with a grin on her face. She held a piece of paper in her hand with an address on it.

"Did you find a relative?" She shook her head no. 

"So why do you seem so happy?"

"Because I found a lead. You go home and shower and then meet me here." I wanted to say no. I had so many things I needed to do. Not to mention I hadn't seen Kara in what felt like days. Sadly my own curiosity got the best of me, maybe she found out where the aliens meet at night. My thoughts went on and on coming up with more and more theories.

Fortunately I didn't live far from the precinct, working in a morgue all day made you smell horrible. After a long and thorough cleaning, I made my way towards the address Maggie had given me.

She stood under a light wearing a leather jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Her hands were in her pockets as she stood there looking around taking in everything.

"Come on , this place is amazing." A bright smile appeared on her face as she led me down an alley. Had she not been a detective and a friend I would have thought she was leading me to my death but soon we stopped in front of a door. 

A subtle smell of beer wafted through the air and I knew we were at a bar. Maggie turned around grinning at me before pushing the door open. 

I was surprised and amazed at the same time. I wasn't too far off in my theory, entering the bar I took it all in. Aliens with no self regard for humans filled the bar seeming enjoying their night.

"It's an alien bar, cool, right?"

It was cool that I could not deny. Maggie pulled me towards the bar. A beautiful dark skinned woman stood at the bar with a small smile on her face.

"Two beers." Maggie said taking a seat on a stool.

"How did you find this place?"

"I have my ways," Maggie pulled out her phone before turning to the bartender.

"Do you know this guy?" On her phone was a picture of our dead guy Ian Holden only he looked very much alive in this picture.

The bartender took her time before a smile appeared on her face, "Yeah that's Ian he's a regular I didn't recognize him without his tattoos."

Maggie turned to me with a grin on her face, it seems she was getting closer to catching her murderer.

"Does he have any next of kin, I need her to identify the body." That wouldn't be a pleasant experience, but considering she was most likely an alien it was probably best if she was the one to do so.

"Yeah her name's Kali with a K, Umm," the bartender reached under the bar pulling out her phone. "I actually have her number, Ian wasn't the best at holding his beer."

Maggie inserted the number as the bartender read it out before stepping away from the bar, the conversation she was about to have wouldn't be easy. Telling someone that their loved one is dead sucks. I had the conversation myself a couple of times being on both ends of the conversation.

"How long has this bar been open?" I couldn't help but wonder how long the aliens had been hiding under our noses. It was truly fascinating to think about.

"3 or 4 years, the owner opened so we'd all have a place to be ourselves but we accept all races even humans like the two of you."

That was interesting, I wondered how many humans knew of this place and kept it to themselves. It couldn't have been many knowing the nature of humans.

"How do you know if you can trust them not to tell?"

"I have my ways," She tapped her forehead causing me to run through a bunch of theories.

"You can read minds?" That seemed to catch her off guard, if I was correct she didn't have her ability active at all times. She only read the minds she wished to read when she wished to read them.

"Names M'gann, it's nice to meet you Vincent Bloom. I hope you come back often, I can tell you feel at peace in this bar. You're not that different from your partner over there."

"We're leaving," Maggie grabbed me by the shoulder pulling me away.

"Bye M'gann," She was awesome. I mean the ability to read minds was Awesome. But the things inside my own head were dark and scary. Would she inform someone of my nightly escapades? I'd have to think twice before entering this bar again.

"Where are we going?" I looked at Maggie.

"Back to the morgue the victim's sister is going to meet us there."

20 Minutes Later

I stood in my office as Maggie talked to the victim's sister, I still hadn't discovered what device they were using to hide their true appearance. The Sister was a tall blonde, she wore a grey women's suit. Maggie's a great cop, I watched as she ignored the fact that her victim was in fact an Alien. It didn't seem to affect her sense of justice whether it was a human or an Alien didn't seem to matter. So as she talked to the sister that was also an Alien it showed what kind of person she was. I wouldn't be of much help any longer on this case, she'd have to talk to forensics for that. Throwing my bag over my shoulder I made my exit.

A couple of minutes later I was entering my door, I did the first thing I would usually do. Working as a medical examiner isn't easy. I spend most of my time with the dead which makes connecting with the living harder. Lately I had spent all of my time getting every bit of information on Kara Danvers aka Supergirl.

Turning on my I clicked on a folder by the name Live Camera. I hadn't been wasting my time, after finding out Supergirl's Identity I did what any self respecting stalker would do. I bugged her house not only did I have Video Surveillance I had sound. I didn't like being referred to as a stalker it sounded so wrong when I was just searching for someone to connect with. Someone who could eventually love me for who I am Darkness included.

Things were different today I would usually keep close tabs on how she's handling her new gig as a Superhero. But with Maggie dragging me back and forth from work today I had other things to take care of. The first thing I noticed was that Kara wasn't in fact wearing regular clothes, even her tights and cape seemed normal compared to what she was wearing.

A black jumpsuit with a Kryptonian Symbol on it. She looked badass not to mention the curls in her hair and the red lipstick. Something was off. My point was further proved as Kara turned her attention to the railing of clothes off to the side. Her eyes burned red as her heat vision went to work on her day to day clothes setting the aflame.

The door to her apartment shot open revealing her sister Alex, she didn't pause seeing the clothes on fire she grabbed the fire extinguisher as Kara chuckled at her antics.

"I needed a wardrobe overhaul," Yeah something was definitely off. Kara was darker. This was something I had never seen before. I was beginning to think we weren't so different after all.

"Kara this isn't you," Alex breathed in and out as she talked to her sister.

"I'm more me than I've ever been," She truly seemed to believe that, I really wished I had some kind of clue as to what had happened to cause such a change.

"Please listen, you were affected by red kryptonite, it altered your brain, you're not seeing clearly." That was new and it seemed to be the clue I was missing whatever red kryptonite was it definitely played a role in all of this.

"Oh I see clearly," Kara said with a hint of anger in her voice. "I see how you've always been jealous of me, you didn't want me to come out as Supergirl because you didn't want me to own my powers."

Kara continued to taunt and jape at Alex. She seemed to be hitting each nail on the tip of it's head as she continued speaking. She was growing darker by the second, it wasn't something visible to the eye but I could tell. And for some reason I had a feeling this new kryptonite didn't create these feelings she kept deep inside of her. It was only drawing them out, deep down she enjoyed the looks of worship the people of National City gave her. She enjoyed the power she held. 

As she flew off something changed inside of me. I was losing control but it wasn't like the times it had happened in the past. I would usually just fade to darkness with no idea what was happening on the outside but this time I could see it all. My Darkness was allowing me to see whatever it was that it was going to do.

(3rd Person Pov)

With Vincent thrown to the back, the darkness took over, it referred to itself as Dark because it was all it had known until Vincent. Dark took in the apartment he had woken up in so many times before. He had watched Vincent live his life through his eyes for as long as it could remember, now he was returning the favor. Allowing Vincent to see as it made the move he was too afraid to do. Emptying the back pack it pulled out a few miniature cameras as small as a bottle top thanks to Lexcorp. he wouldn't need much else, he disdained the looks of envy Vincent seemed to give the normal people of this world. It didn't know much about their destiny but they wouldn't be able to coexist for long eventually they would have to choose. Would the darkness take control of the vessel or would the fading light. He didn't dislike Vincent, but it was survival of the fittest.

Looking at the laptop he began typing, he could do everything Vincent could do sadly Vincent couldn't do the same. his hands were normal only his eyes had darkened if one looked deep enough they would notice the slits inside of his pupils. Soon he was getting a live tracking of Supergirl's movements. She was arrogant choosing to fly so low within the city, not realizing almost anyone with half a brain could track her movements. She stopped at a bar surprising not too far where it currently was. Dark so no reason to wait opening the window he jumped landing perfectly on the ground below.

Minutes later he was stepping within the same bar, Supergirl sat alone with a bowl of peanuts in front of her. He didn't immediately walk up towards her instead placing a camering in each corner of the bar before placing one on his front pocket. This one in particular was a pair of glasses.

"I'll have a whiskey, dry." He took a seat next to Supergirl.

"I'm really not in the mood for corny pickup lines." Supergirl said with narrowed eyes.

"Good that means we can get right down to business." Dark's voice had a bit of playfulness to it, he immediately realized Vincent was right. There was Darkness within Supergirl, one that made him drawn towards her

"How many lives have you saved within the 6 or 7 months you've been Supergirl?"

"Who knows, haven't been keeping count, don't tell me you're a fanboy cause I'm not signing autographs."

"How many lives have you ruined?"

Supergirl seemed to pause at the question as she sent a glare Darks way.

"I mean we have the oil spill, the fights within the center of National City. How many buildings were destroyed while you so-called gods fought above this very city. How many people have you and your cousin put away just so they could walk freely a few months later. Do you really think you're a hero or are you simply a mis-guided alien with a hero complex?"

Dark raised an eyebrow as Supergirl cracked a smile before her laughter soon filled the bar drawing the attention of everyone there.

"Is this guy bothering you?" A bald man with tattoos stepped forward standing between Supergirl in Dark. 

Dark ignored him as he continued to look at Supergirl; he hoped she would attack him, that way he and Vincent could evolve again. It didn't seem like she would as she turned towards the tattooed guy who would definitely fit in better in a city like Gotham.

"He's not bothering me but you are," A grin appeared on her face as she reached for the hand of the tattooed guy twisting it in the wrong direction. The sound of cracking bones and the man's scream didn't seem to affect Dark as he continued staring at Supergirl refusing to take his eyes off of her.

"These people worship me, I don't need to believe I'm a hero as long as they do. Not to mention killing weaklings like him is beneath me."

Things hadn't gone exactly as planned, Dark realized manipulating Supergirl wouldn't be as easy as he had hoped. 

"You bitch you broke my arm," The tattooed guy stood up from the ground holding his broken arm in his hand.

"You should leave," Dark said just loud enough for the man to hear him.

"I'm not leaving until she pays me for breaking my arm, or else I might just take her to court. How much money do you think I can get off suing Supergirl."

"You're an Idiot," Dark stood up from his seat looking the man right in the eyes.

"Leave or you won't have the chance to sue her," Dark gripped the man's broken arm squeezing slowly.

"Arghh okay, okay, I'm leaving." It didn't matter Dark had plans for the fool that had interfered with his plans. Turning back to supergirl he realized it was too late as the game that had been on the TV now showed the one and only Cat Grant. 

Supergirl once again drew the attention of everyone there as she overturned the bowl full of peanuts. As Cat Grant continued speaking Supergirl began to flick the peanuts towards the bar full of drinks breaking a bottle with each flick. She didn't seem to care for Cat's speech as she stood from her seat.

"It seems I have some business to handle," Dark watched as she made her exit. He had something he needed to do as well.

Dark exited the bar making his way in a certain direction, he was tracking someone. The guy from earlier smelled like whiskey and ink, it was safe to assume he worked at a tattoo parlor. It wouldn't matter, he wouldn't work anywhere else for the rest of his life. A grim like smile appeared on Dark's face as he picked up speed. The Tattooed guy hadn't gotten far with his broken arm most people would head to a hospital but for some reason he didn't. 

Dark vanished into the darkness as his skin became as Dark as tar and he grew a couple of feet taller. His hand turned to claws as his eyes became slits, he had eaten yesterday but today he wasn't hunting for food. No he was hunting just for the thrill of it. The tattooed guy didn't have the chance to make a sound as Dark appeared behind grabbing him by the neck he pushed him against the wall.

"And now you die," what he enjoyed most was watching as the life left the bodies of his victims. He would usually dismantle the body before consuming it but today he could care less opting to do something he hadn't done in a long time. He wouldn't enjoy the food no he would simply eat the only connection he had with Supergirls Darkness. No he had the Cameras, the cameras he had left within the bar.

He cursed himself, always relying on his instincts instead of his intelligence. Absorbing the body he made his way back to the bar only there was one problem. He wouldn't be able to stay awake for much longer, sure he had absorbed the body but he needed to sleep so that he could break it down. 

"Get the Cameras," Dark was sure Vincent was watching, he was sure he was listening. He only hoped he would do as he said.

1st person Pov

Like being unchained I was finally free, I now had complete control over my body. I now realized how my Darkness had managed to get rid of every shred of evidence of it's kills. The bodies were inside of me, I didn't completely understand it right now but it freaked me out.

It's last words were get the cameras, I wanted to ignore it but deep down I knew if I didn't it would come back to bite me in the ass. Turning around I made my way through the alleys, knowing I had just killed someone didn't seem to affect me. I had long ago separated myself from my darkness believing we were two separate entities.

Finally reaching the bar I frowned upon the sight that entered my eyes. An Alien with green skin and red eyes stood over the body of Supergirl. Her sister Alex kneeled at her side, I could tell she was alive by the way her body moved.

"Go Please," Alex said to the alien. He didn't listen as his body glowed red before turning back into Hank Henshaw. Things just seemed to get weirder and weirder, how does an alien become the leader of a secret organization designed to stop alien threats. He dropped to his knees placing his hands behind his head allowing an agent to cuff him.

Ducking into the bar I grabbed the cameras my darkness had placed inside of the bar. It was interesting to see the world react to the green alien. What was more interesting was the worlds reaction to Supergirl. She had betrayed them and this wasn't the first time. There had been a supergirl imposter not too long ago, at that time I had barely had any luck in tracking down the whereabouts of Supergirls home base. The reason I was aware of the Deo was quite simple after discovering Kara's apartment her leavings and going were quite easy to track. Her constant flying to the outer area of the cities border were quite interesting. For a secret organization they did a poor job of keeping there base of operation a secret.

Now most of the world was currently afraid of supergirl, she had done so much good but now she was caught in 4k. Although anyone with common sense would realize she wasn't herself in that moment it didn't matter. People believed what they wanted to believe and with the media pushing how bad supergirl was more and more people wanted to believe she was bad. Most of the world liked superman more anyway surely the politicians wanted supergirl out of National city. The repairs they had been forced to constantly repeat were beginning to become a problem for the cities wealth. Sure Supergirl brought in plenty of revenue just by using her name but with her evil deeds that wouldn't stick for long.

I myself believed that Supergirl would overcome this, she had too. Ever since Dark had shown me that he could take over whenever he wanted i've become worried. He was obviously growing stronger and yet i had no control over that. I myself was as strong as the average human, could i die, No. But I failed to see how that would matter against Dark who absorbed what he ate.

While Maggie tracked down the killer of the alien I had a few normal cases to take care of. It wasn't until around 1 that the tv drew my attention. Catco the building owned by Cat grant, where Kara worked appeared on the tv. Moving my paperwork to the side i grabbed the remote turning the tv up. It happened quick, the window broke and what looked like Kara flew out of the window. Was this it, was her secret identity already about to be shown to the public. Suddenly in a flash a blur of orange appeared, it looked like lightning but before I could tell what it was it vanished alongside Kara.

His name was the flash, cat grant had released an article about him the very same day he appeared. He was obviously a good guy judging by his first act saving Kara. Apparently the person who "pushed" Kara out of catco was Winslow Shotts girlfriend. Not completely sure if he'll keep dating her but who cares. The reason I say pushed is because no one would actually say that she used her scream to not only break reinforced glass but to send another human being flying out of it.

What happened next was quite interesting, Supergirl and the Flash, against Banshee and Livewire. The Flash helped Supergirl take the first step in regaining the city's trust.

While they did that Maggie had come to me for a talk. Apparently she had a suspect, only she wasn't sure if he was aware of our aliens' true form. Now all she needed was a way to match the caliber of the bullets to the gun he had. If he kept the gun and if he hadn't it would surely make this whole thing a lot harder.

Tonight was surely a night to celebrate Supergirl was making headway with the city, Maggie was making progress with her case and I. I hadn't eaten anyone in a couple of days, which was honestly worth celebrating. I was sure Kara wouldn't miss such a night to celebrate, no doubt her and her friends were currently hosting a game night. Switching on my pc I quickly clicked on the camera I had place within her home. I could only promise I didn't use it to creep on her while she slept or undressed for that matter. The fact that she hadn't already discovered the camera's was weird to me but it also made sense. Her home was her sanctuary and she believed her secret to be safe among her friends and family. 

Kara was alone in her apartment when she heard a knock at the door, it was Jimmy Olsen the camera guy. I didn't like this guy, not for Kara at the very least. Something about him always seemed off but who was I to speak I was on the outside looking in. What mattered was that Kara seemed to like him. Or maybe she idolized him, I wasn't completely sure, her cousin Superman had been saving lives for how long? This guy Jimmy Olsen had been there from the beginning taking pictures of her hero. It was kind of hard not to idolize the best friend of Superman. 

Alas my hopes were shattered as the two kissed, only something weird happened after. Jimmy simply left, either the kiss was too good or something was happening. Kara seemed just as confused as she looked out her window. I wondered what she saw. Standing up from my laptop I did the same. People of all ages and skin tones were for some reason walking the streets of National city at night. The biggest question was why? Suddenly I could hear this buzzing sound, turning to my laptop, I frowned.

3rd Person

Whatever that buzzing sound was it seemed to take hold of VIncent as his eyes glazed over. Whatever it was that was taking control of the people outside seemed to have done the same to him. Only Vincent wasn't like all those people out there, he had a monster inside of him. One that coudln't be described as anything close to human, Dark had only appeared a few years before, throwing Vincent's life into upheaval. 

The next morning

Vincent opened his eyes feeling drowsy he wasn't in bed. He was quite used to walking up in odd places but this was different. He blinked a few times before reaching his hand out against the glass. He had to be dreaming, there was no way he was where he currently thought he was. Outside of the glass he saw nothing but deep dark space. He pinched himself before shaking hsi head, he had to be going crazy. Why was this happening?

Thinking about it he realized this had been the story of his life. He had been forced to run all around the states before finally settling down in Nation city. It was due to dark and his insatiable hunger. At one point in time he had thought his life was amazing, he had just discovered that he couldn't die. He couldn't have been older than 15 at the time. One car accident was enough for him to find that out. It had been the reason he wanted to be a doctor, when dark first appeared he knew he couldn't stay. Now he was in space, most likely in a spaceship with no idea where it was headed.

He didn't know how much time had passed, there was no way to keep track of the days. He reckoned it couldn't have been more than a few days judging by his body's reaction. The human body can survive 3 weeks without food and he was sure that not even a third of that time had passed yet. 

He had been drifting in and out of consciousness with no idea how long had passed in between. As he did his best to keep his eyes open he spotted her, Planet Earth in all its glory. He reached out towards the glass before immediately pinching himself. He needed to stay awake, he wasn't an alien. Why was he in a spaceship headed for earth? He could only blame dark, how he had done it Vincent wasn't sure. 

The spaceship picked up speed as it descended towards Earth's atmosphere. Whatever the ship was made of was strong enough to withstand the heat as Vincent could see literal fire engulf the ship. 

Vincent reached around him pressing anything he could get his hands on. The ship had landed in a familiar city. Only Vincent knew what was next, the first to show up would surely be Supergirl, then it would be the crowds of people. He lived a normal life and being found in a literal spaceship would destroy that. How would he stay under the radar, especially when dark took over and fed. The eyes that would fall upon him would be the death of him.


The sound of air leaving a pipe brought Vincent out of his thoughts as the spaceship doors opened. He climbed out covering his face from the sunlight, once he was finally outside of the ship he gave it a once over. He wasn't a scientist and even he was fascinated by the thing. Unfortunately he couldn't';t check it out, not when Supergirl was surely heading this way. 

He was lucky he was still wearing human clothes, it would be harder for Supergirl to identify him even with her super vision. As walked away from the ship he heard her, he frowned at that realization. She wasn't the only thing he could hear, the crowds of people coming his way. The engines of cars, whatever had happened to him in that spaceship had changed him. He picked up his speed as he gripped his head in anguish, he head felt like it was going to explode. As Supergirl landed in front of the spaceship he blended in with the crowd. He turned around and looked at her as she realized the spaceship was empty. She quickly flew up into the sky surveying the area. Vincent thanked the Gods that he hadn't been discovered. Turning around he headed towards his apartment all while nursing his head. 

Once he got home he quickly took a shower before throwing his clothes into a plastic bag. Those clothes had been to space, inside an actual spaceship. They needed to be tested, they weren't the only thing that needed to be tested. He needed to test himself for the changes that were going on in his body. 

Turning on his laptop he realised that it had only been three days since he passed out in his room. Supergirl had some how stopped whatever was affecting the citizens of National City. Even superman had shown up, unfortunately even he had been affected. That in reality only led to more questions for Vincent. He had never woken up in such a weird place, some how he had teleported into that space ship. That Space ship, images flashed in his mind and one in particular stood out. On the dashboard of the Spaceship there was a symbol one that reminded Vincent of a certain girl wonder. It was a kryptonian symbol meaning that ship was likely Kryptonian, he had a feeling there was someone in that spaceship. Someone that dark has surely now absorbed.

It had to be the reason for his hearing going haywire, even noise cancelling headphones failed to make a difference. There was one thing that worried him, he couldn't currently feel dark beneath his skin plotting. It reminded him of the beginning when Dark would hunt everyday. Those days were the worst, waking up in random places with no idea where you were the night before. It was a week later when he finally discovered Dark, he had hooked a body cam up on him in hopes of recording whatever it was he was doing at night. He had no idea there was something else inside of him. He wasn't the only person that discovered something that day, Dark had been overeating. 

It was that night that he had went into a hibernation, Vincent's life returned to normal for a couple months. When dark came back he spread out his eating times from month to month. The feeling he currently got was very similar to that. Could Dark absorb kryptonians? It was a question he didn't want to know the answer to. As he was right now it was hard enough to keep Dark at bay.

Standing up he threw on a pair of khakis with a dress shirt. He hadn't been to the lab in three days. He reckoned no one had noticed especially with what had been going on in the city. He made sure to throw on a cap, he wanted to remain anonymous but he was sure there were cameras in view of the spaceship. It hadn't exactly landed in the most inconspicuous place, he had wanted to find the footage and delete it but that was impossible. Not when the Deo had most likely already gotten to it.

Entering the building he immediately headed down the stairs, opening the glass door leading to his lab he frowned. He could see just barely see the leather jacket of someone in his office. Slowly walking towards the door he let out a sigh or relief upon realizing it was Maggy. Opening his office door he put on a small smile as she spotted him.

"Find anything interesting?" He asked upon seeing her using his computer. He wasn't worried about her finding anything untoward he had made sure to keep the computer free of all information pertaining him. Which could only mean she was checking his notes on the autopsy of the alien.

"You're alright," Maggy quickly stood from her chair walking over to Vincent before pulling him into a hug.

Vincent was quite surprised by the hug, they had been friends for a couple of years but something like this had never happened.

"I called you like 30 times in the last two days," Maggy said, breaking the hug and looking Vincent in the face.

"You did?" Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone only it was currently dead. "I guess i never got around to charging it." He commented as he walked around maggy reaching into his desk drawer. He pulled out a charger plugging it into the wall before looking at the computer. He was right maggy was looking over his notes. No doubt looking for anything that could help her close this case.

"Where did you wake up?" Maggy asked, causing Vincent to freeze. Seeing that she continued, "When this so-called Myriad thing ended I woke up here at my desk, I checked down here for you but you were nowhere to be found."

"In the middle of the street surrounded by so many other people," Vincent commented before changing the subject. "Have you considered that maybe the guy that killed him knew he was an alien?"

"No, I mean yes but then I would have no suspects, these people are careful. Who knows how long they have lived with us, you saw that device. It allows them to perfectly blend in with us humans." Maggie said as she walked over towards Vincent.

"It's not perfect, it can't change the DNA of these aliens. Has our victim signed up for anything that requires DNA tests?"

" No but she did say he had shown some interest in Maxwell Lord. She said he kept ranting about this device, she didn't know much else."

"Well it's a good thing Maxwell likes to show off all of his inventions," Vincent began to type before a frown appeared on his face.

"This has to be it, this thing can bypass their device. It'll put them all at risk." Maggie's worry could be heard in her voice.

"It says that Maxwell originally designed this thing to detect any viruses or gasses in the human body, later on he realized it could do much more. Similar to a metal detector it can be held in one hand, it scans the body before sending the images to an app on a cell phone. The images are then used to determine the overall health of the subject. It's like an xray for sicknesses." it was a genius design only Vincent didn't see how this thing had the ability to bypass the aliens camouflage device.

"They're doing trial runs on this device," Maggie pulled out her phone immediately dialing a number. It wasn't too long before an annoyed look appeared on her face. "They're not picking up."

"Seems like you have some work to do," Vincent continued to scroll through the website eventually stopping on one person.

"He's overseeing the trial run, his name is William Bartowsky. Find him, find out if our victim signed up for this trial run and find our suspect."

"You make it sound so easy, but without you I wouldn't have this lead so thank you." Maggie leaned over patting Vincent on the shoulder before heading out of the office. He watched as she left as his smile slowly dropped from his face. She was a good detective, they hadn't exactly become friends on purpose but Maggie was hard not to like. He hoped she would find her suspect soon. He had other things to worry about now, like running tests on himself.

He grabbed a cotton swab quickly swabbing his mouth, he wouldn't label the container. He didn't want people finding out it was his DNA. The last time he had run this test he was 100% human, but with Dark creeping beneath the surface he knew that wasn't true. 

It would take some time before he got the results back. Knowing that he opted to grab something to eat while the DNA sequenced. It had been a long day, waking up in a spaceship was weird. Being a witness to a space ship descending earth's atmosphere was something completely different. Had he not basically been asleep for the past three days he was sure he never would have made it into work. 

Opening the door into the Coffee shop he raised an eyebrow upon seeing Kara. She sat at a table by the window in front of her was Jimmy Olsen. He couldn't help but overhear their conversation. Maybe it was because he was intrigued, maybe it was because he was beginning to get a hold on his new senses.

"Look James, I like you I really do. I just don't think they'll ever be a chance for us. "

"Look Kara if this has anything to do with the kiss-"

"It has nothing to do with that. Our first kiss was ruined by my psychotic uncle but I don't blame you for that. It's just right now with me being "supergirl" I'm having trouble realizing who Kara is."

Vincent could only sigh upon hearing that. Kara was so amazing, had he been hoping that this would happen? Yes, but it was obvious that Jimmy really liked Kara. This whole thing had to hurt, he himself had a bit of an understanding when it came to identity crisis. 

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a 10 dollar bill handing it to the guy behind the counter. In return he was handed an iced coffee and a sandwich wrapped in foil. He wasn't staying, had he known Kara would be here he would have stopped somewhere else. This place was close to the precinct he had been on auto pilot when walking here. 

It was a few minutes later when he returned to the station, he swiped his card and headed straight towards his lab. He could still hear the DNA sequencer doing it's work when he entered, he walked through the lab entering his office. Placing his coffee and sandwich on the desk he sat in his chair. His office was plain looking, it was a small office with a single desk and chair. In the corner of the room there hung a TV. On the desk there was a monitor, his pc sat under his desk. It was nothing too high tech, pulling out one of the desk he turned on the TV turning to the news station. 

"Once again I must thank you for that lead," He hadn't even noticed Maggie enter his office. She leaned against the door with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

"What are partners for," He replied with a smile on his face.

"Partners? Don't they usually ride together, I had to practically pry you from that desk the last time we went out together."

Vincent only laughed, in all honesty he had been skeptical about her finding an alien bar. She had found out they were living amongst each other a day before and she had already found their secret hiding place. But if it wasn't for her he never would have done that autopsy in the first place.

"Is that sandwich from that coffee place around the corner?" Maggie asked with raised eyebrows.

Vincent sighed as he looked down at his sandwich and back to her, "Want half?" He asked reluctantly.

"You know it," Maggie turned around grabbing a stool from the lab before hauling it back into the office.

Vincent opened the sandwich marvelling at its beauty. One could tell this wasn't the first time something like this had happened judging by the already cute sandwich. Sliding half over to Maggie, he watched as she immediately took a bite. It was obvious by the moan that left her mouth that it was a delicious sandwich.

Vincent smiled seeing her reaction, taking a bite of his own he did his best not to moan as well. 

"What the hell," Vincent frowned as he looked up at his sandwich. He had felt the wind from Maggie reaching over his desk. In her hand was the remote looking at the TV he almost shot his pants. 

"A spaceship landed right in the center of National City. We have no idea what was inside of it we only have video evidence of these people moving the ship. We have reason to believe their CIA or FBI but neither organizations have opted to reply to our questions."

As the reporter finished speaking a video of people wearing all black appeared. Vincent could see Hank and Alex, they surrounded a space ship only no one was inside. 

Vincent obviously knew why there was no one inside but this was a good thing. This meant that the DEO took care of the camera footage of him getting out of the spaceship. He knew there was no chance that the footage had been erased, they knew what he looked like. It wouldn't be long before they found out who he was. 


Vincent closed up the lab making sure to turn off all of the lights before locking up the place. He swiped his card as he exited the precinct. It wasn't long before he felt it, the chill of someone watching you. It was safe to say that the DEO had already identified him and there was no escaping this. Pulling out his phone he dialed Maggie's number, he sighed as it went to voicemail.

He waited for the beep before he began to speak, "Mags I know we just talked about going out into the field together but I most likely won't be able to come into work the next couple of days. Don't worry about me, everything you need pertaining to your case can be found on my desk. Bye now." 

He placed his phone in his pocket feeling a bit of pressure lift from his shoulders. Maggie had somehow ended up being the last person and only person he could say goodbye to. He had done his best to keep his distance from people but it was something about her. She was a good friend.

It was probably best if he didn't lead them directly to his house, with the encryption on his computer it was unlikely they'd be able to hack it but he wouldn't take the chance. They were looking for an alien, and Vincent wasn't one. At least he hoped he wasn't, he shook his head as he realized that he had never had the chance to check his DNA. Maggie had showed up and the DEO being at the space ship had thrown him off.

It didn't matter now, either way he would have gotten caught. Knowing or not knowing meant nothing in fact it might be best that he didn't know.

The DEO were in no way the most competent agency, they hadn't realized how easy it was to track down their secret base. Kara's flight path was easy to map, she was like a god compared to the rest of the humans. Of course she wouldn't realize how easy it is to track her, but the DEO should have been prepared.

Taking a quick right he flexed his ears and suddenly he could hear everything in a ten mile radius. He could find the the gap in the DEO's formation, he sighed as he walked down the dark alley. It was usually dark sulking in alleys, only Vincent was sure the DEO would have no chance of catching him. There was a DEO agent waiting at the end of this alley, just as there was one currently following him. There was one covering each exit of the alley except for a small narrow gap between two buildings. A small fence that reached up to his waist was the only thing blocking his path. Jumping over it he picked up his speed, ending back up on the street he quickly crossed to the other side. 

He could hear their comms, they were panicking. The DEO had been slowly revealing themselves to the public which meant Vincent could use the public to hide. Taking a deep breath he cut into another alley he had decided to just head as far away as possible from the DEO agents. 

Upon entering the Alley he froze, he could hear it, the wind. Wind that wasn't a natural phenomenon, wind that came from a being that could break the sound barrier. Looking up he saw her in all her glory, her hair blew in the wind. Her cape blew gracefully as she floated like an angel. 

Vincent only smiled knowing he was beat, fighting Supergirl wasn't an option. 

"Wait, I know you," Supergirl said with a frown on her face as she landed in front of VIncent.

The sound of footsteps in the distance let Vincent know that there was no way of escaping. 

"You were there that night, I was affected by red Kryptonite," Kara commented.

Vincent only frowned, it wasn't him that night. Dark had taken over, it was his idea of talking with her. Did he really think he could turn her evil, he had a better chance of eating Nazi's. 

"Supergirl," Turning around Vincent realized it was Alex, in her hands were a pair of cuffs.

DEO headquarters

Interrogation room

Vincent sat with his hands placed on the table handcuffed, he reckoned this was how they treated all of their alien captives. His foot constantly tapped, something he had already noticed. He couldn't lie to himself, he was nervous. How does one go about explaining what's happened to him? It didn't matter how he explained it they would eventually come to the conclusion that he was a human raised on earth. He was more worried about his past, especially dark and what he had done. If they found that out he was sure he would never see the light of day again.

The sound of the door opened as Alex entered with a cup one hand and a file in the other. "If you're thirsty," She said, sliding it across the table. Vincent only glanced at it before turning back to her. She seemed unperturbed by his response, taking a seat and raising an eyebrow.

"You didn't seem surprised when we caught you, why?" Alex asked.

"Well waking up in a spaceship in the center of the city kind of warrants the investigation of the DEO," Vincent stated.

"You know who we are?" Alex questioned, showing a bit of surprise.

"You guys appeared when Supergirl was affected by red kryptonite," Vincent replied.

"Why were you in that spaceship? What kind of alien are you?"

"I don't know, and I'm not an alien," Vincent answered, showing no emotion.

"You landed on Earth yesterday in a spaceship no less, we have video footage of you leaving that Spaceship. If you aren't an alien what are you?"

Reaching for the cup Vincent took a sip before sliding it towards Alex, "You want my DNA? There it goes." He was a cop, sure he only worked in pathology but he was still a cop. How couldn't he know what Alex wanted with the cup of water.

Raising an eyebrow Alex picked up the cup of water before exiting the room. It was only a few moments later when Supergirl entered with a frown on her face. 

"Are you trying to intimidate me into confessing?" Vincent asked with a bit of mirth in his voice. Supergirl was kind almost to a fault, he was aware of what she was capable of and knew she wouldn't harm him.

"That depends, do you have anything to confess," Supergirl replied as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall next to the door.

Vincent took a second to think about it knowing he had plenty to confess, the amount of skeletons in his closet would surely lead him to the death sentence. Not to mention supergirl, he had invaded her privacy by placing cameras not only in her building but in her home. He couldn't lie to himself; he was a tad bit obsessed with finding out her secret.

"I woke up in that Spaceship 2 days ago, I had no idea how I got there. One second I was at home, then I looked out the window and saw the people. They were marching somewhere, it was already dark."

"Myriad," Supergirl commented under her breath.

"Just when I was wondering why I wasn't affected I passed out, when I woke up-"

"You were in the spaceship," Supergirl finished.

"So you see supergirl, I'm just as confused as you all are. Once that agent comes back with my DNA you'll see that I'm human and let me go."

"I remember you," Supergirl said, changing the conversation. "You were there the night I was affected by red kryptonite, in that bar. It's hazy but I do remember you stopping that guy, I don't know what I would have done had he continued antagonizing me."

"Yes I was there, that was a weird day." Vincent commented not really wanting to talk about it knowing that it wasn't actually him there that night. It was Dark, he had wanted to see who supergirl truly was what she was capable of. It was fortunate not only for VIncent but for the rest of the world that her change in attitude was due to red Kryptonite. Vincent reckoned that if kara was truly evil the world wouldn't stand a chance.

"Supergirl, do you mind coming out here," VIncent looked up at the intercom realizing it was Alex's voice. It seems they already had the results, it would have taken a couple hours for him to get the results. But what did he expect from a secret organization tasked with hunting down aliens. 

He flared his ears trying to hear the conversation going on outside, he frowned when he realized he couldn't hear anything. Looking down at his handcuffs he frowned, noticing the dark color grey they were. It was barely noticeable but if he looked closely he could see a light blink every few seconds.

The sound of the door opening drew his attention, Alex stood with a tablet in her hand. Supergirl stood behind her with a look of worry on her face.

"What is it?" VIncent asked raising an eyebrow.

"You a scientist you tell me," Alex said as she slid the tablet over to Vincent.

Picking up the paper he frowned, this wasn't what he expected. He regretted not remembering to check the DNA results before leaving the lab. He had come willingly because he was ninety percent sure they coudln't hold him but this changed things. "This isn't possible," His DNA it had changed since the last time he had checked it. He had made sure to do regular check ups due to Dark, he wasn't sure how his body was changing. Why he coudln't die? His DNA was no help in answering that question. But even after Dark had arrived he was still one hundred percent human but now? His DNA was moving, constantly moving and breaking down and regrowing. 

"Your DNA is closer to Supergirls in origin," Alex said with a smug look on her face.

"You're wrong," Vincent said as he zoomed in on the tablet, "If you look closely you can tell this is a recent change. I'd say it started two or three days ago."

"During Myriad," Hearing Supergirls voice Vincent looked up as realization struck him.

Myriad was sort of like a super charged radio wave that put everyone under a sort of hypnosis, but in his case something else had happened. He wasn't exactly sure how but Myriad had made him fall unconscious so he could only guess what happened next. But somehow he had ended up in that spaceship.

"Has there been anything different since you woke up in that spaceship?" Kara's voice once again made him think.

Dark had quite literally gone dark but they weren't privy to that information. "My hearing, as soon as I got out of the ship it hit me. It was like the stereo was on max with headphones plugged in. I could hear everything, it felt like my head was gonna explode.

"Whatever it is that happened it changed your DNA, you're like Supergirl now, which means you're not leaving."

Vincent sat in his cell, he didn't know how else to describe it. Being held against your will wasn't a pleasant experience. He could feel his impending doom he had done some pretty shady things since supergirl had appeared before the public. If the Deo figured out, he was sure they would find some way to lock him up for life. Then there were the people Dark had killed, how would Vincent deal with that. He held his breath knowing now wasn't the time to panic, he needed to bide his time to get Supergirl and the Deo to trust him. When they finally did, that would be his chance to disappear to escape the city.

In a dark octagon shaped room Vincent stood stiffly with his arms raised. In his head he counted down from three and the lights suddenly turned on revealing Alex Danvers dressed in her Deo outfit. 

She smirked as she saw his face, "expecting someone else?"

"Yeah at least Kara hasn't dislocated my shoulder before."

"It was once."

"Twice, and let's not forget the several bloody noses."

"Well now you're just asking for a beating," Alex took two steps forward throwing a punch. 

Vincent easily dodged before throwing one of his own. 

Alex countered dropping to the ground sweeping Vincent's legs.

Vincent groaned as his back hit the mat and before he could react Alex had wrapped around him like a snake. Her legs threatened to suffocate him as she placed him in an arm bar. 

"Uncle, " Vincent wheezed as he tapped out on Alex's leg. 

"You've improved," Alex said standing up and reaching her hand out to help Vincent up. 

"I think I'll just lie here for a minute," Vincent fought for each breath as he spoke. 

"Suit yourself, but Kara's up next and you won't be in a room like this." 

This room had the same effect as the power dampening cuffs. It made Vincent and Kara able to learn martial arts without relying on their powers.

In the few times he had fought kara he quickly realized that he wasn't nearly as strong as she was. The DEO scientist chalked it up to how long Kara had lived under the sun's rays. They believed that once Vincent's new biology lived under the sun long enough he'd develop to be just as strong as Kara. 

As Vincent left the training from he found Kara waiting outside. 

"I thought I was meeting you in the other training room?' He asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Change of plans today we practice flying, " Kara smiled brightly as she said it. 


"Yes and to do that we're leaving the DEO?"

" they're letting me leave?" Vincent was dumbfounded, he had been a mix between a guest and a prisoner for the last 2 months. He felt like he couldn't remember the last time he felt the suns rays. 

"The Deo has run every test and done several background test. Alex still has a few questions but once those are answered you're free to return back to your life."

"What kind of questions?"

"You can ask her when we come back, unfortunately for now you have to wear this." Holding up a black bracelet Kara tossed it over to Vincent. 

"This isn't a power dampener is it?" Vincent asked as he put the bracelet on. 

"It's a tracking device, this way we always know where you are. And yes it also functions as a power dampener. Only it'll only be turned on in moments of need."

Vincent understood what was going on. They were releasing him on probation or maybe house arrest. It didn't matter because they were letting him free. He wouldn't be able to disappear immediately but he would need to do so soon. It had been 2 months since Dark appeared. How long would he rest before he grew hungry?

Him waking up would mean painting another target on his back especially with the tracking device. 

Supergirl and Vincent stood atop one of the tallest buildings in national city, they stood at the ledge looking over the city.

"Why are we up here exactly?" Vincent asked as he focused on keeping his balance.

"We're aware that you're able to bend steel with your bare hands, run faster than anything a human could create. But when it comes to abilities like heat vision, or freeze breath you don't seem to be able to currently use them." Kara put her hands on her hips as she spoke, she stood strong and proud like the superhero she was. 

"I thought the scientist chalked all of that up to my body not absorbing enough sunlight yet," Vincent asked confused.

"Yes which is why I've decided to run a test of my own, within my first week on earth I could fly. It's time to see if you can do the same," Kara smiled as she motioned downwards.

"You're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting are you?" Vincent wanted to take a step back but was stopped by Kara's firm grip.

"Jump and fly off into the sunset, if it doesn't work I'll catch you. But I think it'll work."

Vincent looked down at the people of national city, they seemed more like ants from where he was standing. The cars were like blurs as they sped throughout the city, the sun shining on his back reflecting off of the windows of the buildings in front of him. The thought of jumping gave him more than butterflies in his stomach, he could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead. Looking to his right Kara stood there with an encouraging smile, he knew he had no chance of going splat and yet the fear was still there.

"Alright I got this," VIncent let out a breath of air as he began stretching his arms and back to relax. '1,2,...' He counted in his head and on 3 he jumped, not downwards but up towards the sun like a bird or a plane. He must of jumped at least a hundred meters before gravity kicked him. Turning his body he looked down at the ground, even Kara who stood on the building where he jumped from seemed far away. He was approaching fast though and he was sure it woudln't be the building where he landed. No, he would land smack in the center of traffic.

"Kara!" He yelled out, it was impossible, he couldn't fly. Even for the second that he was convinced he knew it was impossible. Humans weren't meant to fly not without some contraption or wings on their back. He used his arm to block his vision of his impeding doom.

"Vincent, you can open your eyes now." Kara muttered as she looked at the shell shocked Vincent. "I was so sure this would work," She said under her breath as she began to walk back and forth.

Vincent sat in his "cell" thinking about the last few months. It was obvious the DEO was afraid, afraid of what he would be. They hadn't linked him and the disappearance of tons of people over the years. That had nothing to do with their fear, but he was aware that he was running out of time. He could feel him beginning to wake up, Vincent needed to get out of DEO custody and soon. Dark cared not for Vincent's security he would eat and Vincent would be forced to deal with the leftovers. Deo Agents disappearing randomly wouldn't be good. Standing up he walked to the corner of his cell, "Hey I'd like to talk to the director."

MrGodlyGod01 MrGodlyGod01

What are your thoughts? weird? I kind of flipped midway through on who Vincent's love interest should be. Share your thoughts, and inspire me to continue this monstrous attempt at a story.

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