In a world where ancient bloodlines wield elemental powers, Seraphina Flarewing, a young phoenix heiress, harbors a secret that could shake the foundations of empires. Tasked with a deadly mission by the Empress—a woman she despises—Seraphina must infiltrate the inner circle of her sworn enemy, Orion Drakon, a dragon prince with a mysterious past. As she navigates a treacherous court filled with betrayal and deadly intrigue, Seraphina uncovers shocking truths about her own heritage and the sinister plans of those she once trusted. With alliances shifting and her heart torn between duty and forbidden desire, Seraphina races against time to unravel a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the realm into chaos. But in a world where power and passion collide, she must confront the ultimate question: Can she sacrifice everything for revenge, or will love prove stronger than destiny?
寫檢討作者 ines17