30.43% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 26: Chapter 26

章節 26: Chapter 26

[3rd Person] [Location: Forks]

Hearing Bella's nervous tone, the two looked at eachother. They both knew that she was speaking with shapeshfiters, and both knew that she would find out eventually, but Alice didn't think it would be so soon. "Where are you?" Alice asked Bella through the phone. Bella was practically a sister to her at this point, so there was no way she wasn't going to go and see if she was okay.

Lucifer on the otherhand, was inwardly excited, as she knew that this was her time to get the Werewolf species. The power increase she can gain from this, is monumental, and could give her more than her vampire species did. As, due to the werewolves/shapeshifters, of this world having blood, she can get a number of werewolf species for herself.

She knew that she could at the very least get: Twilights, Teen Wolfs, TVD's, Underworlds, Supernatural's, Shadowhunters, Buffy, My babysitters a vampire, Harry Potter, and finally Van Helsing.

The sheer amount of werewolf species that she knew she could gain, was the reason she was so excited. She also knew that that there were more out there she could gain in the future, like the werewolf species from Noblesse. But that species was currently unreachable due to it requiring more, which Lucifer was sure included magic, or something similar.

Lucifer listened as Bella gave them the address of where she was driving to. Looking at one another, they got up and made their way to the car.

While driving, Alice asked "Are you going to use this as an opportunity to become a shifter?" Hearing the question, Lucifer cracked a smile "You know me so well, love"

"Will it harm you in any way?" Alice asked, causing Lucifer to shake her head "Nope. It might hurt for a minute or two at most, but then it will be gone, and I'll be even stronger than before" Alice nodded at this, but her nervous expression didn't leave her face.

Alice knew all about Lucifers ability to gain more species, but she just didn't want to see her mate in pain. She also knew that Lucifer would get much stronger for it, but that didn't make her any less worried for her.

Pulling up next to Bella's truck, the two instantly noticed the group staring at them cautiously. They could also hear the words of Bella "Don't worry! They're just making sure I'm okay, I promise" Getting out of the truck, the two walked forward towards them. With Alice holding Lucifer's hand, as she was nervous about the reactions she was about to get.

"So, Bella, this must be Jacob, right?" Lucifer began, glancing at Jacob before turning to Bella, who nodded nervously. She could literally feel the unease. The shifters were looking at both Lucifer and Alice tensely, as they knew that a fight could break out at any moment.

"Uh, yeah. Jacob, this is Lucifer Morningstar, and Alice Cullen. They are both vampires, and are mates" Bella said, looking at Jacob, while inwardly praying for everyone to calm down. "They are good people, Alice only feeds on animals" Bella continued.

Paul - one of the shifters - hearing this, glanced at Lucifer "And what about her?"

Lucifer answered this question "I feed on humans, but only the kind that deserve it, like rapists. I've never fed on an inncoent, and never will" Paul frowned deeply at this, while the rest of the shifters sighed in slight relief, with only Sam being still on edge about her.

"Then why are you here? Why are we allowing a blood sucker anywhere near here? Why are we even allowing you to live!" Paul said with a snarl. The other shifters eyes widened, as Sam walked forward "Calm down, Paul!" He wasn't too happy with her presence either, but every instinct in his body, was screaming danger, all because of Lucifer.

Sadly, his attempts at calming Paul, did not work, as the shifter with evident anger issues, didn't even hesitate as he ran forward and shifted into his wolf form, barreling towards Lucifer and Alice. Lucifer inwardly cackled at how easy that was, she didn't even have to do anything, and the guy was attacking her!

Slamming her fist into the side of his wolf snout, she glanced at Alice who nodded, before turning to the shifters "Don't worry, I won't kill him. I'm just gonna beat him up so he doesn't try attacking me or my mate again" Before the shifters could utter a word, Paul charged back at her, only to be launched to the side, as he was kicked hard in the side of his wolf head.

Lucifer grinned as she noticed a droplet of blood on the ground. Blurring, she collected the blood discreetly. Now all she had to do is wait for the wolf to bite her, and she would get what she wanted.

"Should we do something about this?" Jared, one of the shifters, asked.

Sam shook his head in denial "It wouldn't be a good idea to intervene. That woman...she's dangerous, every instinct in my body is telling me to run from her, to not attack her under any circumstances. And I believe it would be best if we listen to Bella, and hope she doesn't harm Paul too much"

The shifters nodded at this, listening to their Alpha. Jacob watched the fight with a frown, noting how easily Lucifer was crushing the man that he had struggled so much against.

Deciding to end their little fight, Lucifer allowed Paul to get up and bite towards her, only to move her arm in the way, causing him to bite her. Throwing him off of her, she grinned as she began the process she was waiting for, but not before ingesting the blood she saved.

Grunting softly, she felt pain course through her body as she began the process of gaining her new species. Alice watched with worry clear on her face, as Lucifer dropped to her a knee. The shifters, Emily (Sam's imprint), and Bella, all watched in confusion as she did so. That confusion slowly warped into shock and awe, as Lucifer's form began to warp and change.

Lucifer on the other hand, had focused on the species she wanted, this being Twilight shfiters and Children of the Moon, Teen Wolf werwolves, TVD's werewolves, Underworlds werewolves, Supernatural's werewolves, Shadowhunters werewolves, Buffy werewolves,  My babysitters a vampire werewolves, Harry potter werwolfves, and finally Van Helsing werewolves. Due to the sheer amount of species she was connecting and assimilating, the pain was far worse than before. Thankfully, her pain tolerance was still incredibly strong, otherwise she would be screaming from the pain.

Paul who had slowly gotten up, growled as he slowly stalked towards her downed form, only for his wolfen form to slowly step back and look up, as Lucifer began to change into something new.

Slowly, Lucifer rose in her new form. She was now a gigantic, 10 foot tall, black wolf, with blood red eyes. Growling deeply at the smaller wolf, Paul whimpered and began to lower his head, as something far more than a regular alpha, stood before him. The other shifters also lowered their heads slightly, as every instinct in their body told them to do so.

Slowly Lucifer breathed in, and roared deeply into the sky. Her roar carried the weight of a True Alpha, as well as a number of other things. The roar travelled throughout the surroundings, and spread even farther into Forks, and beyond.

Returning to her regular form, Lucifer let out a sigh at the new power she felt within her. Alice, not waiting even a moment, blurred into Lucifer's arms happy that her mate was okay. Breathing in Alice's scent, Lucifer softly purred in her ear "Pretty mate" Alice hearing this blushed slightly.

"What the hell was that?!" A yell of a woman sounded, causing everyone to break out of their stupor and turn to see a tall, beautiful woman, with her hair in a short pixie cut. This was of course, Leah Clearwater, recently turned shifter, and now a very confused woman.

Lucifer just chuckled at the shocked woman "Nothing you need to worry about, I was just testing something new out"

"You're one of us? How?" Sam asked, both shocked and confused.

"Let's just say that I am a bit...special, and leave it at that" Lucifer said, with a slight tone of warning. Causing them to nod, following their instincts.

"That was so...cool!" Bella said in slight awe, showing some of the emotions she used to bottle up in the past. Lucifer just chuckled at this, while Alice was still hugging Lucifer close. Leah, hearing Bella, turned to her slowly, before her eyes widened in shock, and she gasped softly.

The other shifters heads snapped to Leah and then Bella, ignoring the soft groans of pain leaving Paul. Lucifer noticing this, softly smiled before speaking "It looks like I was right, Bella" Bella hearing this looked at her in confusion, while Alice gasped in realization as she stopped hugging Lucifer.

"Right about what?" Bella asked, confused on what she was talking about.

"You weren't Edwards mate, you were his blood singer. You're the mate of someone else, and it seems you just found eachother" Lucifer said with a soft expression on her face.

"You're the imprint of Leah Clearwater"

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That's the end of this chapter. This is also the beginning of Bella and Leah's relationship as imprint and imprintee! Next chapter will probably be shorter. This also means that Twilight will be left very soon, as in within 5 chapters or so soon!

Sorry if this seems rushed, I have some important family stuff I have to do today (nothing bad, just important), so next chapter should be a lot better!

With these new werwolf species, she will now be much stronger than before! This will also be the last time she gets new species for quite some time (mattering on the next world at least), so you won't see her get much stronger for a while! Now she's going to have to rely on a shit ton of training, her gift mimicry, and getting the last two abilities she can.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)

True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location -  Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism [Can make 2 more]

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (James), Enhanced Self-Preservation (Victoria), Mental Shield (Bella), Pathokinesis (Jasper), Telepathy (Edward)

Mate - Alice Cullen

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

next chapter

章節 27: Chapter 27

Huge thanks to Mackenzie and TheRavenBrand for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks]

"I-I'm her what?" Bella asked in confusion and shock. She always had a feeling that Edward wasn't actually her mate, but to find out that she was what she assumed to be the shapeshifter equivalent of a mate, for some woman she has never met, was a shock.

"Her imprint Bella. It's sorta like being someones mate, but a bit…stronger" Alice answered, causing Bella to turn and look at Leah, who was taking in the sight of her imprint. The other shifters watched this with slight smiles on their faces, while Jacob looked saddened at the revelation, but just sighed in the end.

"Um, hi, I'm Bella Swan" Bella said, introducing herself to Leah, with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. Leah smiled at her cute imprint, before replying.

"Leah Clearwater. Say, you wanna get out of here, and I don't know…get to know eachother better?" Leah asked, slightly nervous. Hearing the question, Bella glanced at Lucifer and Alice, who both nodded with soft smiles. Causing her to nod and follow Leah out of the house. Watching the two lovebirds walk off, Lucifer grinned.

"I had a feeling it was going to be those two" Lucifer said. Alice just fondly rolled her eyes, before noticing the shifters.

"Um, sorry about Luci back there" Alice said, apoligizing for Lucifer. Sam hearing this shook his head "No need. Paul was in the wrong, he shouldn't have attacked you like that. You were just here to make sure Bella was okay. You both seem like pretty decent folk, for vampires at least" Hearing this, Alice smiled, while Lucifer glanced at the different shifters. They were all looking at her with this weird sense of reverence 'Huh looks like being a true alpha affects even the "werewolves" of this world'

"Well, seeing as Bella will be okay, we're gonna head out" Lucifer said, noticing that Alice was getting a bit uncomfortable. Hearing this the shifters all nodded, and said their goodbyes.

[Big ole Timeskip, because nothing happens for a while, and the author wants to get Twilight done with]

A month had passed since Bella had found her true mate/imprintee, and since Lucifer had become a werewolf. Bella had really hit it off with Leah, and the two had been on several dates by now, and had even kissed once. They were taking it slow, but Bella was obviously enjoying it more than her time with Edward.

Lucifer during this month, had trained her Werewolf skills extensively, in order to properly control them. She found that on the full moon, she still had some of the…less than good urges, due to having so many werewolf species. Thankfully, with the help of a certain pixie, she had overcome it rather quickly.

She had learned, and mastered the transformation aspects of the power, and was now focusing on the other aspects, like taking pain from others, and all that. During this time, she had also begun plans for one of the most important events in her entire life, what was it? No one knew, only that it was incredibly important to Lucifer, and she refused to reveal what it was.

Besides the secretive event she was planning for, she was also planning on what her last two powers would be. She ended up deciding on one that would allow her to get across vast distances in the quickest possible time, this being teleportation. The other one, she decided on being total body control, which is exactly how it sounds, it would give her absolute control over her body (to an extent at least) allowing her to control how her body heals, how fast her heart beats, making her muscles work more efficiently, etc.

The two powers proved to be…overpowered to say the least. Especially the teleportation, as all it took was her stamina, which she basically had endless supplies of. The total body control proved to be incredibly powerful as well, as now she could do things like, turn her pain receptors off, make her muscles work better than before, make herself heal even faster, and all sorts of other uses.

Currently speaking, Lucifer was sitting with Alice on the sofa, watching the final season of Legacies. The two had binge watched the other two series already, with Alice disliking Elena a lot, so TVD was her least favorite, whereas she was a big fan of The Originals and Legacies. "Why did Hope have to like Landon, and not Josie? They would have been so cute together!" Alice said with a pout.

Lucifer chuckled at this, having thought the same thing when she first watched the show "I have no idea. I guess the writers of the show thought Landon was the better pick"

Alice huffed at this, before replying "Well they are just stupid then. Can…can we go there in the future?" Alice asked.

Hearing this, Lucifer smiled "If you want to, love. I'm letting you pick the first world, doesn't matter to me what you pick, as long as it's safe for you" Alice giggled slightly at her protective mate. "I'm sure I'd be fine there. Most of the vampires there are weaker than me anyways, plus, I've got my super strong sexy mate to protect me!" Lucifer raised, and eyebrow at this, before leaning into Alice ear.

"Oh~ you're pretty sexy yourself, babygirl~" Lucifer purred huskily in Alice's ear, causing her to sputter with a blush "S-shut up" Lucifer just grinned at the outcome of her teasing, very much enjoying making her little mate sputter all cutely.

Their little happy moment, was sadly cut off, as Alice stopped for a few moments. Lucifer glanced at her mate, realizing that she was having a vision. Softly holding Alice's hand, Lucifer watched as she blinked and began to panic "I-its E-Edward he-he's" Noticing the mini panic attack coming on, Lucifer got in front of Alice and crouched down in front of her.

"Love, breathe, focus on my voice" Lucifer softly said, having had to do this before. Alice has had panic attacks before, mainly when overly anxious/nervous, and it seems that what Alice saw, caused the panic attack to spring up out of nowhere. Thankfully, none of them lasted too long due to Lucifer always being there when they happened.

"Deep breathes" Lucifer said, looking Alice in the eye as she took in deep breathes, trying to calm herself "Good girl, that's my good girl. Now, can you tell me what happened?" Lucifer asked, smiling as Alice got herself under control.

"I think Edward found out about Bella and Leah, he's going to the Volturi to ask them to kill him, but…" Lucifer sighed and continued for Alice "Aro won't kill him due to his gift, meaning that Edward the idiot he is, will find another way, probably by revealing himself to a bunch of humans"

"Do we tell Bella? What do we do?!" Alice said, panicking again, causing Lucifer to softly grab her cheeks "We aren't going to do anything, I am going to go down there and take care of him, once and for all. He's caused enough damage to us, and others" Lucifer said with a tone of finality. Alice looked down sadly, before nodding, knowing that Lucifer wasn't going to change her mind, and quite frankly. Alice didn't want her to.

"The Volturi is in Italy right? I'll go take care of all this, and once its over, you and I can start our plans for our first world, alright?" Lucifer said, stroking Alice's cheek, causing her to lean into the touch. Nodding, Alice smiled slightly as Lucifer softly kissed her on the lips.

Walking to the door, and looking back at Alice, Lucifer spoke "Don't worry, love, I'll be back before you even know it"

"...Please get back soon" Alice said worredly, as Lucifer smiled softly and sped over giving her a peck on the lips again, before walking out the door.

Getting into her car, Lucifer growled darkly as her eyes glowed a deep blood red.

"Fucker really thought he could pull this shit? Time to kill the bastard, once and for all"


That's the end of the chapter! Next chapter will be the end of the second twilight movie! There is roughly 3-5 more chapters in twilight, before the next world!

So, start giving me world ideas! Make sure they aren't super duper weak, but not too strong. Also, no Lucifer just yet, as I have to rewatch season 5 (when our Lucifer would show up), and I also want her to go there later on, but not right off the bat.

Next World Ideas I have: TVD (Legacies timeline probs), Harry Potter, Fate: Winx Saga, Motherland: Fort Salem, Once Upon a Time, Outer Banks (For a bit of a vacation from all the BS of Twilight), First Kill, The boys, and Stranger Things (Again, mostly for fun).

Other Future World Ideas include: Walking Dead, Transformers, Resident Evil (The movies), RWBY, Danmachi, Star Wars, Doctor Who, MCU, Steven Universe, Superman and Lois (Criminally underrated btw), Umbrella Academy (Underrated as well), HOTD/GOT. Not all of these would be traveled to (Obviously), but these are just future worlds I have ideas for.

I've got a shit ton of fanfic ideas floating in my brain like…constantly, so would y'all want me to make an entire collection dedicated to them? These wouldn't have chapters, but would instead be bio's of the main characters of stories I had ideas for. I have like over 50 of them just sorta…sitting there collecting dust. Some of them are pretty shit/old, so be warned, and some have some more…interesting ideas, so be warned about them as well. Y'all could even use them to make your own fics if you want lol. If yes, I'll post these on my patreon, if no, then that's fine.

Anyways, sorry for the long authors note, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)

True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location - Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (James), Enhanced Self-Preservation (Victoria), Mental Shield (Bella), Pathokinesis (Jasper), Telepathy (Edward)

Mate - Alice Cullen

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