11.76% Transmigrated into HOTD but with a Twist! / Chapter 2: Meeting the Cast

章節 2: Meeting the Cast

(A/N - Just a heads-up, Rei was never held back a year in this world. Why? Because I forgot about it and ended up writing a chapter with her in Takashi's class, and frankly, I'm too lazy to edit the entire thing.)

It was quite a mysterious feeling, having new memories I mean. I knew this apartment like the back of my hand but I'd never personally been here.

This world was exactly like my own but there was one major difference; The Umbrella Corporation. I even had a few of their products in my apartment.

...Note to self: Throw out all Umbrella Corporation products when I get back from school today.

Well, everything other than the fridge - that's bolted to the ground.

The Umbrella Corporation is an international conglomeration with subsidiaries active in a variety of industries from the 1970s to the early 2000s. Umbrella had influence in pharmaceutical; chemical and consumer cosmetics production and selling; industrial machine production, consumer products; health foods; the transport industry and tourism. They had their hands in all the right cookie jars.

They were even beloved by most of the world. They'd backed multiple charities that helped those in poverty and were overall seen in a positive light by the world.

But everything always has a flip side, and this corporation's flip side is very nefarious. As soon as they were up and running as a pharmaceutical company they began developing chemical weapons for Militaries across the world. Obviously, this was kept under wraps.

Though they weren't doing this for money.

No, Umbrella's true goal was not, in fact, a capitalistic urge for monopolization of a lucrative industry, but eugenics. This fact was only known to corporate executives, who shared the belief that their principal objective was the funding of the Wesker Project, which was to birth a new race of virally-enhanced and well-educated superhumans who would advance human civilization for generations to come with Umbrella's founders ruling through them as gods.

Though this never came to fruition after most of their 'enhanced' humans were killed-off with only 2 of them surviving. Even the last 2 eventually died, and with their deaths was the death of Umbrella Corporation's dreams.

Oh, and in the original story of Resident Evil, Umbrella Corporation was completely pulled down after being sued out their ass for causing the Raccoon City Incident.

But that never happened in this world. Umbrella Corporation continued to prosper. All because they didn't do the Raccoon City experiment in 1998 and continued with their research.

If I were a betting boy, I'd bet that Umbrella Corporation isn't planning on a City Experiment and is instead going to do this to the entire world, and that's what is going to cause 'THEM' to appear.

Smirking, I looked down at my hand and flexed it. My muscles bulged slightly and an audible boom of air spread around my room.

It wasn't a loud boom, in fact, it was quite a light sound, but it was still above what any human could hope to achieve.

I could feel the raw physical power flowing through my body like a tidal wave. I knew that my overall physical strength and explosive power had gone well beyond the limits of a normal human. Slowly walking over to the bathroom, I went and looked at myself in the mirror.

Just like how I was in the last world, I had blond hair and bright blue eyes. I had sharp eyebrows, a chiseled jaw, and a straight nose. Like how they'd always been, my eyes were quite sharp and gave me a more intimidating air. Though, I was still a decently handsome guy.

Looking at my body, I let out a surprised chuckle and couldn't help but thank the Virus for its add-ons.

My height in my old world was around 6ft tall, but now I was around 6'2" and my muscles looked much more perfect than what I remembered. They looked as if many perfect cogs that worked together to make a perfect, well-oiled machine...no, not a machine but instead the perfect warrior.

Though they weren't bulky, they weren't too lean either; they were just perfect.

"Haah~ I guess this is the Virus at work, huh...?" letting out a small chuckle, I reached into my body and flexed my body entirely and felt the power I could release.

Just like how I felt the power, the tiled floor below me felt it as well and my entire floor instantly had cracks running throughout it. Though I wasn't paying attention as I was looked in the mirror.

More specifically at my eyes.

The familiar blue I'd seen every time I looked in the mirror was gone, replaced by a glowing blood red. What was even weirder was the fact my pupils had vertically elongated looking exactly like a cat's pupil. It was quite an odd sight...

"Oh...Wesker did have something like this, didn't he?" I let out a small sigh before wryly smiling at myself, "Well, I did ask for a similar Virus to Wesker's, so I guess this is what I get~"

Letting my muscles relax, the red eyes went away and I took a few annoyed glances at the cracked floor. I'd have to get someone to fix that. Shoving that out of my mind, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before going to get changed into my new school uniform.

As I did so, I went over my 'identity' in this world. I was born and then abandoned in Japan by a pair of European travelers, hence my blond hair and blue eyes. Luckily, they had a small bit of conscience left and abandoned me outside of an orphanage where I was named Ryu Hattori and raised just like any of the other kids there.

I was slightly ostracized by the other kids because of my parents, and therefore me, being foreigners. But I moved past it and lived my life quite uneventfully until now.

Looking through the identity, I felt like I was reading the beginning for a mediocre protagonists story. Though, I guess I could class as one of those now, right?

Anyway, I had moved schools because of some bullying and whatnot (Thanks, Kazu-jiisan, make me seem like a pussy who can't deal with some low-life bullies, why don't ya...) and today was my first day in Fujimi Academy.

Frankly, I was looking forward to it. Meeting the cast of an Anime/Manga I liked, the majority of them being incredibly beautiful and sexy women...

...I just gave away my big reason for coming to this world, didn't I?...Oh well, I'll stand by it. I'm thick-skinned enough:

I want to flirt with hot girls in between fighting the undead horde, is that such a bad dream?! A crazy dream? SURE! A stupid dream? I GUESS SO! But it's my dream, so I'm gonna stick to it.

"Haah~ I'm already going crazy...debating my own dreams in my head - did I hit my head or is the Virus acting up?" I shook my head and put on my socks before picking up my bag, "Well, it's already 8:15 am so I need to get there...--!! It's 8:15 am, I'm gonna be so fucking late!" with this, I shot off with more speed than an Olympic Sprinter and arrived at my front door.

I quickly put my shoes on, grabbed my keys and left for school running at a speed which would qualify me for the Japan International Sprinting Team.

When I arrived - 8:23 am, if you're wondering - no one was around the gate so I carried on with my run and entered the entrance for the school where I took my own shoes off and replaced them with the school shoes everyone has.

After doing so I quickly ran toward the teacher's office. I knocked on the door when I got there and it was quickly opened by a pissed-off man who looked up at me with an aggressive glint in his eyes.

"What time do you call this?!" despite trying to suppress his voice, it still came out in a half-shout. Most students would be scared by a 6ft tall, muscle-bound teacher shouting at them but me? I was taller and much more physically imposing than this old fart.

Pretending to look at a watch that most definitely wasn't on my wrist, I innocently smiled at the teacher, "Well, I'd say it's before 8:30 am when Registration starts? Is there a problem, Sensei?" my innocent smile slowly turned into an evil-ish smirk as I saw the teacher's face light up like a red LED from anger.

"You--!" he went to say something but he closed his eyes and let out a breath of air before reopening his eyes and staring me down, "You must be Ryu Hattori, I'm your homeroom teacher, Teshima. Follow me, we're already late..." Teshima put extra emphasis on the word 'late' but I paid no mind to it because I got here on time, it was him who needed to calm down that made the two of us late.

There was no talking on the way to the class with Teshima only speaking when they were outside the class to tell me that he'd call me in once he'd settled down the class.

After a while, I heard a 'Hattori-kun!' and I slid the door aside and entered. All eyes were instantly on me because of two obvious reasons; my hair and eye color, while also because of my tall, athletic physique.

I heard multiple whispers of 'Oh my, a foreigner...' and 'He's a real bishounen...' but what really caught me off guard was the number of whispers that I could hear which were...X-Rated to say the least.

Moving past that I walked to the board and stood in front of it.

"My name is Ryu Hattori, my parents are European but I was born and raised in Japan. Please take care of me," finishing it off with a dazzling smile and a slight gentlemanly bow, and I had love-hearts appearing in the girls' eyes and hatred appearing in the boys'.

Oh, how wonderful it is that this really is like an Anime~

Ignoring my gentlemanly display, I saw three people in particular who looked at me with a range of emotions; Curiosity, Friendly-ness, and Indifference. These people were Hisashi Igou, Rei Miyamoto, and Takashi Komuro respectively.

I saw an empty seat next to Takashi and thanked Kazu-jiisan for my luck. Seconds later Teshima-sensei told me to take the seat I was looking at, to which I happily obliged.

Sitting down, the teacher began to go through the register. Meanwhile, I turned to Takashi before sticking my hand out.

"Hey there, I've already introduced myself but I'll do it again, my name's Ryu Hattori, I hope we can get along!" smiling again, I watched as Takashi raised an eyebrow at me before shaking my hand in return.

"Takashi Komuro, nice to meet you Hattori-san," I let go of his hand before looking to the front again. After a while, I answered the teacher who called my name out for registration and before I knew it we were thrust into the first lesson.

Due to the Virus Enhanced Physiology I now had, all of my bodily systems had been dramatically increased in both efficiency, potency, and speed. What did this mean? Well, among many other things, it meant I had a very quick and retentive brain, so even though I didn't really pay attention to anything I did in school in my past life, right now I could use what little I did know and use it as a foundation to rapidly learn whatever was put in front of me.

From the outside, it looked like I was a naturally clever person but from my perspective, it was me rapidly learning and understanding everything put in front of me.

When learning was like this, it was actually quite fun.

And before I knew it, the first four periods of the day were over and Recess had just started. Obviously, not many questions could be asked during the lesson so I knew my real test with the class would be at recess but to my surprise and infinite gratitude, apart from a few girls, I didn't get questioned too much.

I was quite grateful for this as, despite how cold it will sound, I don't want to grow too attached to people who will die and become things I will come in 4 months time. But that's who I am - though I may be playful, I'm still naturally quite cold when I need to be.

What I didn't mind, however, was Hisashi and Rei being very proactive and asking me about myself. After introducing ourselves to each other, of course.

"So, Hattori-san, have you ever been to visit Europe? I've heard it's really nice!" Rei seemed like a bundle of outgoing joy.

Hearing her answer, I apologetically smiled at her, "Sadly not, Miyamoto-san, I've been in Japan since the day I was born. But I do wish to visit Europe to see where my parents were born," it was a half-truth. I did want to see Europe in this life, purely because of the effects Resident Evil had probably had on this world (Umbrella Corp is a western company) and I'd probably find the Resident Evil storyline over in the west.

Rei seemed more excited after hearing that, "Oh, and where were your parents born, Hattori-san?" before I could make up an answer, Hisashi came in to reprimand Rei.

"Rei, that's a bit of a personal question, isn't it?" he looked apologetically over at me before wryly smiling at Rei. The girl in question went a little red before looking at me and going to apologize.

But before she could, I quickly raised my hand and smiled at the pair of them, "Don't worry about it, Igou-san, Miyamoto-san didn't mean any harm by it, and to answer your question, my father is from Germany and my mother is from France," I pulled off a textbook bishounen smile which caused Rei's red face to become redder for a different reason while Hisashi did a 'phew' as he didn't want me to get offended by Rei being too carefree.

Hearing my answer though, Rei's redness disappeared replaced by a starry-eyed look, "So, how did they meet? Was it a romantic way or...?"

These types of questions continued on for a while until the bell rang. This bell specified lunch had started, so Rei, Takashi, and Hisashi all got up while I realized something:

I had no money and I didn't bring any food.

Not caring for what people would think, I just let my head fall to my desk, resulting in a loud bang which caused Rei to jump and let out a cute yelp.

Takashi and Hisashi both looked at me with weird eyes before Takashi tapped my shoulder. I rolled my head to look up at him.

"...Yeah?" I said in a slightly feeble voice as if I'd just been told I was getting evicted.

Hearing my voice, Takashi furrowed his brows before he came to an understanding, "You don't have anything to eat do you?" hearing his hypothesis, I clicked my tongue in annoyance at his perceptive mind.

"Tsk...How'd you know?" was all I said which caused both Rei and Hisashi to let out a laugh at my expense. Takashi, on the other hand, slapped me on the shoulder before letting out a small chuckle.

"I think we're gonna get along Hattori-san because...I've forgotten my food as well," his chuckle turned into a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed smile on his face. Bot Rei and Hisashi looked at Takashi with a look of disbelief on their faces.

One thought went through their minds:


I, on the other hand, started to laugh before I stood up to my full height which towered over the three of them, "Yeah, I think we're gonna get along as well, Komuro-san!"

3 hours later~

Right now I was saying goodbye to my three new-found friends. One an average height teenage boy with spiky black hair and brown eyes, the other a curvaceous teenage girl with orange-y brown and wine red eyes, and the last one is a tall-ish and handsome teenage boy with grey hair and light brown eyes.

These people are, as you might have guessed, Takashi, Rei, and Hisashi. Each of them had a thing to do right now; Takashi wanted to go off to his Baseball club (A/N - Not sure if this is canon, but it's happening in this fanfic), Rei had her Sojutsu club activities to complete and Hisashi had to go to the Karate Club.

Me? Well, I'm doing the second thing on my list:

Go to the Kendo Club to say hello to my dear Senpai, Saeko Busujima~

Lazyy Lazyy

Might have our MC meet Yuuki Miku (that promiscuous girl who stayed with that crazy twat of a teacher, Koichi Shido and his group) and might do a lemon out of it. Not adding her to the harem, just having him f*ck her because she is, after all, a very sexy lady~

next chapter
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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C2
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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