40% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: A Dream.

章節 16: Chapter 16: A Dream.

Ji-woo emitted a piercing scream and hastily darted towards the exit, propelled by an overwhelming surge of fear. However, just moments before she could reach her destination, a voice, familiar and comforting, reverberated through the air. "Ji-woo, it is I," the owner of the resonant voice declared. Ji-woo swiftly pivoted, instantly recognizing the source. With an outpouring of relief, she propelled herself forward, enfolding the individual in a fervent embrace, seeking solace in their reassuring presence.

"Ji-woo, are you alright?" Diego inquired, concern etched onto his countenance. Yet, Ji-woo remained silent, clenching onto him with an unyielding grip. Diego discerned the mounting tension in his muscles, prompting him to gently disentangle himself from her embrace. In that poignant moment, Ji-woo comprehended the implications of her actions and released him without hesitation.

"I apologize; I was simply... Where on earth have you been? Do you realise how worried I have been?" Ji-woo reproached playfully as she kicked his leg.

"Ow, what was that for?" Diego winced, reflexively rubbing the spot where her leg made contact.

"For not visiting me," she pouted, expressing her disappointment.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me," he confessed. Ji-woo comprehended the underlying meaning and let out a sigh. "You don't have to avoid me anymore. We were friends before, and we can still be friends now. I'm no longer angry," she reassured him.

Diego gazed at her in disbelief. "I'm serious," she insisted as she kicked him once again.

"Ow, okay, I believe you," Diego relented, finally convinced of her sincerity.

"So, what were you doing up there?" Ji-woo queried, curiosity evident in her voice.

"I missed Cherry too, but this is the first time I've come here since the incident, so please don't misunderstand," he clarified.

"I didn't say anything. Anyway, are you hungry?" Ji-woo asked, shifting the topic.

"Not at all, but has my brother gone back home? I fell asleep in the tree, so I have no idea how dark it has become," he admitted.

"No, I don't think so. Let's go and find out," Ji-woo said, taking the lead. As they embarked on their journey to the mansion, Ji-woo couldn't help but steal glances at him from time to time, much to his chagrin. 'I should be the one staring at you, not the other way around' he thought.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Ji-woo discovered that everyone, with the exception of U-jin, Eun-woo, and Mun-hee, had already departed. A touch of surprise filled the room as everyone observed Ji-woo entering accompanied by Diego.

Eun-woo, inquiring about Diego's sudden appearance, questioned, "Is it now that you've deemed it convenient to grace us with your presence?"

"To be honest, I had some urgent matters to attend to," Diego responded calmly.

"And were these matters truly more pressing than the trial?" Eun-woo inquired, taking a step closer to Diego.

"Um..." Diego hesitated, searching for an appropriate explanation.

"Or perhaps you've acquired a girlfriend, freeing you from the need to concern yourself with our judgement. We all understand," Si-woo joined in as he sympathetically placed a hand on Diego's shoulder.

"Understand?" Ji-woo kicked her brother's leg, causing him to grimace in pain as he bent over, clutching his limb. Observing this, Eun-woo raised both hands in surrender, stepping back from the situation.

Ji-woo directed her attention towards Diego, firmly stating, "Come with me." She then proceeded to drag him into the dining hall.

Meanwhile, Eun-woo settled himself on the couch beside U-jin, casually commenting, "Am I the only one who noticed that Ji-woo seems to have taken a liking to your younger brother?"

"I'm genuinely happy for them," U-jin responded, his focus on scrolling through his phone. Eun-woo regarded him with concern and ventured further, "Do you still miss Eun-kyung?"

U-jin's gaze sharpened. "Choose your words wisely," he warned, his tone tinged with threat.

Pouting slightly, Eun-woo defended himself, saying, "I'm only expressing genuine concern." Just then, Ji-woo returned to the room, accompanied by Diego, who carried a brown bag in his hands.

"Are any of you planning on leaving?" Diego inquired, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"I am," U-jin replied briskly as he gracefully exited the room.

"Always so precise," Eun-woo remarked with a slight smirk, accompanying everyone's departure.

"Eun-woo, would you be so kind as to drop me off at home?" Mun-hee politely requested, her delicate hand gently gripping his arm.

"Um... alright," Eun-woo consented, handling her request with a touch of amicability. They proceeded to the his awaiting vehicle and he drove off.

Ji-woo sympathetically observed her brother's despondent demeanor and affectionately placed her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Eun-woo is still dating so you still have hope" she said tenderly.

"But he has already mentioned wanting to break up," Diego interjected, revealing the disheartening truth. Si-woo's countenance fell, reflecting his disappointment, before he silently departed from the scene.

Fueled with anger, Ji-woo attempted to unleash her fury upon Diego by unleashing a swift kick. However, much to her chagrin, Diego skillfully evaded her assault and hastily sought refuge within U-jin's awaiting vehicle.

Just as U-jin prepared to step into his car, Ji-woo called out to him, her voice filled with anticipation. "U-jin, I'll see you tomorrow!" she waved joyfully, excitement radiating from her very being. A warm smile adorned U-jin's face as he reciprocated the farewell gesture, waving back at her.

Ji-woo continued to wave fervently, her hand gracefully swaying in the air until U-jin's car gradually disappeared from her line of sight. Filled with a sense of longing, she reluctantly made her way back inside the lavish mansion, determined to seek solace in the presence of her aunt. Consulting a passing maid, she inquired about her aunt's whereabouts and was informed that she could be found in the library.

Contemplating the peculiarity of her aunt's presence in the library at such a late hour, she cautiously entered the room, only to discover her aunt engrossed in a book, her cheeks adorned with a soft blush.

"Aunty," she called out, but her aunt remained absorbed in her reading, oblivious to her niece's presence.

"Aunty," she repeated, reaching out to tap her aunt lightly.

Startled, her aunt turned her gaze towards Ji-woo and inquired, "Oh, Ji-woo, do you need something?"

"No, I just wanted to express my gratitude for everything," Ji-woo replied, taking a seat on the nearby couch, close to her aunt.

"It's nothing," her aunt murmured, her rosy blush resurfacing.

Curiosity piqued, Ji-woo couldn't resist asking, "So, why are you blushing so fervently?" As she questioned her aunt, she noticed her aunt's attempts to hide the book behind her back. Ji-woo squinted her eyes and swiftly snatched the book from her aunt's grasp. In a futile attempt to retrieve it, her aunt reached out, but Ji-woo sprinted out of the library, locking herself in her own bedroom.

As she examined the book titled 'Basics of Literary Writing', she couldn't help but find her aunt's reaction peculiar. Turning to the back cover, her eyes widened upon discovering Attorney John listed as the author. Suddenly, everything fell into place—her aunt is infatuated with Attorney John. It didn't surprise Ji-woo. After all, the man was not only exceptionally handsome but also exuded an air of elegance in every aspect.

Meanwhile, her aunt relentlessly pounded on the bedroom door, pleading, "Ji-woo, this isn't a joke!"

Ji-woo finally opened the door and returned the book to her aunt, who snatched it back and proceeded to walk away, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"I wish you the best," Ji-woo offered, slipping back into her room before her aunt could respond.


As the first golden rays of dawn unfurled across the sky, casting a breathtaking palette of hues in shades of pink and gold, Ji-woo gradually emerged from her slumber, her mind enveloped in a delicate mist of bewilderment. She blinked, desperate to bring clarity to her surroundings, and to her sheer astonishment, her eyes were greeted by the sight of an opulent bed adorned with intricate patterns of sumptuous linens and delicate golden embroidery. The room radiated an undeniable grandeur, with its rich tapestries and meticulously crafted furniture whispering tales of indulgence fit for royalty.

With a sense of awe, Ji-woo lifted herself into an upright position, allowing her gaze to wander across the room, momentarily pausing to admire the exquisite carvings and captivating artwork adorning the walls. A profound sense of bewilderment washed over her as she caught sight of her own reflection in a nearby mirror, adorned in a flowing gown that bore the unmistakable mark of regal distinction.

Suddenly, a gentle rap on the chamber door reverberated, seizing Ji-woo's attention. Holding her breath, she moved towards the door and as she swung open the door, a young woman, draped in an elegant cascading gown, stood before her. Her eyes resembled pools of liquid amber, brimming with kindness and radiating an aura of serene tranquility and poised grace. Her voice, soft and melodious, flowed like a mesmerizing lullaby, delicately caressing Ji-woo's ears.

"Princess Neferure, it is time to embrace the day," the handmaiden spoke tenderly, her words cascading forth with a honey-like sweetness. She glided towards the bedside, her movements graced with a refined poise that left Ji-woo spellbound.

The ethereal beauty of the handmaiden captivated Ji-woo's heart and mind. Her lustrous ebony hair cascaded down to her waist, interlaced with intricate lotus blossoms. Clad in a flowing gown fashioned from the most exquisite Egyptian cotton, she accentuated her slender figure with an effortless elegance. Jeweled bracelets adorned her wrists, shifting and shimmering in the gentle light, mirroring the undeniable allure and familiar grace that possessed Ji-woo's attention.

"Wait, doesn't she resemble Ga-ram?" Ji-woo's thoughts raced as she observed the handmaiden arranging the bed with precision. Caught in her ponderings, Ji-woo found herself frozen, her gaze unwavering. Sensing her hesitation, the handmaiden offered a gentle smile, her voice resonating with warmth, "My princess, it is time for you to embrace the day and fulfill your royal obligations."

"Princess?" Ji-woo gasped, her mind struggling to process the unexpected revelation.

Noticing the confusion etched across Ji-woo's face, the handmaiden approached with a tender expression. "I am here to assist and guide you, providing the support you need to navigate the intricacies of your royal role," she explained soothingly.

"No, this can't possibly be happening," Ji-woo stated, only to be interrupted by a soft knock echoing through the chamber. Their attention shifted towards the door, where a tall, regal figure awaited entry. Ji-woo's breath caught in her throat as recognition flooded her senses.

U-jin stepped into the room with an air of authority befitting a king. The weight of his crown and the regal attire accentuated his noble stature.

Confusion engulfed Ji-woo's mind as U-jin, now transformed into a majestic king, walked into the room. She rubbed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them once more, his presence would harmonize with her understanding. Yet, to her astonishment, his regal countenance remained unaltered.

"U-jin?" Ji-woo's voice quivered as she searched his eyes for any trace of familiarity. "Is it truly you?"

The king's brows furrowed in confusion, his captivating gaze fixed upon her. "My lady, I am Pharaoh Thutmose III. I am unaware of this U-jin you speak of."

A wave of bewilderment washed over Ji-woo, causing her heart to sink. She turned to Ga-ram in search of answers, hoping to find solace in her friend's familiar countenance. Yet, Ga-ram's expression mirrored her own puzzlement.

"I can't understand," Ji-woo murmured, her voice barely audible. "How can this be possible?"

"Princess Neferure, are you feeling well?" U-jin, or rather, Pharaoh Thutmose III, inquired with a genuine concern etched upon his countenance. He approached her, intending to hold her face gently, but unintentionally flicked her forehead with his finger.

"Ow..." Ji-woo winced in pain.

"Wake up, for heaven's sake," Si-woo exclaimed, shouting into her ear.

"Alright, I'm awake," she replied, sitting up.

"Min-joo hasn't returned, so you'll be on your own. Ensure that you hasten up your preparations before I depart for school," he said as he left her room.

Ji-woo then gently rubbed her face, finding it arduous to fully comprehend the fleeting dream she had just undergone. The image of U-jin as a Pharaoh and Ga-ram as a handmaiden struck her as ludicrously amusing. The mere notion of herself as a princess further elicited laughter. She chuckled mirthfully as she meandered toward the bathroom. Upon completing her regimen, she descended the stairs and promptly seized five sandwiches to devour within her brother's Ferrari, ensuring their punctuality at school.

Once they arrived on campus, Ji-woo had already consumed four sandwiches, cleverly stowing away the final one within her backpack. Quietly entering her classroom, she exchanged greetings with Diego before settling into her seat. On the appointed hour for the sports period, she entertained thoughts of utilizing the infirmary for a rejuvenating slumber. However, Ga-ram steered her toward an arduous training regime for a marathon race.

"What in the world was Eun-kyung thinking when she selected this sport? Running a marathon seems insurmountable for one such as I," she complained.

"But Eun-kyung ran a marathon with your body. You shall never truly know until you make an attempt," Ga-ram reasoned, though Ji-woo's response manifested in tearful protestations, vehemently expressing her reluctance to participate. Ga-ram rolled her eyes, assigning Young-chul as Ji-woo's training partner, , much to his delight. Young-chul proved helpful and patient, ensuring Ji-woo did not face excessive difficulty in her training.

After completing her training, Ji-woo hurriedly made her way to the infirmary while limping, with the intention of spending the rest of the day there. To her surprise, however, Diego was already comfortably seated on one of the beds, sporting a wide, ear-to-ear grin while clutching a lunchbox in his hands.

"I had a hunch this would be your destination, so I brought lunch," he beamed, gracefully rising from his seat to escort Ji-woo to the bed. Carefully setting the lunchbox on a nearby table, he pulled it closer to her.

Taking a seat beside her, he couldn't help but notice her intent gaze, devoid of any participation in the meal. "Are you waiting for me to feed you?" he asked, eliciting a nod from Ji-woo in response. Although caught off guard, he proceeded to pick up the chopsticks and gracefully nourish her with each bite. After some time, she gratefully accepted the chopsticks from his hand and independently continued her meal.

Once she had finished, she expressed her sincerest gratitude towards Diego. However, as she made a move to lie down, he swiftly halted her, gracefully descending to his knees to apply a soothing cream onto her leg.

"What are you doing?" she inquired, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"It will assist in curbing your constant limping," he replied, fully concentrating on the task at hand.

"Alright," she murmured, completely transfixed as she studied his features up close. She took note of his captivating grey eyes, adorned with long, luscious lashes, his perfectly straight nose, and his delicately thin lips. In stark contrast to his brother, his hair boasted a warm, earthy shade of brown rather than black.

The moment he finished, she swiftly laid herself down on the bed, seeking to conceal her now flushed cheeks. As Diego exited the infirmary, her joy bubbled up, and she couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles. This delightful routine continued for nearly two weeks, occurring on the days when sports activities were scheduled. Being in such close proximity to Diego set her heart ablaze, causing it to race uncontrollably within her chest. In an attempt to make sense of her feelings, she confided in her dear friend Ga-ram, only to be met with an enigmatic expression.

"What?" she asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"You're asking me when it was the same way you felt when you were in love with U-jin," Ga-ram responded, her tone filled with curiosity.

"No, that's why I'm asking you what it means," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Then what were you feeling when you were in love with U-jin?" Ga-ram asked, genuine wonder in her voice.

"Um... I think it was a sense of comfort and the feeling that I could spend the rest of my life with him," she answered, her expression thoughtful as she delved into her memories.

"Oh, dear, you're in one big trouble," Ga-ram laughed, playfully pulling her friend by the ear as they entered the student council office.

"Everyone, except for U-jin, kindly vacate the premises," she declared, her voice commanding as she and Ji-woo entered, prompting the others to hastily retreat.

"Don't tell me you're including me," Ha-rin snapped, her anger apparent in her expression.

"Yes, my dear, you too," Ga-ram smiled, though her eyes betrayed a hint of seriousness.To prevent any disruptions involving the female members, U-jin instructed Ha-rin to leave, resulting in her storming out in discontent.

"Why are you still lingering?" Ga-ram questioned, diverting her attention toward Eun-woo, who diligently jotted things down on a piece of paper at his desk.

"You can't be serious. I'm also a close friend of yours," Eun-woo chuckled, amusement coloring his voice. Ga-ram rolled her eyes and cast a glance toward U-jin. "U-jin, I recently discovered that our dear friend here not only lacks an understanding of love but also wasn't genuinely in love with you."

"Is that supposed to be shocking news?" Eun-woo quipped.

"Well, yes, it is," Ga-ram replied, her voice tinged with exasperation.

"Ga-ram, I have always been aware that Ji-woo's feelings for me were not truly heartfelt," U-jin confessed, causing both Ga-ram and Ji-woo to gape at him in astonishment.

"What! And nobody thought to inform me? How did you both come to know about this?" Ga-ram questioned, her frustration mounting.

"We men have a way of sensing when a girl is truly in love with us; it's our secret, dear," Eun-woo chuckled.

Ga-ram opened her mouth in astonishment but quickly shook her head. "Never mind. What matters now is that Ji-woo is in love with Diego."

"We're aware," Eun-woo responded, but Ga-ram, now infuriated with Eun-woo, stormed over to his desk and began to strangle him, while Eun-woo pleaded for mercy. U-jin ignored the commotion and approached Ji-woo. "Just ask him out."


"I'm telling you this so you won't hesitate. But, between you and me, Diego feels the same way about you," U-jin explained sincerely.

"Really?" she asked, still filled with doubt.

"Yes, I'm certain," U-jin confirmed.

"Well, what am I waiting for? It's Friday today. I'm going to ask him out right now!" she exclaimed joyfully as she darted out of the room. Ga-ram and Eun-woo, realizing that Ji-woo had disappeared, halted their activities and turned to U-jin with questioning eyes. U-jin simply shrugged and returned to his seat.

Ji-woo sprinted all the way to her classroom, only to discover that Diego wasn't there. She approached a male classmate who was entering the room and inquired, but he informed her that Diego was in the gym.

Breathless, she raced towards the gym, only to find it empty. Impatient, she impulsively entered the boys' locker room without considering the consequences. To her disappointment, it was vacant as well. Ready to leave, she heard a sound coming from the corner where the washroom was located. Curious, she cautiously approached the entrance and discovered Diego emerging from one of the doors. He held the end of a towel, draped at the side of his body, since it wasn't long enough to be tied around his waist. As he turned around, he caught sight of Ji-woo's intense gaze, scanning him from head to toe, coming to a halt at his chiseled abs. She couldn't help but swallow hard, captivated by his presence.

"Ji-woo," he called out, rousing her from her reverie of his impeccably chiseled physique.

"Eh?" She lifted her gaze, captivated by the rivulets of water streaming down his glistening hair, cascading over his face, and trickling along his finely-sculpted body. The sight overwhelmed her, causing her consciousness to surrender, and she crumpled to the ground, succumbing to unconsciousness.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying on a bench in the boys' locker room. Diego knelt beside her, his expression filled with concern. As she sat up, she reassured him, "I'm fine, I just momentarily lost consciousness." However, her words were met with a chuckle from him.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked, her anger beginning to surface.

"Apologies, but is this the first time you've seen a half-naked man?" he continued to chuckle, amusement dancing in his eyes. Ji-woo stood up abruptly, and Diego followed suit, still clad in only a towel. Sensing her discomfort, she turned away, shielding her eyes. She reminded herself of her purpose for being there — the crucial conversation she needed to have with him. If she didn't seize the moment now, who knows when another opportunity would arise?

Summoning every ounce of her courage, Ji-woo faced him once more, her voice tinged with determination yet laced with vulnerability. "Diego... I have developed feelings for you," she confessed, a declaration that silenced the surrounding chuckles and caused the towel in his hand to slip, cascading gracefully to the floor. His eyes, etched with bewilderment, were testament to his profound astonishment as he locked his gaze with hers. Astonished by his unforeseen response, Ji-woo found herself involuntarily shielding her flushed visage with quivering hands, "Diego, what the hell are..."

But before she could even fathom completing her sentence, he gently seized her hand, urging it away from her flushed face, then boldly pressed his lips against hers, rendering her wide-eyed and utterly shocked.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

It was very hard to create this chapter but I like the turn of events. Please don't drop it

(。ŏ﹏ŏ), the fun is just getting started.

next chapter
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