97.82% To Continue Living / Chapter 45: Before the Trip to Darkasin City

章節 45: Before the Trip to Darkasin City

The recruitment was successful.

By letting Rey hold Leon's hand whenever he wanted, Alex was accepted.

Leon almost regrets it.

It felt like too much of a price to pay.

But then again, he did get Seven's promise in the process. Something that he would need to use in the future.

For now, he'll just deal with it.


Rey was currently holding Leon's hand. Massaging it, squeezing it, kiss-


"Just hold it nicely," Leon scolded.

Rey did as told. Though he didn't show it on his face, he was holding Leon's hand so happily that flowers could almost bloom.

Leon sighed for the millionth time before turning towards Alex.

Even though he no longer needed to do his daily task of collecting information, he still did it anyway. It was good to just know a few things beforehand, especially since this wasn't Aruvar. And it won't be his fault if fellow members of the party can't use their brains even after they've all heard the same information.

"You seem to know a lot about Darkasin City, bet you're not here for a simple stroll through the woods, huh?" Leon asked.

Alex shook his head, distracting himself from looking at the scene in front of him. Then, replying to Leon in all seriousness, "Darkasin City was my home. I just want to know what happened to it,"

"So that's why you know so much about it!" Penny awed, "Wait, I thought everyone disappeared?"

"Everyone who was in the city disappeared. That day, I was away from home, but when I came back, there was nothing. Just a forest and a sea of miasma. That was all that was left. Since then, I have hired people to search the forest, hoping that there was some sort of clue to tell me what happened, but no one has returned. Not a single person,"

"So now you're going there yourself," Valora concluded, "But because you're afraid of dying, you made up a story to interest us so we can take you there,"

"It's not a made up story, the rumors are true!" Alex argued, "There are definitely beasts in there, how else would no one return?!" he rummaged through his bag and pulled out a piece of paper, "Look! Even the son of the Demon King himself is sending people in! That means there is definitely treasure in that forest!"

Leon took the flyer to take a closer look.

It was an S-level quest.

The son of the Demon King will give a reward to anyone who can bring him the Root of Benign. 

'Root of Benign?' Leon wondered, 'Where had I heard that before?'

"Evelyn," Rey suddenly spoke, taking the paper from Leon's hands, "Evelyn's hairpin was made from a Root of Benign,"

'Right,' Leon suddenly remembered, 'To show her benevolence or whatever,'

"It is said that even the smallest piece of the root can help calm a demon's rage and violence," Alex informed.

'Well, that's new,' Leon hummed, 'Didn't know her hairpin was that special,'

Rey tightened his hold around Leon's hand, his expression a little anguish. He, too, didn't know the hairpin could do such a thing. If so, why . . .

Leon tsked in return. Not only for the firm hold around his hand, but also for the lack of pictures on this flyer. How exactly was someone going to find a Root of Benign when they didn't even know what it looked like?

"The Root of Benign could only be grown and harvested by the purest of elves," Alex continued, "To have the City Lord's son bring one home is of the greatest honor, but unfortunately, both him and the Root of Benign disappeared into the forest. It's been a hundred years, and he's yet to be seen. He's probably already been ripped to shreds by the beasts,"

Valora took the flyer to check it this time, "So what? The son of the Demon King needs calming from the Root of Benign?"

Alex shrugged, "I don't know, business within the royal family isn't something I like to dig my nose into,"

"It doesn't matter anyway, " Leon said, not wanting to dive into a side quest that could possibly become something bigger, "We're only there to do some hunting. So, just do your job and guide us through Darkasin City. Maybe along the way, Rey will find it in his heart to help you out," Leon said, "I'm tired, so I'll head off to sleep first. You guys do whatever you need to do. I'll see you in the morning,"

Just as Leon stood up to leave, Rey quickly did the same.

"What?" Leon asked, stopping in his tracks.

Rey stared blankly at him.

"Did you need something?" Leon asked again.


Leon eyed him skeptically before making his way towards the stairs. Unfortunately, Rey followed right behind him.

"Why're you following me?" Leon huffed, irritated.

". . . I'm tired too,"

Leon sighed.

Holding hands and now sleeping.

This was driving Leon insane, and it hasn't even been that long since he's awakened.

But right now, Leon didn't feel like fighting.

Fighting was draining.

Just arguing about holding hands drained the life out of him.

Maybe he'll have more energy to fight tomorrow.

To get the protagonist back to normal again.

To get the protagonist up and working, not- whatever he is right now.

So, reluctant but too tired to care, Leon decided to just turn in for the night.


When Leon woke up this time, it wasn't to Rey's face, but to his own reflection in the water.

His body was bare of any clothes. He sat against the wall of the bathtub with warm water that rose to his chest. And there was soap in his hair with hands massaging his scalp.

He was utterly confused, 'Wha- How did I- I don't sleepwalk, right?'

"You're awake?" Rey's voice echoed from behind him, his hands stopped still.


Leon sighed, 'Of course it was him,'

"I thought . . ." Rey's voice grew quiet, "You weren't waking up, I thought you went back to sleep,"

". . . I said I'd see you in the morning,"

Though Leon couldn't see it, Rey smiled gently, "Good morning,"

The hands on his head began massaging again. This time, rinsing off the soap.

It felt nice.


Leon could almost go back to sleep-


Leon swiftly turned around, removing Rey's hands from his head.

He was going to yell about something, but the sight before him cut him off.


Dangling between Rey's legs.

There existed a being like no other.

The harem's rod of love and worship.

Leon had seen glances of it before, but never like this. A full view, right up close and personal.

'Is this what makes the harem go crazy? This . . . this thing?'

Leon wished he had known that Rey was sitting in a chair, legs open, and naked. Then he wouldn't have turned around to see such a thing right in front of his face.

Leon glanced up at Rey, and Rey stared back, not knowing what was going through Leon's mind.

'Why're you sitting like this?!' was what Leon wanted to yell, but a door slammed opened instead.


It was Seven.

"I didn't- you guys- I mean, the shower . . ."


The door shut instantly.

Rey was unbothered, but Leon could almost die of embarrassment. And this was definitely not a way that Leon would have liked to have died for.

His face in the groin of another man.

Definitely not!


Leon stood up, ready to yell at Rey to leave, but then-


The door opened once more.

"WHAT HAPpened . . . oh,"

This time, it was Valora.

"Seven was . . . Actually, Y'know . . . I had an inkling, but I guess it's clear now-"

"-Sorry!" Penny yelled as she caught the door handle.


The door shut close again.

Leon quietly sat back down in the tub. He hid his face between his knees and cursed this world ten thousand times. Rey, on the other hand, was still unbothered and continued to bathe himself with no care in the world.

"There's no use being embarrassed," Rey commented, "They know we shower together anyway, it's not anything new,"

"It's not that," Leon muttered, "It's not that at all,"

When they finished showering, Leon was just glad that there was no one in the room when they entered.

"From now on, just wake me up," Leon said as he dressed himself.

"I did, you wouldn't wake up," Rey replied as he put on his pants.

"Well, I can take baths on my own, you don't have to wash me,"

"It's quicker if we do it together. They all know that we shower together anyway,"

"Showering together and seeing us in that . . . in that . . . position- are two different things!" Leon wanted to erase his memories, "Just . . . I can take showers alone!"

Rey took a towel and started drying Leon's hair.

Leon knew that Rey's silence meant that he didn't agree.

'Holding hands, sleeping, and now bathing,' Leon wanted to scream.

"Let's cut your hair," Rey said as he touched the blond ends.

Leon touched his hair. He didn't realize that it's grown so long already.

He thought for a while and then said, "No, let's keep it,"

Rey nodded and brushed his hands through the hair, "I'll tie it up,"

Leon went to sit at the table for Rey to start brushing his hair, 'It feels nice,'

The hands massaging his head and going through the strands. 

He closed his eyes, reeling into the touch.

It was soothing.







This was bad.

He shouldn't feel this way.

Absolutely not.

Fortunately, it ended quickly.

Leon opened his eyes. He could feel that his hair was tied into a ponytail, but he didn't bother to take a look in the mirror.

"Let's go,"

They walked downstairs, where everyone was waiting for them.

Valora and Penny seemed to be talking about something with Alex. Leon could guess what it was based on Alex's pale expression and awkward glances. Seven, on the other hand, looked as if he were at death's door.

"I'm so sorry!" Seven cried, falling to his knees, "I usually hear you guys showering, but today there wasn't any noise! So, I thought-"

"-It's fine," Leon interrupted, "Nothing happened anyway,"

Valora laughed mockingly.

Leon would have made a deprecating comment to hurt and anger her, but decided against it. He wasn't going to start a fight over something so immature.

But then again, why would he spare a character's feelings?

Even 'Leon' himself wouldn't let someone go without a word or two after feeling mocked or betrayed. Actually, Leon could go even further than 'Leon,' he could take this from one to a hundred real quick.

This idea lit a spark in him, and he let out a chuckle, "At least Rey wants me, he could care less whether or not you left. Hell, you are nothing without-mmph!"

Rey's hand covered his mouth, stopping him from talking any further. Then Rey glared at Valora, quickly making her quiet.

"Let's go," Rey said before nodding at Alex, "Lead the way,"

next chapter
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