71.05% This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Into the future! Well, what's in between it.... I think?

章節 27: Chapter 27: Into the future! Well, what's in between it.... I think?

All parties get buckled into seats and Captain Lance takes the captain's chair, Gideon types in the coordinates for the temporal zone after synthesizing car seats fit for three-year-olds.
Lena made a bit of a fuss for not being able to sit in Kara's lap but relented when she was told that there would be no take-off if her three-year-old body wasn't in that car seat. Maggie was the same, but was upset for other reasons. The tiny detective resented being put in a child's safety seat but silently loved the comfort the padded material brought.
Once Captain Lance brings everyone into the green warbling void, the six new members feel extra queasy once Sara puts the ship into its park position.
Sam can see Maggie looking miserable. "Mo-Sammy, I don' feel well...."
Sara makes a sympathetic noise, "Really sorry I forgot to tell you about that. It gets better with each ride though." Sara brings herself to the console.
"Alright, Cap has control of the ship, we can unbuckle now. I'll get you lot some gum so your tummies won't feel too bad." Charlie scurries off to her room to bring them back spearmint chews, to tone down the nausea.
Alex unbuckles first at that, she rushes over to help unbuckle Sam and then she goes over to Maggie. Sam pulls Maggie into her lap and she rocks them side to side, soothing both of their tummies in the process. She knows how much Maggie fears throwing up, the uptick of anxiety can exasperate that queasy feeling.
Alex can see Kara struggling to get her own belt off, she can see her hands shaking a bit and her forehead crinkles is prominent. She goes over to help both her and the baby CEO.
"Kar, you ok?" She can see the blonde take deep breaths in and out before she speaks. She tries to get the buckles off one last time but falls short and then lets out a huff of frustration. The red-headed agent takes this as her cue to help her little sister out.
"Yea, just-it's dark and stupidly ominous and quiet. It reminds me kinda of the Phantom Zone, I know it's stupid, its-"
"Kara, it's me, it's not stupid, your feelings matter, they are valid. I got you, ok, you're not there, you're here with me, Sam, Maggie, and your baby Lena." Alex smiles at the end of that small speech. The agent goes over to the little Luthor and unbuckles her while her sister gets her bearings.
Charlie comes back with the spearmint and gives everyone two pieces, she breaks one of them into two halves and gives them to each little ones.
Sara wasn't too far away from where Kara and Alex were conversing so she heard what the blonde reporter had said.
Cautiously, the former assassin questions the blue-eyed Kryptonian. "Phantom zone, you've been?"
Kara snorts, "Yup, but definitely not by choice. I was stuck in my stupid pod floating through there for twenty-four fucking years." She says bitterly. She doesn't say anymore after that.
Zari listens in. She herself rather hates when they have to be stalled in the temporal zone. It makes her teeth grind, she hates having to be surrounded by the dark, the endless loop of nothing, just dark endless space, void of sound. But sound isn't much of a problem when in the Waverider, there's always someone screaming, she can count on Mick bitching when he's drunk, and he's always drunk, there is never a dull moment.
The boys and Ava are out with the jump ship back at headquarters doing something where no one can get hurt and/or killed, this mission needs scalpels, none of them come close, they are all relatively hammers, but the girls have less 'flourish' to it.
If there is a day where Zari, and sometimes Charlie can't take the darkness or the lack of noise, she covers the windows in a VR-type display. It will make you feel like you're anywhere in the world.
Zari pulls out her computer, "Do you like the beach, or maybe the mountains? Or perhaps the New York sunrise?"
Gideon buts in, "Perhaps you should try the Midvale one Ms.Tomaz."
Kara looks confused at the question but answers anyway. "Midvale?"
Zari gives her a beaming smile, she types away at their computer. "Gideon, you can do your thing now, make it pretty for me."
"Yes Ms. Tomaz."
The windows on the ship flicker from the ominous silent green warblings of the temporal zone to a beautiful pink and orange-covered sky over a crystal blue sea. The point of view is just over the ridge of Midvale Peak, a cliff known by only an exclusive group of people, mainly the family of those who have lived there for most of their lives.
The sight makes them all smile, mainly Kara.
"Wow, I used to fly up there all the time, just looking over the ocean or up at the clouds, this view never gets old. Thanks Zari."
"No biggy, I really hate the feeling of being in something that is categorized as nothing, it feels wrong. All of that, it's never welcoming. Never really gotten used to it. I also really hate the goddamn dark." That last part is said under her breath and only the two Kryptonian can hear her, they don't comment on it.
They are all broken out of the reverie by Winn hurling into a found and likely once-used bucket from under his seat.
Gideon speaks hurriedly, "I would advise cleaning that out before the team starts Mr. Schott. I will guide you to our washroom. Please follow the lit pathway."
Winn grunts and gives a thumbs up to the all-seeing AI, he follows the lit-up walkways sluggishly, making no sudden movements in hopes to keep the rest of his lunch down.
After he rounds the corner, Sara claps her hands, just to regain the attention of everyone. "Can we start without?"
The five remaining National city residents nod their head yes.
Lena is being rocked in Kara's arms. Kara has noticed that Lena's little tics have been exasperated while she is transformed into her physically younger self. She has also realized that when she was in little space, maybe the stress of it all is making all of the pushed-down urges come to the surface. Her little girl fidgets like no tomorrow, she loves to chew on her hands and rock herself if she is left to her own thoughts. Kara doesn't stop it or point it out of course, definitely not wanting to stop her self-soothing. But she does try to replace her fingers with a paci if she is chewing, she is thinking about getting a chewy if she sees her fingers raw and being chewed instead of sucked.
Maggie is leaned up against Sam's front, forgoing being picked up and carried. She doesn't want to be seen as a child right now, she wants to be taken seriously. Even though she would give anything to just let go and be cuddled up safe in Mommy's arms. It would feel really good snuffing the short hairs on Mama's neck and sucking my thumb just for a bit.
Zari starts the conversation pulling Little Maggie out of her reverie. She quickly snatches her thumb from her lips before anyone can truly take notice of her slip. How the hell did you even get in there?!
"As Cap said, all of this shouldn't leave the ship, you all will be subjected to a memory wipe courtesy of Charlie. Now I do have some diggin' to do because all of this was last minute but top priority, future and all that shi-shizz." Zari sits at her console and pulls out a retractable desk. She types away at her computer.
Sara claps and speaks. "Alright we can wait and talk in the break room because I do have some stuff to say. We can also get some snacks because I can tell Lena over here is getting a bit peckish, how's bout it hun?" Sara shoots her the first really genuine smile of the day and Kara loves how great the Legends are all about it.
Lena shakes her head yes tentatively and pulls out her two fingers and looks at Sara. "But I's also wanna 'splore."
Kara snorts. "Is this all you needed little star, a scientific adventure to get you to speak?" Kara smiles and kisses her little one's temple. She is absolutely elated at the quick turn in attitude being on this ship has brought. Kara puts her little one down while they walk to the breakroom, the location being lit up by Gideon for the nonnatives to follow. Kara's attention shifts to Captain Lance.
"You know she hasn't spoken for a week, nothing I did worked." Sara raises an eyebrow inquisitively, silently asking for the reporter to continue. "Seems like a little promise of a tour of the Waverider is what was needed. She may be tiny, but her brain is literally never off. She loves learning new things, no matter the subject, that's what I love most about her, it's precious if I'm being honest."
Sara smirks at that. "Both the girls can walk and play 'round the ship if they want, they don't really need supervision." They make it into the break area and Sam scoops up Maggie to take a seat on her lap. Alex takes a seat next to them and Lena has a seat to herself while Kara continues to talk with Sara.
"Anything that's dangerous is far out of reach and locked up so it's all childproof." Maggie goes to speak up but Sara sees the oncoming tantrum. "I know you're not actually a child, the ship has always been handled like this, for the safety of my own." On that cue, Zari walks in with her computer. And she shoots her Captain a wry smile.
"I didn't really feel like being alone anymore, too quiet, talking to Gideon wasn't helping." Sara walks up to her and gives her a kiss on the crown of her head.
"It's cool, we were just talking about stuff."
All the adults look at the small sweet scene with puzzling looks but get distracted by a gasping Luthor.
"You's gots a food 'abricater?!" Lena shifts in the chair to the ground, almost toppling on her face but the near fall doesn't faze her. She runs as fast as her little legs carry her all the way to the object of her affection.
"Yea, it makes just about anything, we even have one that makes clothes, authentic ones that can pass any test too, it's so cool." Zari says, after all the time on the ship she is still fascinated by it. She did come from the future but this stuff isn't sold to the public, especially to her "kind".
The baby CEO lets out an almost imperceptible wow.
"Kawa, can I asks it to make me somethin'."
"Yes hun, go ahead." Lena presses a button and whispers to it exactly what she wants and how she wants it.
The machine takes about two minutes and she waits there, wide eyes until a pink plastic bowl is presented to her with a kid's plastic spoon and fork. A purplish drink is set next to it with a reusable hard plastic bendy straw.
"Kawa, help p'ease." Kara hands her girl the utensils and takes the food and drink to her seat at the rounded table.
Gideon informs the eating little girl, "Please do not forget to blow love, it did come out hot."
"KK" Lena sits down and eagerly takes a bite before Kara can put a makeshift napkin bib around her neck and legs. The girl takes another scoop of the flavourful liquid and they can all tell she is in her own made-up heaven.
She silently holds up a spoonful of the broth and meat to her Mama's lips, wanting her to taste how delicious her favourite meal is. Kara's eyes light up at the flavour.
"That is fantastic, what is it baby?" Lena takes a sip of the fruity drink and then hands that to Kara to taste too.
"Is called cuddle, mum before 'illian used to make it when I felt icky or bad, or duwing thunderstorm. She says is like her huggin' me. Nebew had it again since Lion took me to lib with em. Dwink is called faiwy. I's always leabe a little lef' at the bottom cuz mummy said fawies like it too. So's i's gotta shawe." Lena is unfazed by her confession, everyone was listening intently, especially Kara. Lena rarely talks about her past, even more rarely talks about the time she spent with her birth mother. They all find it sweet that she has said this all out of the blue without prompting. The dish seems to bring her warmth and all the cuddles only her mother can distribute. Kara is glad she is happy with this all.
Winn comes in and Sara converses with them on most of it. Lena finishes her food, this is the cleanest Kara has ever seen her little girl's plate. She tugs at her Mama's sleeve. "Mama, 'splore?"
"Yea go along." Lena tugs Maggie along without even asking if she wanted to come along.
"Lee I-"
"Go on bug, we will be here when you guys are done." Alex encourages, she has seen Maggie in a funk and maybe playing, being able to be little will help out her attitude and emotions.
Maggie lets herself get dragged by little Lena who is just a bit taller than her.
"Alright now that we are all present I can tell you who I suspected the person was. Zari just confirmed it. The assassin that has tried to kill you guys was-is, a descendant of mine from another earth. Their name is Storm. We thought that after the whole anti-monitor thing, we were the only Earth left. Just a couple weeks ago we found out that wasn't true. This world was the only one forgotten in all the chaos and somehow one of their occupants had travelled here. On that earth, earth G6, they are my kid. Apparently I'm still an assassin there, I have them and teach them my ways."
Sara's face gets glum at that. She has made so much effort putting that life behind her, after facing death so many times, after actually dying so many times, it puts everything into perspective. "On G6, I die, Storm wants revenge."
Sam buts in, "What does this have to do with Lena and Maggie? And apparently, there is still one other DNA strand that was included, we couldn't get the results though, there wasn't enough to sample."
Sara takes a breath. "They are after them because on Storms Earth, they are the cause of me dying." Everything goes silent, the former assassin keeps speaking. "What Gideon was able to find from news articles is that Storm and I were on a killing rampage. What started out as simple revenge for the pain the League of Assassins brought me spun into a blind rage at any and everyone. Storm followed my lead. We were a menace to everyone, we needed to be stopped."
"That Maggie resided in Gotham at the time and that's where we were mostly. We had killed Batman, Superman couldn't touch us. Gotham PD worked alongside Lena Luthor and her unnamed CFO to take down Storm and a way to take down me. They got help from this Superhero who seemed like a Kryptonian, Red something."
Gideon corrects her, "Agent Red, Ms. Lance."
"Yea, her, she wasn't affected by Kryptonite, they knew that so they decided to try and go for the CFO, that's probably the third set of DNA you found. We were feeling arrogant so we went in guns blazing without thinking about Agent Red. Once we realized that we were boxed by the police, we tried to get out, by whatever means necessary."
"News says Maggie took the shot, it was aimed at Storm but I stepped in the way. It killed me instantly because it was meant for Metahumans only."
"Storm was able to escape and it seems they vowed revenge on all the Maggies and Lena's and whoever that other person is. They successfully killed Earth G6 Maggies and Lena, unsuccessful in killing the CFO for unknown reasons, they have moved on because it seems that it wasn't enough."
Everyone is stalled. They have no words, they try to let all the information sink in. One part of the story hits Sam like a rocket.
"I'm called Agent Red on my earth, I'm also Lena's CFO here so he was going for me, why didn't it work."
Zari answers that, "I think because of your Kryptonian DNA, I don't think they took that into account when making this concoction. They probably had no idea that you were Kryptonian, seeing as they did not go after Agent Red but the CFO. They knew that it wouldn't hurt a Kryptonian, so it seems they thought the CFO was human. The formula is subpar at best."
"Ok Sara, so how are we supposed to stop them?" Kara is worrying internally. She is upset that her baby can't catch a break, no matter what she does, evil, good, it's all the same to them. She is never enough in the eyes of the people, she will always have a target on her back.
"We can track them, since they have half of my DNA, we can send out a hound, that's what the boys and Ava are up to right now. We don't know what time they are in, or where they are, but the rest of the crew should be back soon."
"MAMAAAA!!" They can hear little Lena scream out.
"It seems that Ms. Sawyer has gotten hurt," Gideon says, even the AI shows a bit of concern.
Both supers zip with their power, it is substantially dampened since there's no sun but not all the way.
Alex face palms, "She always finds a way I tell you."
Sara smirks, "Oh trust me, I know how littles can be." Alex can see a faint blush from Zari and hear her grumble under her breath. "Go sit and have a snack, I think I need to get the first aid kit for the little one."
"Can I have some juice....Please?" Sara nods her head and Gideon has already started preparing her lunch for Princess Zari, also one for Charlie, both girls love to snack together. 

Alex_Grey_5388 Alex_Grey_5388

This is one of my favourite plots in the story, next chap your in for a world of hurt ;(( 

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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