In a world of magic and monsters, 12-year-old Lyra is an orphaned street adventurer, struggling to provide for herself and her little sister, Emmy. Life is hard, but Lyra clings to her dreams of gaining enough strength to protect them both from the dangers lurking in every shadow. When she stumbles upon a mysterious tailor’s shop, filled with armor and artifacts that carry voices from beyond, Lyra unknowingly steps onto a path of power, mystery, and revenge. Guided by whispers of the past, and haunted by her parents’ tragic deaths at the hands of a secretive organization, she begins to unravel a dark conspiracy that reaches far beyond her small town. But with every step, Lyra must decide: How much of herself will she sacrifice to gain the power she seeks?
作者 Dragnol
As a new voice in the world of writing, stepping forward to share this story feels both exciting and intimidating. Much like the moment when a question is posed to a room and everyone hesitates, unsure if they should be the first to speak, I find myself in the same position—taking the leap and being the first to share this experience with you. Writing is not just about putting words on paper; it’s about stepping into the unknown, carving a path where none existed before. As the author, I invite you to join me on this journey—one where discovery and growth await, for both of us. While I may be just beginning, I am eager to see how far this adventure will take us, and I hope you’ll walk alongside me as we explore the possibilities together.