Ren acted on sheer instinct and threw out both his arms, and two brightly coloured strands of magic emanated from his fingertips. One rushed to cover the incubator where the baby was, making the dark magic recoil suddenly, and the other created a shield around the three children and Ren.
"Sylvia, take Ray back home," Ren whispered, holding up the two magical barriers. Ray just finished vomiting and his beautiful face was rather pale, making Ren's heart ache. His dragon baby was clearly much more sensitive to dark magic than he had expected.
"No, Daddy," Ray said immediately, wiping his mouth with a tissue and rushing back to Ren's side. "Dark magic is very powerful and Daddy needs our help."
Ren sighed and rubbed the little dragon's head. He couldn't deny it.
"I can manage," he still said. "Ray, my dear child, I don't want you to get sick."
Terribly, terribly sorry for the long hiatus. Lots of real life stuff to deal with - but I'm back now, hopefully with steady updates. Thank you, everyone, for sticking with me so far.