I roll over in my bed. "What?"
"The boss wants to see us Madelynn." It's my twin sister, Lynn. She bounces on my bed, practically forcing me to wake up.
"You're an ass," I tell her.
"So I've been told, but trust me, the boss says it's urgent." She backflips off my bed and continues to stare at me.
I sit up. "Okay, now you're just being a show-off, jerk."
She grabs my wrists and pulls me out of bed. "Let's go slow poke! We got people to kill!"
I stand up and sigh. "Why are you always excited to kill people?"
"Reasons, now put your clothes on and let's go."
I put my clothes on quickly and wrap the little belt around my waist. I would call it a utility belt, but I don't want to be compared to Batman, I'm not mental, maybe. Anyway, I follow my sister into the main command center, where we find Naira, our boss. Just an F.Y.I. she can be a bitch at times.
"It's about time you two showed up." She turns around and crosses her arms, still holding that red book in her hand. She has never told us what that book is, but she has been on the same page, for three damn years!
"Hey, I need my sleep."
"Maybe you should try and not stay up until three in the morning looking for your mother."
In one swift move, I pull out my Desert Eagle and aim it right between her eyes, and she does the same, but with a Five Seven. I smirk. "I'm guessing you saw that coming?"
"I see just about everything."
I turn to look at my sister, who is just watching us. "We really need to get rid of that camera."
"I agree, I'm just too busy to take care of it." she replies.
"I'll just put another one in there while you're on a mission." Naira chimes in as she puts her gun away.
I do the same thing. "I'll keep destroying it, you'll learn at some point."
"Hey," Jasper comes towards us, irritated as usual. "Can you get to the point, please? I have to kill a certain drug lord in half an hour."
"Yeah, and I'm having dinner with the President in an hour, and that's not stopping this meeting." Naira chimes in.
"Which one?" I ask out of curiosity.
"None of your business," He replies.
"Huh, I don't think I've heard of him." I love trying to mess with him, and honestly, I think I saw him faintly blush.
Naira shakes her head. "Anyway, I just want you guys to know that we are going to have certain tests on your skills. They are starting this Tuesday, in the arena."
"No buts about it, Madelynn, let's just say I'm having a few friends coming that give us our money. And targets, but mostly money."
I raise an eyebrow, and glance at my sister, who is still watching us. "Is this partner or individual?"
Jasper sighs. "I'm off, again, a waste of my time." He turns to leave. "See you later Madelynn."
I wave. "See you."
He walks off and leaves.
Naira sighs. "I swear, it's as if no one can make him happy."
I shrug. "Yeah, and for some reason he only says bye to me."
My sister places a hand on my shoulder, and whispers in my ear. "Maybe he likes you sis."
I turn and give her an evil stare. "No one likes me, and besides, I'm not in the market anyway."
She sighs. "Are you sure about that? It's not like I'm ever going to fall in love, I'm crazy."
"Trust me, you are completely sane, did you really forget about the tests we have you take every two months?" Naira is back in the conversation.
"You never know, I could be faking it." My sister laughs.
Naira sighs. "Anyway, I got a call from the President a few hours ago."
"For your date?" I tease.
She gives me a look and blushes. "You two have a new target on your hands. You are to get him right after your tests."
"Who's the target?" Lynn asks.
"His name is Rickie A. Larson, he owns a great deal of Vegas actually. He is also a major crime lord, he has held hundreds of executions and kidnapped people. To be honest I think that he has committed just about every crime in the damn book."
"Are you sure about that?" I ask.
"Pretty sure."
"How sure is pretty sure?"
"Let's not start this now Madelynn, we have work to do. There are a few things that you need to be aware of about him. He has a wife and kid, specifically a little girl. The wife actually runs the whore houses throughout the entire city. His advisor, Nick Fox, runs a few strip clubs. He goes to his house once in a while, but be aware, he is very unpredictable."
"I'm guessing a nut case?"
"In a way yes." Lynn chimes in.
"Who else do we have to watch out for?" I ask.
"No one else, but the wife..." She trails off.
"What about her?"
"She...uh...she works for us."
I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Naira, attempts to hide her face.
I glance at Lynn, who is shocked as well, but is hiding it, like me. "Since when did we have a team of four?"
"Well, she isn't an assassin, yet. I'm training her currently."
I gently slap the back of Naira's head. "Were you ever going to tell us about this?"
She whirls around and attempts to stab me with a poison blade. I easily dodge it and knock it out of her hand. "Looks like you have lost your touch."
She smirks. " That's what you think."
I raise an eyebrow, and then collapse to the floor, I can't say anything. 'What the FUCK!!' I say in my head. What did she do?
"Don't worry, it's only temporary." She stands over me and smiles.
If I could move, I would tear her a new one. Suddenly I feel a pinch in my left arm. As a reflex I sit up and hold my arm. "OW! What the hell was that?" After a moment I realize that I am moving again. "Thank you sis."
"How do you know it was me?"
"I can still see the gun in your hand."
"Oh." She holsters her gun and leans against the wall.
I stand up and start to leave. "We're done here yes?"
"Yes?" Naira says.
My sister follows me out of the command room. I sigh. "I swear, if she likes the President that much, she should just ask him out already."
"How many times do I have to tell you, women are complicated creatures, they wait for the man to ask her."
I turn around and stare at her up and down. "You do realize that we are women, yes?"
She shakes her head. "No shit. But I consider us weapons, with female features."
I have no idea what to say to that. "Uh...."
She cocks her head to the side. "What? You don't think that way?"
I sigh. "No, but I do believe that you are the evil one out of the both of us."
I sit down on the dirt floor, slowly catching my breath.
"Already?" Lynn asks.
I look up and give her a death stare. "I have been training for five hours with you. Shut up."
"Yet I am still not tired. But at least you have gotten better at conserving your energy."
I sigh and lay on the ground. "So, about our target."
"I knew you would bring him up! Our orders were to not kill him until our trials are finished."
"And you know how I am, once I am given a target, I get it done."
She sighs and sits next to me. "And how do you suppose we kill him, without Naira having our asses."
"Very carefully."
She smacks my shoulder. "Why don't you put that on a memo and entitle it shit I already know!"
"You don't need to reference that show."
"I think I did, Red vs. Blue is a good show, and I intend on quoting it."
I look over to her. "You really need to stop watching it."
"Too late now, I'm already halfway through Season fourteen." She sticks her tongue out at me playfully.
"We know where he is, and his schedule."
"You memorized it, didn't you."
I look away. "No."
She sighs. "Of course you did."
"You want to go?"
She sighs again. "It goes against our orders, no."
"Think about it, she wouldn't have given us a target, if she didn't want us to kill him. Besides, I think we can ask Jasper for help, He can pilot a helicopter."
"If we go, you dragged me. Deal?"
"Deal." I nod and shake her hand.
"Then let's go. And don't tell, anyone."
"But I asked if we could go."
"Shut up."
I take in a deep breath as the breeze gently pulls at my hair. I look down at the city below, from all the way up here, all the people look like ants, going to and fro from the main nest, but at night.
"Madelyn, it's time for us to go." My sister, Lynn, tells me.
"Are you sure we can do this?" I ask.
She pats my head, "Don't worry so much, be proud of the skills that you have acquired. Use them to kill the people that deserve it."
I look at her and she smiles at me. I can tell that she has that look in her eye again. She gets it every time we are about to kill another target. I shake my head and smile, well, I guess she really is my evil half. I stand up, and look her in the eye, part of my hair flies into my eyes.
She grabs it and puts it behind my ear. She then places her forehead against mine. We stare at each other for a minute, connecting our souls. Don't worry, it's what we always do before we kill someone.
I grab her hand. "Ready?"
She nods. "Let's do this."
We both grab our guns and fire at the target building, the hooks at the end grab onto the edge of the roof. Still holding hands, we reel them back in. Jumping off the roof and somewhat flying through the air. We land on the glass, and to our expectations, it holds.
"What floor is the target on?" I ask, releasing Lynn's hand.
"Well, right now we are on the....." She looks at her watch. "The hundredth floor, our target is right above us."
"I'm guessing it would be her bedroom right?"
Lynn nods. "Yep, get your night vision ready. You know what to do."
I turn on my night vision, and go up to the dark bedroom, I take out my glass cutter and cut out a giant circle, big enough for us to fit through. I motion for her to follow when I finish. We push the glass into the apartment and onto the carpet. I help Lynn into the apartment and we both smile at the same time.
Suddenly the light turns on and we turn to see a little girl come into the room in her pajamas. She looks at us curiously, and rubs her eyes. "Who are you?"
My sister starts to reach for her gun, but I stop her. "Don't be stupid." I whisper. I walk up to her and get on my knees. "We are friends of your father, just testing the security. I see that your home is really secure with you around." I smile.
She smiles back. "Yeah." She yawns.
So cute! I think to myself. "You should go back to bed, sweetie, you shouldn't be up right now."
"Okay." She comes up to me and holds her arms out.
I pick her up and hold her close. I turn around to Lynn and motion for her to continue. Just before she leaves I mouth to her, I want one of these!
She just shakes her head and smiles. She quickly leaves the room and heads to the target's office. At about this time, the target stays in his office for another hour. I quietly set the little girl onto the bed in the same room we entered. I finally found my sister outside the door.
He's in here. She says in sign language.
Got it. I reply.
She opens the door as quietly as she can, and I follow.
I see the target sitting at his office chair, possibly staring at a tablet of some kind.
We sneak up behind him, and I cover his mouth and quickly inject him with an untraceable poison. He struggles for a little bit, but then he goes limp.
"Ready to plant the evidence?" Lynn asks.
I nod, and reach into a small pack attached to my belt, and grab a small tube of lipstick that I grabbed from a local prostitute. I write Love you! Onto his forehead, luckily the lipstick has her fingerprints on it and it's unique color points to one. "Done!" I whisper.
Lynn nods. "Good, now show me how t-" A bullet breaks the glass and penetrates my sister's stomach. I look to the roof and see someone up there, with a DSR Sniper Rifle. Obviously with a silencer as an attachment. I aim my silenced Desert Eagle at him and fire a few shots, unsure if I hit him or not. I grab my sister and hold her close to me.
"Leave me behind," she says, "I'll only slow you down."
"Non lasciare mai un assassino alle spalle." I tell her as I use my grapple gun and find a small rooftop for us to stay on. "Command, this is Agent Madelynn, I need backup now! Lynn is down, I repeat Lynn is down!"
"Copy that, heli on the way."
"Hey." Lynn reaches up to me and holds my cheek with a bloody hand. "That's...not a...saying."
"It is for me. Don't leave me sis, I can't lose you now."
Blood slowly trickles from the corner of her mouth as she smirks. "Shut....up."
"Stay with me, please." I grab a small syringe and inject it into her neck. I hope it will work, if it doesn't, I'm going to kill those scientists.
"Hey," I hear her whisper.
"What is it?" I ask, placing my ear close to her mouth.
"Find....him....kill." I can feel her go limp in my arms.
"No, no, no, no! Sis!" My forehead connects with hers. "Don't leave me." I whisper. I look up and I see a small purple butterfly, its wings start with a dark purple and fade into a light purple. That butterfly was my sister's favorite, and now it's here. I stare at it as it flies towards her lifeless body, and lands in her hair, it stays there for a moment and then flies away.
After a while a helicopter gets here, at this point I am extremely angry with it, I take out one of my many Black Hats and hack into it, causing it to self-destruct before it lands. "That is what you get, for being LATE!" I stare at the bodies of the pilots, or what's left of them. I smile as their blood begins to pool on top of the roof.
Eventually I got the courage to carry Lynn to the lake we remembered as children. We don't know why we only remembered a lake, but it was a beautiful place, and one where we spent most of our time together. Luckily it's not far from where we were. Our lake is in the countryside, a couple miles away from the city. There is a beautiful willow tree that we stayed under, when we weren't on duty. We always stayed under it, and had lunch, we even brought a few dates once in a while. It was mainly my sister who did the dating, I wasn't into it much, I would talk to them, but that's it. I lay under the willow tree with her, catching my breath. It was a long way from the city, but at least I can bury her in the place we both love.
I finished digging out her grave, unfortunately I wasn't prepared for her death, so I dug her grave, six feet deep, by hand. I lean against the exposed tree roots in the side wall. I feel like I can't breathe, I don't have any more tears. My body aches from carrying Lynn and digging for so long, I don't know how much more I can take of this. I grab Lynn and hold her in my arms one last time. My hands are covered in dirt, I attempt to wipe them off on my clothes, but it doesn't help. I place my forehead against Lynn's. "I'll miss you, so much. Don't worry, I will find, and kill that bastard, who hurt you. I will avenge your death, no matter what it takes."
I wash my hands quickly in the lake, and I fix Lynn's hair. I put a few braids into it and decorate it with a few violets, I know she won't like it, but I want her to look decent before I bury her. I gently lay her down in the grave I made, and position her perfectly.
I place her hands together over her stomach, set her head straight, and spread her long hair out behind her. I take her eye gear off her face, and the tears come back, almost instantly. I take a few more flowers and make a small bouquet out of them. I place them in her hands and kiss her forehead, one last time. I climb out of the grave, and slowly bury her, by hand.
I let the tears fall, as I grab more flowers and lay them on top of Lynn's grave. I carve a small note in the tree, for anyone who decides to defile her grave site.
Here lies Lynn, my sister,
If anyone defiles her grave,
I will personally hunt you down,
And kill you myself.
I take a deep breath, and let the tears continue to fall. After a while longer I turn my comms back on.
"Madelynn! Where the hell are you! I can't get your location."
"I'm...here." I manage to say.
"There you are, where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you and Lynn, for three hours!"
"Do you need a Heli?"
"Do you promise, not to blow it up this time? Those aren't cheap, you know."
Naira sighs. "I'll send a car for you two, in the meantime, try not to hurt yourselves."
"Don't what?" she asks.
"Don't get off comms, I need help."
"Don't worry, Jasper is on the way now, he can help you with whatever you need. He won't be too long."
I turn my comms off again, and my grip tightens on Lynn's Eye gear. I sit down in front of her grave and cry. I don't bother to stop the tears and more, what's the point?
It takes Jasper only half an hour to find me, I guess it's a new record for him. He looks around for a moment and gets a bit confused. "Where's Lynn?"
I don't say anything, I just point to the grave in front of me. It takes him a minute, but I hear his gun drop and his wrap around me, holding me tight.
"I'm so sorry, Madelynn, I know how much she meant to you."
At this point I don't have a voice anymore, I lost it when I screamed for an hour straight. I lean against him in an attempt of comforting myself, but it doesn't work.
After a minute he looks me over, and then he sees my hands. "What did you....oh my God" He places bandages on my hands quickly, I didn't realize they were bleeding. He picks me up when he's done, and carries me to the car.
I'm so exhausted for no reason, I don't know when I passed out, but I did. All I know is that I will avenge my sister's death, and kill whoever shot her, no matter if I die in the process.
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