69.04% The threads of destiny / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Duel of wills! The chief against her apprentice

章節 22: Chapter 22: Duel of wills! The chief against her apprentice

The next morning,

Lutsey was swimming in the water. Since Tsylan taught her how to swim and how to overcome her fear of water, she often bathed to forget her problems. Swimming emptied her mind and she didn't know why. Nevertheless, the young warrior did not complain and is even in a dreamy mood today. She still had her mind at the dance of life and at this unique moment shared with the chosen one in her heart.

Of course, she expected that her choice would not be shared but she didn't care. The young chief was, at last, freed from a weight that weighed on her. At least partly, but that was enough for now. While she felt the coldness of the water massaging her blue body, the young native felt her spirit wandering, passing by again seeing the walker in dream with his look so cironspect when he was invited.

The native swam for a long time, carried away in her reverie before returning to the shore. She came out of the water, revealing her graceful and muscular body on the abdominal area due to her workouts. Her finely sculpted arms and legs hid a great strength that she had been able to work on during her training and over the years. Lutsey walked towards her clothes, which she had placed not far from her, showing the dagger in its sheath on her left side.

She had barely put on her loincloth when she heard a movement to her right. Remaining calm, she placed one hand on her wrist before speaking. Although her instincts told her the identity of the voyeur, she was still cautious.Lutsey: You can come out. As she expected, it was Tsylan who came out of the foliage. His eyes were closed and he looked red. The same tone of color as yesterday.

Tsylan: Sorry! It was an accident!

Lutsey with a smile: I believe you, Tsylan.

Tsylan seemed a little reassured: Well, uh... Just tell me when you're done. Lutsey kept smiling, very amused by the situation.

Lutsey; Do I make you nervous?

Tsylan even redder: Stupid question ! Lutsey laughed but she saw the opportunity to get close to him and maybe break the shell preventing her from getting his heart.

Tsylan: Are you done?

Ludsey approaching him: No I'm still topless.

Lutsey to herself: And I don't expect to be finished anytime soon. Ludsey contemplated the torso she had longed for so much, with interest, she placed a gentle kiss on it, letting a shiver escape from it. Then she gently tied her hands to hers, caressing it delicately. Fingers firm and dry, like a warrior. The young chief went up slightly and arrived at the arm. She felt her heart accelerating as she climbed up and felt the curves of the arm. Even though Tsylan was one of the smallest warriors, his peculiar body showed that he was far from being a novice. This peculiarity had caught the young chief's eye ever since she first saw him in her vision. And being able to draw him with her fingers was, for her, a fantasy come true and she could feel his heart beating frantically as his body began to translate his burning desire more and more into her.

As for Tsylan, he remained motionless during his inspection. He shuddered and had a jerky breath as she came up. He seemed to enjoy it. Reassured by this impression, she continued, now caressing her right forearm. This skin... She was not coming back from this softness and she felt the fire of her heart grow more and more intense.

She was now stroking her right shoulder. Sonr already began to burn in her heart and the young chief tried to contain herself but the flame grew stronger with each caress she delivered to this gentle body. She continued despite her growing desire. The young olo'eyktan lowered her hand, caressing her chest, panting from the fire inside her.

Ludsey couldn't take it anymore and kissed her while lowering her hand, which now settled on her buttocks while going up to chew on the neck of the tawtute.

Tsylan: Lutsey...What the...

He did not have time to continue as she frantically kissed him, leaving no opportunity for the dream walker's tongue to escape. The dream walker did not seem to resist and even helped him, laying his hands on his flanks. He opened his eyes as Lutsey raised his hands to her back, urging him not to break contact with her. Their mutual flames communicated, igniting the little reason and restraint they had until then. He eventually carried her and placed her on a tree, then passionately chewed on her neck.Ludsey: Tsylan...I...love...I...want to live with you.Suddenly Tsylan stopped and stepped aside. Tsylan suddenly paused and stepped aside. Her words reminded him of his cruel reality. He couldn't be with her, even though his heart demanded it.

Tsylan: No. I'm sorry, Lutsey, but I cannot.

Lutsey disappointed: Why?

He didn't answer and set her free, turning his back on her to hide his tears. The pilot knew he might break her heart, but he would rather do that than make her suffer by his departure. He did his best to remain astonished in spite of her heart screaming at him to the contrary.

Tsylan: I...can't Lutsey... The clan members are going to start asking questions. We shouldn't hang around.

Lutsey: Tsylan...Do you love me?

He kept silent before going to Kelutral. He would have wanted to say no but his body would have betrayed him immediately. As for the young olo'eyktan, it was with disappointment and deep sadness that she put her clothes back on and did the same. So what the young chief thought she had seen yesterday was nothing but shame? The young chief blamed herself for inflicting this on her, just for her selfish pleasure. She cried silently on the way home, her heart wounded by this rejection.

Throughout the day, the two of them took care to avoid each other. Lutsey, despite her completely broken heart, did her best to fulfill her responsibilities. Nevertheless, her eyes bore the marks of the day's tears and she was sometimes evasive, as elsewhere. Even though she did her best to hide this wound, her heart could not escape Joltsyn's inspection, who felt her grief as if it were his own. A feeling that the latter would have liked never to feel again in her life.

So she found the tawtute and punched him in the face furiously, knocking him to the ground with his back to the floor.

She watched him get up, clenching his angry fists. Her children were in the custody of a friend to prevent them from seeing this spectacle. Tsylan's friends tried to intervene but a dark look from the Tsahik quickly made them turn back.

Joltsyn: How dare you?

Tsylan: Dare to what?

With these words, he inspected his jaw to see that nothing was broken and spat where a red spot appeared on the ground.

Joltsyn: Don't take me for a fool, Tsylan. You know very well what I'm talking about!

He answered only with an annoyed whistle

Joltsyn: What did you tell him this morning?

Tsylan: The truth

Joltsyn sighed before she cried out in anger.

Joltsyn: Can you be, for once, precise? I don't have the spirit for your words in the hidden sense!

His sudden anger surprised all the musicians involved. After a few moments, the latter regained his composure and signaled to him to follow her before telling his group to rehearse without him for the time being. The skywalker imagined a stormy discussion with the Tsahik and he did not want their words to be heard by indiscreet ears. He went to his personal corner where his chey was staying with his belongings. The youngest girl observed him, arms folded in an annoyed and annoyed look.

Joltsyn: I'm listening

Tsylan: Do you think it doesn't hurt me to see her like this? Huh? Do you think I enjoy it? Get out of here! Seeing her in this state tears my heart as much as it does yours. But I don't have a choice. I'm tawtute, this body...

With these words, he looked at his hands, wearily, before staring at Joltsyn again.

Joltsyn: Yes?

Tsylan with a sigh: This body is only temporary. In six years, I will return to my native land, disabling it for the occasion. Lutsey deserves better than a partner who will leave her alone one day.

Hearing this, the youngest daughter felt a blood rush rising again and slapped him, making a loud clattering sound.

Joltsyn: Idiot! It doesn't matter if you are of another species and you have to leave! What matters is the time you will have shared! And why don't you revolt? We have the means to transfer your consciousness, you know? Certainly, you will have to go through the gaze of our Mother, but if she protected you when you came, she should accept your rebirth as a member of the People. How could you, who think all the time, not have this simple idea in your head !!!!?

Tsylan remained silent, rubbing his right cheek marked by a red four-fingered hand.

Tsylan: And you, did you have the idea that I could have a family waiting for me?

At these words, Joltsyn felt his blood freeze over. Although she had suspected it, the younger daughter could already feel her sister's pain if she ever found out. Although she was furious, the young Tsahik did everything to keep her calm, to listen to the human until the end. Nevertheless, she could not help asking this fateful question.

Joltsyn: A wife and children?

The dream walker had a sad smile to this question.

Tsylan with a bite: It could have been...

Then he looked back at his interlocutor.

Tsylan: No.

In the heart of the youngest daughter, it was a relief, but she kept her head cool, despite everything.

Joltsyn: Who?

The latter had an evasive glance at her chey, in particular at her picture box, before returning to the orange eyes of her interlocutor.

Tsylan: It's my sister and her daughter. Having been selected to be a dream walker, I had to leave them in a disturbing situation.

Joltsyn: That doesn't explain to me why you don't want to go further with my sister.

Tsylan: I...I already had a crush in my youth. It cost me a lot of money and I don't want to go through that again.

Hearing these words, the anger of the Tsahik subsided, understanding the reasons of the dream walker. However, this did not change his plans.

Joltsyn: You shouldn't live in the past but enjoy the present, Tsylan. I don't know about your customs regarding mating, but in our country there is no such thing as betrayal because the tsahaylu is too powerful a bond to be broken.

Tsylan: I know that...

Joltsyn: Tsylan, my sister loves you deeply. And I feel that you share her feelings too. Please, even if it is for a definite period of time, open yourself to her as she did to you. It will make her as much of a relief as you are.

The former soldier seemed troubled, seeming hesitant about the decision to be made.

Tsylan: I will think about it.

Joltsyn: Tsylan, there are times when reflection must be put aside. This is one of those moments, so don't waste it because of your fear of the past.

With these words, she walked away to join her children. The youngest daughter was hoping to relieve the grief of her twin sister.

A few days later,

When the daily ceremony dedicated to thank Eywa for allowing the clan to exist and live, the young Tsahik went immediately to Tsylan who was talking with the musicians.

Joltsyn: Tsylan, can I talk to you?

He was a little surprised, as were his musician friends.

Tsylan: Of course. What was that?

Joltsyn: My sister wants to meet you for a public fight.

The dream walker thought he was dreaming when he heard these words. Then he remembered the swimming scene and thought that Lutsey wanted to make her pay for the pain he inflicted on her. He lowered his head, sadly.

Tsylan: Is it to death?

Joltsyn: That's up to you.

Tsylan: Nang! What do you mean?

Suddenly he noticed the silence dominating the assembly. Curious, he looked around him and could see his friends looking at him with astonished eyes. Siltsan even had his mouth open.

Tsylan: Is there a problem?

Vilya: Tsylan... This fight... It is more than a duel.

Tsylan: What do you mean?

He didn't want to confess the incident at the lake because he didn't want to worry them'. Nevertheless, he was curious to know why his indigenous friends were so surprised.

Joltsyn, in a dry tone: Vilya...Please be quiet.

The latter, faced with the stern tone, could not continue.

Joltsyn: Lutsey is waiting for you, Tsylan. I advise you not to keep her waiting.

Tsylan: I know.

With these words, he walked up to the entrance with a determined gleam in his eyes. No matter how angry the woman who pierced his heart was, he was a warrior and would fight. And perhaps victory would bring him back to his senses?

When he arrived, he could already see the clan gathering around him, curiosity no doubt. Without paying attention to them, the pilot stepped forward and faced the second woman in his life with a serious look.

Lutsey looked at him with this cold and serious look, but a burst of anger in his eyes.

Tsylan: Was that really necessary, Lutsey? We could settle this in private.

Lutsey in a dry tone: No.

Tsylan sighed before moving into the fighting position, legs apart and arms in a defensive posture.

Tsylan: So be it. Know one thing, I won't hold back!

Lutsey: I hope so, because I'm not going to give you a gift, either.

The two looked at each other for a moment before the fight finally began. Lutsey stormed off. She tried a punch that he threw with his right arm, giving the pilot an opening. The latter attempted a powerful blow but the leader hastened to counter in the same way as Tsylan, with the difference that it was the opposite arm.

Tsylan grimaça à ce mouvement, de frustration alors que Lutsey sourit, amusée.

Tsylan grimaced at this movement in frustration while Lutsey smiled in amusement.

Lutsey: Problem, tawtute?

Tsylan smiled: I thought you would have more strength in your arms. I'm disappointed!

She only smiled back at him as he tried several knee blows that she said with her own, as if she knew where he was going to hit.

Suddenly, she moved to the right, but she took a punch in the stomach, as if he had predicted her movement.

She took several steps back, before the astonished eyes of the audience. The young warrior observed her with a smile on her lips. Her instincts told her clearly what he would do and she was sure of Tsylan's next move.

As for the latter, he was disturbed by the young oloe'yktan. Why was she smiling? Was she enjoying the fight or was it something else?

No sooner had he finished this thought than it came back to him. Tsylan moved into position to counter the punch but was surprised to get a kick in the stomach, knocking him to the ground.

Grimacing slightly in spite of the pain, he quickly got up, catching his breath.

Tsylan: Geez... It's going to be harder than I thought!

It was as if she had planned her move. It was impossible!

Tsylan: Of course! I'm an idiot! We fought several times! It's normal that she could fight me.

Lutsey made another move, but this time his opponent was prepared. Knowing Lutsey, he knew that she wouldn't use the same move twice and didn't get caught by the kick to her head, despite the speed of the kick.

She could not help but look surprised, as did the crowd around her. The olo'eyktan was known for its unpredictability in combat. How could he have known where she would strike? As for Joltsyn, she smiled when she saw this.

The dream walker took advantage of the opening to knock the young warrior off her feet, but she put her right hand on the ground and made a thrust that allowed her to move backwards and then return to her feet with agility.

The murmurings could be heard all around, following the spectacle in front of them. However, the two concerned did not care. They were focused on their fight, looking for each other's fault. Lutsey knew that his former apprentice often took a defensive stance, cashing in to hit the rifts with force. She had to rely on speed to find ways to exploit her weaknesses before he could do so against her.

Tsylan: Already tired?

Lutsey : You hope? Don't dream! The fight has just begun, tawtute!

With these words, she goes back to the assault and tried a punch that he dodged by moving slightly and was going to give him a powerful punch but she immediately para him with her right knee.

The two of them faced each other again and exchanged several synchronized movements of punches, knees and feet, countering each other.

In the assembly, we were surprised by the spectacle. The oloeyk'tan had faced different opponents to win his title, but nobody had been able to parry his movements so perfectly.

Even those close to the pilot did not come back from what they saw. Vilya was completely stunned and she looked at the Tsahik, next to her, who was holding her two children. They watched the duel with disbelief, not seeming to understand. The young mother seemed to smile, as if satisfied with what she saw.

Silwey: Mom, about... Aunt Lut fighting?

Joltsyn: Because your aunt challenged Tsylan to a duel.

Roltyun: Why?

She was about to answer when a voice interrupted her.

Vilya: My Tsahik, it doesn't surprise you that your sister is having such a hard time? Or even scare you?

Joltsyn: Why should I be surprised at a result I expected?

Vilya: Nang!? But...How...

Joltsyn: They are two sides that confront each other. Instinct versus reflection.

Vilya looked at her, not understanding her words. After this reaction, her interlocutor only smiled while the two duelists looked each other in the eyes, their two fists hitting their opponents without taking advantage.

Both looked at each other with determination, the flame of will shining in their eyes. They were determined not to back down, despite the sweat on their faces and bodies and the fatigue that was evident.

Then, seeing that they couldn't move forward, they both let go and took a step backwards, not taking their eyes off each other. They looked at each other again, taking their breaths. The young leader was satisfied with what she saw. Deep down, she had always known that it was him she was waiting for. She missed half of him and her fight had just shown her that. But she had to keep up appearances so that he could give it his all.

Tsylan: Lutsey, why are you doing this?

Lutsey: Don't play innocent, you know that!

Tsylan: Then why don't we use weapons? You're looking for something, I can feel it. Even if I don't know what.

Lutsey: If you're trying to distract me by talking, you're not doing it!

With those words, she stormed back, but instead of hitting him in the legs as he was expecting, she faked it and gave him a quick, powerful punch in the face as soon as he came to the ground, making him take several steps back. Nevertheless, he counter-attacked, to her surprise, and inflicted the same treatment on her.

Lutsey holding his nose bleeding: Tss....You're copying me, aren't you?

Tsylan in a calm tone, despite the bleeding lip: No. I knew you let your guard down when you could hit. I just took advantage of his few moments to answer you.

She wiped away the blood, a smile on her face.

Tsylan: I guess I'm offering you a good challenge.

Lutsey: You're more than that to me, Tsylan. And you know that.

This line made the human feel guilty, remembering the scene of the bathing. It distracted him enough not to see Lutsey approach him and knee him in the stomach, taking his breath away. He grimaced, holding his belly and observed Lutsey, an angry expression on his face.

Lutsey: Don't look at me like that! You should have known that I would use your kindness against you.

Tsylan: Since you play it that way...

Recovering from the pain, he took some dust from the ground and threw it at the young warrior. Blinded for a few moments, she did not have time to see the uppercut that caused her to take several steps backwards.

Lutsey of anger: You are not ashamed to use such tricks!

Tsylan, annoyed: Don't come and lecture me! You started it!

Lutsey: You pay nothing to wait!

Tsylan: Bring it on, tiger! I'm waiting for you!

And so the two started again their synchronized exchanges of blows, neither of them managed to take a real advantage over the other. When Lutsey managed to exploit a loophole, his opponent was quick to reply and stop him in his tracks and vice versa.

Long minutes went by, the battle was still uncertain as both duels felt their endurance had come to an end. Nevertheless, their wills remained intact, in spite of everything.

Neither of them were determined to give up victory to the other, despite the many bruises on their bodies, reflecting their strong fighting spirit.

Lutsey catching his breath: I...will not lose...not!!!!

Tsylan, catching his breath: Don't...count...on me...to give in!!!!

And the two of them punched again, but they loosened them to fold them up to lock up their opponents. Both were struggling for dominance, a sign of victory at this stage. When Lutsey finally managed to make his opponent back down, the latter regained his will and pushed her back down in turn.

Joltsyn of a mummy: They are more connected to each other than I thought. They both have the same rage to win.

They both gave each other several rounds of head blows, one hoping to knock the other unconscious. But their determination was such that despite the headaches they both had, they always remained standing. So much so that their two fronts were now glued together.

Both continued their struggles to try to gain the upper hand, but when one managed to push his opponent back, the other immediately gained the upper hand. Seeing that the situation remained unchanged, the two broke contact and took several steps back.

They were completely sweaty and trembled, the fugue invading them. They looked at each other, clenching their teeth from the pain of their wounds and their many bruises all over their bodies.

Lutsey shouted loudly: I will not lose!

Tsylan replied in the same tone: Don't count on me to lose to you!

Both, despite their obvious fatigue, wanted to continue the fight. Lutsey launched an assault that Tsylan managed to parry but she continued the blows with her last strength. She was able to deliver one or two blows between two sequences, but the pilot always managed to return fire.

Finally, at the height of exhaustion, the two of them punched each other twice, hitting their right cheeks at the same time. Despite the violence, the fighters only took one step back. They tried to retaliate, but their bodies eventually betrayed them and they lost consciousness, one next to the other, in front of a completely sceptical crowd. All but one.

next chapter
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