In the sprawling metropolis of Dawn City, Joy Dela Cruz, a mysterious and determined young woman, embarks on a dangerous quest to unlock the secrets of Mayari’s Temple. Driven by her late mother’s dying wish, Joy must navigate a treacherous world filled with hidden threats, strange powers, and unexpected allies. As she delves deeper into the unknown, she uncovers truths that could change her life—and the fate of the world—forever. What will Joy discover on her perilous journey, and what sacrifices will she have to make along the way?
寫檢討It's good But I had to run to the dictionary a couple of times to check out some words like fervour Maybe use everyday words But good plot good story you rock
I love the plot of the story as well as the characters, it's a good read [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
I am already getting the vibe of mystery and adventure in the very first chapter. I love how you clearly show your characters as well. Delivery more of your masterpiece without holding back.
Wow, this is one of the best fantasy Novel I have read so far. I love the imagery! The the questions of mystery of world. The introduction is just so captivating. I would love to read more and more of this actually
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作者 OkiFukuro
It's my novel so i rate it high . Mwuahahahahh