17.34% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 60: 20. I Will Always Love You.

章節 60: 20. I Will Always Love You.

I woke up in Colin's clinic, the sterile scent of antiseptic filling the air. Disoriented, it took a few moments for my mind to clear. As I regained my senses, I realized that my nap had lasted much longer than expected. Despite feeling heavily drugged, I fought to wake myself up.

Just as I managed to move my hand to remove the cannulas, the door swung open and Colin entered the room swiftly.

His touch on my wrist was gentle as he carefully removed the cannula, whispering to me, "No need to rip it out, little one. I can do this in a less traumatic way. Though you should still have some hydration, let's see if you can drink something. These drugs tend to dehydrate you."

I grunted in response, allowing him to remove the other cannulas and move them aside. My mouth felt dry, and soon he returned with a small cup of freshly squeezed orange juice and a straw. I sipped it slowly, the tangy sweetness revitalizing me.

Finally, my voice started to work again, and I asked, "How long have I been here?"

There was a lingering sense of something, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Colin replied, "Eight weeks, more or less. You desperately needed every hour of rest. It took time for my leprechaun to find a suitable sleeping agent that would allow you to rest. You look amazing now, not like your usual worn-out self."

Eight weeks. Colin had always been protective of me, but now it seemed even more intense. He sat down next to me, letting out a sigh before speaking.

There was a hint of regret and a lot of trepidation in his voice, as if he feared my reaction. "Little one, look at your wrist. See that clover? Well, me and my leprechaun, we took you as our mate. I'm sorry if you hate me for that, but we had to. I don't expect you to have any romantic feelings for me, and I can feel the connection. I suspect you don't."

I smiled, feeling flattered by his words. It made accepting the situation easier. I remembered my dream, or perhaps it had not been a dream. Not per se, but rather a chaos little kitty, whispering things I didn't want to hear. Yet, strangely, it made my future seem less lonely.

As I sipped my juice, I said, "I'm glad because what I'm about to tell you might upset you, just as you've gotten me in shape. You see, the chaos kitty appeared in my dream and revealed that a world-saving tour awaited me in a month. I had a few weeks to organize everything. But that wasn't all. The pack had their own mission: to venture into a demon realm and engage in battle. But the kitty had more to say."

Colin frowned, voicing his disapproval. "I don't like the idea of you being in a fight club, but we'll get through it. It's good to know in advance so I can plan too. What else is there?"

My voice remained firm.

It hadn't been easy to hear, but this was my life. "Time moves faster on the other side, so they'll spend years there. And 'battle' won't be constant. Not everyone will be involved. So it's not the worst dimension to be in. It'll be one of ours once they rid it of those demons who've made their nests there. They'll build houses, have a life there, and move on. And when they return, there might not be a place for me in the pack. Chaos Kitty told me that their lust and sex energies would evolve, so my absence wouldn't affect their sex life. They can live without me, and their memories won't hold on to me as strongly. Time will fade me out, even if it's just a few years or so."

Colin squeezed my hand and reassured me, his eyes now resembling four-leaf clovers, his voice softer. "Anamchara, Mo mhuirnín dílis, I will be here. You won't be alone, not ever. I found you. I won't let go."

I smiled at him and said, "I am mated to you. I can feel it too, and it's an honor. But I thought leprechauns mated for life."

He smirked and replied, "I like to break the rules, anamchara."

I reached out, grabbed his head, and kissed him passionately. The love between us was so deep, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I lost track of time during our passionate embrace. 

He finally released me and a loud beeping sound came from his pocket, causing him to softly curse. I wasn't sure what the words meant, but they sounded Irish to me.

He told me, "I have washed your clothes and your bag is here. There is a shower, and I will arrange to have some food brought in before you leave to make your arrangements."

I nodded, my emotions in disarray. I stood up from the bed, walked over to my bag, and pulled out a set of clothes. I let out a sigh, knowing that at least I wouldn't have to buy clothes for any man but myself. I would have to maintain my poker face when my pack met me, so they wouldn't suspect that I knew. It was better for them to let me go, even though it broke my heart. But damn it, now I had someone. I had a mate and friends, and I wouldn't have to be so cold and distant. I could feel and love. I could move on, too. 

After a refreshing and cleansing shower, I dressed myself and began to eat. There was a huge tray filled with bright, tasty food waiting for me. It was satisfying, yet it stirred up a mix of emotions within me. I was sad because the time in the nest and den had been something special. We had been mates, and I had felt immense happiness and excitement. I had a new mate, someone who would be with me and for whom I would be their world. No more Mariella this time, Colin would be all mine. The thought of new possibilities always excited my pretend side.

But I was also angry because once again, my happiness and pack were taken away from me, and there was nothing I could do to prevent or stop it. There wasn't a single thing left for me to do, and that filled me with rage. I would have to save the world, a long and damn hard gig that would unleash my rage, maybe even my dark side. Bitterness filled my heart because Mariella and the wolves would get everything, including my Damon. We weren't meant to be. Once again, something wonderful was shown to me and then taken away.

However, amidst all these conflicting emotions, I felt joy. That kiss with Colin had been extraordinary, and I had felt a deep and pure love. Even though I would lose so much, I would gain something pure and strong. 

I spent a few hours at the Colin clinic until I regained enough sobriety to drive my car. As I left, Chaos Kitty informed me about the houses that would be mine, so I used my time wisely. I began preparing these houses, gathering necessary supplies from the linked rooms. It was a relief to have this information beforehand, making things much easier. Of course, I wasn't alone in this endeavor. My five companions and I swiftly moved things around, with Colin himself assisting us, carrying items and such. When it came to planning my medbay, I had someone guiding me on what they wanted in there. It wasn't solely my decision.

Damon and Mariella had been in the Azores for a few months when they had a dream about God appearing to them. God informed them they would have to go to a realm, which was okay but infested with demons. It was their responsibility to eliminate these nests. Though it would be a lengthy task, the realm was easier to live in, and God mentioned that time would pass faster there than in the normal world. Thus, it wouldn't be as long as human terms.

Unfortunately, Mimi couldn't be a part of it as she would be occupied with her world-saving duties. There was a chance they would return sooner, and Mimi would still be on her gig. God explained that this would lead to a divorce, as it was currently legally binding, and Mimi wouldn't be considered part of the pack until they potentially took her back.

Damon was uncertain, as God revealed that their lust had evolved, and they could have excellent sex without Mimi. She wasn't necessary, and he was unsure of what to do. However, he knew that their focus had to be on the upcoming mission, and the pack decided not to disclose everything to Mimi. It would be too cruel, and Damon wasn't sure what would happen upon their return. He knew that time would fade memories, particularly if life was good. The good times would overshadow the bad and dilute emotions.

Mariella had been right when she told him about Mimi always choosing her den and not being inside the safety of the bubble. They didn't recall any threat reports at all. They continued to enjoy intimate moments on the beach, occasionally gathering in a French vineyard. They drew up divorce papers and settled on who would get what. Damon also removed his programming from Mimi's mind. 

When Pack instructed me to visit the French vineyard, I was prepared. It was ironic that my companions, Murdock, Dexter, Magnum, Wulfe, and Colin, had taken refuge in Moldova Castle. They had made themselves at home, occupying numerous rooms, making it no longer just mine but ours. I had to maintain a poker face, concealing my knowledge and preparations, especially about my new partner, Colin, and his leprechaun. They had kept our bond hidden, disguising it as a leprechaun protection mark. Colin assured me that the leprechaun had successfully concealed their customs and lives, leaving no trace for anyone to discover. 

Sitting at Pack's table, I was still seated next to Damon. They had already informed me about their mission and impending divorce, as they were required by law to enter different realms. I had signed a settlement agreement and kept every action I had taken to myself. They would not suspect a thing, and no promises were made about our future.

Mariella appeared smug, but there was genuine sadness in the eyes of my foursome, and even number four seemed displeased. However, this was the life of our pack, and only time would reveal what it held for us. Once again, it was my duty to save the world.

Damon gazed at me with compassion in his eyes, not uttering a single word as they disappeared into that demonic dimension. I had not informed them I was familiar with many of those places, and the Chaos Cat had informed me that time would pass more rapidly there. They would have a break, and it might not be a terrible place for them to live. Eventually, they would return to Earth, but there would undoubtedly be consequences for all of them because of their time in that dimension. 

My world-saving mission would be long and arduous, and I was immensely grateful to have Alaric and my five companions by my side. The task at hand required a great deal of determination.

As I materialized into the Portuguese base, Colin looked at me with surprise. "Young lady," he said sternly, "you better adopt the right attitude, and I'll make sure of it whenever necessary. Wulfe will immobilize you with his spell if you refuse to cooperate. So, after the fight clubs or any other challenges, remember that we'll take care of you."

I nodded, acknowledging his words. "I'll try to remember," I replied, "but my anger fuels me, and I may not always appear happy. Patience will be required."

Wulfe remarked in nonchalantly, "Nope, unicorn, one minor spell and you'll be frozen. Colin will be there for you. It's non-negotiable. I care too much about you to let you destroy yourself."

I sighed, rolling my eyes at their concern. Over the years, my five companions, who had been with me since the beginning, had grown in their own ways. They had grown some decent balls; I see. They no longer saw me as their leader, but as someone they needed to protect. This required a certain level of ruthlessness, as I could be stubborn and dangerous. It was a new experience for Wulfe to use his magic against me, but he and Colin had valid points. I needed to be in the best shape possible, as this mission could last up to two years and would undoubtedly take a toll on me.

I knew that, as usual, I would participate in fight clubs in Portugal and Spain, but since Magnum was here too, he would handle Spain's fight club with a few of his men. This allowed us to form a separate group for sabotage, as I needed to work simultaneously. There were kills to be made, and sniping to be done, all integral parts of our world-saving endeavor. My days would be filled to the brim, just as they always were. 

In the dimly lit fight clubs, the air was thick with tension and the scent of sweat. The sound of fists colliding echoed through the room, accompanied by grunts and shouts of exertion. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and fear, as fighters sought release for their pent-up rage.

There were no humans in these cages to fight, only the supernatural, and the stench of death was thick in the air, but it was nothing new. It was part of these clubs and I had gotten used to it over the years. This had once been for me a place of almost fear or at least a heavy toll, but I was so strong nowadays that these little easier clubs meant pretty much nothing to me. 

I, however, had no interest in prolonging the fights. I was there to kill, plain and simple. The ruthlessness of my actions matched my reputation, yet challengers still dared to face me. It baffled me how they could believe they had a chance against me. Perhaps they underestimated the severity of my skills, thinking my reputation was exaggerated.

Despite my desire to unleash my killer instinct, I held back. It wasn't yet necessary, and I wanted to avoid any mistakes that would be criticized by Magnum after he picked me up from the fight. The clubs remained the same, unyielding in their brutality, but I was now in peak physical condition. With my five loyal companions by my side, I knew I wouldn't become a mere skeleton weighing 23 kilos.

I was once again putting myself on the line, saving the world and I was not sure if this was another little lesson for pack or what but it would have its own impact and if it had been a lesson, well they tend to be rather slow to learn so I expected little in that regard.

What made me roll my eyes, was my super caring, overprotective mate who had given orders to Magnum and Wulfe to deal with me if I would not do as he says. Every single time I came back to base, it was straight in medbay, where he looked me over, really looked me over, and then I might get time to do paperwork, but Alaric had a knack to make sure that my desk was relatively empty. 

Magnum and Alaric had trained a group of formidable fighters, ensuring that I didn't have to do all the work. There were others skilled in sabotage and solving mysteries as well. My own duty was clear - to be the best sniper in the world, eliminating a multitude of threats, and further enhancing my already formidable reputation. Murdock had assured me he would handle any consequences that arose from my actions.

That is as my reputation would get a hell of a boost, so would also request for me to start to come in. I was in no mood to start doing business with my skills, but Murdock promised to take care of any and all offers that we would get. He and the other snipers under him would take down those who needed to be taken down, and Alaric was one hell of a sniper, too. He was more than ready to do the work. 

I have now a little spell put on my wrist by Damon as this revelation came to be. Damon is expecting Colin to visit, and they have some private things to discuss. You see, what my dear husband likes, is to make sure that we will do our duties and populate new realms, so he finds suitable genetic donors here and there. It very well might be that poor Colin will have a passionate time if Damon puts him being part of his family and orders him to go and have fun with his and Mariella's girls, who are extremely lustful. Of course, there are mine as well, wolves too. 

We were divorced for quite a while during this time and it was not so dark a time for me. Not when I had others in my life and it was one thing that Damon had never tolerated, others in my life, but that will come later in my story, how we got back together. Let's just say that I see a complicated tattoo on my right hand. It is magical, and it is growing, as is my relationship with Damon; it was at the start only maybe a few inches long scar but as our vampire marriage started, this magical scar became the tattoo of our love; it reaches now well over my Shoulderblade in my back and over my right breast in front. There are names of our children and pictures of our times. It is magic, so I have no idea what the next thing will be. Damon has his own, growing by my love for him and his love for me.

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