3.03% The Orc With A Heart / Chapter 1: Prologue
The Orc With A Heart The Orc With A Heart original

The Orc With A Heart

作者: W3TBananas

© WebNovel

章節 1: Prologue

It seemed like it was an empty, and quiet room, but that was quite the opposite at this very moment in time how ever, as there was a fair amount of tension in this room right now, as it was clear that it was quite a bit heated. That was for a good reason how ever, as it was rare that humans and orcs got along, which was very much a lot due to the orcs, but humans did like to raid orc villages and plunder for their supplies.

That was exactly what was going on at this very moment in time, and the man that was in the room was very much aware of it none the less, as he had been taken away from his wife, so that he could go and attack an orc village, to risk his life so that the humans could still a whole bunch of their supplies, as he knew that he had risked his life to do so in the same process as well none the less.

It kind of made him feel sick, but he had no other choice to join them, as it was under the orders of the king, and he did not have much of a choice but to lead his small group of men in to a battle with the rest of the humans of their kingdom, so that they could get as much of the loot as they possibly could at the exact same time as well.

The man wished that humans and orcs could live in peace, but he knew that it would never be the case how ever, as it seemed like both sides were evil. Yes, he knew that his king was evil, but he was not going to do any thing, or stand up for it either, as he knew that he would get taken down. Plus, he knew that a lot of the people, and the army relied on him as an important soldier, and a captain on his legion too.

He sighed a bit to him self, as he had his head dipped quite a bit low to the ground all at the exact same time too. He had seen a lot of his friends killed in this attack, simply for the king to only become even more wealthy that he already was. When was it ever going to be enough for that man? It sure did not seem like any thing was enough to make that many happy at all.

The man that was in the room knew it, as he all of the sudden dropped his sword the ground at the exact same time too, as he could smell the scent of orc blood all over him, as he had killed the orc that was in this home as soon as the orc had walked up to the front door, to find out as to what it was that all of the fuss was even about in the very first place any ways.

He felt sick once he got further in, as he was about to kill the female orc as well, until he saw just what it was that was in the hands of the female orc in their little home. It made him feel sick, and it made him regret all that he had ever done. He had done so much in his life time to this race, and it made him feel sick to ever think on all of it at the exact same time too, if he was going to be completely honest with him self.

In her hands laid a baby, and the mother was holding him close, trying to protect him from his imminent doom as well. The child was innocent, as he had not grown up to even under stand one bit as to what was going on all around him at this very moment in time, as the baby had a bit of a smile on his face, as it made him feel quite a bit sick as to just exactly what it was that he was about to do to it.

It made him sick, to even think about what it was that he had done to the child's father just a few moments ago, as he had killed the father ruthlessly, as he had simply only been trying to protect his home, and to protect his wife and his child. Now the child was no longer going to have a father to grow his life up on, as he knew that his own father had made quite a big impact in his own life.

The man sighed, as he stared at the female orc for just a bit longer, as he did his best to try to shake off all of those thoughts that were going on with him at this very same time too, as it was not just the life of his father that the baby orc needed to worry about, but it was also the life of him self, though to be fair, the baby orc was a little bit to young to experience that kind of emotion just yet any ways, as the only one he could feel was pain and happiness.

The man shook his head more at him self, as he looked at the female orc that was staring at him, at this very moment in time, as he all of the sudden nodded to her, which did in fact confuse her quite a bit at the exact same time too, as she felt like she was ready to die, and to join her husband, and soon to be new son in the after life, as she had her head held up high, as she knew she was going to let that bother her.

What did confuse her was that the man had dropped his sword, and it did not seem like he was in fact going to kill her based off of the fact that he had nodded to her, as it seemed like the man felt a lot of guilt for what it was that he was doing. He was still a man, and she knew it how ever, as she was about ready to go and grab her battle axe from right behind her, and kill the man, as her final grasp to get revenge on what the humans had done to their home.

She was a bit lost how ever, as she was quite a bit interested in what it was that the man was doing at this very moment in any ways, as she tilted her head at him, feeling like it would do no good to kill the man at all at the exact same time too, as she instead then nodded right back over to the man all at once as well, to let the man know that she was listening to what it was that he had to say to her.

It was a bit of a surprise to the man, as it was not what he expected, as he still kind of half expected the orc to not care at all and go and attack him. He had not thought as to what it was that he was going to say to her at all, but he quickly began to search through his head, to try to think of some thing that he should in fact say to her. After a few more moments, some thing seemed to click in the man's head, as he then all of the sudden began to speak to her.

"I-I- I am sorry... I don't know what I have done... I just did what I was told to do... I do not ask for your forgiveness... If you want to kill me, than you can... A life for a life..." The man said, as he did in fact feel quite a bit of some guilt as to what it was that he had done to this innocent family that had never done any thing wrong to him, as he looked up at the ceiling, and began to curse the king through his head all at once as well.

He wanted to fall down on his knees, and give him self up to the orc lady, but he did not do such a thing, as he was doing his best to stay strong, over the immense guilt that he felt on what it was that he had done just a few moments ago. He let out a bit of a soft sigh, as he stared of at the ceiling at this point, as he felt like he too was ready to go and join his own spouse in the after life at this point, such as the female orc had just been feeling not all too long ago.

The man had last his wife in labor, and he had not been there for it, as he had been doing an attack to fight off a bunch of orcs that had been camping out near one of his villages. He felt a lot of grief, and a lot of guilt as to the fact that he had not been there for it, even if there was not all that much that he could have done for her any ways... As he had lost both his wife, and his child that night, as he had felt it on the journey to the camp site.

He did his best to try to shake off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too how ever, as he really did not like to think back on those days, though it did seem to come up when ever he got in to a bit of a situation sort of like the one that he was in at this very moment in time too. He just wanted to let it all go at this point, as he then began to close his eyes, waiting for the swift attack to his skull.

How ever, that was not the case at all, even if the female orc did in fact feel the urge to get back at the man for what it was that he had done to her husband, she kind of felt like there was no sort of use in that at all, as she knew that they were all going to die no matter what the case was any ways, as the humans were going to come in to their village one way or another, and she would have lost every thing either way.

She let out quite a loud sigh all at once, as she then all of the sudden shook her head at the man at the exact same time too, as soon as the man had opened his eyes, due to the fact that he had heard the loud orc let out quite a sigh. It was clear that the man was quite a bit surprised by it, as he all of the sudden seemed to stop him self all at once, at the exact same time too, as he was not all too certain as to just what it was that was going on with her.

This time, it was his turn to tilt his head at her, as he was not all too sure as to what it was that she was doing, nor what it was that she was getting at, at all. The female orc rolled her eyes, as she moved further away from her axe, not letting it tempt her any more, as she moved a bit closer to the man, which she could tell scared him quite a bit, as it looked like he was almost ready to grab his sword and attack her.

Seeing this all at once, happen, she then stopped her self, as she shook her head at her self at the exact same time too, as she too her self, was not all too sure as to why the orcs were always at war with the humans, as it did not seem like all that much to her as to the fact that the humans were evil, at least the ones that she had met had not seemed to be the case at all to her.

Perhaps she already knew the answer to that question how ever, as she knew that it was not at all about the actual orcs, nor the actual humans that made it to where they were at right now, as it was more just the leaders hungry for war and supplies, and the riches that they got out of all of it. It made her feel quite a bit sick, as she knew that was a lot of the reason that she was in this situation right at this very moment in time as well.

She shook her head once again, as she did her best to try to shake off all of those thoughts all at once, as she then all of the sudden got her eyes and her focus back on to what was going on at this very moment in time all around her, as it came back to her as to why there was in fact a man on the ground, on his knees in her tent at this very moment in time, as she then all of the sudden blinked her eyes quite a few times as well.

She stared at the man for a little while longer, as she let out quite a heavy sigh, one that she knew that he could hear at the same time too, so that he knew that it was a sigh of quite a bit of some pain none the less. It made the man feel quite a bit worse, if he was not going to lie to him self, as he seemed to all of the sudden dip his head a bit low to the ground all at once, until he saw that the orc then all of the sudden nodded her head to him.

He was a bit shocked by it at first, but it did not take him all that long at all to nod right back over to her, as he then lifted his head up once again, and he then looked the orc right in to her eyes, doing his best not to air out all of the pain, and all of the grevience that he was feeling right now, as he all of the sudden, nodded right back over to the orc, trying to show her at least some sort of strength.

That was the last thing that was on the mind of the female orc right now, as she was a lot more worried about some thing that was completely different than all of that, if she was going to be honest with her self, as she squinted her eyes at the human, and she then all at once, finally began to speak to the human, in quite a high pitched voice, as he listened as to what it was that she had to say to him at the exact same time too.

"If you really feel guilt for this, than why don't you do some thing about this? It is too late for me any ways..." She said to him, as he was a bit lost as to what it was that she was trying to say to him at this very moment in time too, as he tilted his head at her, wondering if the orc was a little bit slow, as she all of the sudden at the exact same time too, began to head a bit closer to him. Even after what it was that he had said to her not all too long ago, it felt like a bit of a natural instinct to him at this point, due to the fact that he had been doing this for years now, as he was about to go in and grab his sword. He stopped him self how ever, as he then all of the sudden began to breath in heavily, as he made sure that he did not go and try to kill the female orc, as that was what it was that he had been trying to stop in the very first place any ways. After he seemed to regain a bit of some sort of control over him self, at the same time too, the female orc then began to speak up to him once again, as the man looked at her, and he then began listen as to what it was that she had to say in the first place once again. "Go and take care of this young orc... He is a lot more important than you might think he is..."

The man was a little bit lost by what it was that she had said to him in the first place, as he kept his head tilted just a bit at her. He was quite a bit lost by all of it if he was not going to lie to him self none the less, as surely the female orc did not think that he could take care of a baby orc all by him self right? He was a part of the army... How was he going to bring the orc back to his home for one thing, and also the other thing was how he was going to explain to every one as to why he had a baby orc with him in the very first place any ways.

He felt like none of it was going to work at all for him, as he was tempted to say no to the female orc, until he saw the look of pain in her eyes, as it all came back to him, as to what it was that he had done to her husband in the first place, as it made him feel quite a bit sick to his stomach, as he then all of the sudden dipped his head quite a bit low to the ground again, as he felt like he was in quite a bit of some guilt.

He felt like he did not have much of a choice but to say yes at this point, as he looked at the baby orc that was in her hands at this very moment in time, as though he had a bit of a darker greenish-greyish skin tone, he still saw that it was quite a cute creature. He also knew that if he did not save the baby orc, than the humans that he was with right now we're going to go in to this little home, and kill it.

He looked back up at the female orc all at once, as he then all of the sudden felt a lot stronger than he had before, as he then all of the sudden, to his own surprise, nodded back to her, to let her know that he was agreeing as to what it was that she had said to him in the first place, as the female dragon let out quite a bit of a soft sigh of relief all at once as well, as she nodded right back over to the man.

She could hear the other humans getting close and closer to where it was that she was at right now, and so could he, as he all of the sudden lifted him self up from off of the ground all at once, knowing that it would be a terrible idea to look this weak to all of the other humans that were in his army right now. He let out quite a bit of an annoyed sigh all at once, not meant towards the female dragon at all, but more meant towards the humans that were about to come in to this orc home.

The man was about to go down and grab his sword from off of the ground, when the female orc quickly landed her self over to him, much to his surprise, as he then stopped her at the last second, not all too sure as to what it was that was going on with her, nor what it was that she was even doing at this very moment in time in the first place any ways.

He blinked his eyes, as she all of the sudden got off of the man, as soon as he lifted his sword up, ready to fight back against her. The man was a bit lost as to what it was that she had just done how ever, as he tilted his head at her, trying to figure out as to what she was doing in the first place. As he grabbed his sword, he then all of the sudden began to feel some thing start to crawl on his belly, as he looked down at it all at once too.

He blinked his eyes, as he was in quite a bit of some shock at first, as he then all of the sudden, realized as to just what it was that the female orc had done in the first place, as it was clear that she had put her son in his coat pocket from the in side, as she knew that it was the best place to hide the baby. The man was quite a bit surprised at the same time too, as he had not realized as to the fact that orcs could be so smart.

He let out a little bit of a soft sigh all at once too, as he then nodded to her, to let her know that he was agreeing with what it was that she was doing in the very first place any ways. The female orc was quite a bit shocked by it, if she was not going to lie to her self, but in the end, she did in fact nod right back over to the man, as she smiled at the same time too, knowing that the baby orc was safe in side of the coat with him.

She now felt complete, as she stared at the man for a few more moments, just as the rest of the humans that he had been with before all this, came in to her home, a bit lost as to where it was that the man had gone off to in the first place. As soon as they saw that the man was right in the face of a female orc, it seemed to confuse them even more, as well as upset them, as to the fact that she was not dead yet.

The humans stared at the man for a little while longer, not sure as to why the fact that he was not finishing off the orc just yet, as it seemed like he had all of the sudden became weak, as to the fact that he was not going to kill a poor young female orc, simply due to the fact that it was a female. A few of them wanted to laugh at first, as they knew that it was not normal for the man, as he was one of the strongest in their full group of people.

It kind of scared them how ever, if they were not going to lie to them selves though, as one of the men shivered quite a bit, not all too sure as to what all was going on right now. How ever, that man that had in fact shivered a bit, had seemed to be the only man with the balls to step forward and begin to speak to the first man, that had been in this orc home for quite a bit of some time in the first place, as he did his best to make his voice sound strong.

The man had his head turned around for quite a bit of some time, but as soon as he had heard the man start to speak to him, he then all of the sudden turned his head around all at once, to try to figure out just what it was that was going on at this very moment in time any ways. He squinted his eyes at the man, as it kind of scared him a bit, but in the end he kept on speaking, as the 1st man listened as to what it was that he had to say to him in the very first place any ways.

"What are you doing Harun?! Skill that damned bitch!" He said, trying to boost the morale of all of the people that were with him in this room at this very moment in time, as he knew that this was the whole reason as to why they had come to this village in the very first place any ways, which was of course to go and kill all of the orcs that were in side of the place, surely, right?

He was starting to get a little bit hesitant him self how ever, though it was for a much different reason than Harun, as he felt no sort of remorse, nor did he feel any sort of sympathy for all of the orcs that he had to kill today, as he kind of smiled at the fact that he had blood on his sword right now, if he was going to be completely honest with him self, as he enjoyed all of this.

What he did not enjoy how ever, was the fact that Harun seemed to be a little bit off with what was going on with his game right now, which had the man quite a bit worried if he was not going to lie to him self, as he knew that Harun was one of the most important men in his legion. None of that really mattered right now how ever, as the man had his eyes back on the female orc, as they had their eyes locked with one anothers once again.

Harun felt sick still, as he really did not want to do this, though he knew that he did not have much of a choice at the exact same time too, as he knew that he would lose all of his privalages in the army, and all of his income that he got whilst he was in the army too, if he did not finish the deed that he had come in to this place to do in the very first place any ways, which was still making him feel quite a bit sick.

The man had his eyes on the female oc for a little while longer, as then to his surprise, the female orc then all of the sudden nodded to him, as it seemed like for some odd reason or another, that she was agreeing with the fact as to what it was that the rest of the army men had told him to do in the first place any ways. It had him feeling a bit confused, but at the same time too, he felt like he did not have much of a choice.

He let out a bit of a soft sigh to him self, as he then all of the sudden closed his eyes all at the exact same time too, as he felt sick as to what it was that he was about to do, a lot of the due to the fact that he could feel the child crawling all in side of his coat pocket right now. He shook his head, as he did his best to try to tell him self that this was 'simply just like the rest of the other times'.

He knew that was a lie, but at least it was enough to give him self the strength to go on through with what it was that he had said. The man swung his sword at the female orc with out any sort of hesitation at all this time, as it made him feel sick as to what it was that he had just had to do, to an innocent mother. He hated the fact that humans and orcs had to always be at war with one another, more than ever.

He shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as he then opened his eyes as soon as he heard the female orc fall to the ground with quite a heavy thud. He looked over to her, as stared her down for just a few seconds. He hated him self, and all that he was. He hated the king for all that he did, as he then all of the sudden, let out a single tear from his eye. Yes, a tear, from a human to an orc.

next chapter
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