That was the time of war .
Between Generals and the tribes , the rightful owners of the Island . The great - grand generation of people who seeked truth were known as The Night Arrow's . The other side were genrerals of outsiders who wanted to terrorize the Island and call it theirs but that was not possible until The Night Arrow's were alive , or more so their powers were alive . Because the one with powers , worked the Island . So the outsiders pretented to be in favour while behind their back , swallowing their powers . Their trustworthy nature was the reason of demolition . Since the power was no more , the Island answered no one . And without the powers of Island , the creatures had gone extinct .
It's time to bring the powers back , I believe ."
He finished reciting the forbiddable story and writing down the important pieces that we might forget on the whiteboard between us ( thoughful of him ) .
Study nature ,
Love nature ,
Stay close to nature .
It will never fail you .