" The kingdom of Crystalia can be found in the southern hemisphere . There's no known specific location to this Island as it is in the middle of nowhere . Many travellers believe it is near Africa , though still very far from the main coastland . It's correct unknown location doesn't make it any less - populated . This place used to be and will always be the beautiful paradise on planet Earth .
One side of the Island is surrounded by misty fog and the other by calm oceanic waves , making it both magical and mysterious . One must find time to explore this part of nature and fall in love with its peace and grace . The ocean here is one of the clearest and bluest one can find . Not only this , there are many natural waterfalls and valleys on the Island that look like are brought out from a fairy tale itself .
The Devorture Castle Of Crystalia was built in the fifteenth century by fourth King Everard . The Castle is build at such an angle that one can view it's clear reflection in the lake .The Castle was designed by the best architectures of that time . The complicated and interesting patterns present on the walls are hand crafted that took approximately more than two years to be finally completed . The castle grounds takes almost 35 % of the Island land. It is built on the cliff of a small mountain that are surrounded by forests which makes it difficult for an unknown person to find it .
The flora and fauna of this kingdom can not be described into words and can only be imagined .Strange and rare species of animals and plants were to be found at the commonest of places . The commoners and royal nobles didn't hold any grudges against each other and neither was there any much difference between the rich and poor . This special quality is what made this Island joyful .
The downcast of this perfect kingdom started in late eighteenth century when this place was found by the outside world .
In 1864 , The Island was discovered by a group of travellers who later on made this one of there many rest spots in the travel distance to South - Asian countries . The name ' Crystalia ' was also suggested by them after they found out the rare crystals available on this Island . Only the high class official on their tour to Asia were bought to have a stay here , the commoners weren't given a chance and that is a reason why this place still hold it's resources .
You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from . Your only limit is your soul .