In ancient times, three clans worked together to restore balance in the universe.
The Viper clan was known to be clever, smart, and optimistic. They possess the power of the 'great whisperer' which helped them communicate to the spirits, allowing them to know all things, including that which is yet to occur as they could hear even the quietness of a heart that beats no more. They assume the form of a snake with the tip of their tongue spitting out of their mouth sometimes, featuring a hissing sound when they speak, fangs that elongate down their mouth, and elf ears that are sensitive to silent noise. Born with scales that are sharper than a two-edged sword, as deadly as their venom is, they never miss a strike. Their scales serve as a shield that protects them, and also they could use their magical ability to turn their scales into any object. Archery was the culture of the Vipers. With the ability to concentrate, flexibility, and strong eyesight, they were known not by their arrow but by their aim.
The Wolf-monkeys were the craziest of them all. They had taken a grave risk, bestowing their powers to the Great Dragon, thus, making the Great Dragon become the most powerful of all three. The Wolf-monkeys were furry with massive teeth that serve as a fence in the mouth and are harder than steel. Their magnificent strength was unmatched as one blow could knock out an Elephant. It becomes exaggerated when they absorb energy from a full moon. They were super fast and could ascend all sorts of heights. They opened their minds to spontaneity and are free-spirited. As happy as they lived; being extravagant and materialistic, they would chant on trees and sing praises to the Great Dragon, honoring the clan with food and treasures for their good work.
The Great Dragon Clan however was the only clan that could cast magic spells. They were great sorcerers who practiced white magic as black magic was highly forbidden in Marinda. They could spit fire and soar higher like the sky is their starting point. The Wolf-monkeys were extremely loyal and devoted to the Great Dragons who ruled courageously with a clear vision, gratitude, and humility, for they had no ulterior motive to trample upon other clans even as they were supreme beings.
Chaos befell the clan when the Vipers got envious and wanted to possess all the powers. They had foreseen the Great Dragon having a purple crystal stone called Amethyst. This stone gives supreme power to who ever has it in possession. The Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, immortality, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It could heal, alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolve negativity. It grants your desired wish, brings balance and gives you the power to do anything. When I say "anything", I mean no limits!
As crafty as a fox, the Viper clan found a way to trick the Wolf-monkeys to serve and forever be loyal to them.
The Wolf-monkeys turned to the Vipers who had promised them eternal life with riches for they knew their weakness as highly fascinated by the magnificence of high-end possessions. They love to bring comfort with luxury into their lives and for that, they can do anything and everything.
"Hmm... They could be of use since their speed and ability to break in unnoticed is unmatched" The wise elder of the Viper clan thought out loud, running his fingers through his long fangs as he spoke in the sacred meeting held among them.
"Of course! How else would they have been able to gather such riches in time past. Bunch of thieves!" the viper queen said those last words under her breath as she laughed out loud at her own joke. "Ha! Ha!" she smirked.
"All hail the queen! All hail the queen! Ssssss.... " the Viper clan chorused with a bow and ended with a hiss.
The Wolf-monkeys naively fell for the deceitful lies told by the Vipers and had a failed attempt to steal the 'Amethyst' from the Great Dragons. This angered the Great Dragon, hence, caused the banishment of the Wolf-monkeys from 'Marinda'.
Having no where to go, the Wolf-monkeys were enslaved by the Vipers as they lost the right to freedom.
Darkness took its turn slowly. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, brothers turning against brothers... Wives turning against husbands... Children turning against mothers.... where blood makes hands unclean.
Many years after, still not satisfied with what they have done; they proceeded to attack the Great Dragon clan.
"Run... Run... and don't look back." Jin Li, the leader of the Great dragon clan yelled holding up a stick on flame as he cleared the path for his people.
"Keep running, don't leave anyone behind!" Jin Li urged as the woods began to grow dark around them.
The Vipers extended out their bows to the side, towards their target, their arm held slightly bent and parallel to the ground. At the same time, the shooting hand draws back the string to an anchor point and was released for flight.
There was simultaneous screams as the Great Dragon clan dropped dead in numbers.
The leader of the Great Dragon clan dropped his flaming stick and set the dry bushes on fire.
"This will slow them down" he thought.
"Coff! Coff! Ahem!" Jin Li heard the cough of a woman from a distance. He paid attention to it as she continued to clear her throat in the bush burning fiercely and emitting flames. He drew out his sword with one hand and quickly ran into the smoky bush, covering his nose with his sleeve as he went looking for her.
Behold, it was his wife with his newly born child. Being a selfless leader, he had put the safety of his clan before his family.
"Beloved!" he called in a prolonged high-pitched voice.
He drew back his sword in its place and went down on his knee, supporting her up, with his other hand holding the baby she was carrying.
He adjusted the clothe wrapped around the baby and covered up the child fully. He unwrapped the scarf around his neck and gave it to his wife to cover her nose. Holding her by the hand, they ran together quickly.
The woods got darker with every step they made. They had caught up with the remaining of his clan.
When Jin Li noticed they were after the Amethyst, considering handing it over to them to find peace would be foolish. He knew it would be the fall of the world as the Vipers wanted the crystal stone for their selfish gain.
He drew back the warm hands of his wife and halted. Took a deep breath and had a glance at her and the baby he was carrying. Little Mae Li did not stop crying. He took out the Amethyst from his pocket and placed it around the baby's neck, pressing his lips upon her forehead as she continued to cry aloud. Tears rolled down one cheek as he looked up to see his wife's face for the last time.
"Go..!" he said to his wife in a hollow voice. Being persistent, he handed over the baby to her. His eyes were engraved with fear and his lips slightly trembled but he had to be brave.
"Wh-What do you t-think you want to do?"
She questioned anxiously. Her heart was beating like a wild animal trying to escape her chest. Her palm shaking and sweaty as she held unto her baby firmly. "You are not leaving us, are you?" she muttered with watery eyes, biting on her lower lips, she glimpsed at her husband's eyes as his pupil dilate. The very thought of a hurricane blowing makes her quake in her boots.
He bowed his head with his tail in between his legs for he has lost this fight. All of his clan are lying cold-blooded in the woods. He got to do what he has to do to save his family, he thought.
His fingers ran through the face of his pretty wife to wipe the tears flowing down her cheeks. He pressed his lips upon her forehead, and with a smile, he turned to Nana Li, the oldest and wisest woman of the Great Dragon clan.
"Nana... please take care of her and the baby"
Nana bowed with a smile reflecting reassurance.
"No.. I won't let you go back alone" Li's wife uttered a loud wail as she stretched out one hand and pulled his shirt with a firm grip.
"Over there! Sssssss...." One of the vipers pointed with a loud voice, alerting the others. He took out a scale and magically formed an arrow. Drawing out the bowstring, he aimed at his target.
"Quickly, you must go now with the rest of the clan!" Li urged his wife, stretching out his palm to open a portal with magical powers.
"Ori mus.. va ti mus" He chanted as his eyes sparked with flame.
The large tree in front of him emitted blue rays that spun in rotatory motion. The survivors of his clan ran into the portal in a great rush.
"Argh.." he grunt in pain when the viper's arrow pierced his calf.
His wife turned to scrutinize her husband on the ground. His veins became pronounced and turned dark-green slowly.
"We don't have much time" he spoke softly. "You must go now beloved..."
Nana took her by the hand and hurried her pace to meet the portal before it closes.
Li struggled with the strength he had left to keep the portal open as the toxins in the viper's arrow were spreading rapidly in his system hence causing weakness and draining the magic energy inside him.
She took a pause, held her breath, trying to pacify her surging lungs. Blood pouring out of her mouth as she tried to communicate with Nana.
"T-take th-the ba-baby from my hands" she exhaled deeply with tears rolling down one cheek as she was just shot with a poisonous arrow through her chest.
Nana's mouth widened as she gasped for a second with both hands covering her mouth, her heart racing but she had no time to waste. She quickly took the baby from her, then after, Li's wife fell on both knees and dropped dead. Immediately Nana exited through the portal, it closed.
Jin Li became so furious to see his precious beloved did not make it out alive. His magic energy was entirely drained and there was neither chance nor time to recover from the injuries sustained. He had no choice but to use physical combat. He got up from the ground with his last strength to fight against the vipers, drawing out his sword as he slit their throat one by one.
Swordsmanship was the culture of the Great Dragon clan. He effortlessly swung his sword, slaying and dodging arrows.
Alas, his end has come! Not even his martial art skills could save him when he got shot in the chest. He forcefully dragged out the venomous arrow in his chest, groaning in pain. Persistently, he continued to slay the vipers in anger. His sword was so sharp it could penetrate their protective scales.
A kick in the face caused him to fall on the ground, panting with blood pumping out of his chest.
"Hahaha... Hahaha haha.." the queen laughed sarcastically thinking she has the power now to open great doors with the purple crystal stone. "Search him." she ordered.
An enslaved Wolf-monkey searched Jin Li's clothing.. Brought in and out his pocket... with dilating pupil, he turned to the Queen. "Your highness, it's not h-here" he bowed, shivering for he was frightened of what the Queen may do to him.
"What?! What??!" Her eyes widened with tightened throat. She pushed away the Wolf-monkey with her foot "Out of my way you lazy scumbag. Sssss!" she said and went ahead to search Jin Li herself.
She vigorously rubbed her hands all over his body "where is it... where is it!!!" Queen Zuki fumed in frustration.
"Hahaha.. Hahaha heheh! Perhaps I had the last laugh" he chuckled. Smiling with his bloody lips bent to one corner of his cheek.
The birds of the woods took flight from their nest when the queen let out a loud scream with her long nails making a mess in her hair. She pants heavily looking around from the side of her eyes.
"I'm glad i sent them to earth. It would take her a thousand millennium to get her hands on the Amethyst". Li said in his thought as he smiled dominantly.
The Viper queen's ears twitched as they got sensitive to Li's thoughts. "Earth??" she mumbled.
She slowly walked to him and squats, sitting on one heel, "Where is this... Earth?? Sssssss...." Her tongue splits into two distinct tines at the tip featuring a hiss sound, as she interrogates in uncertainty.
Looking directly in his eyes, Queen Zuki asked again, pulling back and forth his robe aggressively.
"Where - is - Earth??!!!!"
Jin Li gave no valuable response but laughed continuously in a sly manner, she snorted.
She stood up, turning her back to him as she walks away "Finish him!" she said in a vicious tone.
For centuries, the Viper clan strived to locate 'Earth'. The Viper queen engraved on a stone not to cease until she gets her hands on the lost Amethyst.
Welcome! The prologue provides a backstory of the clans for readers to follow the storyline effectively. Do you find the prologue of this book fascinating? Then I suggest you swipe to read more enchanting tales. #WarmHug