20% The Lone Traveler’s Diary and other Short Stories / Chapter 10: Sky Log #7: A Little Moth Named Mo

章節 10: Sky Log #7: A Little Moth Named Mo

Not many moths in Sky leave a deep impression on me.

They come and go, disappearing off infinitely, never to grow into a seasoned Sky kid. Not many can find the beauty within Sky, the friendships within and the communities formed. However, if they do, I hope with all my heart, they treasure the priceless gifts bestowed upon them.

Honestly, when I came back from my slumber, I took up some time to guide moths. I had no family at that time. No Val, David, Anna or Shaz to hang around with. But then, I wanted a little something more. Something more permanent then guiding moths who just stayed for a few days before disappearing like a comet. It stretched on to a few weeks until I lost all hope of finding moths who could stay long term.

It just wasn't worth the candles.

Or the patience.

Sometimes, people should not come in and interrupt a person's practice time. Sometimes, they shouldn't get angry about it when I decided that it was just not the time for me to guide you. Because it was a time for me to be alone with my music but I just like being in an open area. Sometimes… kids should understand that I am not a saint at all.

My temper is a little peculiar, that I agree. It is something that was born out from loneliness from days of travelling and a shield from being hurt. Plus, disappointments from my real-life friends who are just not interested in this world. I don't blame them. After all, people have their own preferences. I have merely… grown a little cold and nonchalant to whatever things that would happen to me.

But, this moth.

This dear little moth named Asmo, or known to us as Mo, changed that a little. I hope that someday, he reads this log and understand how deeply appreciated he is by some of his friends and families.

When I first met him through my Sky family, he was new to Sky and a new addition to the family. I was also a recent add-on to the family so I was just getting to know everyone. I thought nothing of it and only treated him with the politeness of an acquaintance. I don't know how or when it happened, we just… became friends. He was older than me in reality but in Sky, I was far older and more experienced in the world. It was kind of odd but it didn't really matter anyway.

Every one of us is here in Sky to enjoy it.

Mo was kind of apprehensive about the Hidden Forest. He didn't like the rain and he wasn't familiar with the place. At first, we stuck to waiting around for Val and David so we could go for farming and have fun together. Then, they got busy and we got impatient of waiting so we went farming together before teleporting to them when they are active in Sky. I often took up the role of bringing Mo around Forest because he was hanging around in the group chat (yes, we have a discord group for our family), waiting for people to be online at reset time so he can hang out with.

However, eventually I got busy with writing.

It was fun.

It was… rewarding to hang around with him, go around oob spots and enjoy Sky. Watching him get used to forest, suddenly finding out that he knows the maps of other areas(honestly should have let him take over when I got burned out from Eden), starting to bring other moths around, unlocking warp when we finally saved enough candles, trying out the piggyback glitch for the first time or finding the rainbow in Isle…

These experiences were all so… rewarding. So priceless. It was kind of like watching a child grow up.

Then, trouble came.

It was very gradual. When Mo became… different. When Mo started to reveal another side of his jokey and fun personality. Then… all of a sudden, Mo is not the Mo I see at first.

There was a huge fight.

So huge that it changed everything suddenly.

Mo got into a fight with May or more like May confronted him. About how he was acting cold towards May's friend, Nana and her because they coincidentally met in home and he didn't greet them. And that he had been acting cold towards them or everyone for a while. I don't know much of this fight because I was confused and it happened within minutes.


… Just kind of blew up.

Mo just got really angry. To him, it was a sudden confrontation with May blowing up on him for some reason and he didn't really like that. He didn't like how he felt like he was blamed on and just… deleted the whole discord group.

To be honest, the tension had built up for some time within the family around Mo.

He was changing in a direction that wasn't positive and we don't know exactly the details of what is happening to him. To make matters worse, the fight just happened to be close to his birthday.

Many of us, including me, were planning for a surprise birthday for him in Sky.

In his favourite place, the Ark in Wasteland.

The last task was given out during the Season of Enchantment. When the task was fulfilled, the final appearance of the Ark was really beautiful with the humongous boat, the colourful tents, the clear blue waters and the flowers. Small little things that were coloured purple, pink and yellow with grass in between. Birds were attracted to the peaceful ambiance of the place, chirping noisily and flapping their wings about. Schools of fishes swimming agilely in the waters, scattering immediately when you disturbed the surface of the waters…

Everything about the Ark was breathtaking. It was more than enough for a party to take place there. Heck, even a wedding could be held there.

But it had nearly gone down the drain because of the fight.

I really wanted to blow up on May, just like how she blew up on Mo. But it was entirely useless. If I were to get mad at her, would things change for the better?


It would not.

What has been done, was already done. No matter how much I wished she had done differently, things had happened. There was no going back anymore. I could blame people… but it wouldn't help anything at all. So, I shoved that unpleasant feeling down the recesses of my heart because there were more important matters to be worried about.

A few days before this matter, I just found out that actually, Mo was not looking forward to his birthday. He had spent his birthday alone, despite having friends and family. I don't know much but I do know that he was reluctant to answer my questions about them. So, we just wanted to make this year a little different for him. And hopefully, he looks at it with a better light. Yet, the fight made this surprise party harder to commence.

Thankfully, we had Jil around.

Jil was one of the many moth friends he found who lives in the same country as him. She was the closest person to him, often hanging around him and being the best listening ear for him. It was to my surprise they became a couple in Sky not too long before his birthday.

Believe it or not, I was the last to know in the family… Apparently, Val had forgotten to tell me.

Unfortunately, on his birthday, he got drunk.

Really drunk and leading us around Wasteland. It was a wonder we didn't get spotted by the krills. The surprise location was changed to home since it was late. Despite the birthday plan being botched, it turned out okay. There was a funny moment when Jil and I were panicking because Mo fell into the oil in Ark and fell asleep there. It took a long time before he was finally out of danger (I think his phone finally went out of battery which was a good thing).

However, an okay moment doesn't make what happened later better.

For quite a while, Mo started to grow cold and hot in a split second towards anyone. What came next was unexpected.

Mo and Jil broke up.

Everyone, including I, believed that given their chemistry together, Mo would have at least treated Jil better. Yet, despite Jil's patience and understanding, he pushed her away repeatedly. Everyone couldn't understand what was going on with Mo. We all wanted to know why but no matter how much we tried, he wouldn't explain.

To be honest, I never see that side of his cold anger that everyone talked about. Maybe because I have gotten busy with life to see enough of him for it happen.

Or maybe…

I was just afraid.

I don't know how to approach Mo. As a friend. As a confidant. As someone he appreciated (not said by me but honestly, I don't believe that. Not one bit). I don't know how to approach him to ask about what is troubling him. But I wanted to help him. In whatever way I can. As I'm sure many of my Sky family members do.

I just…

…. Don't know how.

How do you approach someone when you know deep down inside, you don't have anything to help him?

I'm not Jil.

I don't understand him on the level of culture and language. Or matched in maturity and knowledge. I am simply insignificant in whatever way I can think of. Just a small fish in a volatile ocean of big fishes.

But even she has failed. Then, what rights do I have to extend out a hand and say let me help you?

As a result, I could only watch as matters got progressively worse.


all of a sudden,

Mo wasn't active for a while.

DarkWinter3 DarkWinter3

There will be another log for this. To finally draw an end to it.

However, as the characters are based off on real people and I will not say whether events are exaggerated or not for the sake of this story, I would like it if you guys hold back any possible nasty comments for a while. At least until the next log for this(which may take a few more entries before we have a continuation of this one).

Also, the timeline for this log is actually quite old since I have written most logs before I started publishing this fanfiction. The exact event, as you can gather from clues in the log, happened during the Season of Enchantment. And this log is published now. So, you can calculate how long the matter had been.

I don't write this log to point fingers.

I write this because I met a moth. And the moth became my friend. Then, the moth suddenly stopped being active.

That is what I am writing about.

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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