By the time Yongwang brought Daohua up to East Mountain, it was already late afternoon. After all the turmoil, dusk was falling.
After laying Fan Lao down, Daohua ran towards the densely vegetated area. Using the cover of night and the foliage, she didn't immediately vanish into her space this time but chose a large tree to climb.
Daohua stayed motionless, hidden in the nook where branches crossed. Her position was at least ten meters off the ground, making her hard to spot unless one looked up into the tree.
The people searching below had passed by in several waves. Even though no sound could be heard anymore, Daohua didn't move, waiting until it was completely dark before slowly peeking her head out to look down.
East Mountain had returned to complete silence. She wasn't sure if those searching for her had retreated or were lying in wait for her to fall into their trap.