I stopped an incoming attack from Rowena while the nightcrawler backed off.
" Rowena stop "
She looked at me strangely assessing the situation . Her battle stance faltered while she just sighed and rubbed her forehead.
" I need to sleep "
Her actions might have seem mad but they were not to her. She trusted me and placed me on hugh regard when it came to decision making. That was why she was not entirely moved by the fiasco.
She said as she was about to walk up the nightcrawler talked startling her.
" You do not have much time . My son will come soon "
" It can speak , of course it can speak. " She murmured.
" Let us listen to her Rowena " I said.
" And is there a reason why you completely trust this.... creature " She said as she pointed at the nightcrawler with a hint of disgust.