On the outskirts of the fairy king's forest, a small military force can be seen riding on horseback.
The races of light numbered around 2,500 with cultivators and arcane mages alike among their ranks.
At the head of the group were the eight remaining heroes who were all adorned in their individual resplendent armor; somehow inspiring just as much awe from their soldiers like before.
Fate is a cruel thing.
In the span of a single week, the humans went from hunting the heroes, to being hunted by them.
Then, it was surprisingly easy for the heroes to turn the tide of public opinion with their strength and remenants of reputation.
All that they had to do was use a few 'Hollywood' learned acting skills.
After cutting down the soldiers who tried to chase them, they shed a few fake tears and put on constipated faces.
'Why are you making me do this?!' They cried.
had some health stuff going on with my family so that’s the reason for my extended absence.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I will try to do better