Tobias bit his tongue to refrain from cursing at the women after no one wanted to speak up. "Your catty moments at these events are normally ignored but to attack someone is where a line must be drawn. A Duchess was injured inside the palace. A crime befitting of imprisonment or as the old laws would have it, getting the hand the stone was thrown with cut off. If no one wants to come forward, I will have to interrogate all of you and it will not be pretty."
The women chattered amongst themselves trying to find the culprit. No one wanted to be on the king's bad side or spend the day getting interrogated.
"Eleanor is it?" Tobias looked behind him at the woman who led him there. "Identify the women you saw."
Eleanor stepped in front of Tobias and one by one, she pointed at the women involved in the matter. She remembered them as Sophia's friends who she once said shared the same brain as Sophia.