68.42% The Dream Workshop: Journey To Celestial / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Paradise Is Fallen

章節 13: Chapter 13: Paradise Is Fallen

As the Kraton Empire was drawing closer by the minute, the Crusadia team was still running around the city. Alata threw the book to Grim so that he could fly through another path, the Celestials chasing after him were fast but nothing compared to the speed of Grim's smoke. Grim said:

"Oh damn. Is this really going to change fates?"

Grim smiled sinisterly and said:

"Book, where is my name?"

The Book of Fates heard Grim's words and immediately opened the right page with information about Grim. Grim flew high to buy time to try to change everyone's fates. Grim read his information line by line, it was written:

"Grim Yus, 26 years old, Spieces: Dark Elf. Personality: arrogant, reckless, aggressive, crazy, good when gentle, the rest have many of the worst."

Grim said tiredly:

"Oh come on."

The following lines were:

"Has a father named Halazar Yus, was an evil man and was killed by Grim. Mother, Aola Jemy, was killed by Halazar as a sacrifice. King of the Dark Elves. Currently continuing his journey to save the world and reading the Book of Fates."

Grim said:

"What the hell?"

When flying too high, Grim plunged himself down faster, surprising the Celestials and unable to catch up. Then he spread his wings and flew around because he was so far away from the enemy. When it came to the appearance, it was exactly where Grim needed:

"Appearance: 5.8 feet tall, gray hair stretched back, gray skin, many scars, right hand has marks from too tight chains, left hand was cut off."

Grim excitedly said:

"Hahaha, here it is. Write it again for me that left arm is restored."

Books of Fates corrected the fate of Grim and removed the words "left hand was cut off". Grim's left arm suddenly grew back normally and was able to move his fingertips. Grim laughed happily and said:

"Oh my left arm, I miss you so much."

But when reading down the line about his power, Grim was not greedy and simply said:

"I don't need to get stronger, because I'm already strong."

Grim continued to fly down from Paradise while many knights were chasing after him. He flew over the cloud and suddenly saw Everest's zeppelin and the whole fleet rising, he said worriedly:

"Oh no."

Suddenly a knight rushed out of nowhere and pushed Grim and made him drop the Book of Fates. Grim said:


Grim immediately summoned the Hollow sword and slashed the knight to death and then flew down to catch the Book of Fates. Grim dashed down even more, he changed into half hyena form to fly down faster and he was lucky enough to catch it. Grim held the Book of Fates firmly and said aloud:

"Give back the power to my friends, Elastor Magnum, Eva Gloria, Julia Manester, Lamalia Corput and Belle Quart."

The Book of Fates lit up and released five light orbs onto Paradise. They flew past Everest and the Grand Generals, and Rhohan said:

"What just flew by?"

Xanuguis opened the information and analyzed those five light orbs, she said:

"I don't know, but it's very powerful, it's heading to Paradise for something."

Grim slowly fell to the ground, he said:

"Oh damn, I can't control my speed anymore."

Grim turned and found himself falling into a commander zeppelin, he said:

"Oh no, I just got my arm back."

Grim tried to follow the wind, he promptly changed course but crashed into the zeppelin's cockpit. Grim rolled around in that room with ten people around. Grim stood up and said:

"Thanks for this flight."

The captain replied angrily:

"Hey, who are you?"

Grim immediately kills him and says:

"Now that I'm the captain, who would object?"

The zeppelin pilots were too scared and focused only on controlling the zeppelin. Seeing the Celestial knights still chasing him to get the Book of Fates, Grim summoned the Soulless sword and said:

"You still want to chase me? The Pack! Hunt!"

Grim swung his sword and summoned a pack of smoke hyenas that charged and killed the remaining knights. Grim threw the captain's corpse, then sat on his chair and said:

"Ok, listen up, new captain Grim's first order, fire cannons at the surrounding zeppelins, tell them we're going to rebel."

The pilots were all surprised and worried by Grim's orders, but when the soldiers were breaking through the door to the cockpit, they were all very happy because they were about to be saved. But not for long, Grim summoned another pack of smoke hyenas, which flew through the gap in the door and then wormed and killed the soldiers outside. Grim gave a sly smile, he said:

"Does anyone dare argue anymore?"

So the pilots had to manually control the cannons aimed at their side zeppelins. Commander zeppelin were very modern as they had automatic cannon control so they only needed to carry soldiers, dragons and attack. Another salvo of cannonballs was fired, which destroyed many small zeppelins around and damaged a commander zeppelin. Grim laughed as his plan to destroy the enemy fleet succeeded. The surrounding zeppelins were attacked by surprise and they did not know why their zeppelins attacked them. Another salvo of cannonballs was fired and destroyed more zeppelins. The captains of the zeppelin commanders hurriedly informed Rhohan that they were being attacked by a commander zeppelin from their side. Rhohan said emphatically:

"Destroy that zeppelin now, no mercy."

But one captain hurriedly replied in concern:

"But there are thousands of our soldiers in there."

Rhohan said:

"Just destroy it."

Obeying Rhohan's orders, the cannons of the surrounding zeppelins aimed at Grim's zeppelin. Grim stood up and tied the Book of Fates around his waist then said:

"Okay, the fun is over. Goodbye."

Grim spread his wings and flew out of the cockpit just as a salvo of cannonballs came and destroyed the commander zeppelin. Grim ascended to return to Paradise and said:

"I wonder how they are? But it's really bad down here."

Grim was blocked by small zeppelins, so he had to dodge bullets while flying past them. Back to the majority of Crusadia team members on Paradise. Eva and Julia were running away from the pursuit of the Celestial knights. Eva said:

"Oh great, we made a long, dangerous and difficult journey to get here and get nothing."

Julia replied:

"But we still have the Book of Fates, just don't know where it is?"

Eva said:

"Last time we saw it, Grim was holding it, it's safer if it's Grim."

Julia replied:

"Or more careless."

A knight launched a spear at them, Julia quickly dodged and pushed the spear up to deflect the stab. She held out her fist and it unintentionally glowed, stunning the knight's eyes causing him to step back. Julia excitedly said:

"Oh cool, I just accidentally activated your element."

Eva replied:

"Haha, we mostly accidentally activate each other's elements."

Eva threw vines up high and tied them to the sides of the building. The knights didn't notice and got entangled in that vines. Eva and Julia were high five. Returning to the other three, Lamalia grumbled:

"Ahh, those guys are much faster than The Rhino."

Elastor and Belle were confronting the knights behind her, they said:

"We know!"

Elastor said:

"Don't make a quick turn around a certain road."

Lamalia replied excitedly:

"No, we're going to have to make a quick turn."

Elastor said tiredly:

"Oh that's great. Hold on, Belle, we're going to have a rough ride."

Lamalia urged The Rhino to go faster and make a sharp turn to the left lane and they continued on. Belle and Elastor fired muskets at the knights, but their armor was bulletproof. Belle, while reloading, said:

"And now the person we asked for help is trying to catch us here."

Elastor replied:

"It's ironic. Lamalia, where are we?"

Lamalia said:

"This place has no way to turn in many directions, no alley too. It's too orderly and systematic."

Elastor replied:

"Then make our own way."

Lamalia said with excitement:

"Haha, I like that."

Lamalia spurred The Rhino and they rushed to a building with a quartz wall in front of them. Inside the building were people reading books and talking to each other. Suddenly the three of them slammed into the wall and rushed inside. Elastor said:

"Sorry, sorry, wrong room."

He then took some books from the shelf and threw them at the knights repeatedly. They were hit in the face by hardcovers and passed out. Belle said:

"Oh come on, it's all good books."

Belle tried to grab all the books she could get her hands on and put them in her pocket, she said:

"I'll take them all."

They hit the wall to get to the street and continued to run. Alata was confronting several knights in the sky, he kept swinging his spear around to attack, he said:

"Come, come closer. I can't attack you when you're so far away."

A knight mocked Alata:

"Is this idiot that stupid?"

Alata said:

"Don't say I'm an idiot!"

Alata threw wind spears at the knights and blew them away, he said:

"I'm the craziest guy here."

Suddenly Alata saw five light orbs of the Book of Fates flying towards them, he wondered:

"What is it?"

Eva looked up at the sky and saw five light orbs flying towards everyone, she said:

"Hey, what is it?"

Julia followed Eva's gaze and replied:

"I don't know, but it must be something very good."

Five light orbs joined the five of them, Elastor said:

"Oh my, there's something going on in my body."

Belle replied:

"That's... Our element, we're getting our real element back."

Lamalia excitedly said:

"Oh yeah, we got the power."

Their elemental powers were exchanged back to their true owners. The Riser and The Rhino returned to their true form, which Eva said happily:

"Oh The Riser, you have returned to your true form."

Julia summoned the Rosing gauntlets and said:

"Haha, I don't understand how we got the element back but let's fight with me, The Helper."

Lamalia looked at The Rhino and said:

"Let's keep fighting, The Rhino."

Elastor transformed into Thunder Elf form, he said:

"Where's that idiot Grim? I've got my wings back."

Belle summoned Athena Wand, she said:

"The Lily, nice to see you again."

But now Everest's zeppelin was also present in Paradise, everyone said in surprise:

"Oh no."

A barrage of cannons was immediately fired and destroyed buildings in Paradise. The first part of the city was severely destroyed and many Celetials were killed. Both Paradise shook and the Temple received notice of the Kraton Empire's attack. Vahalla opened a cloud showing the outside, seeing the zeppelin of Everest still attacking the city, he and the Elder Celestials worried and he said:

"Why is he attacking Paradise, did we send messengers to tell him not to attack the city?"

At this time, the Commander zeppelins flew around the city and fired their cannons to destroy the buildings around the city. The wise Celestials retreated to the Temple of Horux, and the Celestial knights went to war. They flew to the Commander zeppelins to attack, they launched spears at the airships then the spears exploded and partially destroyed them. The Commander zeppelins opened the compartment and thousands of super soldiers and soldiers rushed out and attacked the knights. They immediately opened fire on the Celestials, but they quickly dodged all the bullets and charged at the enemy. The two sides fought fiercely with each other. Suddenly Paradise shook once more, below which small zeppelins were hooking into the city clouds and pulling it down. More than hundreds of zeppelins were pulling a giant Paradise to the ground. Crusadia team stood up from the wreckage, Eva said:

"They're here."

But everyone summoned weapons and transformed into their battle form, Eva said:

"Stop them, don't let them destroy Paradise!"

The Crusadia team immediately went into battle and attacked the Commander zeppelins except Eva and Elastor were focused their attacks on Everest's zeppelins. Grim flew up near Paradise and transformed into half hyena form, he nimbly slashed and broke the chains of the hook. Grim launched a smoke hand and grabbed a zeppelin, then he threw it and destroyed an opposing zeppelin and pushed them around. Grim was below the clouds of Paradise and confronted the small zeppelins and prevented them from firing their hooks again. Crusadia team strongly counterattacked the enemy. Lamalia rode The Rhino, it created a giant rock horn and stabbed the Commander zeppelins to push them away. She then manipulated the marble to create spikes and launch them at enemy airships. Julia jumped onto the decks of the airships and launched darts killing many enemies. She then dropped the rose bombs on the deck and jumped out of it to blow up the ship. Belle created magic daggers and launched them at the soldiers, she repelled many of them. Those who fired at Belle had their bullets blocked by a magic shield around her. Belle continued to launch more light orbs and exploded them when they were near the Commander zeppelins. Alata floated in mid-air, he created a giant wind drill and launched it at two Commander zeppelins near each other. They were blown away but their replacements quickly filled their positions. Alata said tiredly:

"It's exhausting, how can we destroy them all if we continue like this?"

Eva and Elastor repeatedly fired arrows of light and lightning at Everest's zeppelins approaching the Temple of Horux but failed, Eva said:

"Elastor, let's try to destroy its jet."

Elastor nodded and they flew out behind the zeppelin. They unleashed two powerful attacks, Eva's Sunshine Arrow merging with Elastor's Lightning Bolt into the Shotgun Arrow and destroying all the jet turbines causing Everest's zeppelin to stop and crash to the ground. Elastor and Eva continued to attack around it. Everest and the Grand Generals were inside the cockpit and they were a bit stunned by Eva and Elastor's attack. Everest said angrily:

"Why did they have their elemental powers back? Rhohan, didn't you say they couldn't use their powers?"

Rhohan replied:

"Sorry, Emperor. I was wondering why they were able to use their elemental powers again."

Everest slapped the throne and was very angry, the first time the Grand Generals saw him angry and impatient like that, he said:

"They were written to stop us, maybe one of them is holding the Book of Fates. Go find that book for me and kill the Crusadia team."

The Grand Generals bowed to Everest and they quickly went into battle. The Grand Generals summoned weapons to make a grand and final battle with the Crusadia team as the most important battle, this time only death was decisive of the whole battle. The soldiers inside the emperor's zeppelins spilled out and created a defensive path to the Temple of Horux. Elastor saw Alata's The Imaginations fireflies scattered across Paradise by his three black cloaks, he said:

"That thing again, where's Alata?"

Alata flew close to Elastor and replied in curiosity:

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Elastor grabbed Alata's leg and said:

"You're the prey of those fireflies."

Elastor threw Alata away in his shocked scream and all the fireflies flew towards Alata. Eva looked at that and said:

"Don't you find it a bit rude?"

Elastor shrugged and replied:

"Nah, it's his destiny to lure those fireflies away."

Onias sensed Alata, so he excitedly said:

"Alata, here I come!"

Onias was pulled by the fireflies and flew towards Alata. The dragons of the Commander zeppelins were released, and they flew forward and attacked the Celestial Knights. The knights used their energy spears and fired beams at the dragons and greatly killed them. But the dragons were numerous and quickly repelled the knights in the air. But Julia and Grim came and fought and repelled many dragons, they fought with the Celestial Knights with a common enemy. Elastor, Eva, Lamalia and Belle fought and resisted even harder. Eva's face became more determined, she said strongly:

"Now, let's fight even harder."

Everyone shouted strongly:


The battle was raging even more and Vahalla and the Elder Celestials were watching. Vahalla looked at Eva's determined face in the battle to protect Paradise, he said:

"She, even though her will and ideals have been completely destroyed, she is still fighting bravely out there. And the seven of them, won't they give up?"

Frigu replied:

"The courage and power of these mortals could not be greater. They are still fighting even though they know they will lose. And what are we sitting here for?"

Saturtu said:

"Vahalla, they came here to ask for my help. Everest didn't keep his word and attacked us and Paradise, we need to fight back. Maybe there is still hope for young people and Celestials who are fighting for their belief in God Horux."

Vahalla now became brighter, he said:

"Then I will also make him pay for daring to destroy this sacred city, I will destroy Everest myself once and for all."

Vahalla had teleported outside the gates of the Temple of Horux and stood waiting for Everest. A final battle between the two most powerful Celestial Masters was about to take place. Everest and Rhohan stepped out of the zeppelin and they walked to the Temple of Horux. Eva discovered them, she said:

"There's Everest, attack him now!"

Crusadia team heard that, so they simultaneously attacked Everest and Rhohan. But the Grand Generals went to war and stopped them. Owl flew in with The Time's wings and hit Grim with the hilt of his sword. Grim was pushed away and landed hard on the ground and Owl landed softly and let The Time rest on his shoulder. Grim stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth, he said:

"It's a bad start."

Grim turned normal and summoned the Soulless sword, he continued:

"I will not fight you in battle form."

Grim raised his sword at Owl and said:

"But I won't underestimate you in a swordfight anymore. Only a real swordfight between two swordsmen is the one I've always wanted."

Owl pulled out the Ronin Katana and fused with The Time into Sacrifice Katana, he entered a battle stance and said:

"This is our last battle. After this battle, whoever wins, let's take the loser's sword as a reward."

Grim replied:

"A reward? I like it."

Owl said:

"If I win, will you beg my forgiveness? Or will you commit suicide to preserve your honor."

Grim replied:

"Never, because I'm the victor here."

Owl said:

"I have lost my master, my ideals, my purpose, my name, my reason. But when I meet someone like you, I see a new purpose for me."

Grim replied:

"And what is it?"

Owl said:

"It's a feeling that I really want to win, a new motivation for me to find my purpose in life. I must win you."

Grim smiled lightly and entered a battle stance, he replied:

"Stop complicating things, shall we do a fight?"

Owl said:

"Yes, shall we?"

Grim and Owl raised their swords at the enemy, their gaze unblinking and focused only on the opponent. Their hands gripped the hilts more tightly, their breathing slowed, their minds went blank as if they were turning into their own blades. No need to wait for the signal, within two seconds and the two rushed at each other and launched two very fast slashes that cut through the air. The blades of both clashed against each other and the final battle between Grim and Owl had begun. Lamalia and The Rhino rammed through the soldiers' defenses and attempted to attack Rhohan and Everest. But Jean and The Glory rushed and pushed them away, Jean said:

"Don't block the emperor's way."

Lamalia replied angrily:

"Oh, damn it."

Jean and The Glory pushed Lamalia and The Rhino into a building with a large hall. Then the four of them faced each other and got into a stance that was about to push each other. Lamalia said:

"Why would someone as strong as you serve and protect a tyrannical emperor like him?"

Jean replied:

"What do you know? Nothing. The Emperor is a great man, he chose me to be a Grand General and gave me a redemption to serve and become greater for him. I used to be an unknown female general in my old kingdom, but it was the Emperor who saw the talent and helped me awaken this power. I will fight and remain loyal to him forever."

Lamalia said:

"Then I will also have to defeat you, to protect my friends, it is my responsibility to be their shield. This time, I will win."

Jean replied:

"Then, come here. Show me your greater power!"

The Rhino and The Glory roared loudly and they prepared to gain momentum to rush forward. Lamalia and Jean shouted strongly and their two Elemental Spirits charged at each other. The battle between the two strongest shields took place again and ended in a life-and-death battle. Julia also did not get close to Everest and Rhohan, because she was also stopped by Zilan. Zilan loaded her gun and said with excitement:

"Hello young lady, we meet again. Sorry for not being able to confront you last time."

Julia replied:

"I know, so this time we'll end it all here."

Zilan said:

"I knew you would be an interesting prey for not giving up like that."

Julia replied:

"Yes, I am. Well, I still don't understand why you became a Grand General?"

Zilan said:

"Ah, it's a long story. I lived in a city and was the best marksman and the most dangerous outlaw. But I'm so tired of the boring life of just robbing banks or robbing a few trains all day, so when the Kraton Empire found my city and destroyed it, I immediately wanted to join them. To find something new in this life, and girl, you're lucky that's what I've been interested in lately. Your speed and skills are so fluid and fast to me."

Julia replied:

"Well, needless to say. But our race is still there, you're leading 1-0."

Zilan raised her gun to Julia and said:

"Then let's race, it's show time."

Julia raised six darts and rushed at Zilan, Zilan also rushed at Julia. They immediately attacked and dodged quickly at their near attack like their speed were really fast. Julia and Zilan's race continued. Belle transformed into her New Shining Star form to attack Everest, but a barrage of bullets sent her flying back, Belle said:

"Oh no, it's her again."

Belle turned around and met Xanuguis again, she said:

"Uhmm, hi?"

Xanuguis replied angrily:

"Shut up bitch. I'll kill you soon, I've upgraded my body to more advanced."

Belle said:

"Well, I've learned many new spells for you too. Why do you hate magic so much?"

Xanuguis replied:

"Because I was once a wizard like you, and used to use many ancient spells. But I didn't want to learn them, I wanted to find something more practical and advanced, and that was technology.

I will replace the ancient magic with futuristic technology."

Belle said:

"Well, that explains a lot. But I will still fight with the magic of the old generations, because without the past the future means nothing.

We must cherish those legacies."

Xanuguis shouted angrily:

"Your words mean nothing. Die!"

Xanugui opened fire on Belle and she quickly dodged them all. The battle between magic and technology was fiercely confrontational. Elastor flew to Everest and Rhohan but was grabbed by Bahamat and threw him into a building. Elastor stood up and confronted Bahamat in front of him, he said:

"It's you again. Huh, we can duel again."

Elastor transformed into his Dark Elf form, he continued:

"Am I a worthy opponent for you now?"

Bahamat gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles, he said in furious:

"You're the most annoying rat I've ever known. Did the strongest lose to your dirty tricks? Never!"

Elastor replied:

"Liva and learn, fighting with physical strength is nothing."

Bahamat roared in anger and charged at Elastor. The stormy battle of the two strongest began. Returning to Alata, he stopped flying and landed on a Commander zeppelin, in front of him was Onias having finished drawing the diagram and all the structure of Paradise, Onias whispered to a white firefly:

"Bring it to Lord Rhohan."

The white firefly obeyed and brought the diagram to Rhohan. Then Onias waved his hand to greet Alata and said cheerfully:

"Hey, Alata, it's me."

Alata also replied cheerfully:

"Yeah, me too."

Onias said:

"The painting you painted the angel's face for me is excellent, I love it."

Alata replied:

"No thanks, are you satisfied with that painting now?"

Onias replied:

"I'm so pleased, I've decided to release all my old models so I can really paint without models. The next painting between the two of us will be very perfect and magnificent."

Alata said:

"Yeah, you draw really well. So let's draw us perfectly."

Onias unleashed a huge swarm of fireflies at Alata and he raised his spear ready to fight. The battle between the two youngest began. With Eva, she tried to approach to attack Everest and Rhohan but was always bothered by dragons. Rhohan and Everest just moved on regardless of the big battles out there. Eva thought to herself:

"I have to find a better way to attack."

Eva rode The Riser and glided away to find a new direction of attack. Everest and Vahalla's eyes met, signaling that the most terrible battle between the two powerful entities had just begun.

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
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