I read the letters from the wall while covering my blind eye. I sat patiently waiting for doctor Warren to finish writing something down. He drags the pen across the pad of paper.
"Hmm your eyesight seems to be getting stronger in your left eye. How are the new eye drops working for you"?
"They've been working fine... although I'm still experiencing pain". I lightly tap my fingers against my leg as he writes something down. Wesley stands in the corner with his arms folded. He had demanded we spend the the day together even though I told him I had an appointment with doctor Warren. He was all too eager to come, providing me with emotional support.
"Well, I'm going to recommend an eye cream that should also help with the pain. You just rub it onto your eyelid before you sleep at night". I nod my head after he hands me a paper with the name and details of the cream.